One Night Stand - Liberating or shameful?



  • rhodria
    Do whatever you're comfortable with. It's no one else's business but yours.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Never had one, but I am not against it.
    I don't impose any rules on myself when it comes to sex (like no one night stands, no sex on first dates, etc). I like having it happen naturally. I've had sex the next day, and I've had sex after 6 months. It all depends.
    If you want a one night stand, by all means go ahead and have one. Just be very careful who you take home with you. And condoms.
  • new_bella
    new_bella Posts: 199 Member
    Too meaningless...not for me.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member

    But hey just one guys thoughts what do I no just some guy

    Exactly. Apparently not the difference between "know" and "no" or "right" and "rite". Also, sex is not a moral issue unless you're discussing consent.

    Context, like when grandpa pulls out the old sextant

  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    Depends on the circumstances surrounding the need to have one. If you don't want to be attached to anyone and you just want to get laid then nothing to be shameful about. If you are in a relationship and you have one to fill a void that's missing in your relationship then you should be ashamed.

    So many scenarios though but I don't think people should be ashamed unless they are cheating on a current partner because you are actually going out of your way to hurt someone even if you think you are not.
  • IwearBatmanUndies
    contrary to popular belief,Im against it. Im old fashioned-:ohwell:
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    Just no, we all have a Build in moral compass, we all have it..yet clearly some peoples have been demagnetised.

    We are meant to find a partner and be loyal and love them and show them respect pretty simple how can you do that in one nite... Don't do it, be happy within yourself learn to love yourself and then your find a nice guy whom will share his world with yours

    Only have time for one love in this short life so make it special all grow old and be lonely bed hoping

    But hey just one guys thoughts what do I no just some guy

    I think we are ment to do a lot more in the life then "find a partner and be loyal" Also, why do we only have time for one love in this short life? I have been fortunate enough to love many people! I feel most strongly about my partner now and I have chosen to be with only him now. However I am super glad I have a past and have met many others I cared for.

    Everyone has their own views of course!
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    I'm an old fashioned girl so it wouldn't be something I would engage in.

    I am not sure it is all that safe either - strangers and diseases etc.
    This. You said it better than I could lol. At least "nicer" than I would have said it.

    They're called condoms. Also, people who are married and in relationships can give each other diseases too.

    I also don't see how their safety makes them either liberating or shameful.
  • 1989lukemyers
    1989lukemyers Posts: 158 Member

    But hey just one guys thoughts what do I no just some guy

    Exactly. Apparently not the difference between "know" and "no" or "right" and "rite". Also, sex is not a moral issue unless you're discussing consent.

    Oh dear, hope you can accept my deepest apologies, for my senselessness and my lack of education in the text, but suffering from dyslexia (which is one hard word to spell when one is haha) I hope you can look past this and be able to live and over come my mistakes :)

    So anyway I would take a guess to say your one of them whom believe it's liberating then?... ;)
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Have had a few before the hubs showed up. As long as it's between consenting adults, I have no issue with it.
  • 1989lukemyers
    1989lukemyers Posts: 158 Member
    Just no, we all have a Build in moral compass, we all have it..yet clearly some peoples have been demagnetised.

    We are meant to find a partner and be loyal and love them and show them respect pretty simple how can you do that in one nite... Don't do it, be happy within yourself learn to love yourself and then your find a nice guy whom will share his world with yours

    Only have time for one love in this short life so make it special all grow old and be lonely bed hoping

    But hey just one guys thoughts what do I no just some guy

    I think we are ment to do a lot more in the life then "find a partner and be loyal" Also, why do we only have time for one love in this short life? I have been fortunate enough to love many people! I feel most strongly about my partner now and I have chosen to be with only him now. However I am super glad I have a past and have met many others I cared for.

    Everyone has their own views of course!

    In that short text you have changed my view thank you :)
  • thxo
    thxo Posts: 107 Member
    Okay okay, maybe liberating and shameful aren't the correct terms to use in regards to the topic. It wasn't an implication towards my personal preferences either, purely curiosity. The circumstances may vary but I assumed it would apply to SINGLE people and whether the idea of it is appealing or appalling. Apologies in advance if anyone takes offense ..
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Just no, we all have a Build in moral compass, we all have it..yet clearly some peoples have been demagnetised.

    We are meant to find a partner and be loyal and love them and show them respect pretty simple how can you do that in one nite... Don't do it, be happy within yourself learn to love yourself and then your find a nice guy whom will share his world with yours

    Only have time for one love in this short life so make it special all grow old and be lonely bed hoping

    But hey just one guys thoughts what do I no just some guy

    Sex means different things to different people. That doesn't make them wrong nor immoral.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    shamefully liberating
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    Prior to the hubby I was unashamed and defiantly pro... never broke a heart on a one nighter. Have lots of friends who would never had indulged, I am hoping to not loose my memory and have a smile on my face in my nursing home... quite a few decent memories
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member

    But hey just one guys thoughts what do I no just some guy

    Exactly. Apparently not the difference between "know" and "no" or "right" and "rite". Also, sex is not a moral issue unless you're discussing consent.

    Oh dear, hope you can accept my deepest apologies, for my senselessness and my lack of education in the text, but suffering from dyslexia (which is one hard word to spell when one is haha) I hope you can look past this and be able to live and over come my mistakes :)

    So anyway I would take a guess to say your one of them whom believe it's liberating then?... ;)

    I don't find it either. Which you would know if you'd read my comment. I think it's a person's decision and depends on the context. For some people it's enjoyable and fun and for others it isn't so great. I enjoy casual sex (I haven't had a one night stand since college) but I also find it to be a different kind of sex (not better or worse) from sex with a romantic partner. See? Neither glorifying nor shaming people who have one night stands. Whoda thunk there'd be a view that isn't black or white!?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm an old fashioned girl so it wouldn't be something I would engage in.

    I am not sure it is all that safe either - strangers and diseases etc.

    Um, you do know that there's this neat invention called condoms, right? And this other neat thing called "STD testing" that many adults do?
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    Prior to the hubby I was unashamed and defiantly pro... never broke a heart on a one nighter. Have lots of friends who would never had indulged, I am hoping to not loose my memory and have a smile on my face in my nursing home... quite a few decent memories
    Oh and the priest said for him it was love at first sight...for her she simply asked what his name was over breakfast... my granny did not know where to look...still in love 10 years later
  • 1989lukemyers
    1989lukemyers Posts: 158 Member
    Just no, we all have a Build in moral compass, we all have it..yet clearly some peoples have been demagnetised.

    We are meant to find a partner and be loyal and love them and show them respect pretty simple how can you do that in one nite... Don't do it, be happy within yourself learn to love yourself and then your find a nice guy whom will share his world with yours

    Only have time for one love in this short life so make it special all grow old and be lonely bed hoping

    But hey just one guys thoughts what do I no just some guy

    Sex means different things to different people. That doesn't make them wrong nor immoral.

    Indeed and above is what I believe.. I don't open a packet of chips and let everyone put there hands in there I don't put toothpaste on my tooth brush then brush a few hundred others first with it ... It's simple I think your not going to be happy bed hoping
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    No. Casual sex is just...ick. This is how STDs get spread like wildfire. I was raised and still believe that sex is meant to be with someone you deeply love and care about.

    Here's the way I see it:

    Nothing really BAD will ever happen to anyone by holding out for someone you truly love, yet whole hosts of horrible, life-changing (and possibly life-ruining) things can happen from passing yourself around like a joint. Just something to think about.
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