Unconditional Support Group - October!



  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    AWESOIME!!!!. Friday's are always better. I normally weigh on Sat. morning. Not sure why just happened that way.

  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Enjoy the weekend everyone! I carved my pumpkins last night, and toasted the seeds, which I love. They didn't come out so great and I'm disappointed! I just love the taste. They are healthy for me also. Oh well....a Halloween TRICK perhaps??
    I actually have not weighed myself in a while. For some reason it is not a motivator for me. Causes me stress!! I get on the scale now and then but not regularly. That scale plays head games with me! Have a fun day!
  • caitlynsdad
    caitlynsdad Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, I have been using this tracking program for nearly 2 mthns, been great watching me lose the weight, I statred as most everyone else, poor life style, nil activity with my girls & self esteem very low, plus the wife constantly in my ear about my weight problem, so I started doing something about it. I was 128kgs when I started 4mths ago, then I found this site which which helped me monitor my food intake and started losing more weight, now the problem is that I have gotten right into my exercise, it's become a "must do" every day during the week insomuch that my wife has finally called it a day & we've seperated. I'm not looking for sympathy, rather I'm now trying to focus on what's better for me. I am currently sitting at 106.2kg, the lightest i've been for years, I still have a long way to go inorder that my health isn't a major issue, by taking it slowly & looking at each new day as a brand new start then I know I'll hit my target.

    Hoping everyone has a great Halloween weekend & continues towards your goals. :happy:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hey Potter Fans ... I too enjoy the fantasy land in both the books and the movies

    Profjan6 ... mmmmmm pumpkin seeds. We don't carve pumpkins at my place, unfortunately where I live out in the boonies we don't get little ghouls and goblins. I miss that.

    Hi Caitlynsdad. First and foremost, congratulations on your health goal accomplishments. It's too bad about the separation; I hope things work out for the best for everyone involved.

    As for me, we had a food day at work yesterday; people were so creative with their Halloween treats. Unfortunately, I ate too much of those treats. There was my deviled eyeballs, and ribs that were set up on a tray like a human rib cage with a red pepper heart that had a flashing light in it so it looked like it was pumping with a knife stabbing it, and a fruit punch with eye balls in the ice cubes, and spiders, and snakes and black cat shaped sandwiches, and it was way fun. Oh well, I'll have to work that off somehow. I hope you're all having a great weekend and hope your Halloween is a Blast.

  • Hello People! And Happy Halloween :)

    I got up and did some major exercise this morning - I know I'm going to have some halloween candy so I am getting prepared.

    First I did a Wii game called Just Dance. It is super fun!!! Fun songs that really get you motivated. You can do it alone or challenge a friend and see who has better dance skills ... ha!

    Then I got out my Wii Fit. I hadn't been on it in like 500+ days as it was sure to tell me! But the good news is that I am down a whoooole lot since the last time, hee hee!!!

    I hope everyone has a great evening. I'll start a new thread tomorrow for the new month, so be on the look out!!

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I started a November Thread at ... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/131007-unconditional-support-group-november ... see you all there :flowerforyou:
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