30 Pounds By Christmas 10wk challenge Part 2!



  • Water only 8 glasses today
    Stayed under calories
    Cardio 40 minutes and Weight training 15 minutes
    I'm looking forward to being under 200 pounds by Christmas along with a new pair of jeans! :happy:
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I am exhausted, so I am skipping exercise today. I have exercised for the past 6 days in a row I believe. I got very little sleep last night, then worked a 10 hour day. I've had 6 cups of water so far, but will probably have a few more. I'm over my calories a bit, but that's because I gave into my sweet tooth and had chocolate donuts at work this morning. I will be exercising tomorrow.

    One thing I am looking forward to after losing the weight is not wanting to hide from cameras when family wants to take pictures at Christmas! Also, I just want to feel better and have more energy.

    Love your new picture! :0) ]
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Got in 12 glasses of water, 32 minutes cardio, 75 minutes of cleaning, 15 minutes of weights, 5 minutes of stretching....

    Under calories.. Woo hoo... I'm tired now..
  • Phat_Girl
    Phat_Girl Posts: 14 Member
    10 glasses of Water....? Wow! I'll try but I am pretty sure I will add tea to at least 8 of the glasses! Fruit I can do, but the exercise is immpossible for me....Don't have the time, but I will do some.
  • ladyrem
    ladyrem Posts: 13
    Hi Posh Taush.. I read your comment about playing with your son outdoors and I don't know where you are or how old your son is but winter is fun outdoors too.. My kids are grown but some of my best memories are with my kids... on short hiking trails or in parks picking up acorns or what ever stones he found "interesting".. I still have a pink one he found in the shape of a heart and gave to me -gosh no idea how long ago... 9 ish years. Anyway.. if you have snow there is always a sledding hill (even a small one to us is great fun for the kids) and anyone that doesn't think building a snowman isn't exercize has never built one ! ....ok enough of my 2 cents..... and BTW congradulations on your positive start!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    For Thursdays challenge:

    12 glasses water!! ( come on!!)
    50 Minutes exercise cardio
    10 minutes weight training
    Under calories
    Make a list of what you are looking forward to when reaching your goal by Christmas! Tell us about it!

    - - - -

    I'm actually over 12, so thats good! I've been hooked on ice water lately!
    I actually did 90 minutes on my wii (but it didn't count the extra calories since i got ticked at one of the games, and gave up)
    I did 10 minutes of weight training using my wrist weights, 1.5 pounds on each arm. :)
    I am under calories by 500 or so but not feeling hungry so im not eating them. I didn't see any red numbers in the past 2-3 days horray!! :smile:

    As far as what I'm looking forward to is just looking good and getting smaller and smaller and feeling good about myself! I'm going out east to see my family in April, thats something def to look forward to and hope to achieve my target goal by then! :D

    I will try my best on tomorrows challenge..don't have any money to buy more fruit/veggies and ive been eating a lot im actually getting low! so I gotta wait a few more days until I can get more food..but I'm up to the fitness/water challenge though!! Bring it on!! :)
  • msteedubya
    msteedubya Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! is it too late to join the challenge? I would love to be a part of this!

  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Hi! is it too late to join the challenge? I would love to be a part of this!


    Nope, come on in and enjoy the fun! :flowerforyou:
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi Posh Taush.. I read your comment about playing with your son outdoors and I don't know where you are or how old your son is but winter is fun outdoors too.. My kids are grown but some of my best memories are with my kids... on short hiking trails or in parks picking up acorns or what ever stones he found "interesting".. I still have a pink one he found in the shape of a heart and gave to me -gosh no idea how long ago... 9 ish years. Anyway.. if you have snow there is always a sledding hill (even a small one to us is great fun for the kids) and anyone that doesn't think building a snowman isn't exercize has never built one ! ....ok enough of my 2 cents..... and BTW congradulations on your positive start!

    Thanks so much for reminding me that I can enjoy winter as well. I guess since Elijah is only 1 I tend to think it will be too cold, but I'll just bundle him up and go anyway! That's sweet about the rock. Made me tear up a bit b/c I know Eli will grow up faster than I want him to. Oh to have your heart walking around outside your body..... I love him so much....
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi! is it too late to join the challenge? I would love to be a part of this!


    Welcome to the group! We weigh in on Mondays!
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Thursday challenge in check except for the exercise. When I do it I feel great just cant seem to get into the daily routine yet. I usually get in 3 days a week. I started my private blog to work thru some issues and try to exercise more. Love all the motivation on here and the challenges!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    After trying to push through a couple of days of exercise I have decided that I need to let my knee rest. I'm not sure what I did but it is certainly not good. I didn't exercise today and it's feeling a little better. I'm also planning on taking tomorrow and Saturday off. My concern is that I'm just going to give up. I bought some new ankle weights today and am excited to start using them so hopefully that will motivate me I'm just nervous about not exercising for so many days. I know I NEED to let my knee rest so I don't injure it further but that doesn't make me any happier. I'm just hoping that people on here keeping me accountable can help motivate me to restart once it has healed.

    As for the challenge I didn't exercise
    I did stay under calories although not by as much as usual
    I also drank about 15 glasses of water so less than usual but not bad
    I'm not really sure what I'm looking forward to
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    After trying to push through a couple of days of exercise I have decided that I need to let my knee rest. I'm not sure what I did but it is certainly not good. I didn't exercise today and it's feeling a little better. I'm also planning on taking tomorrow and Saturday off. My concern is that I'm just going to give up. I bought some new ankle weights today and am excited to start using them so hopefully that will motivate me I'm just nervous about not exercising for so many days. I know I NEED to let my knee rest so I don't injure it further but that doesn't make me any happier. I'm just hoping that people on here keeping me accountable can help motivate me to restart once it has healed.

    As for the challenge I didn't exercise
    I did stay under calories although not by as much as usual
    I also drank about 15 glasses of water so less than usual but not bad
    I'm not really sure what I'm looking forward to

    I'm really not trying to sound like a "know it all", but if your knee is injured you are doing the right thing by taking a break. Also, just a warning, you shouldn't use the ankle weights until your knee is FULLY HEALED. They actually put more stress on the knee by pulling down when walking/running...

    Hope that makes sense and I understand the break. Don't give up! You can still do the other challenges. Don't hurt yourself. I wish the best to you!
  • jenn_18
    jenn_18 Posts: 32
    I did weigh in on monday but I totally forgot to post it here! sorry! I was only down one pound to 257. Hoping for a higher number this time but not sure it will happen with Halloween this weekend. Ate well, went to the gym tonight, but I am WAY behind on water. Water is hard for me.
  • florasweets
    florasweets Posts: 50 Member
    For Thursdays challenge:

    12 glasses water!! ( come on!!) I drank 10
    50 Minutes exercise cardio done
    10 minutes weight training done
    Under calories done
    Make a list of what you are looking forward to when reaching your goal by Christmas! Tell us about it!

    *********Christmas Goals***********
    I look forward to:
    - smaller size clothes when its time to buy
    - more energy to be a better Wife & Mother
    - Inspiring (gently) my Husband on his journey
    - Saying "goodbye forever" to XL clothes
    - Jeans sizes will be no more than 2 numbers
    larger than my shoes =D

    ps. we weighed in tonight... I'm down 3# to 178... that's prebaby #3 gang... and she's 6 MONTHS OLD!!!
    (now to work on the 5 year old and 14 year old's left over weight) =)
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Thursday Challenge Outcome:
    12 glasses water: 13 cups
    50 Minutes exercise cardio:1 1/2 hr walk
    10 minutes weight training: Didnt do because I took a bootcamp class yesterday and I am SORE. my muscles need a break
    Under calories: Accomplished
    Make a list of what you are looking forward to when reaching your goal by Christmas:
    -Feeling better about myself
    -Seeing the look on my family face when they see the new me
    -Going After Christmas shopping in the "regular" stores
    -Enjoying my hubby and kids
  • Eevuh
    Eevuh Posts: 5
    I love this idea and must join this thread. I can do the exercise and be below my calorie count, I struggle with my water intake. Seeing that it is physically possible to drink that much water in a day, I am going to give it a try. Today I'm only at 2 glasses. So I got some catching up to do.
  • lmdance
    lmdance Posts: 5 Member
    Good Morning All!

    I'm not good about the daily check in's but I'm exercising 30 minutes most days, staying within my calories and getting close to the water goal each day. I'm having trouble figuring out how everyone has so much time to exercise everyday? I work full-time and have three kids. By the time I get home, feed everyone, help with homework and pick up a little it's bedtime. Thank goodness my husband is wonderful and helps too or I'd be sunk!

    Any tips from other full time working moms?
  • lindabuckiewicz
    lindabuckiewicz Posts: 15 Member
    We can all do that, Posh! Thanks for all the inspiration. I feel like you are my personal motivator.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    We can all do that, Posh! Thanks for all the inspiration. I feel like you are my personal motivator.

    AWww!! I have had so many positive comments from all of you! Thank you so much. It makes me motivated when I log on here and see that most of you are not only doing the challenges...but even surpassing them. It reminds me to get my butt in gear! I'm so glad I started this thread. I have been excited to log on daily and read what everyone has been doing. Thanks for the encouragement. Hoping for big numbers for everyone on Monday's weigh in!

    We can do this everyone!

    BIG HUGS..... Off to drink water....

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