Finally took a picture today



  • D8vidFitness
    Good luck my man!

    try using resistance bands, and work your way up with the push ups. Key is stay consistent! No more fast food, if you're going to eat dirty, make it yourself! Don't assume your diet will be plain mixed greens and boiled chicken, gradually eat down to a point where you can stay consistent.

    losing weights and gaining muscles should be fun, challenging, and exciting!

    Good luck.
  • Pamela_in_Progress
    Pamela_in_Progress Posts: 197 Member
    Here's another site you can try. I've found it very helpful. Good luck!

    You can also look up nerd fitness on youtube and there are tons of body weight workouts you can do.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    Here's what an ex-military man taught me. I was wanting to be able to do more than 20-25 push ups in a row. He told that I should either every other day or three days a week try to do as many push ups that I could in 2 minutes, not real fast and not real slow. So I set the timer and began. Started with 25, then rested several seconds, then did around 10, rested, then 5 until the two minutes was up. I was very surprised how this 2 minute technique could work. I went from doing 25 in a row to a 100.

    Then I started adding positions and did it for 3 minutes. I did the standard position, the v hand position and the arms spread wide position. You can do push ups anywhere and build strength. Sundays and Fridays are my push up days. From learning to do the 2 minute drill and being patient with the results I now complete 500 push ups during my 9 minute workout.
  • Demon676
    Demon676 Posts: 11 Member

    This is a link to the navy training program that is available for building up in prep for their fitness test.

    Pages 6 and 7 have good diagrams for proper forms in the exercises. Tailor it to what is achievable. If you cannot do press ups, start by getting into the proper press up position and holding for a few seconds, then dropping down into plank position (without your body or knees touching the ground) and back up to press up position. This should help strengthen your arms a bit as any resistance is good. By moving between the two positions, it means each arm will support all your weight at one time, giving an extra dynamic.
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345

    Read that, then go through their site - they go over a lot of great body work stuff.
  • hcatterall
    hcatterall Posts: 3 Member
    Fitsugar has some great suggestions/videos. I like their style because they focus on safety and technique. Check them out...
  • Fredducharme
    Fredducharme Posts: 17 Member
    Your eating is not good. Get rid of the fast foods and processed foods. Focus on fruit, veges, nuts, and lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef). No white stuff...Always whole grains/wheat. No soda not even diet. 3 meals a day and healthy snack in between. Exercise daily 30-45 minutes'll be ripped in no time.
  • mapenguinkeeper
    Gotta cut the Frankenfood and put some fruits, veg and whole grains in your diet. Sugared cereal is empty calories.I see you are on food stamps, but I grew up on them and you can eat a very healthy diet, BUT you have to be willing to teach yourself how to cook. Oatmeal, eggs are cheap. Multi-grain bread is not that much more expensive and Soooo much better for you and your blood sugar - white bread is like main-lining sugar - again empty calories. There are all kinds of delicious whole grain wraps that make great alternatives to bread. Stews and stir-fries are ridiculously simple and very nutritious. You have a computer so just google recipes or go to Food They rate all their recipes so you can easily pick the easy ones which also float to the top. Frozen veg and fruits are fine (if you cannot afford fresh) just be sure to pick them without added salt, sugar or sauce. Milk is expensive, use those $$ for good lowfat cheese or yogurt, which are much more nutrient dense.

    My hubby's fav go-to breakfast is lowfat greek yogurt, frozen berries or cherries and homemade granola (there are also some really good pre-made ones on the market, just check the label for too much added fat or sugar).
  • baldmitch
    baldmitch Posts: 90 Member
    1st - your pic is fine.

    2nd - work with what ya got, but work it!

    3rd - water. water. water. more water. water until you are in a near constant state of pee. This increases your metabolism. A gallon to a gallon and a half a day - that's your new status symbol.

    4th - crunches don't need dumbells...all you need is a floor and a wall/chair/couch. Push-ups. Jumping jacks. Grab a mile o' road. Swipe a tennis ball from a nearby tennis court and teach yourself handball on the side of the house. Shadow box. Climb a tree.

    Watch your calories. Expend energy whenever you can. Work up some endurance. Drink lot's of water.

    As soon as you can - invest in some decent walking/running shoes (even if you are just going to walk). It doesn't matter the name - you don't need Nike or Sketchers. Just something that's going to be durable. I get Adidas at the outlet mall, because Adidas fit's my hobbit-like feet like nobody's business, and retail seconds are significantly cheaper and look exactly the same as retail first-runs. If you have a Burlington Coat Factory or outlet mall, go price some running shoes.
  • SmudgeMonkey2000

    This is a link to the navy training program that is available for building up in prep for their fitness test.

    Pages 6 and 7 have good diagrams for proper forms in the exercises. Tailor it to what is achievable. If you cannot do press ups, start by getting into the proper press up position and holding for a few seconds, then dropping down into plank position (without your body or knees touching the ground) and back up to press up position. This should help strengthen your arms a bit as any resistance is good. By moving between the two positions, it means each arm will support all your weight at one time, giving an extra dynamic.
    Thanks for the link, looks like good stuff.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    Read that, then go through their site - they go over a lot of great body work stuff.

    Yup, I was going to recommend exactly the same thing :) NF is a great resource
  • mssierra2u
    mssierra2u Posts: 86 Member
    I've found this site to be useful for finding exercises you can do at home:

    Great job taking the picture, I would also suggest taking your measurements now, so that you have different ways to track your progress. There will be times when the scale wont move, but other things will. Congratulations on making the right moves for your health and well being.
  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    You have taken the first step by joining MFP, now take one day at a time one step at a time, don't give up and you will succeed...I believe this is a mental change as much as a physical one, things take time and remember we all fall but the important thing is we get back up and try again.....

    Good luck with your journey
