what days do you weigh yourselves?



  • shezarednek
    Friday mornings, before I get stupid over the weekend.
  • abbycat900
    I weigh myself every day, just so I can monitor what happens to my body when I eat certain things, but my official weigh in day is Monday because of several groups I've joined that weigh on Monday. I weigh around 12 in the afternoon, because it's most convenient for me, in my PJ top and my skivs, after using the bathroom. Works for me!
  • JillTwiss
    JillTwiss Posts: 139 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, right after I get up and pee (naked, of course - can't be weighing my clothes LOL), but I only log it in on MFP on Saturdays.
  • claireneley
    Friday! Then I have a nice lunch or tea that day! Only uploaded APP last week and loving it!
  • lesleybritton
    I used to weigh on Wednesdays because that's when I started and I liked the idea of a mid-week weigh-in.

    I now do Satrudays because - and I have no idea why this is - after I'm up for an hour or 2 (without eating or drinking of course) I weigh less! When I got up this past Saturday, I weighed myself immeidiately... 162.2. An hour later... 160.8 REALLY?!?!?

    So I'm not taking any chances. I weigh myself when I get up, then I go do something else (like clean) for a little while and weigh myself again. It's almost always lower later in the morning.

    Then I eat.

    and OF COURSE naked and after I pee. I don't know how much my clothes and pee weigh, but I don't want to find out.
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 242 Member
    Once a month - on a Sunday. In the morning. Bucket naked. After a pee.

    This made my afternoon!!! :-) maybe my once a week is too much....
    I was thinking the same thing. I just may switch to once a month...that way if the scale doesn't move I won't get discouraged but once a month the scale is GOING to move whether you've gained or lost.
  • leslieheb
    leslieheb Posts: 45 Member
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I only log my weight once it drops and stays dropped for at least 2 days in the morning after going to the bathroom.

    However, as far as how often I weight... Honestly? I weigh myself daily... and quite a few times daily to be honest. Every time I go to the bathroom, when I first get up, and before I go to bed. I don't find it depressing, I know it will be higher dressed/after meals/at night but I'm still in amazement that I've done so well staying on track so it's more of an encouragement than anything else!
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    Mondays, because it's the beginning of a new week.
    Tuesdays, because I don't want Tuesday to be lonesome.
    Wednesdays, because it's "Hump Day."
    Thursdays, because it's my free-est day of the week.
    Fridays, because it's my busiest day of the week.
    Saturdays, because, well, I can.
    Sundays, because it's the Lord's day.

    Always, first thing in the morning before water, pills or food, after going to the bathroom, and with nothing on.

    OK, OK, so I'm a scale addict. What can I say? :laugh:
  • lesleybritton
    Once a month - on a Sunday. In the morning. Bucket naked. After a pee.

    10/31 is my second official weigh-in... :-)

    Seriously... I can't believe you have this much self control. Once a month!!! I said I was going to do every other week. I had to have my husband literally take my scale from me to stop me from weighing in every day 5 times!

    I'm a little better now. Maybe I only weigh... 3 or 4 times unofficially. I'm pathetic.

    You are a champion! I bet you see great results!!!
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    umm... lets see... every morning when I wake up, with minimal clothing on... after I pee... and then sometimes before I go to bed... and then in the middle of the night after I pee...lol.. i like to see the difference or how much I can loose in water from the middle of the night till morning lol :$ totally an addict.

  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I weigh myself every morning (naked & post pee), just to monitor how it's going & how "good" I need to be for that day. When I drop lbs, it usually stays off, so I log it then. Sometimes, okay always, I weigh after working out...purely out of curiousity....I'm an addict & I'm okay w/ that :smile:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Every day...butt nekkid post pee. Last time I said this, i said I chanted and sacrificed a chicken, but some made that in to something dirty...pervs. :laugh:
  • vegwicked
    I like to weigh myself in the morning, in my jammies, before I eat or drink and after I pee.

    So I weigh myself on the days I remember about the scale before I eat or drink anything. That's usually about twice/week, but not evenly spaced- like Thursday and Saturday.

    I used to do the "I had breakfast so subtract half a lb, and I'm wearing shoes so take off a whole lb" estimate, but that was one of the silly games that has nothing to do with whether or not I've really lost weight so I gave it up.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Literally every single time I see a scale.

    But I only count it at 430 Monday morning (naked & after I pee of course!).
  • size08
    size08 Posts: 101 Member
    I like to weigh my-self on a sunday morning. after a week of working, and swimming training and if I'm feeling underconfident I've got Saturday to do a detox diet clean out my system of any toxics help clear my skin up--it dose help; and sunday I can get out of bed nice and easy tell the body to brace it's self "your're about to be weighed, and I had better see 53kgs sharp! or esl.

    HW -- 73kgs (160lbs)
    LW -- 50kgs (110lbs)
    CW -- 53kgs - 54kgs (115lbs)
    GW -- 52kgs - 53kgs

  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I weigh in on a frdiay so i can treat myself over the weekend! then if i put any one over the weekend it will be off again by friday ! :smile: also in the mornings!

    ME TOO! And that is exactly why I weigh in on Fridays. :)