What was your "moment"?



  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I made the decision years ago - I just had problems getting to where I needed to be until my Mom became diabetic and I was searching the internet for information and came across MFP. It just seemed to be the right thing to help us both. Unfortunately my Mom never came home but instead went home :frown:. It was the heart aching reality I needed to do something or be in the same boat and join her sooner than I cared to think. I believe I've been here going on 4 years now and so happy staying and pushing on with trying to be healthy again. :flowerforyou:
  • Well, ever since I was a freshman and gained the freshman fifteen, I've been pretty dissatisfied with my body, and lazy. This is the second time I've worried about seriously dieting. The first time, my moment was when I realized I had grad school auditions coming up and wanted to look my best. I lost 17 lbs in 6 months, had 8 more to go, then entered an exceedingly stressful period and gained a whole pile back.

    My moment this time, was when I re-watched Thor in preparation to go see Thor: The Dark World. I saw skinny little Natalie Portman, small and helpless. And I saw the superheroes with big muscles. And I realized that I didn't want to be the equivalent of a fat Natalie Portman. Three pounds lost in 2 weeks, 14 to go. Every time I reach for chocolate, I remind myself what I want to look like and put it back.
  • mustanggal8740
    mustanggal8740 Posts: 4 Member
    It started last year...my husband took photos of me and I wanted to cry. I was so fat and ugly. I finally got a scale and weighed in at "190" and that was it. I couldnt take it anymore....I started walking daily and watching what I ate and lost 30lb in 2 months. I had 30 more to reach my goal but I hit a roadblock. Suck at 160. I couldnt drop it and it made me mad. I gave up and maintained 160 for almost a year until the loss of my best friend...my dog...and i gained 10lbs back. I dont want to fall back on that road and not fitting in my clothes. I am back on the goal of 130lbs.
  • I am on 12 meds for RA, SLE, AAC, pain, high bp, chronic neck pain, lumbar troubles, etc. I was on Benlysta infusions for the lupus and I stopped it in July. Two weeks later I had dropped 15 lbs from the water retention. I thought, "you're on your way keep it up". So I have now lost 38 lbs. Yipee!!

    I'm self-injecting Humira now along with my methotrexate injections. My RA is better and the lupus is a little bit better so I am able to get back to walking. At 57 it is tough but I am getting back in the swing of things!
  • stryder2807
    stryder2807 Posts: 41 Member
    I have Spina Bifida. I injured my leg and it was taking a long time to heal. It hurt to walk. I got on the scale and was surprised by the number. From then on I have tried to eat healthy and stay active. I have lost almost 40 pounds so far.
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    When I had to buy size 20 clothes. And I realized I was officially able to get weight loss surgery covered by insurance because I was so overweight. I seriously considered surgery. But I had to maintain that horrible weight for almost 4 months to qualify. And the thought of doing that made me crazy. So I decided the very next day that I was going to commit to losing weight and that I would go hard core for those same 4 months and see what I could accomplish. If I couldn't lose weight then I'd go for the surgery, but if I could, then I wouldn't stop until I was healthy.

    I'm now 3 months into my 4 months and I'm down 33 lbs. :) Another 25 and I won't be obese any more. Today I wore a size 14. And my body is still whole. No cuts. And I'm happier than I have been in a long time. And a whole hell of a lot happier than I would have been if I were still 33 lbs heavier- or possibly more.

    I'm shooting for 45lbs down by that 4 month mark. :)

    But I don't think without hitting bottom- without having my moment that I would have had the motivation I have lacked in the past to stick with it for so long.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    I realized it when I was dating a guy, and he never wanted to eat at home...always fast food. I was inhaling a whopper AND another sandwich so frequently, I felt disgusted with myself. After I left him, I met another guy who told me I wouldn't be attractive if I lost weight....*I was at least 305, if not higher* I had enough. No man is going to tell me what to eat, or how attractive I'm going to look. So I am doing this for me, and I really wanted to prove him wrong lol!!

    60 pounds later, I feel amazing. I still have another 90 to lose, but I've made a substantial dent in my goal, and I've made a huge lifestyle change.
  • Oh my gosh that happened to me as well. It was everyone though. Even strangers would be congratulating my family and I. I was on medication for a long time that made me that way. Nobody understood until I went off the medication that was making me that way. Within the first two months I dropped thirty pounds. It brings tears to my eyes to know that someone out there had gone through the same situation. Maybe not under the same circumstances, but hearing it all the time broke my heart.
  • :happy: for you you look great. I agree that maturity is a big part of it
  • I love reading all these stories!

    My moment was when my Doctor told me that if I started a Gluten Free diet and started working out I could possibly get off all my medications and maybe even have a chance at kids! So I will do ANYTHING to be healthy!!! So Here we go!!!!

    Feel free to add me! I love a little extra motivation and encouragment!!!
    Sending you a request my dear :)
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    When I looked down in the shower and couldn't see Mr. Peep, I knew I had to lose weight and ditch the cake-making devil-woman.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    I had a few moments.

    The first was when I was sitting on a coach bus (commuter bus) for about 45-50mins, and when I needed to get off my legs were dumb and that tingly sensation was going through my legs. I knew it had to be because of my weight. I went to the local curves since it was the closest "gym" to me at the time. I was weight. I was 238lbs. The heaviest I've ever been. I couldn't believe I got to be so big. I was 12lbs away from 250lbs. Instead of freaking out I said "okay, I need to change this". I always thought I looked okay, but when I sat down and looked at the side profile I looked puffed out. My sister started buying me XXL clothing, and my pants were getting tighter. I was soon able to shop in the plus size section and I hated it.

    I started working out and eating healthier but it soon stopped as I moved away to complete my post-grad. I moved in with my roommate who is probably 300lbs or so and ate terribly. I had no incentive to eat better because I thought "if she could do it, why can't i?". Some of her meals included chicken fingers, tater tots, pizza pops, basically anything frozen. And she usually had pop in the house and drank two 591ml bottles a day. So this made me start eating pasta, peanut butter sandwiches on white bread, and I bought cases of cranberry gingerale. There was a fish and chips places within walking distance so I went there whenever they had specials.

    My boyfriend was a bit of an enabler too. We often frequented DQ for blizzards (those things have 1200 cal one regular!!) and other fast food establishments, if we didn't have cookies or brownies I would complain and he would take me to the store, we would indulge in cupcakes too frequently, and boy do I love pizza. My sister was also and enabler too often having bags of cookies in her room. As we watched tv we could finish a whole bag easily.

    I knew I had to change this. I started seeing someone new in the middle of 2013 and he really got me into being in shape again and to help give back my confidence. I'm not going to lie, I really wanted to impress him too. So I started really pushing. Then things headed south and I just didn't care anymore. I got back with my previous boyfriend and told him all the things that I needed in the relationship including support and what needs to change because all those things that I didn't do when I was younger (like go to prom, or continue playing soccer) were a result of my weight.

    As soon as I moved to a different city I was finally able to take control since I could plan out my own meals and eat what I could "cook". I got a personal trainer, and found time to hit the gym everyday. I've lost, so far, 20lbs in the last 7 weeks and in total lost 32lbs.

    I don't ever want to go back up. No more size 16 shopping, no more unhealthy meals, no more cravings for cookies and other garbage that I used to put in my body.
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    My moment was..

    I'm the typical fat guy who has always said. "You know what I've tried everything to loose weight, but nothing seems to work" I have tried a bunch of stuff, but never really anything that has worked for me. I used to work out for 3 hours a day going hard. But I would still keep eating garbage(burgers everyday pizza hotdogs etc mostly processed junk). So as expected I did not notice any positive change. I actually put on more weight. So yeah I tried everything but to eat right.
    -- One day I went in for a work required physical/health examination, and the doctor told me that I would need to have a sleep apnea study, and that my urine protein levels where way too high; which indicated kidney damage. I also had a huge risk of diabetes. I weighed in at 345 lbs that day. Naturally I failed the physical, and could not work there in the shape I was. I felt devastated by this news.
    -- A buddy of mine who works with me, and is a bodybuilder/Personal trainer was with me that day, as he took his physical too. After he passed his physical. He saw the look of disappointment on my face, and right then and there. He outlined to me what I need to do. He told me to stop eating breads pasta rice sodas sugar etc. I was too increase my protein/veggies levels and do exercise 2 to 3 times a week. My exercise was to be short, but intense in nature.
    -- I was doing this for a week and a half, and bamm in that small amount of time I had lost like 4 lbs. Too be honest I didn't do as much exercise as I should have. I was online googling how eating more meat helped me loose weight, and came across a site on paleo. I read on why exactly I should avoid the breads and those carbs. It makes a lot of sense. I decided to give the highly restrictive(by todays dietary standards) Paleo lifestyle change a try.
    -- 2 more weeks go by, and after eating Paleo style and small amounts of extreme exercise I feel great and I lost a shirt size! Then 2 months later I go re do my physical, and I come to find out that I'm healthy; well considering my size haha. There was nothing wrong with me. The doctor said my bp is super healthy, and that my sleep apnea b.s risk is gone. Doctor had me do a sprint on a treadmill a bit, and checked my heart rate. He said I'm as healthy as a horse, and too keep doing what ever I have been doing. I passed! I was hooked on Paleo!
    -- The first couple of weeks where tough as I fought through my sugar addiction, but it was sure damn well worth it. Paleo was the best lifestyle change I could have made. At first I only wanted to get healthy, but now I can see myself actually getting in shape. It's awesome! Now I grunt like a caveman and say hell yeah.... :smile:

    what a great story!!!!!

  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    I think my moment was when I weighed more then I did when I was 9 months pregnant ...

    I have tried dieting for as long as I can remember. I have always worked out but I ate whatever I wanted to. I had a personal trainer last summer but he told me nothing about how to eat. AND IN THREE MONTHS I DID NOT LOSE A SINGLE POUND .. He wanted me to cut out so many things cold turkey and I knew from before it just wouldn't work. He was also more interested in dating me than helping me. People told me about calorie counting for a long time but I didn't want to be confined or feel guilty about the things that I eat. I started working out with my best friend from high school/neighbor (after moving across the county) and it was amazing. He really took the time to explain how my body works and what it NEEDS! He was there to ask any questions and complain to!

    My mom got me a fitbit for graduation and I tried to track on their site but it didnt work very well ... I googled best calorie counting website and this popped up! I am amazed at the food database and the ease.

    I am the type of person that gets hooked on things. I get on Twitter and then tweet everyday! I make an Instagram and out of no where I have 1100 pictures. This is happened with MFP. I love to see that I have logged in everyday, I like to see what my friends are doing and the support they give!

    I HAVE LOST 20 LBS and I LOVE IT! I have never been this successful. My family, friends, and my son love me and are really supportive. I have other person challenges like passing the bar, finding a better job, maybe even finding a MAN lol. Either way I like the control I have over food, it doesn't run my life anymore.

  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    When I got pregnant with my first child, I was the heaviest I had ever been. Then come the pregnancy pounds, which three months after I gave birth, put me 20 pounds heavier than I was when I got pregnant. The moment that did it for me was three months after having my daughter, I went to Cedar Point with my brother's work. When I went to get in line, I was told I had to sit in the tester chair to make sure I could fit. I did, but just barely. That was embarrassing enough, but once I got to the actual ride, and had to sit in the real seat, I found it was slightly smaller than the tester seat. So, I had to leave the ride. That made me feel like crap. But it also gave me the push that I needed to start seriously losing weight.

    I lost 42 pounds over the course of 7 months or so. (Over the holidays, I didn't do so well. I didn't lose anything, but I also didn't gain back more than 5 pounds) Then, my mom went into the hospital because the chemo treatment she was on stopped working, and the cancer started spreading. I also at the same time quit my serving job, where I walked around 12 hours a day, and started a desk job, where I sat 8 hours a day. My mom needed 24 hour care for a while, which kept me from working out. I didn't have time to prepare healthy meals anymore. Etc Etc, I gained back 30 pounds in 4 months. I fully admit that things had calmed down by the time I realized I had gained so much back, but I wasn't in the habit of good eating and exercising anymore.

    I got back in the habit, lost weight again. Mom went in and out of the hospital for 8 months after, but did not need constant care, so I was able to continue working out, but did not lose very much in that time, did not gain either. Then, in May of this year, she was in the hospital again. When she was able to leave, she moved back in with my dad (they had been divorced for 11 years) so he could take care of her. She was out of options for treatment. She passed away in June. Then I got pregnant again, which was not my plan. I was supposed to lose another 40 pounds before I got pregnant. I was doing very well with my weight gain though. Until October, when my father in law was diagnosed with cancer. Then the stress eating, and not having much time to cook healthy, and my pregnancy gain got out of control. He passed away a month later, which was a month ago now. So, now I am trying to eat healthy again, and actually made it to the gym the other day.

    I still feel like that day at cedar point was the moment though. Even though it only resulted in a total of 25 pounds lost over 2 years (less now that I am gaining for pregnancy), I still know like I never knew before that I need to really manage my weight now, and once this baby comes, the weight needs to come off. Before that day, I would have just eaten what I wanted, and said "hey, I am pregnant, I can eat what I want." And I would have continued eating what I want after, with the thought of losing weight very far in the back of my mind.

    Sorry so long.
  • I'm a Patriot Guard Rider and we have our pictures taken on numerous occasions. When I looked at the posts on our Facebook pages I cold see that I looked like a HOG sitting on the HOG. Still nothing changed BUT when the daughter in law had the new grand-baby 3 months ago and in 3 months she had trimmed down and lost 40 pounds, with exercise to, I asked here how. She said MFP on the phone and ipad. SO that was it I got the app and now on my journey, Only 10 days in but this by far is the best for me.
  • kmyers4545
    kmyers4545 Posts: 41 Member
    My moment was when I went to the hospital for sever stress ans anxiety. Blood test results came in and the doctor said I was in the pre-diabetic range. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family and both my parents have it. I look at how sick and miserable they are at such a young age, and it freaks me out. I do not want to end up like them. I will do whatever it takes.
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    the year 2001. just had a baby in may.. BAD pregnancy... perfect baby but really took a toll on me. flash forward 6 months needed to find a dress for my sisters wedding. in a dressing room squeezing into a size 18 ... not a pretty picture!!! it was then that i went home... looked up the number to the nearest gym... and have not looked back since!! well that is a lie right there cuz im always looking back ...to see how far i have come!
  • Hey all!
    My "moment" was losing my father. He was only 64 years old, and died of melanoma. The dr told him many times the only way he made it as long as he did was that he was healthy.
    I don't want my girls to bury me when I'm 64.
    On January 1, 2013, I started a new life. I'm down 60 lbs and six clothes sizes this year. The loss has dramatically slowed in the past few months, but my 37 year old self could kick my 27....or even my 17 year old....self any day of the week.
    My dr wants me to loose another 60. I'm aiming for another 30. Anything beyond that is just a bonus. :)
    I eat what I want to eat (for the most part!!!), but I eat about 1/4 of what I used to eat. My goals for 2014 include cleaner eating. I'll still have pizza. I'll still have a cookie. Limiting my range of foods simply doesn't work for me (mentally).
    Life is good, and it's for the living. God has seen me through the first 60 lb loss, He'll see me to the end. :)
  • margelizard
    margelizard Posts: 89 Member
    When I moved to the US from the UK, I was hoping you use the change to switch things up and finally lose weight. At that point, I was hovering around 176 lbs. However, after a rough and stressful start here, I packed on a lot of weight and ended up at 200 lbs.

    I stayed that way for three years, until I changed jobs at the beginning of 2013. The increased enjoyment of my job made such a huge difference to my motivation and there were some workplace incentives to exercise i.e. free healthy snacks for going out and walking. Then I joined the Kansas governor's weight loss challenge with a team from work. In the first five months of the year, I lost about 20 lbs.

    After the challenge ended, I started losing motivation and I forced myself to get back on the horse and keep going. That's when I started taking things seriously and I haven't looked back since. Yes, I have my weeks when I don't do anything, but I'm growing to realize that that's ok. So since January 2013 I have lost 47 lbs and I feel amazing!

    I wouldn't have believed that something so simple as switching jobs would have done it for me, but here I am :)