What's your "WHY"??



  • greattimes
    greattimes Posts: 123 Member
    Had severe reactions to every medication they put me on for blood pressure and diabetes. Decided I had to take matters in my own hands . I succeeded no more medication no more extra weight plus now I am doing it because I enjoy the exercising and the results.
  • losing210lbs
    To get my life back.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I want a baby. What I've been doing up to this point hasn't helped, so I decided to do the opposite.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I was 1 pound away from "overweight". That might seem like nothing but that realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

    I am vain. I like attention, I like turning heads when I go somewhere.
    I also like being strong. Yeah, it feels good when i lift more than some of the guys at the gym.
    I am aware of the fact that being in shape now and staying in shape will help me stay healthy long term.
    I get a high from working out. When i leave the gym and my legs almost give up going down the stairs I have the biggest smile on my face.
  • majess1022
    majess1022 Posts: 70 Member
    For the past couple of years, every time I see a picture of myself, I think "oh! what an unflattering picture." After about a year of that, I realized it's not a bad angle, it's my weight and lack of fitness.... So, reality began to set in.

    What made me get serious is wanting to look decent in my sister's upcoming wedding photos.
  • Katie0174
    Katie0174 Posts: 33 Member
    I gained a lot of weight while I was pregnant and now I want to lose it and get in shape so that, when the time comes, I will be able to play with my daughter and not get too tired. I want to be a good role model for her and, even though she's only 8 weeks old, I want to start now.
  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    It started out as a way to prove to myself that relationship problems with my husband weren't secretly about my weight.

    I was also sick of being red faced, sweaty and out of breath playing with my kids in the summer. I loathed shopping in the plus size clothing section. I hated seeing my photos and reflection in store windows. I was never fat as a kid, I am not big boned and I knew deep down I wasn't supposed to live my life as an overweight woman. I had used quitting smoking and having two kids as an excuse in my head but it was a lie.

    Now everything has changed - even though I still have another 20 lbs to lose before goal I am much more confident about my appearance. It helps getting so many compliments from extended family and friends about how healthy and happy I look! I have strong, defined shoulders and my legs look great. I am proud of my body, not just how it looks but what I can DO with it.
  • daniflems
    daniflems Posts: 69 Member
    My WHY has changed through the past 5 or 6 years...at first it was something as simple as wanting to put on a bikini and not put a t-shirt over it...now it has transformed into wanting to be a good role model to my sweet baby girl.

    I am certainly vain and like to look good. I enjoy getting attention from other people...I think everyone does to a certain extent. When you start losing weight and the compliments and comments start rolling in that is usually enough to keep you going.

    But it is a bigger picture now. Being active has become part of my lifestyle and I most definitely want to pass that idea onto my daughter. It is much more fun to climb a tree than to stand at the bottom and look up...
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Because I cant think of a genuine or valid reason why not.
    Because one day I realized I was more worried about not feeding the dog stuff that I knew was bad for him than I was myself.
    Because I looked in a mirror.
    Because I saw a photo of myself.
    Because I cried in the shop changing room.
    Because I only have one body, no exchange, no return.
    Because I felt old.
    Because I felt tired.
    Because I felt broken.
    Because I could no longer ignore the truth.
    Because I want to be strong and healthy when I am old.
    Because I deserve it.
    Because I am worth it.

    Because it feels even better than it looks :-)
    My mom had a heart attack about 5 years ago and was also told she had diabetes and it all runs in the family, so I am doing what I can to try to make myself healthier to fight those problems while I am in my 30's. I also started feeling sick ALL the time, headaches, body aches, ETC didn't want to do nothing when I got home from work ( although I did anyways) but I just really didn't want to do nothing. I also started noticing that I could just be sitting here and have a hard time breathing and I know it was all do to my weight. So I am doing something to change myself now before it gets any worse. I also much like anyone else would also just like to look good for a change and not be disgusted at what I see when I look in the mirror. Of course with seeing myself like this it keeps me in a depressed and moody mode and I wanna snap out of that mode and start to feel good about myself. That is my reason as to why I am so motivated to get up and start to lose weight.
  • reenie2013
    reenie2013 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm reading all these posts, trying to recover from the other brilliant people, the motivation which lost me 7kg, bringing me back to the weight I used to be, looking and feeling fit again. It seemed quick and painless.

    Now, though I am still exercising as I have always done, I am back to EATING until my stomach feels stretched. As I sit here now, the lovely canneloni bake is resting guilty as sin and heavy as a rock in my tight as a drum tum, joining the blueberry muffin and yoghurt.

    I like cooking, I l ike baking, I cook and bake traditional South African food and I eat everything in sight because it tastes so good.
    No doubt I shall soon be the fat girl again. BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE!! I've tried everything, including chucking the baggy tracksuits and buying new jeans. I've warned myself that I'll have to forego the new jeans and all the compliments I get at swimming and yoga about being back in shape - but does that stop me? I just have no self-control. Hypnosis? Kick up the backside? Help!! Advice! Please!!
  • radhell
    Because I want to feel confident enough when I look in the mirror that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Because I have seen how miserable family members and friends are when they are overweight and unhealthy. And, survival. I want a good quality of life, and if ever forced into the situation, I want to be physically fit enough to last a few days at least, lol.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i never give up on a true goal. If I gave up on this I'd have failed myself in pursuit of a goal for the first time. I'm not about to do that.
  • nickylee76
    nickylee76 Posts: 629 Member
    Because I like living!!! Before losing weight I was only existing... Not truly living. Now I'm gaining more confidence and respect for myself. I used to think it was Gross to sweat and now it's a necessity almost everyday.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I realized my excuses were invalid.
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    because I couldnt see my vagina anymore.

    no lie.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Avoiding knee replacement surgery and decreasing the pain from degenerative disk disease.
  • ImtheOnethatsCool
    ImtheOnethatsCool Posts: 212 Member
    the clothes I wanted didn't come in my size.
  • GeeksRfit2
    My aging parents came to visit and their mobility was SO limited. For Mom, it was weight. For Dad, it was not keeping his strength up when he retired,...he let his fitness go.
    I swore then that I wouldn't be them in 25 years. I wasn't going to be them in 1 year. SO,...I'm mostly about fitness. Moving, feeling good moving, feeling strong, feeling capable. I've got more to do, but the last 5 months have been about longlasting change, even though its been SO....SLOW,...hey, I've got nothing but time.
  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    I don't like feeling weak.
    I'd rather feel more firm.
    I didn't like the direction the scale was going.
    I don't like shopping for new clothes.
    I'm only 5'0" and every pound counts.