30 Day Shred!



  • manny1991
    manny1991 Posts: 204 Member
    Good Job! believe me it gets easier, level one anyway, lol. I would love to do it before work but I work in a café and have to be there at 5:30 am. I just don't think I have it in me to wake up any earlier than I already do, so I'm just forcing myself to push through it after work. Sometimes, I just don't feel like it but I keep going, Its definitely easier when you know that there's a bunch of dedicated people on MFP who are all in the same boat! Super motivating! I'm off to complete day 8 right now. Can't wait to hear from everyone else on how its going!
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    day 6, level 1, def getting easier. However I've test level 2, ugh! Anyway, taking me longer because I'm only doing it about 2-3 days a week since I do zumba and run as well. I have lost 1.5 lbs in the past week I've been doing it!
  • manny1991
    manny1991 Posts: 204 Member
    That's awesome!
  • gypsycaravan
    gypsycaravan Posts: 12 Member
    I've had this DVD for years and have used it on and off with great results.. been about a year and I've started it again. I'm on day 9 of level 1. I'm not really sure if I'm going to follow the plan exactly because it wasn't until two days ago that I was actually able to finish level 1 using 5 pound weights for all the segments. The lateral raises KILL me but I can see big changes in my body already. A week ago when I started, I lost my breath 15 minutes in and had to stop, lol. I'll probably do each level for two weeks.
  • aafoo
    aafoo Posts: 501 Member
    I am day 5 of 30DS. It awesome... filled with lot of energy!
  • anwylyd_un
    anwylyd_un Posts: 164 Member
    L1 D1 today, had to sub in some jogging on the spot during one of the sets of jumping jacks and butt kicking, but otherwise pretty pleased to get all the way through. The bicycle crunches started to really burn towards the end which I'm hoping is a good thing!

  • nshamith
    nshamith Posts: 37 Member
    Today was my day 3 level 1
    I cannot believe I did it I spite of my whole body painting like hell
    I started with the jumping jacks and believe it or not I went through the 25 min and it felt better after 5 min
    I am real glad I did it
    I keep telling myself
    This is something I will not miss even for a single day cause I know myself
    If I miss a day I will not get back on!
    27 days to go...
  • gypsycaravan
    gypsycaravan Posts: 12 Member
    Day 10 of level 1 and I think I've already dropped a size. A coat that I could barely put on when I started I can now wear pretty comfortably o_O I've been on a somewhat strict diet too. Really happy with my results so far. I seem to get stronger every day I do this workout.
  • Happy to see there is a thread about this. :)

    I am starting today! My birthday is in a month and a week and i want to tone up a bit. Really excited and determined to finish the program! I've had trouble with the program in the past because by day 3-4 I'd experience lots of pain!! I also find the videos to be EXTREMELY boring, but I'm still up to do those 25 minutes for one month.
  • nshamith
    nshamith Posts: 37 Member
    Day 10 of level 1 and I think I've already dropped a size. A coat that I could barely put on when I started I can now wear pretty comfortably o_O I've been on a somewhat strict diet too. Really happy with my results so far. I seem to get stronger every day I do this workout.
    That is awesome
    You dropped 1 size in 10 days!!!i am real excited to see my results
    Today is day 4 for me and I tell you I feel so great
    I jumped out of bed sooo energetic
    I have started taking one multivitamin everyday since I started doing this to balance my body
    And have stopped sugar!
  • nshamith
    nshamith Posts: 37 Member
    Happy to see there is a thread about this. :)

    I am starting today! My birthday is in a month and a week and i want to tone up a bit. Really excited and determined to finish the program! I've had trouble with the program in the past because by day 3-4 I'd experience lots of pain!! I also find the videos to be EXTREMELY boring, but I'm still up to do those 25 minutes for one month.
    U can do it!!!
    Report your progress
    We all need each other's support for sure
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I've done the 30 day shred (2x) and I just want to chime in here since some people have mentioned that they have or had back/knee problems. In an interview, Jillian Michaels said that the 30 Day Shred was NOT intended to be done 30 days straight with no rest as the name of the video implies. She recommends 2 days shred, 1 days cardio, 2 days shred then 1 day rest.

    I found this article after doing some research after seeing that many 30 Day Shredders, including myself, were having knee and back problems around 10 to 15 days into the program and some were dropping out as a result. The 30 Day Shred routine is very hard on the joints. If you notice, it does say in the beginning of the video to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program . . . . I know nobody does this, but if you have had any injuries, especially back and knee issues, you really should find out what movements you should avoid. Also Jillian Michaels says in the video, move on the next level “when you are ready”, she never says, “10 days on level then one 10 days level 2” , etc.

    So with all of that said, I feel that the 30 Day Shred is an effective workout that does give results, if you can get through it with no injuries. I just finished Ripped in 30 and really love that! Just be careful and get those rest days and listen to your body. If you don’t, iyou body will put in in check and you can’t get fit if you are sitting on the sidelines. I'll see if I can find that article again and I will post the link.
  • gypsycaravan
    gypsycaravan Posts: 12 Member
    I've had shin splints the past two days which I was getting kind of worried about, because that is what caused me to stop the workout early the first go-around, but I woke up today and my leg feels fine again. I think I'll be okay to keep going because I know what caused it this time.. I was doing jumping jacks and landed the wrong way on one foot and felt a painful sensation go up my leg. If it comes back though, I'll have to rest a few days.
  • Fiore_
    Fiore_ Posts: 33 Member
    I just finished Day 3 of Level 1. I started 5 days ago, with 2 days of rest between Day 1 & 2.

    I wasn't planning to weigh myself this morning, but am glad that I did! I've lost 2.5 pounds this week. I eat all or almost all of my recommended calories, closely watch my sodium, and do at least 30 minutes of cardio every day.

    I understand why everyone complains of knee pain now. I've backed off on the lunges and side lunges to protect my knees. I've been doing strength training for about 10 weeks, but have never had knee pain until starting 30DS.

    **I also looked for an interview by Jillian about whether there should be days of rest or not. In the only interview I found -- she explicitly says to do 30 days in a row. It'll take a lot longer, but I am definitely NOT doing 30DS every day. I don't want shredded knees - ha!
  • im gonna be starting this on 1st December ...until then I will prepare my body for this challenge by eating healthy first.I want ppl who can do this with me and motivate me.whoever is up for it,lemme know x
  • anwylyd_un
    anwylyd_un Posts: 164 Member
    L1D2 was yesterday - I've dropped 0.7 lbs overnight since then, but my measurements are up a fraction at the moment. Not going to worry about it as the scale tells me my water content was higher than usual this morning so I'm going to assume it's muscles holding onto it while they get used to being abused!

    Looking forward to the final result :)
  • anwylyd_un
    anwylyd_un Posts: 164 Member
    Ok, got around to getting some "before" shots - not entirely before as it's after 25 days on here with 50 miles walking and 6 lbs lost, but hey, close enough to the start!


  • Amwhite1986
    Amwhite1986 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm on level 1, day 3.5(I only got through 16 minutes the first day). I'm SOOOO glad I started body weight squats and lunges a few weeks ago!! If my legs weren't a bit used to them, I don't think I'd be able to get through an entire Shred workout. My weight has been at a standstill for over a month now, I really hope this gets it moving.
  • summerroxygoodin
    summerroxygoodin Posts: 62 Member
    I started today. :)
  • nshamith
    nshamith Posts: 37 Member
    Today was day 4 level 1
    I feel awesome
    Lots of energy
    I took my dog for a bike ride and I could feel my legs have build up strength thanks to the squats and jumping jacks!
    I am def doing this every day even though some times during the 25 I feel I am going to die!
    I do take 10 sec rests to keep on it