November Challenge

So who wants to lose/gain/maintain in November? All of us right!

Want a bit of motivational support and accountability? Cos I know it helps me!

So yeah, come join me in making November a successful month :happy:

I'm going to limit the size of the group to 15 people because I find it is more supportive and motivational in a smaller group. First come first served.

Do a weekly weigh in on a Monday if that's good with everyone.

Fill out the form below and lets get cracking!

Start weight:
Aim for November:
What you are going to do to get there:
Your current motivation:

Name: Lu
Start weight: 172
Aim for November: lose 8lb
What you are going to do to get there: Make sure I swim and run three times a week (haven't been doing it recently :frown: ) and try and stick to calorie intake.
Your current motivation: I have 1st 2lb (16lb) to go before I hit "Healthy" BMI its in sight and I really want to get there!!!


  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    im totally up for this!

    ok so Im Hannah
    starting weight: 242lbs (argh!!!)
    my aim: to drop around 6-8lbs
    I will do this by: being really good and going on my new wii with the fit board thingy :) and just getting out more
    my current motivation is: watching my partner loose over 50lbs and feeling so much better for it - I want to be like that :) and I just want to get to that magic 14lbs :)
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    Name: Stacey

    Start weight: 179

    Aim for November: 171

    What you are going to do to get there: boot camp classes 3 days a week until 11/12/10 then step aroebics and continue to eat healthy and drink drink drink water!!!!!!

    Your current motivation: Our 15th wedding anniversary Nov 4th - we are going away for the weekend Nov. 13th and I want to buy a lil' black nighty..... not a big black one!! =)
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Name: Mandie
    Height: 5'9''
    Start weight: 189.4
    Aim for November: to be at or below 184 by Thanksgiving!
    What you are going to do to get there: Eat 1300 calories a day, use my wii fit at home and workout with my husband 4-5 times a week at the gym doing: 30 min elliptical/15 min biking/10 min strength training
    Your current motivation: Just reaching the 180s after not seeing that weight for over a year!!!
  • katoka97
    katoka97 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi, I'm in...
    Name: Karmela
    Height: 5'6"
    Start weight: 154 lbs
    Aim for November: 148 lbs by Thanksgiving
    What you are going to do to get there: I walk 6-7 miles a day / 6 days a week, I will also start doing some strength training 2-3 times a week, eat healthy...
    Your current motivation: looking for a job, need extra confidence!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Loving this. . .it's nice for it join a support group that's not specifically focused on one thing, but the overall healthy living picture!

    So, you are going to make me go back to my Monday weigh-in?!?! I changed mine to Wednesday in the middle of October because my sodium intake on the weekends just kills me - but I will go back to Mondays for the group. :wink:

    Name: Sally

    Start weight: Oct 27 - 127

    Aim for November: To get to ~122 pounds (I'm shooting for 120 by New Year's)

    What you are going to do to get there: Currently I'm slacking big time! So, in November I plan to do the 30 Day Shred workouts 3 days a week and start the C25K program for another 3 days a week. I have a 6 1/2 month old daughter, so getting any exercise in will be an accomplishment! I also plan to stick to my calories, at least all of November except during the 24th through the 28th - I've decided not to deprive myself during Thanksgiving and my brother's wedding! In addition, I usually don't log my calories on the weekends, I just practice portion control. . .so, we'll see where that gets me!

    Your current motivation:
    1. Myself - I want to get rid of my baby belly fat.
    2. Tax season is getting too close to not be at a weight to maintain.
    3. My brother's wedding - PICTURES!
    2. Last, but not least, my husband and daughter. I want to be the best I can be for them!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Hannah - I'm not sure that I can look at your snake pics for all of November. . .I hate snakes!!! :noway: :happy:
  • katoka97
    katoka97 Posts: 62 Member
    I hate snakes too :(....I'm terrified by them
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    I love them. Dunno if I'd have one as a pet though be worried it would get out lol
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Hello! I'm so in and I totally agree limiting to 15 will help with motivation. I sometimes get really lost in those big groups.

    Start weight: 79.4kg (175lbs)
    Aim for November: would love to loose 10 pounds and get to 75kg (165 lbs)

    What you are going to do to get there: Mainly eating healthier and controlling portion sizes, severely restricting alcohol consumption, exercising 4 times a week and I might finally find the courage to try out a spinning class

    Your current motivation: Looking good in a dress at my office christmas party on 2 December and meeting my family at Christmas.
  • hisgirlie2007
    Name: Bethany
    Start weight: 197 lbs.
    Aim for November: 190 or under
    What you are going to do to get there: Keep track of my calories, workout at least 4 times a week and NOT eat my "extra" calories
    Your current motivation: Health, happiness, self confidence, wearing my "skinny wardrobe"
    Hopefully this challenge will help me keep on track with a friend coming home on leave for 10 days :tongue:
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    So peeps, do you want to start asap or wait until the 1st?

    I for one would like to "officially" start on the 1st and just get the good habits going until then. :smile:
  • LuvnAG10
    Name: Melissa

    Start weight: 239

    Aim for November: 8lbs (231)

    What you are going to do to get there: Workout 4x per week and stick to my daily calories.

    Your current motivation: More energy, fit into my smaller clothes, healthy mom for my kids, look good...
  • laDOLCEvita7
    I WOULD LOVE TO JOIN :) I can switch my weigh in to Monday. I like the fact that we are keeping the group small. Its difficult in large groups. I think maybe we should keep eating good and post again on monday our weight. That will give us that boost to be good and not eat a truck load of candy this weekend for halloween.

    Name: Stephanie
    Start weight: 228
    Aim for November: 218 or less
    What you are going to do to get there: Go to the gym 3-4 mornings out of the week before work and tae bo at least twice a week, no matter what and Stick to the Slim Fast lo carb plan!
    Your current motivation: My birthday is in november (17th) and I want to feel healthier. I want to take christmas pictures this year and not be embarassed of my size.
  • nancebd
    nancebd Posts: 2 Member
    I would love a November Challenge!

    Name: Brittany
    SW: 246.4 (10/22) - I weigh in tomorrow (Friday)
    Goal for November: Lose 8 pounds
    What I am doing to get there: Adventure Boot Camp 5 days per week, Eating Clean, Drinking 1 gallon of water
    Current Motivation: Set a good example for my sister, having a postivie outlook
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    Hannah - I'm not sure that I can look at your snake pics for all of November. . .I hate snakes!!! :noway: :happy:

    ill see what i can do to change it for you..duno what to replace it with though - all i have is snakes lol
  • queeny1
    queeny1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hope it's not too late because I want in!

    Name: Gina
    Start weight: 150
    Aim for November: 140
    What you are going to do to get there: "Bootcamp class Mon, Wed, Fri - 1 hour each, walking 15-20 min daily at lunch and another 45 minutes on treadmill Tues & Thur. Mall Walking Saturday or Sunday am - 1 hour
    Your current motivation: I usually pack on the "Winter 10" as I call them and I am still trying to get off the winter 10 from the last TWO years! I want to look great in my fall/winter clothes and ........FEEL great too!
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Name: Anna
    Start weight: 163 (re-join MFP) in september 10
    Current Weight: 151
    Aim for November: loose 8-10 lbs
    What you are going to do to get there: walking/Running in my treadmill plus some aerobics
    Your current motivation: after rejoining MFP I have lost 11 lbs. I am going to give myself a congratulation prize at the end of Nov if I am lose another 8-10 lbs (skinny Jeans) so excited as I have never ever wear a skinny jeans..
  • JessicaBuff
    Can i join PLEASE!! lol..

    So who wants to lose/gain/maintain in November? All of us right!

    Want a bit of motivational support and accountability? Cos I know it helps me!

    So yeah, come join me in making November a successful month

    I'm going to limit the size of the group to 15 people because I find it is more supportive and motivational in a smaller group. First come first served.

    Do a weekly weigh in on a Monday if that's good with everyone.

    Fill out the form below and lets get cracking!

    Name: Jessica
    Start weight: 171
    Aim for November: 10 lbs
    What you are going to do to get there: limit calories and do cardio 6 x a week
    your current motivation:My old "sexy" outfit
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Is it too late? Is there room?
    I hope so!

    name: Mel
    Start weight: 138
    Aim for November: lose 3-4 lbs
    What you are doing to get there: Commit to exercising five days a week and watching my intake. Since I just joined MFP last week I am new to the whole tracking calories in thing, but I'm hoping this will help me get over the plateau.
    your current motivation: I'm turning 31 on 11/15 and happy to say I weigh 15 lbs less than my 30th bday, I wanna keep the momentum going! I also quit smoking on my 30th bday so I want to continue to improve my health. Not to mention, I like hearing people who haven't seen me in a while say "wow, you look good!".

    Lol, the snake isn't bad..I have two tarantulas at home...(they're really the hubby's). That's Ick!