How do you eat cottage cheese?



  • RosaliaBee
    RosaliaBee Posts: 146 Member
    Mix in chives and or finely sliced onion.
    Pile onto a fluffy baked potato.
    Serve with green salad.
  • Cottage cheese is something I realized too late in life just disagrees with my system. I get fuzzy headed and feel generally degraded. So, I do not eat cottage cheese under any conditions. I realized this about 10 years ago and then when I read "Eat right for your blood type" saw that it was not recommeneded for my blood type (Type A). I don't totally believe the blood type categories as they seem too broad, but in this case it was correct. Give me a bowl of blueberries instead, any day.

    Sorry to be blunt but this isn't true. There is no reasonable scientific basis for the claim that blood type should determine one's diet and no-one has done a controlled study on blood type diets. There is so much written in a pseudo-scientic way by people who claim that science proves one thing or the other but really all the 'evidence' they have are just anecdotes. Anecdotes don't prove that things work in medicine, properly controlled scientific trials do. You may have a dairy intolerance or something though (I don't doubt that you feel unwell after eating it) but it's got nothing to do with your blood type.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I eat my cottage cheese with pork n beans, I mix them together. If I have chips I will use the cottage cheese and beans as a dip for the chips. (my dad and brother does it too)

    On a healthier side, I have used cottage cheese in tuna salad, to replace the mayo. Just mix like half a cup in with a can of tuna, a tsp yellow mustard, pickle relish, and a hard boiled egg. Its taste yummy :-) I eat it on wheat toast or crackers
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Scrambled eggs, mix cottage cheese in while it's still cooking, cottage cheese have low fat content and will not melt as easy as other cheeses, but it will get gooey. You won't even need to add salt because it'll taste great without.

    it's one of my favorite snacks!

    ok I just tried it and it was a disaster. the acidity curdled the eggs and all the whey separated out. It looked and smelled like congealed baby sick. It tasted ok, especially as I smothered it in chilli mackerel fillets and smoked tabasco, but that won't be an experiment I repeat!
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I put Nutritional Yeast in it, then mix with either hot sauce or salsa, and add a lot of pepper. It's great alone, or on a bagel or toast, or used as a dip with crackers or veggies.
  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    When I was growing up one of my favorites was cottage cheese with pineapple.
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