No carbs at dinner?

Hey all! My trainer today said I should not eat any carbs at dinner and that I should limit my carb intake to 100 g a day instead of the 160 g that MFP says. I can't imagine eating dinner without any carbs. What would I even make? I'm struggling with reducing carbs. I'm eating low carb breads and pastas and such, and I'm eating fruit instead of drinking juice, but I'm not sure what the heck to eat for dinner if I can't have ANY carbs. Just meat and veggies?

What do you all think? Do you eat carbs at dinner?


Jen :)


  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    courgette pasta?
  • fitmiss581
    fitmiss581 Posts: 4 Member
    I eat a lot of salads for dinner Jen or chicken and veggies - I keep my carbs under a 100... not easy, like you said, most every thing has carbs.
  • ckncj
    ckncj Posts: 183 Member
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I eat carbs all day.

    Well, not at lunch time. Usually.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm not sure of that brand of pasta, but I found this Dreamfields stuff that's really good and low carb. I wish I liked more veggies and fish and stuff. There's only so much chicken I can eat. I think I'll have to do mostly salads and put chicken or beef on it or something. So boring. Or maybe I can research some other recipes. My other thing is according to this site, I'm not eating enough calories all day. I guess I have to reevaluate what I can eat.
  • andrewj87
    Grilled chicken breast (6oz) and 3 cups steamed broccoli is my quick go to for dinner. Around 18g of carbs all from the broccolli.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Would you go to a dietician to get advice on how to lift weights?
  • WonStepAtaTime
    WonStepAtaTime Posts: 101 Member
    ^^^ not really how I would have put it but, I agree. You should talk to a Registered Dietitian. They are the pros and will be able to help you tailor your dietetic interests with your needs. Wish you the best.
  • Bobbie8786
    Bobbie8786 Posts: 202 Member
    I eat carbs all day and am losing weight just fine. I don't really get the whole low carb thing, but to each his own.

    p.s. - when did trainers become qualified to dish out nutrition advice?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There's no reason not to eat carbs at dinner, or to limit carbs to 100 grams. As is typical with most personal trainers, yours has absolutely no clue about nutrition.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Oh, I didn't mention my trainer is also a registered dietician! That was by accident that I found him, but that's why he's advising me on nutrition and exercise.
  • gk03ub
    gk03ub Posts: 99 Member
    Carbs all day every day!
    Not having carbs at dinner just leaves me hungry and unsatisfied, leading to binges. I keep my fats low though, usually less than 30g.
    However, some people thrive off low-carb and higher-fat. Find what works for YOU.
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    Have you tried any of the following..

    shirataki noodles (filling with no carbs)
    steamed cabbage and wide leaf lettuce for creating wraps
    eggplant rolls, used like manicotti pasta
    egg batter crepes
    cauliflower/veggie pulses
    alternating slices of tomato and cucumber to make stacks with seasoned chicken and fish
    bean cakes (beans are classified as both carb and protein)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Also check this out-- studies attached:
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,720 Member
    I restrict carbs because I am diabetic and it can spike my blood glucose. It's not hard staying around 100g most days. My dinner is typically meat and veg, but I let myself have starchy veg like peas and parsnips.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    yes he's right. nicknamed nocturnal ketosis. helps reduce insulin in your bloodstream during the night and encourages body to enter ketosis (fat burning) at night. I restrict my carbs to breakfast only.
  • coocakes
    When I aim for no/low carb dinners, a few go to dishes:
    - Zucchini sliced and sauteed in a little olive oil and served a red tomato pasta sauce
    - Okra cooked with onions, green peppers, and canned tomatoes
    - Spaghetti squash (some carbs though... 1 cup 7g)
    - Grilled eggplant (also some carbs.. 1 cup 5 g)
    - Grilled portobello mushrooms
    - Egg scrambled with sautéed mushrooms
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    yes he's right. nicknamed nocturnal ketosis. helps reduce insulin in your bloodstream during the night and encourages body to enter ketosis (fat burning) at night. I restrict my carbs to breakfast only.
    Your body enters ketosis anytime it needs to. You don't have to eat carbs at specific times to "encourage" it. The body is perfectly capable of doing it all by itself. If you eat 150 grams of carbs at breakfast, or you eat 50 grams of carbs each at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, your body will be in and out of ketosis for the exact same amount of time in a 24 hour period.

    As for low insulin at night, that's actually the opposite of what you want. You want higher insulin, which induces higher levels of hgh and igf-1, which helps prevent muscle catabolization, and encourages anabolism and repair of muscle tissue.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Also check this out-- studies attached:

    Thanks. Very enlightening! I think I will try to eat most carbs earlier, but I cannot conceive of having no carbs at dinner! I just don't like enough other things to have not a single carb! I will keep it the lowest of my meals though, if possible.

    Thanks all!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I had a link to a study that was done showing a group that actually lost more weight eating carbs at night, but I lost the link when I got my new computer. If I can find it, I'll post it.