30 Day Shred!



  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    How are you all logging this? I am doing crossfit and I log it as moderate impact aerobics. Didnt know if I should log 30ds the same or not.

    I log as circuit training.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    I just ordered it a couple days ago, I will start it the day I get it in the mail!
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    I would defo recommend taking pics and measurements.

    For the pic, I used the timer on my camera!!!

    The last time I did the shred, I lost around 10inches overall, but not much lbs!

    Also, in the beginning, you can often put on lbs, but it will only be temporary.

    Good luck to you all! :flowerforyou:
  • I have had the DVD for some time now. Tried it once (Level 1). Will have to wait until I can afford a good sports bra before trying it again! Too much danger of getting black eyes!! :wink: :laugh:
  • i am in day 4 of 30 day shred and i like it very much. i am becoming stronger every day!!!
  • stagegoddess
    stagegoddess Posts: 101 Member
    I just did day one of level one. supposed to do 10 days of each level right? wow, this is gonna be something. thanks for the tips on taking measurements when i start. i'll go do that right now
  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    i'm on level one day two and lovin' it!!!!!!
  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    add me to keep each other motivated if you're doing it too!
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    We are on day four, level one. I decided I wanted more time today. So my daughter and I decided to do level two, then we would do level one right after. Nope! We got ten mins into level two, then went to the nature trace by our house and ran instead lol. We will resume level one tomorrow!
  • bigred215
    bigred215 Posts: 1 Member
    I will join in tomorrow. I am looking to step up to twice a day workouts and that is quick enough to do in am before work!
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    I have back problems as well. I found that sometimes it ended up aggrevated. I found that doing some of the stretches while standing instead of sitting helped me keep my back in the proper position and it ended up hurting less. I also incorporated more stretches at the end of the workout and it helped.
    Hi there,

    I started on Saturday so it's day 3 today. I slipped a disc in February this year and wasn't able to work out (or even walk really!) for ages. Now my back is doing OK (as long as I'm careful) but I've lost all motivation to exercise, can't remember where I used to find the time!

    I thought 20mins a day for 30 days might be achievable and should hopefully get me back in shape for Christmas party dresses. I'm super motivated at the moment but reckon that night change a week or so in.

    First two days were tough and I do hurt all over but in a good way. Can't do the press ups at all!

    The test will be from tomorrow onwards when I won't have time to do it in the evenings so will have to set the alarm and do it first thing. Again I used to get up early to run all the time but that was in 2012!

    Good luck......let's try and keep each other motivated!
  • anwylyd_un
    anwylyd_un Posts: 164 Member
    I just ordered the DVD today after watching level one on YouTube last night. It will be interesting to see how my abs behave considering I have a lot of surgical scars and an ileostomy, but you don't know if you don't try right?

    Really looking forward to giving this a go :D
  • I've gotten good results so far I feel. I am on day 15; Level 2 day 4 ( I've decided to do an extra day of each level, so I'll have a total of 33 days) This is the first exercise program (or exercise in general) that I've done in years, and it feels great! I haven't lost any weight (in a bit of a plateau I guess), I feel much different though. I feel stronger, leaner, and even prettier even though I haven't changed that much. Also, I'll note that I have not done much exercise other than the shred. Can't wait to see the end result, if nothing else, it gives beginners a place to start! I feel very motivated and look forward to what I will do after the shred!
  • I'm falling back on days. However, my left knee starts popping once in a while. I'm thinking it has to do with certain exercises. What substitute exercises can I use for the squatting with weights in the air?
  • Hello!! I've just restarted day one level one today after getting to day 9 and giving up ????. Am determined to get through it this time- I'm really feeling it and am so disappointed with myself for quitting when I was doing so well. Need to lose a couple of stone but mostly just want to feel like I'm doing something!
  • nshamith
    nshamith Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone
    i saw the results and motivation of all you folks on this 30 day shred. I am starting this today and hope to have some good results in 30 results
    my starting stats are:
    172 lbs
    Day 1-here i come :-)
    I will post my result once a week on mondays
  • nshamith
    nshamith Posts: 37 Member
    i too have started and quit so many times that i have lost count! i am starting from today myself and have promised myself i wont stop! i need all the motivation i can get:drinker:
  • nshamith
    nshamith Posts: 37 Member
    day 1 -30 day shred was done today. It was gruesome! i tell you, this lady is some motivational trainer. If we stick with her words and zone out the pain, then we can get through this 25 min. I am happy I have kicked this off to a start. I definately feel all energetic and good after doing this routine today.
  • manny1991
    manny1991 Posts: 204 Member
    Hey there! I'm currently on level 1 day 7 of 30DS. I've been doing it after work, usually I have a snack beforehand for some extra energy. I don't own any weights so I've made mine by taping 2 bean cans together:tongue: so far I find it fun and challenging, the first few days I couldn't even crouch my thighs hurt so much! I'm definitely seeing a change in my endurance though. I haven't done a weigh in or any measurements yet, so I'm not sure if I've lost weight. I'm hoping I can stick to it and that level 2 wont kick my butt! Good luck everybody!
  • nshamith
    nshamith Posts: 37 Member
    Hey there! I'm currently on level 1 day 7 of 30DS. I've been doing it after work, usually I have a snack beforehand for some extra energy. I don't own any weights so I've made mine by taping 2 bean cans together:tongue: so far I find it fun and challenging, the first few days I couldn't even crouch my thighs hurt so much! I'm definitely seeing a change in my endurance though. I haven't done a weigh in or any measurements yet, so I'm not sure if I've lost weight. I'm hoping I can stick to it and that level 2 wont kick my butt! Good luck everybody!
    Hi Manny
    U r on day 7! That's awesome
    Today is my day 2 and I got up early so I can do this first thing in the morning instead of in the eve after work.after work I have no energy left!i feel absolutely great having done this first thing in the morning