Deadlifts :(



  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    The problem I've personally found with straps is it messes up my setup. The only thing I use them for now is working sets of RDLs. For Deadlifts, I ditched the straps and switched to mixed grip about 4 months and it has helped out tremendously. I always thought I had a weak grip but it's because I've always used straps as a crutch. I was pleasantly surprised how much I can lift with mixed grip.

    So...try mixed grip and chalk for work sets. Keep your overhand grip for warm up sets to work on your grip strength.
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    Used a mixed grip (meaning one hand over and one under the bar) alternating between sets. Chalk is also good. I would not go the route of listing straps IMO... Dont try to handle more weight then what your bod can naturally handle. Straps would be a crutch.

    There is a time and a place for straps. Most people have a way stronger back and legs than they do hands. So if your goal is purely to train the major muscles in the deadlift, strap away and more power to you. There are benefits to training strapped on occasion even for powerlifters. Train until your grip fails, and then keep going with straps to get the most out of the training session. Just don't expect to rely on them completely.

    Exactly this.

    Gloves will chafe. Chalk is messy. Straps are the best option.

    In the long term you'll want to work on your grip. for now, straps will help you get more out of your deadlifts.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I still want to improve my grip so I think I'll try the farmers walk. Honestly I had to google farmers walk to see if it's a real term lol I'm such a noob :( I've never seen anyone do this at my gym so hopefully I don't get too many weird looks.

    Farmer's walks. High rep kettlebell swings. Kroc rows.

    But not all at once!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Chalk is messy.

    If this is really something that bothers you, there are several liquid chalk products out there that work nicely with much less mess than regular chalk. I use it because my gym gets their panties in a bunch about chalk, but it's a convenient side effect.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I was having the same problem. I switched to an alternating grip (one hand over, one hand under) and it made a big difference! Have you tried that yet?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I love deadlifts, what works for me as I go heavier is a mixed grip (hands facing opposite directions), gloves, and not having the bar up high in your hand. Like, having it lower towards your fingers.

    [b[This. Gloves especially help with avoiding sore hands and make you look like a serious badass lifter :tongue:[/b]

    said no one ever.


    skip the gloves- learn to work with it- farmers walk (helpful) use alternate grip- and or straps. it'll come as you keep lifting. seriously. I ONLY use straps for my super heavy like 80-100% 1 RPM lifts. and I'll lift till I drop it- no sense not to.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I love deadlifts, what works for me as I go heavier is a mixed grip (hands facing opposite directions), gloves, and not having the bar up high in your hand. Like, having it lower towards your fingers.

    This. Gloves especially help with avoiding sore hands and make you look like a serious badass lifter :tongue:

    If you insist on wearing gloves in the gym, make sure they match your purse. - Mark Rippetoe

    I am sure that VB is mortified that you are insinuating that lifting wearing gloves is girly, considering she is female.

    LOL! Of course my gloves match my purse, you've gotta have style. Plus my husband doesn't want me to develop callouses on my palms - not sure why

    Well I could tell you why my hubby prefers no callouses, but I'd probably get a strike from the mods...

    OP - try an alternating grip. :)
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    So I recently started lifting heavy & I really love it. I love being able to up my weights & seeing that itty bitty me is moving x amount of pounds.
    But as of lately, even though I'm able to lift the weight on deadlifts, it's hard for me to hold my grip. I end up trying to finish my set faster &I lose good form because of this. It sucks not being able to finish a set bc your grip is weak. What to do?

    Use straps for the time being, but ONLY for the exercises and sets that you can't lift.. Do strength exercises for your grip during this time though!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I ONLY use straps for my super heavy like 80-100% 1 RPM lifts. and I'll lift till I drop it- no sense not to.

    I only use straps personally for things like shrugs or wide grip pull-ups as a finisher when my hands are already shot. I go double overhand until I can't anymore, then go mixed grip for the rest of my deadlift work. If I can't pull my 1RM without straps, it's not my 1RM IMO. But that mindset likely comes as a function of being PL-oriented.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I ONLY use straps for my super heavy like 80-100% 1 RPM lifts. and I'll lift till I drop it- no sense not to.

    I only use straps personally for things like shrugs or wide grip pull-ups as a finisher when my hands are already shot. I go double overhand until I can't anymore, then go mixed grip for the rest of my deadlift work. If I can't pull my 1RM without straps, it's not my 1RM IMO. But that mindset likely comes as a function of being PL-oriented.

    I was fine up till 10 lbs off my 1RPM. I hit the next 10 lbs and was really struggling. Every time I've maxed I haven't- but when I'm doing working sets- I use them for the top.

    I stopped lifting deads for like 2 weeks- and my grip completely left me :( so I KNOW I can pull XXX weight- but I'm having a hard time- so I'll sneak them in there for the top of the workout- then take them off when I back down on weight (so that means I'm typically doing 2-3 single rep sets.. then back to regular grip.

    I'm not sure if it's helping or not. Maybe placebo affect? my deads have been REALLY off lately so i might just abandon them entirely I know I can pull a certain weight without them- but I've been struggling getting that weight off the floor at all- much less with straps. Its' depressing.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    You can also consider Fat Gripz to help train your grip.

    I found they helped train my grip - and I didn't have to add in any special exercises, just use the Fat Gripz on my dumbbells for exercises I already did.

    I got mine semi cheap as well - less than $30.
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    mixed grip has worked great for me, I also try to "set" my grip by pulling up on the bar quickly (without lifting the bar off the ground) but it helps get my hands in place for the lift and I don't have to worry about slipping or an uncomfortable grip.
  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member
    chalk, hook grip, mixed grip
  • Seriously, no one is going to suggest a hook grip?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Seriously, no one is going to suggest a hook grip?

    Only the dude right above you!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Seriously, no one is going to suggest a hook grip?

    Not for someone who isn't planning on getting into competition.
  • cmira5ol
    cmira5ol Posts: 1,246 Member
    I suggest using straps, check your local Sports Authority.

    Today I'm sore from yesterday's dead lifts.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    chalk, mixed grip. Straps if you really need them with a conventional grip.

    the best thing I found for improving your deadlift grip is static holds (as was already mentioned). Take a heavy weight in the squat cage and set the pins so the weight is right at your lockout height, pick it up and hold it as long as you can. Repeat this a few times every deadlift day.

    Personally I never did the gloves thing. They get wet with sweat and can get slippery. I'll use straps on shrugs or other high rep/heavy weight lifts that I use a conventional grip on.

    Hook grip- ouch! :) At least when you get to heavy weights....
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    chalk, mixed grip. Straps if you really need them with a conventional grip.

    the best thing I found for improving your deadlift grip is static holds (as was already mentioned). Take a heavy weight in the squat cage and set the pins so the weight is right at your lockout height, pick it up and hold it as long as you can. Repeat this a few times every deadlift day.

    Personally I never did the gloves thing. They get wet with sweat and can get slippery. I'll use straps on shrugs or other high rep/heavy weight lifts that I use a conventional grip on.

    Hook grip- ouch! :) At least when you get to heavy weights....

    yeah the idea of hook grip makes me cry.. yuck- not thanks!
  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member
    love the hook grip!
    2.75 times body weight 4 times but I cant maintain it if I'm doing a high rep workout. I'll usually start out hook grip and switch to mixed if my thumbs feel like they're going to fall off

    ya i guess straps if you truly need it but i find straps and belts not a true measurement of what a person can lift