Anyone taking Adipex (Phentermine)?



  • nbg127
    nbg127 Posts: 9 Member
    So I used diethylpropion (milder appetite suppressant) last nov, dec, jan to shed 45lbs (started at 225lbs). I changed my diet and added exercise. I maintained my weight within 8 lbs and over the summer. I now see a bariatric doc who suggested I try phentermine after difficult starts to try to lose the remaining weight. I am now within 16lbs of my goal (bmi of 24.9)- can't wait to be in the normal weight range. I know I can maintain with no problem. These tablets just help turn off the constant hunger and desire for food. I have zero side effects and definitely not addicted- if someone is monitored by a doctor after spending a lifetime of dieting and exercise, then why judge. I am healthier now than I have been my whole life after jumping from one diet to the next and obsessing about weight. I support anyone who can find their own fix to this problem.
  • cathead9
    I just started taking Phentermine today and the advice in this thread will be very helpful. I am starting out at 240 and I hope to eventually get back to 150. Just to get below 200 would be fantastic for me, as I have arthritis and will need a knee replacement in the next few years. Doc won't do the surgery if you're obese and because my knee restricts what exercises I can do, it's been extremely difficult to lose any weight.
  • Jenmeg1978
    Jenmeg1978 Posts: 3 Member
    How often does everyone take the adipex? Well i like to split my doses in half and take half in the morning and half before dinner. IT really helped my cravings after dinner before bed. but i was starting to think maybe i could take half in the am ,half at lunch and half at dinner and maybe that dose in the middle will help against my cravings that i have late afternoon and quit my temptations of stopping at the gas station after work and getting junk. I have like a secret obsession, i will stop at the gas station and often get a pop and a king size candy bar for the drive home. any suggestions? I did lose alot but lately i have gotten of the wagon and really struggling to climb back on
  • moan_eake
    I started taking Phentermine on October 2 of this year, my starting weight was 192 at 5'7" The heaviest I have ever been not pregnant. I have always maintained a weight of no more than about 135-140 lbs and a size 4/5. I have always been very active and worked out regularly. About two years ago I noticed I was not maintaining that weight and started to gain, maybe due to the fact that I was getting closer to 40! I am not a big eater, no carbonated drinks but I LOVE LOVE LOVE sweets and junk food. I would not deny that I was addicted to sugar. On my first follow up visit on November 6'th, I weighed in at 165... 27 lbs lost in just about 5 weeks. The Dr. was surprised and told me that was a lot, and suggested I cut my work outs down to about 3 per week. During those 5 weeks, I worked out 7 days a week, eliminated all EXTRA sugar from my diet.. That was no junk, candy, cookies, cake etc. I don't drink Cokes so that was not a problem for me. I tried to maintain a caloric intake of 1200 per day, as I stated before I am not a big eater so even that was a lot for me. I added more fruits to my diet, when I craved the sugar, and that lasted about 10 days. Currently I weight 159 and am due for another follow up on Dec 2. My goal weight is 145. I have had no major side affects other than the desire to want to drink water all the time. Like Jenmeg1978, I take 1/2 in the a.m at 10.. after my breakfast (8), I eat lunch at noon and I take the other 1/2 around 3:30. This works for me, I never feel hungry and it allows me to have my dinner in the evening without over consuming calories. This for anyone who takes Phentermine is a lifestyle change, a habit change and a mental change because you can not take it for ever.. Even if you did it would stop working for you. Most of what we think we want in reference too food is mental as well as the desire to over eat. I still work out daily and do not consume sugar. For me that was my weakness and problem, and when I consumed way more of that than I burned I gained weight..
  • dmota0425
    dmota0425 Posts: 18 Member
    That is awsome, you should be proud of yourself. I also started phentermine on Sept 29, 2013 but ive only lost 16 pounds so far which is great dont get me wrong but i feel like i cant notice the weightloss when i look in the mirror. Also i havnt excersised not 1 day. So i stopped taking it for like 2 weeks because i noticed that the effect of the hunger curb was not working like it was so, im back on today and hopefully i can start losing again. I have 7 days until thanksgiving so im aiming for at least 2 pounds for this week. What excercise did u implent and what is your meal plan daily if u dont mind me asking?
  • moan_eake
    16 lbs is great!!!, It's all about your discipline and motivation. And thank you, I felt the exact same way...feeling like I didn't look like I was losing any weight. But of course the clothes start to get looser and then others start to notice. My husband noticed first, of course its because he is the one that see's me daily. I am very shapely but very long legs.. So at 192 I was a 14... now at 159 I'm a size 7... Considering that everything in my closet is a size 4-7.. That makes me feel great. As far as exercise, I do cardio 6 days a week now, and for me that is my treadmill.. I do it on an incline of at least 4.. and to start at 4.5 mph.. That is a very fast walk for me. I alternate between walking and jogging doing each for at least 2 mins... for a total of no less than 45 mins. On days when I want to burn more calories more quickly I use a simple jump rope.. I do it in sets of 100, and about 15 sets... For a total of 1500... Jumping rope is a great workout.. For my diet.. I basically eat whatever I feel like but with a lot of discipline.. I do not do anything FAST... Fast food, drive thru's etc... I prepare all foods and snacks at home. I have started doing a lot of yogurt for breakfast... eggs with turkey (omlet).. Progresso has a great variety of light soups that have less than 100 calories per serving..I eat a lot of fish and turkey (turkey burgers are the best).. and some chicken.. Nothing at all fried. No pork, red meat or ground beef... I measure everything, after about two weeks of measuring I have got the portions down without having to use measuring cups. For my snacks, I do fruit and fiber one has a great line of healthier 90 calorie snacks that are great.. they have become my favorite....I know one thing, this weight loss thing is NOT easy, but it is worth it. When I gained the weight my BP went up, I was tired all the time and of course did not like what I looked liked.. Now my BP is normal and I feel great...and I will not go back to my previous bad habits... I cant afford to!
  • AllishaLinnea
    AllishaLinnea Posts: 2 Member
    I have taken the adipex and currently have a prescription that I take here and there if I think i'd be tempted to have a really bad day. I think it handles each body different but I know for me when taking it, I have a harder time sleeping at night, and im much more emotional? Seriously it depresses me dude. It also gives me a horrible taste in my mouth but the weight drops off and my appetite disappears.
  • JulieAnnRap
    If it weren't for the side effects, I would consider it a miracle drug. I've taken Phentermine successfully. You lose weight, have a ton of energy, and it also helps with concentration and focus. But the side effects weren't worth it on a daily basis for me, severe insomnia and dry tongue to the point my dentist was alarmed. I do have some left and will take a 1/2 pill maybe around PMS if I find myself going off track but I'll never take it again on a regular basis. I am hoping to find a natural supplement with at least a fraction of it's power.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Apparently Phen is pretty powerful, I've been considering taking a natural version. We shall see.
  • traceykopp
    traceykopp Posts: 2 Member
    I asked my doc about 3 years ago if he would prescribe this & he wouldn't because he had a patient who had a heart attack while using it. I'm going to see him again to talk about taking it on a short term basis. I'm 5 ft 1in and weigh 140. I've been working out 4-5 days/week for 4 months, switched to a paleo diet, stopped drinking wine every day and haven't lost any weight. I am 42 yrs old. I thought maybe I had a thyroid issue or something. But after all the blood work came back, I'm apparently very healthy (despite being overweight), which in my mind would make me a great candidate to be on this drug short term. Has anyone had a doctor refuse to prescribe phentermine but then have a change of heart? I know I'm not obese but for my height, I am definitely overweight. In addition, after making a big lifestyle change and not seeing any weight reduction, I'm desperate to try it on a short term basis.
  • namennek
    My primary doctor is all for diet and exercise and getting no help from a diet pill. I had to find another doctor that was more apt to help me with my weight loss. I am 5,2 and 160 lbs. so im borderline obese for my height. I have always been able to maintain my weight at around 125lb until a few years ago after a couple rounds of steroids for back pain shot me up to 180lb in 2 months.

    I have lost some of it doing the HCG diet (which i starved the whole time on), i was able to get down to 135lb in 4 months but there is no way to sustain that type of diet.

    So now i find myself up at 160lb and diet and exercise is not helping me lose any of it. My new doctor did all the blood tests and gave me the ok to start the Phentermine (slow release). I am on the third day and have lost 4 pounds, I do notice the side effects but nothing i cant handle. The one thing my Dr. did say was that after ive been on it for 3 months (less if i lose more weight) then she will be putting me on a newly approved FDA pill that has a small dose of Phentermine and (something else) that i can take for as long as needed to maintain my weight loss. I will have to pay attention better on my 1 week check up on Tuesday and update you on what that pill is. So im hoping that this will be a more long time solution to get me back down to my normal weight and help me maintain it now that im over 40 and finding weight loss a challenge.

    So perhaps its time to find a doctor that's more friendly with diet pills. I just asked a few friends and found the one i go to now.
  • judymoving
    So happy to see this topic on here. I am on day 2 of taking Phentermine. I am 49, 5'7" and 311lbs. I have always believed in doing this naturally. In 2012 I lost 28 pounds (308 to 280) utilizing this website to help track caloric, nutrition and fitness levels. By the Fall I was walking 4 miles a day. With winter in WI my walking lessened, so I was doing aqua-aerobics. 2013 was a bad year- gained back all the weight- family issues and personal motorcycle accident kept me from walking. Emotionally- wasn't even considering any exercise. My motivation just went down the tubes. My sister tried Phentermine and hated it, ended up having surgery for her weight loss. I am determined NOT to have surgery.

    I am only taking 1/2 pill each morning. Aware of it's characteristics, I know I don't need much to get me going. SO far... THIS STUFF IS AWESOME! Sorry but true, I suddenly feel like myself again. I don't feel like I have this heavy monkey on my back keeping me from completing my evening chores and even getting on my bike. I am ready to finish the renovations on my basement, and move again. That is the benefit. Yes, I don't feel hungry, but that has never been my problem. I eat, hungry or not, and even on this I still have the craving of pulling into McDonalds for my morning burritos and coffee. So that is what will be worked on with this motivation. Utilizing the fake motivation to change the emotional and mental behavior into a new pattern that is healthy. I am ready for this. Getting back to me again.

    I will keep you all posted on how it goes. Since this was such an old post, are there now any regrets from those that posted so positively?
  • pbaker78
    pbaker78 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm not here to judge just looking for support. I am a prior military guy that let the enjoyments or everyday life take over my body. So I am now 35 and have my first child on the way which is a boy. I need to get my body back right for me as well as for me to keep up with him. I have no health issues just love to eat and drink. So I am on phentermine and I am not having any side effects. I decided not to exercise for the first week just to see how my body would react to it. I started the pill on Wednesday December 4, 2013. I'm hoping this help me get back to my routine. I take 37.5 mg and it has no effects on me. I am using MFP to track my calories and have been doing well. Just hope I can stick to it. I don't feel hungry and I take it 30 minutes in the morning before breakfast. I do have dry mouth but thats it and have been only drinking water. Wanted to chat with someone who actually stuck with the phentermine for three months and how much weight did you lose. I see not that many guys on here. I got a month rx after the dr. did ekg on me and everything, which came out perfect. Can't wait to start exercising with this.
  • judymoving
    Hi PBaker,

    There are a lot of hater's out here regarding Phen. I too just started, and notice the difference right away. I sleep at night, which many complained that is a problem. I have not started to formally exercise using this, I am on the same dosage as you, but am still only taking 1/2 pill each day. Friday night I went out for drinks, bad mix, felt pretty ill the next day. The reduced food intake, and the Phen gave me a sense that I was ok. Had just one more cocktail too many. Needless to say, I didn't take the pill on Sat.

    Even though not formally exercising, I am on my feet now all the time at home. I have a sedentary job, and normally it carries over into home life. I am finding that I enjoy being up and moving around, getting the house ready for my Christmas party, enjoyed shoveling snow this morning. all things before seemed more like chores. With the added activity, i do feel muscle soreness after I finally sit down in the evening.. no pain no gain... these to me are all good signs.

    Good luck- keep in touch. Would like to know how your journey goes on Phen.

  • nmarcuss
    I tried this drug last year and lost 25 pounds, but gained it all back after I stopped taking it. Also while on the drug I experienced insomnia and my heart would race. I loved the results and the way it controlled my hunger, but it doesn't work in the long run....
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I tried this drug last year and lost 25 pounds, but gained it all back after I stopped taking it. Also while on the drug I experienced insomnia and my heart would race. I loved the results and the way it controlled my hunger, but it doesn't work in the long run....

    Well, honestly, this is true of any diet, whether you utilize supplements/drugs or not. You need to re-learn how to eat...taking the drug is just to get you to a healthier weight. At that point you really need to continue with the good eating.

    *While* taking a weight loss supplement, you need to eat healthfully. It's not really about just reducing calories...say, having a Twinkie but nothing else for the day. ;) You need to get yourself into a pattern of healthy eating so that once you stop taking the supplement, you're in that groove.

    Again, this is true of diets in general as well.
  • nbg127
    nbg127 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey traceykopp,

    Most docs will only prescribe phentermine if you fit into the category of medical advisement for the drug. This would be a BMI of 30 OR a BMI of 27 with a medical condition of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, et. The biggest issue for you is the medical tests results are all good and your BMI is under 27. I know it is frustrating - I wish I had an answer for you. Most likely you will have to find a specialist in weight management (bariatric doc) that may be able to help in some way. I was where you are once and ended up at 221 lbs years later - don't let that happen!! Find a way to get it under control now. :smile:
  • pbaker78
    pbaker78 Posts: 9 Member
    I added you. its going well doing what it says it does
  • Silenta
    I am not new with taking this diet pill. I will say that you don't want to play around with it.....I took this pill for the first time back in 1995. At that time I weighed 155 lbs. At 5'10" and 155 lbs. I thought that I was fat. I wasn't fat by far and took it anyway. I lost 10 lbs. in 30 days. I enjoyed the weight loss but gained it back, plus some. I went from 145 to 165... It took a few years. I went back the doctor and started back on the pills. I lost 10 pounds again in 30 days. I weighted 155. Back to square one right?. Wrong.
    I may have weighted the same but now I had a desire to maintain that high energy level. Quietly, I was becoming addicted.
    To make a long story short...I played around with this pill off and and on...getting them for weight loss but taking them for energy until I looked up one day and it was 2010 and I weighted 223 lbs. No, I didn't take the pill daily for this long.... I would go to the doctor to get a 30 supply 2 maybe 3 times a year.
    Well I went back to the doctor in 2010 and asked him to tell me my starting weight and to show me my pattern of weight gain. I saw it and was shocked. So...I got another 30 day supply. It had been a year or so since I had taken the pill.
    I went from 223 to 207 in 30 days. Went on the Cabbage Soup Diet for 7 days. I weighted 191 after the 7 day Cabbage Soup diet. I went back to get another 30 supply of pills. Broke each pill in half so the 30 day supply was now 60 days. I went from 191 to 177 in 2 months.
    I took this a little more serious during this last go around. I have been the same size now for a couple years.
    Today, well yesterday I went back to the doctor for a 30 supply. We was pleased at my weight. I am 180..... I was 175 last week and I quite smoking. I've gained a few pounds and know where this is going....

    Well, this is my story. Stay strong when taking this pill. It works for sure! I feel that you have to gradually take yourself off the pill because the side effects when you stop cold turkey are increased hunger and extra tired/sleepy. That's when you begin saying to yourself that you need the pill for the boost to get up and active...
  • traceykopp
    traceykopp Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you NPG437. I am going to make an appt with a Bariatric Specialist. I appreciate your feedback.