November Challenge

here's my challenge to myself....and since it's always much more fun to do things in groups, i'm inviting you to join me! ALL of you!

my goal for November is to do 50 push ups a day. this may not be a bunch for some of you. but for me, and many others, it IS alot.

i typically do my push ups on my exercise ball. if you can only do "girly" push ups, the do those. if you can do the "boy" push ups, then do those. do whatever style you can.

have a bad knee/ankle/ your push ups against a wall. stand with your feet away from the wall (24" more or less) then do your push ups against the wall. it WILL make a difference. you may want to add more since they aren't quite as difficult. but they WILL help tone your upper body too.

imagine what our arms will look like when we are done! the additional movement to your workout routine will also kick up your burn a bit.

who's in? friend me if we aren't friends already. send me a message to let me know you are in so i can keep an eye on your progress.

do 50 a day. or 100 every other day. you CAN do this!!!


  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    I'm in -- doing the wall push ups. Thanks for the challenge.

  • KaeChelle
    I will try this, but I am going to have to start with wall push ups! Maybe by the end of the month I can do "girly" floor push ups. :happy:
  • MaryBeth1989
    I can do girly push ups! I'm in!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    this sounds good! I hope i remember! haha. I hate my arms... so maybe this will help!!!! anyone wanna do some sit ups too? :)
  • SilverVal
    SilverVal Posts: 22 Member
    I m in but will start witht he wall push ups and try soon enoug for the floor ones
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    I'm in - girly push ups for me :smile:
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    SURE! I'll do it with you! Of course I'm starting on the wall! haha...
  • monoxidechick
    I like this challenge...push ups are something that I have been avoiding, but would like to start in on. I will have to start with the girlie ones for now. Hopefuly this will change by the end of the month.

    This is something that I can easily add to my mornings. I am new here and the small steps are the ones that I am looking for right now. Thanks for this, I am in!!
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    i'm in! 50 girly push ups. maybe by the end of the month, i'll be able to do real ones :P
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    Im in!!! woohoo- here we go!!
  • breannk
    I'm in! :smile: this is a really good challenge! I'm starting out with girly push ups but maybe by the end of the month ill be able to do the real push ups! :bigsmile:
  • bikker59
    bikker59 Posts: 11 Member
    I would like to join this...and I wll also add 200 sit ups or crunches a day. I can do about 20 regular push ups at one time..I will shoot for 25 regular pushups twice a day, probably will do some girlie ones in there.. :o)..... Thanks for the challenge
  • erin_89
    I'm so in but I'll do the "girly" 30 everyday to start with then move to 50 a day. Maybe by the end of the month I can do one full push up.
  • htdavidson
    I'm in, I fall into the bad knee group so I will be using my wall!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    OK I'm in!
  • Lugenna
    I'm in, can't promise to do 50 a day, but I sure can try to get minimum of 25!! ...GIRLY OF COURSE!...for now
  • alm0824
    alm0824 Posts: 118
    I'm in!! I need something new to motivate me; I've really slacked off the last 2 months. I'll probably be starting with the wall.
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    I'll try the girly push ups! :)
  • eyoreblu
    I will try, HAVE to be the wall, have not done push ups in years!!! Need some strenght in my arms!!!
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    I'm in, I'll be starting with ball push ups and hoping to be able to do at least 20 full pushups by the end of the challenge.