Do you feel like exercising during your period???



  • curlyslim
    curlyslim Posts: 64 Member
    If I feel physically able enough then yes. I know there are times when you begin exercise and its good to carry on because your body gets into it, and there are times when i have started exercise and my body is just not cooperating with my mind!

    But I'm struggling with after period- i wonder if Im low on iron.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    Usually I feel just fine during my period so I go for it. Even if I have cramps that month I just take some midol and get my butt to the gym. I end up losing most of my weight in the week during and right after my TOM so I guess I'm weird but seeing how that's the way it works, I'm not gonna let some bleeding or cramping slow me down!! Usually, my workouts during TOM are amazing because I think I push myself harder and have more determination to get it done.
    And of course, the harder you work out the more chocolate and salty things you can eat afterwards :bigsmile:
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I have to force myself. I have super heavy periods thanks to PCOS (even with the birth control to regulate, they're still heavy) but since starting to exercise again, I've found they have actually gotten a bit lighter, plus the workout improves my mood and seems to help with some of the bloating. But then that's just me. I know everyone's body is different. But I've always heard good things about working out on your period, that it helps with cramps, etc and for really has. It's uncomfortable at first but once the endorphins start kicking in, I'm feeling better than when I started.
  • Nmt100
    Nmt100 Posts: 36 Member
    It has never occurred to me not to workout. I couldn't exactly tell the 15 lads in my judo class at the age of 13 I couldn't train every 4th week, or let the girls down in hockey. I just learned early on how to deal with TOM and exercise and controlling the mess.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I cannot relate at all nor do I understand why it would matter if I was on my period. Why should the world stop when it's your TOM? I take an ibuprofen and take my *kitten* to the gym. Maybe there are some ladies with excruciating cramps but I'm not one of them. Yes it is unpleasant, but not an excuse to skip a work out and binge eat.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I usually do nothing for at least a couple of days, except if I have to walk to some places for some reasons (like grocery shopping as so on).
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Just do it. You will feel much better, even if it's only a walk and not your regular routine. :flowerforyou:
  • S3r3knitty
    S3r3knitty Posts: 159 Member
    I usually only have bad cramps and feel kinda meh on the first day. Now, until recently I stayed at home that day but last time I made myself go running anyway and it was the best choice. During running the cramps magically disappeared and I felt sooo much better afterwards that I plan to do it again next time.
  • BabyLovesToRun
    BabyLovesToRun Posts: 120 Member
    I'm extremely sluggish those 5 days. I don't cramp but I bloat up like a puffer fish, almost literally. I'm so uncomfortable those days because NOTHING fits except a pair of my old fat clothes I kept just for that purpose. I still try to do what I normally do, though I'll admit it's a bit half-arsed. But at least I move!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I cannot relate at all nor do I understand why it would matter if I was on my period. Why should the world stop when it's your TOM? I take an ibuprofen and take my *kitten* to the gym. Maybe there are some ladies with excruciating cramps but I'm not one of them. Yes it is unpleasant, but not an excuse to skip a work out and binge eat.

    Maybe there are some women with excruciating cramps? Ha! Yeah, maybe :D Just a slight chance, mind you ;)

    Seriously, I have endo and PCOS and my cramps are like a scene out of Alien. Women I have talked to who have had both endo and children often say that endo is worse than labor. I wouldn't know about labor, but if anything is more painful than endo cramps, the chances of passing out seem pretty high.

    OTOH, my pain threshold is now through the roof, so that helps in normal life with regular injuries and the like.

    I am now on meds again to just stop my period altogether. Woot!
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I cannot relate at all nor do I understand why it would matter if I was on my period. Why should the world stop when it's your TOM? I take an ibuprofen and take my *kitten* to the gym. Maybe there are some ladies with excruciating cramps but I'm not one of them. Yes it is unpleasant, but not an excuse to skip a work out and binge eat.

    Maybe there are some women with excruciating cramps? Ha! Yeah, maybe :D Just a slight chance, mind you ;)

    Seriously, I have endo and PCOS and my cramps are like a scene out of Alien. Women I have talked to who have had both endo and children often say that endo is worse than labor. I wouldn't know about labor, but if anything is more painful than endo cramps, the chances of passing out seem pretty high.

    OTOH, my pain threshold is now through the roof, so that helps in normal life with regular injuries and the like.

    I am now on meds again to just stop my period altogether. Woot!

    I have gone through labor and if endo is more painful than that I can TOTALLY see why someone wouldn't want to work out on their period. And now I'm feeling quite lucky that I don't have painful periods. :smile:
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I cannot relate at all nor do I understand why it would matter if I was on my period. Why should the world stop when it's your TOM? I take an ibuprofen and take my *kitten* to the gym. Maybe there are some ladies with excruciating cramps but I'm not one of them. Yes it is unpleasant, but not an excuse to skip a work out and binge eat.

    Maybe there are some women with excruciating cramps? Ha! Yeah, maybe :D Just a slight chance, mind you ;)

    Seriously, I have endo and PCOS and my cramps are like a scene out of Alien. Women I have talked to who have had both endo and children often say that endo is worse than labor. I wouldn't know about labor, but if anything is more painful than endo cramps, the chances of passing out seem pretty high.

    OTOH, my pain threshold is now through the roof, so that helps in normal life with regular injuries and the like.

    I am now on meds again to just stop my period altogether. Woot!

    I have gone through labor and if endo is more painful than that I can TOTALLY see why someone wouldn't want to work out on their period. And now I'm feeling quite lucky that I don't have painful periods. :smile:


    The awful thing is that most gynos will let a girl go years with hideous pain telling her that it's relatively normal (or they did back in the day). So you end up thinking that they are just bad cramps, when you literally can't walk and things!
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I cannot relate at all nor do I understand why it would matter if I was on my period. Why should the world stop when it's your TOM? I take an ibuprofen and take my *kitten* to the gym. Maybe there are some ladies with excruciating cramps but I'm not one of them. Yes it is unpleasant, but not an excuse to skip a work out and binge eat.

    Maybe there are some women with excruciating cramps? Ha! Yeah, maybe :D Just a slight chance, mind you ;)

    Seriously, I have endo and PCOS and my cramps are like a scene out of Alien. Women I have talked to who have had both endo and children often say that endo is worse than labor. I wouldn't know about labor, but if anything is more painful than endo cramps, the chances of passing out seem pretty high.

    OTOH, my pain threshold is now through the roof, so that helps in normal life with regular injuries and the like.

    I am now on meds again to just stop my period altogether. Woot!

    I have gone through labor and if endo is more painful than that I can TOTALLY see why someone wouldn't want to work out on their period. And now I'm feeling quite lucky that I don't have painful periods. :smile:


    The awful thing is that most gynos will let a girl go years with hideous pain telling her that it's relatively normal (or they did back in the day). So you end up thinking that they are just bad cramps, when you literally can't walk and things!

    That is horrible. I remember a girl in high school that would get period cramps so bad that she would throw up. Ok now I feel like an insensitive a**. :blushing:
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Ha! No, don't. I used to think that there was no way hormones could cause a great deal of pain. That was before the condition of doom swooped down on me, lol! If you are an insensitive *kitten*, I'll have to assume mine's Karma :D:D
  • so i took 6 Advil before noon and then managed a 20 minute workout but it was horrible. I'm wondering what are the benifits I know I over worked my plantar fasciitus the last time I did the take pain meds and push through and I've ended up in longer recovery. If your wondering: Yes I have fainted, thrown up, and I'm chronically anemic due to my periods which I refer to as Aunt Flo with a pitchfork.
  • jennygeo1
    jennygeo1 Posts: 133 Member
    I let my body tell me what to do. If i'm super weak or really tired i will just try to eat light and relax for a day or so. If i'm in a little pain but have the energy I usually opt for a nice slow walk (2-3 miles) just to keep me in routine and my head clear.

    I'm not a robot... sometimes i just eat chocolate and watch SVU all day and take the day off :)
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    Sometimes I do, other times no. My cycles alternate from being hardly noticeable where I feel great, too extremely draining.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    It never gets in my way!
  • rbcrawford1
    rbcrawford1 Posts: 29 Member
    I don't feel weak, but I typically have one day of intense cramping. So intense that when I went into labor for the first time, I started swearing because I realized the worst menstrual cramps were just a notch shy of labor pains 10 hours into my 18 hour labor. I work out just fine the other days and I find that lifting heavy actually alleviates a lot of the pain on my worst day. I wouldn't run or Zumba, but pulling weight helps a lot.
  • bestkiwi2003
    bestkiwi2003 Posts: 13 Member
    Trust your body. I tend to do some light walking or stretching or lift weights (usually upper body) to say I have done something. and keep my head in the space of being active.

    TOM for me is usually 3-5 days with days 2-3 making me the cranky pants I am - trust me painkillers are great combined as I said with my light exercise the symptoms are alleviated.

    Take care, sometimes you just need to have a duvet/doona/emotional day sitting in front of tv and eating chocolate
