Angry with Husband



  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Sounds like he loves food more than you. Some dudes just aren't marriage material.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    OP, this is why the earlier suggestion for marriage counseling. Hard to believe this level of disregard for you is only when it comes to food. If it is, then great, but he still needs to grow the hell up.

    That said, if it were me, he'd be sleeping on the loveseat. Too big for it? Let him use the floor. It won't kill him.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    He is just trying to support your weight loss journey. Perhaps you could trade him with one of the people on this site who have horrible mongrel spouses that force feed them?
  • Cristjams
    Cristjams Posts: 13 Member
    "The coke is a lie..."
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I didnt think this needed to said, as people seemed to get it, but in light of some of the responses: this isnt a serious post. It was meant to be lighthearted and funny, a tale of a fit and physically active husband who steals food in a sea of 'my husband is sabotaging me', 'my spouse is unhealthy and lazy.' 'I'm a food addict and toss out my husbands cake!'.

    I thought the goofy nature was pretty plain, considering the goofy replies I got, but some of you worry me.

    No one is going to counseling over grilled cheese. Holy crap folks. Take a breather.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Tell him to get his skinny @$$ away from your muffins! (Or just break-up, which ever is clever)
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I didnt think this needed to said, as people seemed to get it, but in light of some of the responses: this isnt a serious post. It was meant to be lighthearted and funny, a tale of a fit and physically active husband who steals food in a sea of 'my husband is sabotaging me', 'my spouse is unhealthy and lazy.' 'I'm a food addict and toss out my husbands cake!'.

    I thought the goofy nature was pretty plain, considering the goofy replies I got, but some of you worry me.

    No one is going to counseling over grilled cheese. Holy crap folks. Take a breather.

    So, you're saying that YOU REALLY DIDN'T ORDER THE GUMMY BEARS???

    Curses! Foiled again!!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I didnt think this needed to said, as people seemed to get it, but in light of some of the responses: this isnt a serious post. It was meant to be lighthearted and funny, a tale of a fit and physically active husband who steals food in a sea of 'my husband is sabotaging me', 'my spouse is unhealthy and lazy.' 'I'm a food addict and toss out my husbands cake!'.

    I thought the goofy nature was pretty plain, considering the goofy replies I got, but some of you worry me.

    No one is going to counseling over grilled cheese. Holy crap folks. Take a breather.

    So, you're saying that YOU REALLY DIDN'T ORDER THE GUMMY BEARS???

    Curses! Foiled again!!

    Alas, I did not. Maybe if it came in smaller bags or something.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I didnt think this needed to said, as people seemed to get it, but in light of some of the responses: this isnt a serious post. It was meant to be lighthearted and funny, a tale of a fit and physically active husband who steals food in a sea of 'my husband is sabotaging me', 'my spouse is unhealthy and lazy.' 'I'm a food addict and toss out my husbands cake!'.

    I thought the goofy nature was pretty plain, considering the goofy replies I got, but some of you worry me.

    No one is going to counseling over grilled cheese. Holy crap folks. Take a breather.

    Are you sure? I mean first, it's the grilled cheese, then it's your underwear and high heels...
  • mominstands
    mominstands Posts: 83 Member
    I don't know how to post a link, but here is a 5 lb bag of sugar free gummy bears that will solve allllll your problems (read the product reviews... They're awesome!)

    thank you. this made my morning. the reviews have me in tears

    Mine too, I have the whole office reading them and we are laughing to tears.......BEST POST for a Laught!!!
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 841 Member
    while you said you asked him about why he ate your muffins, that doesn't mean that he realized how serious and sincere you were about it, but rather just thought it was an annoyance. I would be blunt. After a stupid fight with my hubbie years ago, I asked how I could communicate how big a deal whatever it was to him better, that was his response. Guys don't get girls more subtle behaviour when it comes to expressing anger. So sit him down and showing no wavering but not be emotional (angry, accusatory, weepy etc), "Sweetie I love you, but if we are both going to get healthier you have to let me eat my food. I can make you some as well, but you need to ask before taking food off of my plate. Otherwise I'll end up eating yor food which won't do me any good and resenting the fact that you can eat everything, when I can't have my special treat"

    Of course if you keep making yummy grilled cheese like that and he's around just plan on making some for him as well.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I didnt think this needed to said, as people seemed to get it, but in light of some of the responses: this isnt a serious post. It was meant to be lighthearted and funny, a tale of a fit and physically active husband who steals food in a sea of 'my husband is sabotaging me', 'my spouse is unhealthy and lazy.' 'I'm a food addict and toss out my husbands cake!'.

    I thought the goofy nature was pretty plain, considering the goofy replies I got, but some of you worry me.

    No one is going to counseling over grilled cheese. Holy crap folks. Take a breather.

    You can understand the confustion as this is posted in General Diet and Weight Loss Help and not Chit-Chat, Fun and Games. I still think you should put laxatives in the muffins.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I can't believe he thinks its okay to take the food you're actively eating off of your plate when you leave the room for a moment. Who does that? That's like naughty housepet behavior, he should know better.
  • pineapple_jojo
    pineapple_jojo Posts: 440 Member
    Your husband sounds rather inconsiderate of your feelings. This isn't just about food - on a larger scale I would say that this points to a disregard for your well being. Are you able to sit down and discuss this?

    Also why is he trying to gain weight? His current weight is healthy for his height. If he really wants to bulk up he should do it healthily with a high protein diet and some weights. Gaining weight by eating high fat food...isn't that why most of us are on mfp in the first place?
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Of course you are kidding and it is hilarious. I live with four people who are something like this. What I do is make lots of delicious healthy food (sometimes nasty healthy experimental food) for everyone. They eat my "special" food (with caution due to the nasty recipe mishaps) and then they eat their own "void of nutrition food" and everybody is happy. Do you have kids? Kids will do it too. My husband does understand the financial difference between the "healthy" food and the "junk" food and sometimes forbids the kids from "eating mama's expensive food". In my opinion it's not going to hurt any of them to eat healthy and it's on daddy's dollar too.
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    I didnt think this needed to said, as people seemed to get it, but in light of some of the responses: this isnt a serious post. It was meant to be lighthearted and funny, a tale of a fit and physically active husband who steals food in a sea of 'my husband is sabotaging me', 'my spouse is unhealthy and lazy.' 'I'm a food addict and toss out my husbands cake!'.

    I thought the goofy nature was pretty plain, considering the goofy replies I got, but some of you worry me.

    No one is going to counseling over grilled cheese. Holy crap folks. Take a breather.

    Are you sure? I mean first, it's the grilled cheese, then it's your underwear and high heels...

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I didnt think this needed to said, as people seemed to get it, but in light of some of the responses: this isnt a serious post. It was meant to be lighthearted and funny, a tale of a fit and physically active husband who steals food in a sea of 'my husband is sabotaging me', 'my spouse is unhealthy and lazy.' 'I'm a food addict and toss out my husbands cake!'.

    I thought the goofy nature was pretty plain, considering the goofy replies I got, but some of you worry me.

    No one is going to counseling over grilled cheese. Holy crap folks. Take a breather.

    Are you sure? I mean first, it's the grilled cheese, then it's your underwear and high heels...

    I'll have you know my husband looks lovely in heels. He has to buy his own, since I only wear a size 6 and he wears a size gigantic, but still! Lovely.

    Also why is he trying to gain weight? His current weight is healthy for his height. If he really wants to bulk up he should do it healthily with a high protein diet and some weights. Gaining weight by eating high fat food...isn't that why most of us are on mfp in the first place?

    :huh: Most people are on MFP because they ate above their TDEE in an uncontrolled manner and put on weight until they got to a point where they were unhappy with themselves and their bodies.

    My husband wants to gain weight because he's currently unhappy with his body and would like to put on more muscle mass; this is the same reason I'll be doing a bulk one I lose another ten pounds. You assume a lot about his diet based on the details of 2 or 3 meals, but I can assure you we're both aware of what it takes to do a bulk and he intakes plenty of protein, usually more than his BW in grams.

    Finally lots of people do fine with high fat diets; some even use high fat to lose weight. High fat doesn't make you fat.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I didnt think this needed to said, as people seemed to get it, but in light of some of the responses: this isnt a serious post. It was meant to be lighthearted and funny, a tale of a fit and physically active husband who steals food in a sea of 'my husband is sabotaging me', 'my spouse is unhealthy and lazy.' 'I'm a food addict and toss out my husbands cake!'.

    I thought the goofy nature was pretty plain, considering the goofy replies I got, but some of you worry me.

    No one is going to counseling over grilled cheese. Holy crap folks. Take a breather.

    You can understand the confustion as this is posted in General Diet and Weight Loss Help and not Chit-Chat, Fun and Games. I still think you should put laxatives in the muffins.

    Not all humor posts end up in CC, and it seems that yesterday most people realized it was in jest. Today however the humor seemed to be missed.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    that's cause they didn't read it all. :-D
  • Put an excessive amount of chili in your food and go off and leave it for a while and let him steal it.....