Is your weight loss journey being kept under wraps?



  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    Yes, pretty much - only two close friends (one of whom is also on MFP) know, and it's largely because I don't want it to become a huge deal. It's my business, and I hate body/diet-talk as social bonding anyway. If people ask, I just say that I'm working on my fitness, which is absolutely true, and I'd much rather talk about running/dancing/swimming/the gym than numbers and dress sizes and what my body *looks* like as opposed to what it can *do*.
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    mmmm I dont tell anyone at work but my changes were obvious so they know. They just dont know the level it has gotten too and I actually made videos about it. But I guess one day they will but I feel as though if I am helping others with what I learned and if it means people around me find out about it then so be it kinda thing.
  • MizMimi111
    MizMimi111 Posts: 244 Member
    My husband & kids know, two close friends and one coworker. It's not really anyone else's business. My kids are especially supportive and so is my husband. I saw one friend yesterday who I hadn't seen in at least a month and she didn't mention it. Whether or not because it's not that noticeable yet or she didn't know what to say I don't know. I was kind of hoping she would say something though so was mildly disappointed.

    Another mom from my daughters' dance class said something when I had only lost about 13 pounds. It was a nice morale booster and really unexpected.

    I think initially I was afraid of failing and didn't want someone asking when I had already given up. But now I'm feeling good about my progress and if someone asks I will share in a basic way.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I told EVERYONE. That way I was forced to be held accountable if I failed. Failing though is not a word I know & I've never failed in anything in my life. But by telling everyone that I was losing weight meant that if I didn't either stick to it or lose anything then I would look like a complete liar & idiot for not being able to do something so simple.

    It worked.

    P.S. That is just what worked for me & my opinion of me. IF anyone on here thinks I just called them an idiot then they need some extra help. Thank you.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    My long-term boyfriend, his sister/possibly his parents, my mom, and my client/friend (I'm a CNA and I work with a young woman who is simultaneously my boss, client, and friend) all know. Anyone following me on Facebook would have a clue, but honestly, I still plan on it being a pretty big surprise for people (like my parents, my boyfriend's family, and some friends I don't see on a regular basis) when I get really close to my goal/drop a lot of weight. My boyfriend and my client see me every day and they will still be in for a nice surprise, but they won't really get to see me at this weight, go some months without seeing me at all, and then get a big reveal. I'm not constantly updating Facebook or posting pics with my progress. There are some people who will be really surprised and some people who will have known all along but still be pretty thrilled that I achieved my goals!
  • billsyts
    billsyts Posts: 9 Member
    I didn't tell anyone at first, but I have been very open about MFP and the changes to my eating and exercise when people have asked. For me, it was a motivating challenge to see if I could lose enough that people would start to notice.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    While I was first losing weight, I was open about it with everyone. Now though, I don't really talk about it with anyone. My husband wants me to gain weight and become fat again, my mother in law keeps making comments about how I better not get any smaller, and all my coworkers are in the want the easy fix with no effort group. So I just go about my business and ignore them all.
  • SkiMummy
    SkiMummy Posts: 33 Member
    DH knows, and that's about it.
    Although today a good friend who I don't see often, noticed and that was nice.
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    My close friends and family know I'm constantly "trying" to lose weight. I fall off the wagon a lot, but this time, I'm a regular on mfp and my buddies are a great support system. I rant and rave at my buddies' posts, it's great, I think I'd of quit a long time ago, again, if it weren't for mfp. this is the support I needed all along!
    feel free to add me!
  • AnnetteHendrix
    AnnetteHendrix Posts: 3 Member
    I'm keeping it to myself this time goes by my family will notice....this approach is working well for me so's only my 8th day ...and I have already lost 5 lb...I am going to be successful this time!!! It will be a long,hard journey for most of us....but we have each other for inspiration and support. Good luck to us all !!!!!!
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    I've mentioned to my wife that I'm watching what I eat, and since I do all the cooking in our house, it was pretty obvious that we were eating better. Other than her though, I have no one else to tell. Even she doesn't know the extent of it though - she doesn't know that I log my food and count calories. And she certainly doesn't know that I'm on mfp, or even what that is.
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    I tell my mom and coworkers. I stopped telling my roommate my accomplishments because she stopped working out and using MFP. I stopped telling my friend who is a trainer because he always had nasty things to say about me drinking or even having a little chocolate.

    This post came right on time. I told my cousin today and she asked when the weight was going to come back ... she also said i didnt need to calorie count just eat slower!?!?!?! I think it will be under wraps until people notice on their own. I will say 2 words DIET AND EXERCISE!

  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    Yes, pretty much - only two close friends (one of whom is also on MFP) know, and it's largely because I don't want it to become a huge deal. It's my business, and I hate body/diet-talk as social bonding anyway. If people ask, I just say that I'm working on my fitness, which is absolutely true, and I'd much rather talk about running/dancing/swimming/the gym than numbers and dress sizes and what my body *looks* like as opposed to what it can *do*.

    ^ THIS exactly!! I hate being around women talking about how much they hate their bodies, they have to lose weight, etc. And so many people really want to sabotage you or being the "food police" that I don't tell anyone. The lady who sits near me at work sees me using my app to log food with the bar code, but people at work are pretty discreet.
    JADEPH0EN1X Posts: 162 Member
    My friends where I live know - as I have changed so much siince starting on mfp that they'd have to be blind not to notice ! One of my cousins knows as we are holding each other accountable too ! I'm looking forward to picking some jaws off the floor when see other family & friends at Christmas as I haven't said a word to them !!
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    I only talk about it when asked. The crazy thing I have experienced is I now get asked what I did. I show them this app and how it works and they lose interest. It is like they just want a magic pill that allows them to continue eating like they do and lose weight.

    I also agree with this. Not many people have asked, since I haven't lost truly dramatic amounts yet, but I'm dreading conversations like this. I have a friend who is doing some kind of magic pill weight loss called the "red box revolution" and she's all over Facebook talking about how she's lost 22 pounds in a month. I have no doubt that when I see her next summer, I'll be down another 30 pounds and she'll have regained it all.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    no, why would it be?
    tell the world.
    stand tall.
    you are trying to better yourself
  • cdanie13
    cdanie13 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Relying heavily on MFP friends, my immediate family and my bestest besties. I see people posting about their weight loss constantly on social media and for a lot of people that works at keeping them accountable and it inspires others. Not me though. Plus I dont live where I am from and I'm moving back 7 months from now. I just want to show up like BAM! Yeahhhh snitches I lost weight :blushing: :laugh: :wink: ! Another friend did that and it has wayyyyy more shock value than if everyone already knows you're losing weight.
  • tindy5799
    tindy5799 Posts: 221 Member
    I haven't told anyone but I've accidentally said things like "my jeans don't fit anymore" outloud so I think some people have noticed a slight change but no one had commented a ton yet. I've only lost 10 lbs though, 20 more to go and I'm sure they'll notice a loss of 30 pounds haha. Everyone always tries to sabotage me with wine & vodka and pizza so I have to hide it from my college friends ;)

    But they see me at the gym a lot so I'm sure they'll assume I lost through exercising.
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    My boyfriend knows I want to lose weight and he knows I track my calories, but I plan to keep wearing baggy-ish clothes until I'm at my goal weight and then one night - BAM I'm gonna strip down to lingerie and suprise the hell out of him! :bigsmile:
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    im not sure why you would keep it under wraps. i just tell people i made adjustments in my eating habits. if you have only lost 5-10lbs and have a lot more to go people may not notice.