Are you planning on logging food on Thanksgiving?



  • MorganBody
    Yes, I'll probably log to the best of my ability. I'm a vegetarian, so no meat, gravy, or stuffing for me. I'll eat a lot of veggies and salads. I'm not too worried. Also, I HATE pumpkin pie. :-)
    Agreed,except for the pumpkin pie bit!
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I'm in maintenance and only spot check my calories right now, Since we'll be eating out the entire day on Thanksgiving I'm not going to bother trying to track anything. We're not doing a traditional turkey meal though, since no one likes any of it, so it won't be too crazy-steaks on the grill with sides for lunch, and then probably pizza after the movie we're going to at night. Our anniversary is the day after and that's when I plan on going all out-bring on the Logan's rolls :love:
  • dietcoke29
    dietcoke29 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm not big on thanksgiving food. Hopefully someone brings a salad otherwise it's just turkey, a roll and a slice of pumpkin pie for me!
  • ItsaNewDawn
    I will be logging every little thing that I put in my mouth! I am a firm believer in accountability. Does that mean it will stop me from eating something I enjoy? NO. I will just enjoy it within reason. I will also be starting the day with a 5K before lunch, so that will give me some "wiggle room". Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving day!
  • vermillionlove
    vermillionlove Posts: 37 Member
    I'm going to log the best that I can. The most annoying thing for me would be not knowing exactly how much of an item I am consuming. I need a food scale. I won't mind if the number is a lot higher than usual, I just want to know what the number will be!
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    For tracking purposes only. I know I will be over and that is fine. I just want to see how much and then move on... :)
  • DudeistPriest
    DudeistPriest Posts: 665 Member
    I plan on logging AND going over. I'll be working in the early morning and in the evening. So I'll sleep most of the time inbetween so won't be eating all day, but will stopping by my parents for dinner and they always put out a pretty good spread for us at work. So, while I probably won't eat a lot more it most likely won't be has healthy a day as usual. but I gotta log as best I can to keep me honest!
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    I haven't decided yet. It is just going to be our family of 4, so I don't think I'm going to cook a whole bunch anyway. Probably just turkey, potatoes, a veggie, rolls and dessert. I just don't want to have leftovers besides turkey. I think that is where I go wrong. lol. Just one day and done, I need to keep in mind.
  • Ibleedlipstick
    Ibleedlipstick Posts: 33 Member
    Yep! I track everything I put in my mouth, even on planned indulgence days. It really doesn't take much time, and I like to keep track of my intake. It took me forever to get in the habit of tracking, and I don't want to let the holidays destroy it.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'll definitely log. I don't use a smartphone though so I won't be logging at the table or anything. And I won't measure/weigh, it will be a rougher estimate than my normal logging.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I'll log it if I have access to the interwebz. I'll almost certainly be over calories for the day, but one day won't destroy anything.
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    I plan to log, but I am going to start the day with a nice hike with the dog, and then will do a ton of walking during my midnight madness Black Friday shopping! So, although I'm sure I'll go over, it won't be completely horrible. Enjoy, everyone!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    My day will be parades, football, food. Yay! Thanks for Thanksgiving!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    We had ours last Saturday (family was in town) and I did log it for fun... you can see it :) I figured I burned most of that cooking for 10 hours :laugh:
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Yup, quick add 3000 calories.. Done!
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    I plan on completely blowing my plan out of the water on Thanksgiving! Over indulging once in awhile isn't going to do in my overall plans and goals.

    Bring on the turkey, and stuffing! Load up the green bean casserole and biscuits! Don't even think about keeping the pie away from me that day! :drinker:

    ^^^This :love:

    Question though, previous posters mentioned quick logging calories, how do you do that? I want to show that I was over, but don't feel like trying to add everything I eat. Is there an easy way to do this?

    It's easy! You just go to log food normally. You can go to breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, whatever you want. Click on "add food" and instead of typing something into the database or using one of your familiar foods, look above the food search bar and it will say 'search our food database by name'. To the right of that it will say "quick add calories" and you just enter it in! :)

    (Edited to fix a minor grammatical error)

    Thank you :smile:
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I am, but it's going to be very generic logging.
  • GreyGav1130
    Trying to track during Thanksgiving is going to be difficult. We celebrate Thanksgiving the day after thanksgiving with my family. Then Saturday we have my sisters birthday celebration dinner at a Japanese steak house and finally Sunday we celebrate Thanksgiving at my parents in law. That is a lot of eating!! I have deiced to work out each day as per usual, however, I will extend my work outs on these days to maybe compensate for all the extra calories coming in. I am going to eat my normal meals prior to each family function that way I am not starving when I get there and I do not over indulge. I will be taking tiny servings of many dishes so I am able to taste what I truly want with out being stuffed afterwards. I will track for each day up until the large meals. This is only because it is going to be inaccurate anyway b/c you don't know really how everything is made and your not using a scale or measuring cups or spoons. I have just decided to accept that this is a holiday that happens once a year and being practical and having a great time is what is most important to me. Best of luck everyone:)))
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If I am back to logging next week (haven't decided), then I will probably just use last year's numbers (1200 calories).
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Yes... I wanna see how high I can get the numbers :D... I am shooting for 4-5K