cabbage soup diet?



  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    One egg for protein? ... Whoa, don't over do it there ...

    DIET FAIL! ... Seriously, if you're deadest on doing the "jump start" or "cleanse" thing (it's a mental thing), why not incorporate some more variety (fruit and veg-wise)? ... You could do 2 days of fruit, veg, and for protein: Greek yogurt, hard boiled eggs, and chicken (simple, easy, nutritious) and you'd probably be much happier ...
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I agree that this soup diet is not the way to go, but I don't understand why people have to be so hateful in voicing their opinions about it.

    From my own experience and believe me I have plenty... these types of diets only lead to relapses and more weight gain and depression and feeling like a failure etc.

    I agree ...people can be very harsh almost as if they never were that desperate dieter that most of us have become at times when struggling with weight loss....sometimes by the responses It makes me feel as if most of the posters are not truly overweight and troll just to give there opinions..true weight loss is hard. And I mean people who truly are overweight...I see some of the poster s that can be especially harsh and unsympathic look like trainers or extremely fit....op questions like about the soup diet I would say is looking for a dieter whom is struggling to get things going and is desperate to try something and reaching out to those of the like which seems to be impossible with all the negative trolling....op good luck...I understand your question and wondered the same myself about the soup as well as many other things but I must say I was always disappointed..cutting cals is working and alot decipline ...everyday it gets easier keep trucking you,ll find your nitch with weightless soon...

    Wait, so just because there are people who are successful and are no longer overweight, their opinions are then null and void? Or even those whove never been overweight...Makes perfect sense. I didn't realize there were set standards on what fitness level we are currently and started from made a bearing on our input...

    Why r u taking this personal? Did I address you or did your ego completely identify with the type of poster I was referring too.....Btw I said extremly fit or trainers I don't get that impression of your profile that your quit there yet...and i said nothing about null and void so calm

    The successful ones, who are no longer overweight, are the ones you should be listening to ... SMH, sometimes people need to remember that "being supportive" doesn't mean always saying "yes" or "great job", being supportive also means giving constructive criticism when need be ... People need to grow-up, it's okay to have your feelings hurt sometimes, it makes you a better, more well-rounded person ...
  • TCD01
    TCD01 Posts: 25
    Yo your body needs protein (animal meat flesh etc)to be healthy and eating protein and healthy fats will help alot more than some "diet" Change ur habits n dont do some diet. This way when u loose ur weight you will keep it off... I wish u much luck.
  • gypsyGIRL159
    gypsyGIRL159 Posts: 78 Member
    DO what "Grillnchill" said.... THATS THE TICKET TO SURE SUCCESS. I used to use the Cabbage Soup diet and it worked a minute, then I went back to eating everything but the stove. LIFE STYLE CHANGES WORK. NOT DIETS.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I'll put my two cents in here. There are no "jump starts", there are no quick fixes. Many of us on here are just trying to help you out by telling you this because we've already been there and failed. We learned through our past failures that cabbage soup diets, juice cleanses, raspberry ketones,green coffee beans and diet pills do not work. A calorie deficit works. That's all. We learned the hard way and are just trying to save you what will eventually be disappointment. Some peoples way of delivering these message may seem a little harsh, but truth is truth.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    I can understand the need to set a mental starting place for your new healthy lifestyle. There's nothing wrong with that. But using an unsafe diet as your marker is unhealthy and can ruin your motivation once you make the transition to regular foods because you will put the weight back on. It's better to set a calendar date if you need a mental starting point.
  • blackhawks25
    blackhawks25 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't think anyone was trying to be offensive, but if you look at it from the flip can't post on a forum designed to help people lose weight in a healthy "lifestyle change" kind of way and expect them to be all "go team starvation diet!" it might have been harsh advice but it was coming from people who know what they're talking about because they've been there and they've done the work to get healthy the right way.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member

    I prefer to eat REAL food.
  • lighteningjeanne855
    If you like cabbage, and I have to admit that I LOVE cabbage, make the soup and graze on it all you want while you train your brain and stomach to want less food. But also be sure to get your proper calories and macros and exercise as you intend to live forever. Learn to eat properly through research and trial and error, and use the soup for your munchie-fests that you just can't get past right away.

    I agree with the advice quoted above.
    I'm going to make some cabbage soup, albeit with beef, to have for my 'low-glycemic carb' vegetables.
    I like to feel very full, and this is a 'guilt-free' way to do that, for me.

    Best wishes!
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    it amazes me people post this crap and then when they hear the answers they get a MOD to delete our responses...have fun with the cabbage and egg diet troll...clearly your not open to advice since you are reporting any advice you don't like
  • sheltony
    sheltony Posts: 73 Member
    Too much to read....I tried the cabbage soup diet and the banana diet and the diet tea diet and oh well. NOTHING worked long term for me. It was a good starting point, but then I had to make the life changes anyway afterwards. This time, I took a week and started logging food (not changing a thing about what I ate) and figured out how many calories I ate each day. Then I did some research and found out how many I really need. OH boy, rude awakening. THe good thing was, though, that I'd learned how to log the food. That's the real trick for me. True awareness. If it gets put in the mouth it goes on the page. Then I have to admit the truth of it and it makes me be more conscious. Hope you get where you want to be. Not everyone is a grouch or a smart aleck. There's lots of genuine, kind, inspirational folks on this site. Here's to your good health!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I just joined so there may be already a thread about this. Lol. But I just started and seeing if anyone else use this to jumpstart diet?? I boil cabbage.onions and a vegatable bouillion cube. And only reason I'm not goin insane with hunger is cause I'm taking phentermine appetite suppresant helping. Gona keep on this all weekend! And a boiled egg for protein. And gummy vitamin supplement.

    I too, love cabbage soup. I highly recommend adding a couple pounds of hammy hambones to the brew.

    Protip: If you eat it with a huge hunk of crusty bread, you stay fuller longer. Incredible trick.

    Stay off the drugs, son.

    Good Luck on Your Journey!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Quit looking for a quick fix.

    Eat less.
    Move more.

    And quit that stupid cabbage soup diet

    I concur with Santa Claus.

    The cabbage diet has been around since the I was a youngster back in the 60's and 70's, and probably before then. Yep, people would say, "Do the cabbage diet and you WILL lose weight."

    Yeah, first you lose water, then if you can stand the soup, you lose maybe a little weight, and then by the time you get back to normal eating, you gain all your weight back plus more.

    Diets don't work long term. Just eat less calories than you burn and you'll lose weight.

    Oh, and stop taking that diet pill. It's not good for you.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Really dumb. Eat food.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Why would anyone think this is a good idea?
    because its worked for so many people..

    oh wait....
    I agree that this soup diet is not the way to go, but I don't understand why people have to be so hateful in voicing their opinions about it.

    From my own experience and believe me I have plenty... these types of diets only lead to relapses and more weight gain and depression and feeling like a failure etc.

    I agree ...people can be very harsh almost as if they never were that desperate dieter that most of us have become at times when struggling with weight loss....sometimes by the responses It makes me feel as if most of the posters are not truly overweight and troll just to give there opinions..true weight loss is hard. And I mean people who truly are overweight...I see some of the poster s that can be especially harsh and unsympathic look like trainers or extremely fit....op questions like about the soup diet I would say is looking for a dieter whom is struggling to get things going and is desperate to try something and reaching out to those of the like which seems to be impossible with all the negative trolling....op good luck...I understand your question and wondered the same myself about the soup as well as many other things but I must say I was always disappointed..cutting cals is working and alot decipline ...everyday it gets easier keep trucking you,ll find your nitch with weightless soon...

    Wait, so just because there are people who are successful and are no longer overweight, their opinions are then null and void? Or even those whove never been overweight...Makes perfect sense. I didn't realize there were set standards on what fitness level we are currently and started from made a bearing on our input...

    Why r u taking this personal? Did I address you or did your ego completely identify with the type of poster I was referring too.....Btw I said extremly fit or trainers I don't get that impression of your profile that your quit there yet...and i said nothing about null and void so calm

    The successful ones, who are no longer overweight, are the ones you should be listening to ... SMH, sometimes people need to remember that "being supportive" doesn't mean always saying "yes" or "great job", being supportive also means giving constructive criticism when need be ... People need to grow-up, it's okay to have your feelings hurt sometimes, it makes you a better, more well-rounded person ...

    Understood, but you don't have to be *kitten* about it we are all old enough to know how to give constructive feedback instead of being rude there is a huge difference...just because you have gone threw the trenches of weight loss the emotional as well as physical journey of it does not make ANY of you a expert or have the right to be condecending... These forums are filled with ego sometimes and it is disappointing when your still struggling, to have people actually insult you for asking a the truth hard? yes, but it don't have to be harsh! Remember where YOU came from before you started this journey before you get on your high horses....
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I agree that this soup diet is not the way to go, but I don't understand why people have to be so hateful in voicing their opinions about it.

    From my own experience and believe me I have plenty... these types of diets only lead to relapses and more weight gain and depression and feeling like a failure etc.

    I agree ...people can be very harsh almost as if they never were that desperate dieter that most of us have become at times when struggling with weight loss....sometimes by the responses It makes me feel as if most of the posters are not truly overweight and troll just to give there opinions..true weight loss is hard. And I mean people who truly are overweight...I see some of the poster s that can be especially harsh and unsympathic look like trainers or extremely fit....op questions like about the soup diet I would say is looking for a dieter whom is struggling to get things going and is desperate to try something and reaching out to those of the like which seems to be impossible with all the negative trolling....op good luck...I understand your question and wondered the same myself about the soup as well as many other things but I must say I was always disappointed..cutting cals is working and alot decipline ...everyday it gets easier keep trucking you,ll find your nitch with weightless soon...

    Wait, so just because there are people who are successful and are no longer overweight, their opinions are then null and void? Or even those whove never been overweight...Makes perfect sense. I didn't realize there were set standards on what fitness level we are currently and started from made a bearing on our input...

    Why r u taking this personal? Did I address you or did your ego completely identify with the type of poster I was referring too.....Btw I said extremly fit or trainers I don't get that impression of your profile that your quit there yet...and i said nothing about null and void so calm

    The successful ones, who are no longer overweight, are the ones you should be listening to ... SMH, sometimes people need to remember that "being supportive" doesn't mean always saying "yes" or "great job", being supportive also means giving constructive criticism when need be ... People need to grow-up, it's okay to have your feelings hurt sometimes, it makes you a better, more well-rounded person ...

    Understood, but you don't have to be *kitten* about it we are all old enough to know how to give constructive feedback instead of being rude there is a huge difference...just because you have gone threw the trenches of weight loss the emotional as well as physical journey of it does not make ANY of you a expert or have the right to be condecending... These forums are filled with ego sometimes and it is disappointing when your still struggling, to have people actually insult you for asking a the truth hard? yes, but it don't have to be harsh! Remember where YOU came from before you started this journey before you get on your high horses....

    You should take your own advice, then. Since you seem to make a goal of putting me down because I'm not quite "there" yet. Heaven forbid I give input about others success and what little I guess I've achieved against your negativity about varying opinions and ways of conveying. Must be my ego.