

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jodios - nice to see you.

    :flowerforyou: bluesky248 - Welcome to this thread. I agree that our age used to appear so old to us.

    :flowerforyou: Laura: 153 lbs in 14 months. That is truly amazing. It has been so inspiring to see so many of the women on this thread going through their journey towards better health.

    :frown: Meg, sorry to hear you have been sick. I hope you rest up adequately. You've had such a busy work life.

    I went to jazzercise this morning and worked up a good sweat. Unfortunate for me, the 6:15 AM classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be cancelled in a couple of weeks, because the instructor is stopping. It may start up again in the spring with a new instructor. There are several after-work classes, but I have found they often don't work out for me, because I can't get there in time. Darn, and I had just signed up for two months of unlimited jazzercise. Not a big deal, it means I will have to find another solution.

    The colleague that I was walking with at lunchtime has now gone on a 6 month leave down to sunny California. Lucky duck.

    I had a lovely sushi lunch on Friday with my friend. We tell each other that we should do this more often. An hour is just not long enough :bigsmile:

    DD and I went out for lunch on Saturday and then went shopping, all without toddler. Woohoo. We love hanging out together. She gets very tired now that she is expecting, so our shopping is not as high energy as it normally is. Her nausea seems to be manageable however. I remember how tired I was when I was expecting baby #2. It's a whole different world when you have toddler running around. Had I told you she is expecting? I can't remember now. I know we were keeping it quiet at first, because she had had a miscarriage in the summer. Anyway, it's pretty exciting. She is due mid - June.

    It has been cold this last week. In fact, downright frosty. Can't complain though, it brings out the sunshine. And that in turn brings out the sunshine in people too.

    I've read most of the posts and got my dose of vitamin F. Thanks for being here. You are an amazing bunch of women.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :laugh: Seen on a sign today: "Excuses don't burn Calories". :wink: Darn
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I've got a bone to pick with Walmart. I have found that they have a brand of the mini carrots there that are organic and are so much sweeter than the others. so Friday when we were shopping I found the same brand in a larger bag that has it'sown zip lock. So I bought that. I opened it up today and they are so slimy. I scrubbed and scrubbed to get that off but they still weren't as sweet. These are bigger mini carrots and I didn't like that either. So I guess I'll continue to look for the smaller bag and buy 2 at a time.

    Went to the Y. Finally figured out how to adjust the level on my bike. I clicked on gears and put it at 4 but by the time I had this epiphamy moment to look is was 40 minutes into my hour so I didn't get as much of a workout. My FitBit hasn't synced with MFP yesterday or today. But I manually entered it.

    Since it is just a small amount of people here this week for Thanksgiving I won't be as picky with my housekeeping. My kitchen needs to be really cleaned, especially my floor and the breakfast bar but the rest of the house won't get as much. I have a couple of sister in laws that are very tidy housekeepers and I feel pressured to have my house look like theirs. But my sister and nephew's wife know me. My kitchen was not made for the size house this is. The counter top space is awful. So it all has to be cleaned off and made available for prep space. DH doesn't understand that the kitchen needs to be remodeled to increase the space. It is a 4 bedroom house but the kitchen doesn't show it

    Laura, you're weight loss amazes me. I have been at it for 13 months and lost 46 pounds. Thanks for all your encouragement last night and today. I know I have control over my life only but I really miss my Mom and the adhesiveness she gave our family

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We just dropped of GD#1 after taking her to a performance of our Southeast Kansas Symphony. She was an absolute gem! She especially enjoyed the guest artist who was a woman singing opera. That kid was completely dumbstruck! When I took her home she kept telling her dad how AWESOME it was. Now I am convinced that music lessons are the way to go with her. Fun, fun, fun.

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I lost 1.6 lbs this week. :happy:

    I can't seem to get out of this funk. I really don't like this time of year. I do everything for my kids, they both love Christmas.

    I did go to the Y yesterday & today in hopes that working out would help with my mood but it really hasn't.

    Lots of cooking today to make the weeks meals easier. Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. Grey Cup tonight so I'll be watching the game with my DD.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope u all had a good sun.It started cool at 17.Hubby dropped me at church.Walked home.
    Had a lazy kind of day..
    Have a good day.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    well not any formal exercise except for taking the puppies around the block, doing laundry and getting stuff ready for thursday...
    somehow i hit the wrong key on here and lost my bookmark tab,so have to figure that out....:grumble:
    im tucked in with the boys and just messing around on the computer:embarassed:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Forgot to tell you about a huge NSV I had today. I was getting dressed to go to the symphony and took my good dress pants out of the closet, slipped them on and actually thought I had somebody else's pants. In December, last time I wore them, I was popping the stitches out on the sides when I sat down. Today, I couldn't keep them up! They were enormous! I wound up wearing my tiny yoga pants because they were the only black pants I have that fit. And my good pea coat nearly swallowed me up too, but I had to wear it anyway. Boy, do I love this! I also fit easily into the theater seats today too. This was the best time I've ever had at the symphony.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    awesome Sylvia!!! whoooo hoooo
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    anamika - good for you not having any sweets for 2 weeks!

    Rori - so sorry to hear that you are back to rest. Don't try to do too much too fast, you certainly don't want to reinjur youself. Have a safe trip. That hotel you stay in with the soft mattress, is it a Marriott? Vince has back problems and we stay at a Marriott when we go to VA, he actually tried to look at the mattress to see if there was a brand tag, but he couldn't find one. We have a soma bed. Basically, it doesn't have a mattress but instead it has water cylinders. Is there a way to post a video on here? We have videos of our Halloween decorations. Admitted, that's only a precursor to Christmas. Can someone tell me if there is a way?

    Heather - can you rinse the butter and cream off those lentils?

    Well, we went to the TSO concert yesterday. In a word....it was "awesome". If anyone has the opportunity to see TransSiberian Orchestra, GO. You won't regret it one bit. To be honest, the ticket prices aren't all that bad. I don't know if you know this or not, but they donate $1 of every ticket sold to a local charity. They also use a local strings orchestra. What a thrill it must be for those kids to be on stage with professionals! Even Vince commented that the violinist (yes, this is a rock group) is in great shape. You should see the biceps on this guy. And is he ever flexible! Can he ever bend over backwards and still play his violin!

    katla - I get my exercise in doing different DVD's. I'll be posting what all I'm doing so just keep reading

    Vicki - what a wonderful NSV!!!! Couldn't be happier for you

    grandmalle - how in the world can you feel like a slug with all you do?

    bluesky - welcome. So sorry for the loss of your walking buddy but glad you have Ryan

    Laura - 153 pounds in 14 mohths. Impressive, I must say. What is your secret????

    Renny - I usually take that yoga class on Saturdays, but I just found out that the Y is talking about cancelling that one. Not sure why. It's well attended. Well, it seems that this one lady in charge wants to have a boot camp at that time. Not sure what will happen. You know, at one time they had a contest to see who exercised the most and I won for the women! Now, I get to the Y only 2 or 3 times a week, and if they do away with that class, that'll be one less time I get to the Y. Congrats to your daughter and you too, actually, your whole family. Oh, I like that sign!

    This morning I went to Food Lion because Jessica told me last night that she wanted to make an apple pie today so I got the apples and the tapioca that her receipe called for. I also got some of the aluminum pie plates. Really, I should have just loaned her one of mine. Then again, they're glass and what if the glass broke? I didn't think too much of this crust. Yes, it was flaky. But it also called for 1 CUP of oil. Usually you need to put a pie shield around the edge so that they don't burn, but we didn't have to, there was so much oil in this crust.

    Then I made this chocolate butterscotch fudge for the gal when I get my hair done Tuesday. Really, I thought it needed some confectioners sugar, there was too much butter. Then I did the rest of the baking for Thanksgiving, made 2 batches of sweet potato muffins and made the sweet potato casserole. We'll just have to bake it at Jessica's.

    We went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner last night. I know that I shouldn't, but I felt a little weird. Lynette said to me "can you find something to eat there?". Most places I can, I had the plain petite serlion (I misspelled that, but you know what I mean) steak with broccoli and spaghetti squash. I then asked for a side of the green beans. Just had water to drink.

    Meg - hope you feel better real fast. I find that yogurt many times just makes my throat feel better. I'm thinking that it coats the throat.

    Did an houir of Mari Windsor lower Body pilates today. Tomorrow is yoga, holding my plank, and then the extremepump class. I made a triple chocolate cheesecake, Kris said he liked it but he didn't have any. So I gave them half and I'll take 1/4 to the place where I take the extremepump class and the other 1/4 to the Y near me

    Sue in SD - how horrible for you gd. Happy birthday to your dh

    Joyce - my heart is breaking for you. I feel the same way about family being togther for the holidays, and it saddens me that it's been YEARS since Bryan has been here for the holidays. Now he isn't even speaking to us. At least before he would talk to us and wish us a happy holiday.

    Laura - I'm so happy for you being able to get married. I know you didn't ask this, but my feeling that I'd rather see two people of the same sex married but who are committed to each other rather than a man and woman relationship that lasts only a few hours/years.

    Vince made a litter box for our cats. See, when PJ was alive, he would frequently pee outside of the box. So...what Vince did was take one of those plastic containers and cut a hole at one end. Ever since then, we didn't have any problem with PJ pee'ing outside of the litter box. He was forced to go fully in and turn in order to use it. Today Jessica bought a plastic container and Vince cut the opening out for her

    DeeDee - wasn't it cold today? Even tho I froze, I refused to put on a coat when I went to church. That's almost an admission of it being too cold. Vince worked inside some on the christmas tree.

    Susan - I remember one time years ago our cat (Cocoa at the time) went out and unbenownst to us brought a rabbit in the house. It went behind the buffet in the dining room and died. I know what you're going thru. For the longest time there was this smell and nothing, nothing at all, that I did would get rid of it. We had no idea where it was coming from. For some reason Vince needed to move the buffet and found the dead rabbit, decomposing.

    Heather - when I'm making a cake or something like that for the first time and I want to try it, I use a little ramekin cup and put just a bit for me in it. The only problem seems to come in that it can be overcooked (well, I can usually handle that)

    Sylvia - I'm so so happy for you and your NSV. What a wonderful feeling!

    Well, I think I'd better post this before you all think I've forgotten you.

    Michele in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just wanted to say congrat`s Laura on your recent marriage.Many more years to you.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Laura, your weight loss is awesome. I am reading a book called "Thin for Life" with lots of accounts of people who've lost lots of weight and kept it off. I hope you'll share the things you've learned about weight loss. We are all looking for ideas and inspiration. Has Carole lost weight along with you?

    :flowerforyou: Bluesky, welcome....sorry about the loss of your dog. I walk with my standard poodles every day. I used to walk with both of them at the same time but I injured my back a few weeks ago and decided that I would walk one dog at a time until I am completely healed. They miss walking together so while my husband is out of town, a friend has been coming over to walk with me so the dogs can be outside together.

    :brokenheart: Renny, I' m sorry to hear about your Jazzercise class. .....I would be so sad if I couldn't go to my line dance classes

    :bigsmile: Sandy, congrats on your weight loss.......music helps me get out of a funk....I highly recommend it.

    :bigsmile: Sylvia, congrats on the clothes that are falling off

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, it has been my experience that the longer I stay away from foods that I shouldn't eat, the easier it is to stay away from them....congrats to you on staying away from sweets.

    :bigsmile: Michele, what a great choice of food at Ruby Tuesday's

    :flowerforyou: I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep so I welcomed the opportunity to read more in the great book I just got out of the library.....I was able to walk the dogs a little more today and actually walked over 12,000 steps.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    I'm not walking as much as I did before, but it's getting better......:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 24th. Today I am thankful for my reality television. I know some may not agree with that but it allows me to travel the world. I don't watch the cooking shows, Keeping up with the Kardashions or any of those. I watch HGTV, Amazing Race, Survivor, etc. So I sit on my couch and see God's beautiful earth. I see architecture, cultures, etc. I am watching Amazing race and the different games, celebrations and religions of these different countries are amazing. I love to see the architecture of Europe.

    I LOVE Trans Siberian Orchestra. NBC always have a figure skating show at Christmas time featuring them and professional skaters. I only have a Christmas CD by them.

    I have a vague memory from my younger days of something called 'The Answer grape". So I asked my trivia expert, my husband and he had no clue, had never heard of it. So I got out my trusty Google on my phone and looked it up. Much to his surprise I was right. I can't remember much about it but there was such a thing. Bob Newhart played the part.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Monday - sorry no time to stay I'm late and need to wash my hair before work.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: Congrats to all the losers and those with clothes too loose! I've made some bad choices lately so need to get my act together and think before I eat.

    I'll try and get back tonight after work - I've got the slow cooker full of veggies and a bit of chicken for our meal tonight. I was going to roast some veggies but put them in the slow cooker instead. Talking about veggies has anyone heard from Mimi (our veggie queen) I often think of her and thank her for getting me interested in roasted veggies. :bigsmile:

    Time to go, I am so cold this morning I can hardly move - where's a hot flush when you want one :grumble: :angry:

    Viv UK :heart: :heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    morning ladies,
    another real good nights sleep.
    im having warm lemon water and then i have to take the boys for walk and then off to the gym...
    mt DH is so excited, friends of ours down in florida are going to visit friends and asked tom to take care of Cookie while they are gone.. Cookie is a black and white shih-tzu and is just a love bug so he get to watch her for 6-8 hrs weds afternoon and night.
    He was supposed to be in florida with a friend of his,but his friend and he had a falling out,I think it has something to do with his friend is having some issues healthwise and mentally and it is very sad. he is a patient at our office and even the hygenist said he doesnt seem right either..
    DH will be leaving early friday morning to drive back up,going over to the east coast for breakfast with friends from here that are in Palm Bay,and then get about 1/2 way home friday,then drive the rest sat.
    I know we are missing a few of the regulars:frown: is mimi the one that her profile picture was of her sitting with her arms outstreched?
    phoo/pat is among the missing.. if your out there,we miss you ladies, at least stop in to say hi, if your discouraged no worries we are here to pick you up:wink:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Laura :smile: Congrats on losing 2 more pounds…woo hoo!!!! Bless you for working in toys and electronics, I`m sure you will stay busy all day!!! Congrats on your marriage too:heart: !!! We do love our fur babies:love: ! Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner early!

    Grandmallie :smile: For some reason I thought DH was going to stay in Florida and you were driving down to meet him, glad you don`t have to make that trip by yourself!!! I watched a couple of Christmas movies, but it`s just too early for me to really enjoy them:frown: !!! I`m missing Pat (Phoo) too, hope she`s doing okay! I used to have a Shih-Tzu, they are the sweetest dogs:love: !!!

    Heather :smile: Yay for eating only half those delicious lentils, they sound so good, makes my mouth water! Sure wish you lived close by, I would hire you to cater my dinners:laugh: !!! Glad DH is sleeping better now! When I had my daughter, my mom told me there was just something extra special about being a grandma, I finally know now what she meant:love: , they are so special and wonderful. And yes, you do deserve them and are a wonderful grandma:flowerforyou: !

    Katla :smile: I too, love the “Just for today” ! I get myself outside and walk in the winter, and I find that I actually walk faster because it`s cold:tongue: , I`ve walked in the rain, not pouring rain though. There are a few of us that no matter the weather are out at the track in the morning. If it`s really bad weather I hop on the dreadmill:grumble: , which I hate, or I just walk in the house, Noel thinks that`s a game and she follows me around with a ball in her mouth:laugh: ! I just don`t let the weather most of time keep me inside!

    Sylvia :smile: I`m glad that hubby is taking such good care of you!!! I can believe the hospital would send you that letter, I was left in a Drs. room for an hour and 1/2 and no one saw me, I got up and walked out:angry: , I got a letter very similar to yours, and I wrote back and told them that if that`s what they wanted to believe that was fine, but I knew the truth and the people in the office knew the truth too, if they needed to cover it up for some reason that was fine, but it wasn`t true! I found myself another Dr. at that point! Congrats that the pants are falling off you, and it felt better in the theater seats:bigsmile: !!!!

    Barbie :smile: I had you beat it was 26 degrees when I went out for a walk yesterday morning…it was COLD!!!! I walked fast too!!! Congrats on getting back to 12,000 steps:bigsmile: !!!

    Vicki :smile: Good luck dealing with the Insurance companies:flowerforyou: !!! Congrats on being able to walk around and see the sights with your grandkids, that`s a great NSV:bigsmile: !!!!

    Jodi :smile: It`s always nice to see you pop in from time time:flowerforyou: !!! Sounds like a good Thanksgiving!!!

    Bluesky :smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat!!! 12 degrees….brrrrrr….you are brave, I think I would have gotten on my dreaded dreadmill to walk at that temp!!! Sorry to hear about losing your other walking buddy:brokenheart: :cry: !!!

    Renny :smile: I love hanging out with my daughter too:love: , without the grandgirls, it doesn`t happen very often though, one of her presents for Christmas is a shopping trip to White House/Black Market, and it will just be the two of us, i`m looking forward to it! Congrats on the happy news:heart: !!!! Love the sign!

    Joyce :smile: I have found even in the largest kitchens, there is never enough room, it`s like the kitchen is the heart of the home and people just like to gather there:heart: !

    Sandy in On :smile: Congrats of getting rid of 1.6 lbs…woo hoo!!!! I used to hate this time of year too, sending you a hug, I know it`s hard:flowerforyou: !!!

    Jane Martin :smile: Having a lazy day sounds fantastic!!!

    Michele :smile: Glad you enjoyed the concert! A cup of oil in a pie crust:huh: …of course I don`t bake and would have no clue how to make a pie crust, just seems like a lot! Your dinner at Ruby Tuesdays sounds delish! You didn`t wear a coat:noway: …I had on a coat a scarf and gloves:laugh: !

    Viv :smile: Stay warm! I agree, where are those hot flashes when you`re freezing:tongue: !

    I enjoyed bossing the boys for a little bit yesterday, got me out of my icky mood:happy: ! When I got home I had a call from my daughter, on her message she said “Are we coming over tonight for Thanksgiving dinner, or when is it?”:noway: What… I never do Thanksgiving at my house…ever… I called her and she had it confused with Christmas dinner, I told her we would do that the Sunday before Christmas, she said she thought it was really odd that I would want to cook so soon after our Halloween dinner:laugh: . She is actually having Thanksgiving at her house this year, I go over in the morning and pick up my granddaughters and we go get sausage biscuits for breakfast, and I`m usually home by 1pm. I`ve always been welcome for the dinner, however, I decline since I don`t like turkey, and I think it`s nice that the other grandma and grandpa spend quality time with the girls! It is now 8 am:noway: :grumble: , where has my time gone:huh: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny and cold NC
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    lurking :happy:
  • Dottyb1940
    Dottyb1940 Posts: 188 Member
    just popped in to say hello and see how everybody is doing,
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    im back, went to the gym,came home got my lunch together, and took a shower and will take the boys for a walk, have to drop off some coats to a friend of mine for a coat drive..
    then off to work.
    everyone have a awesome day...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :sad: :sad: I haven't heard from mimi in a long time and she hasn't logged onto MFP in months.....I sent her a personal message and if anyone else misses her and all ideas for roasted veggies, here is the link to her profile so you can send her a message.


    Several of you have mentioned missing Pat (Phoo)

    here is the link to her profile so you can send her a message
