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What was your "moment"?



  • golfmonk
    golfmonk Posts: 119 Member
    Mine was I could not fit into size 36 pants and really did not want to get larger pants for work.
  • I'd always been thin, 5'5" 130 lbs and active. A little over 3 yrs ago I lost my appetite and was only eating 1 meal a day and started to gain weight. After gaining 50 lbs the Dr finally figured out I had hypothyroidism. Well I've tried "dieting," raspberry ketones etc nothing worked. I was talking to a friend about feeling tired all the time and gaining all this weight and hoped I'd lose the weight soon. Her response was well you're not 25 yrs old anymore what do you expect. I was crushed she said this. She was one of my closest friends! Well I expect to be healthy and lose this weight I told her. Now that I've found this site I'm hoping I can loose the weight and be able to hike and ski like I used to.
  • feadzy
    feadzy Posts: 22
    Since early childhood I looked for comfort in my food and with some problems in school I startet to gain weight. So I've been put on diets a lot of times, but they didn't really work, because I just wasn't in to it that much. So I've never been small, in either way. Beeing about 5'10'' or 5'11'' kind of distributet the fat a bit, but yeah.. I never looked skinny. And since I never had problems finding friends oder boyfriends I didn't have enough willpower to loose weight.. I manage to do so sometimes, but gained it back eventually. Now I live with my boyfriend and since I finished college, I don't do sports at all. Also I addapted some of his unhealthy eating habbits and as a result I can't fit my jackets.. and the worst: everytime we go grocery shopping (just a 5 min walk to the store) I get so much out of breath. I'm definitely not satisfied with this and when I discovered MFP, I knew this time its going to happen. Going to get healthy.
  • brayman1701
    brayman1701 Posts: 76 Member
    I've had several moments really but being a stubborn lazy bugger I didn't take notice. I had a really bad stomach bug one time that got so bad I ended up in hospital being given morphine for it, they thought it was my appendix but the surgeon was reluctant to operate because of my weight.

    Another one was I went on holiday with my parents once and we met up with some friends on holiday and they wanted to walk up this mountain, well I was only 29 at the time and I couldn't do it as my joints were all hurting before I'd barely started yet an 85 year old man we had in our group ran up it. No one said anything but I was so embarrassed and my mum made an excuse that it was to hot for her to go up there to try and spare me some embarrassment.

    The other time was I was out with a female friend and a few other friends and she was very drunk at the time she told me she would've gone out with me ages ago if I wasn't overweight.
  • I was at a club 4 days ago... it was as simple as being in a social scene around really great looking guys and not feeling comfortable in my own skin:)
  • TCD01
    TCD01 Posts: 25
    My moment was when I discovered LCHF diet. I discovered it on a business trip to Scandanavia, where it is even prescribed by doctors and even the Swedish food and nutrition governing body is prescribing it as the best way to cure obesity and related ailments like diabetes. When I got back home, I did a bit of extra research on the diet and then decided to take the plunge. In the first month of the diet I didnt only lose weight, but noticed that my skin had cleared, breathing was better, nighttime asthma went away, had deeper sleeps, heart palpitations stopped, had more energy throughout the day and best of all I was not ravenously hungry. It was a miracle that I stumbled across this diet. Was it fate or Gods angel who sent me to Scandanavia to discover this? I was doing MFP for a LONG time and struggled so much, losing and gaining and losing like one month up and one month down and then next month up again. And during that time I was so hungry I could have eaten my own arm. Today, my weight is a steady decline downwards, and it doesn't feel hard at all! It's incredible how well this diet is working for me now!

    Hell yeaaah... It's the best way! Paleo works exactly like that. LCHF. It puts your body in a state of ketosis, and the body uses fat for fuel.. I love it.
  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
    I knew I was gaining weight but avoided the scale so it was easy to pretend it wasn't actually happening. Went to the doctor and I had gained 40 lbs. I had broken the 200 mark. That came as such a shock to me -- I didn't have a choice. I HAD to change.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I've struggled with food for most of my life whether it was eating too little as a teen or too much as an adult. It took a long time to realize that being overweight is just as much a sign of an unhealthy food relationship as being underweight. My moment was last Wednesday, the 20th, when I was sitting on the couch eating cupcakes for lunch. YES. CupcakeSS for LUNCH and the crumbs were no longer landing just on my boobs... they were landing on my gut too... I took one second to think about where I've been in my life as far as weight and food and decided I need to do something about it because this isn't okay.
  • slimjame
    slimjame Posts: 128 Member
    My boyfriend and I have been going together for almost two and a half years now. We currently live together and have the cutest little pup :). We started talking about the possibility of getting married. Once this happened, I started to look at everything differently. I realized how much I wanted to get married and start a family. The thought of starting a family when I can't even take care of myself was weighing on me terribly. I felt guilty for even thinking about starting a family because of my weight and awful eating habits. I didn't want to be responsible for passing down my ways. I started looking at myself one morning and I realized that I am not getting any younger. I am 21 (was 20 at the time) years old and this is the perfect time in my life to take back control. There is no one else to blame or to look at to make this change; I have to be the one to do it. I talked to my boyfriend about this and we purchased an elliptical. The day of my first workout changed my life. I have tried to diet/exercise before, but this just felt different; I finally felt ready and motivated. It's been a bit more than four months and sure I slip up from time to time, but I am finally determined, motivated, and inspired to reach my goals and to ultimately reach my end goal of having a healthy family.
  • SlvrFlame
    SlvrFlame Posts: 15 Member
    When it truly sunk in for me was when I started in Nutrisystem back in 2011, I think it was. I knew I was big and all that but it never truly sunk in until I weighted in the first morning when I started the program. I was at 300 lbs exactly and I started crying. Knowing, and really KNOWING, seemed to be two different things. I never would have thought I had gotten that heavy and I was ashamed, upset, depressed, etc. I was determined to follow the program as best as I possibly could and I did for a while. I grew to dislike their food tracker, however, since it didn't seem very exact but I used it. I had no idea if the calorie count I was getting at the end of the day was too high for me, too low, etc. After a while I did a search for tracking apps and came across MFP, which I ended up loving. How easy is it to just scan the label? So, I started tracking more here and less there, and eventually I just quit NS completely. I did lose 35-40 pounds on the program so obviously something with it works, even if it mostly taught me how to do smaller portions. I'm still thankful for that. I'm even more thankful I've been able to keep it off, even if I do yoyo between the same 5 pounds for a while!

    I still have what I started to call the "Woe is me" moments when it comes to my weight but I'm at least a little more forgiving to myself. Exercise has never been my strong point but I've picked up doing DDP yoga and while it's challenging it's not strenuous and it doesn't make me hate myself while I'm doing a workout. I have a long way to go (100+ pounds to lose) but I just keep puttering along the best I can.
  • mwhite7372
    mwhite7372 Posts: 5 Member
    This isn't my first time, but the most recent moment for me was August 2012. I had hit my highest weight (for the 2nd time), but this time was worse than before. I had just turned 40, I was starting to have aches and other health issues that were directly associated with my higher weight. Add to that that I traveled quite a bit, and the flights were getting more uncomfortable each week. I decided I could either live with these issues, or do something to fix it.

    I started to eat better, cut back on my drinking, and pushed myself to get into the gym 5-6x/wk. During the last 16 mos, I may not have lost as much weight as I had hoped, but I am in much better shape, and still continue to workout at least 5-6x/wk. I travel a lot and I love trying new foods, so my one of my major failings is that I do not always pick the healthier alternatives when offered. BUT, I also have not gained 50lbs in the process of eating those decadent meals.
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    When I saw myself (my back only!!! thank goodness i was turned away from the camera) in school posters for an event I had attended a few months prior.... the posters were EVERYWHERE and all i can see every time I passed by one was my HUGENESS and how many fat rolls I had... and how deluded I was to think that the clothes I was wearing still "fit." That was my highest weight and I dont ever want to go back there, ever again!
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I have these big mirrors in my LR that take up an entire wall. (Don't worry---they'll come down one day.)

    I just saw the weight gain. There it was. Pants I didn't have love handles in---suddenly, huge love handles and my "bigger" pants were starting not to fit anymore. Things were getting so tight. I was starting to REALLY hate my body.
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I had to go to a meeting and give a presentation. Literally none of my smart clothes fitted me. I ended up wearing a stretchy bright pink cocktail dress with a stretchy royal blue cardigan, and 'sensible' shoes. Honestly I looked stupid. I gave my presentation, but I was crying inside. The next day I started counting calories, and then I found MFP about a week later. Thank goodness!
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    my moment was my son has ADHD ran away from me in the street straight into the road, a car was coming and nearly hit him. i was too unfit and overweight to catch him. I thought to myself what has happened to me i used to fit and slim but since I had my twins I had gained a lot of weight and could barely walk to school. I vowed to get fit and be a good role model to my kids. I started couch to 5k the following day and joined MFP. 1 year later I ran a half marathon and now have so much more confidence and can now keep up with my kids. I have more energy and no longer suffer from depression, my ability to cope with stressful situations has increased too, this is so important as all my kids have special needs and can at times be a challenge. I am so glad I made the change.
  • Late this summer I was diagnosed with gout.
    I am 30 years old and female, so not exactly the stereotypical demograph for the illness (although both of my parents also suffer and there is a genetic link).

    Although I have always had a problem with portion sizes, I've always eaten pretty healthily - so for me, the main contributing factor for preventing re-occurrences happening is simply, my weight.

    I've never been skinny and also suffer from PCOS, but have carried my weight well enough that people really don't believe how much I weigh (I am 5'2" and currently at 173lbs; UK clothes size 16). It's time to get with reality and face the fact that I AM overweight and I alone, am responsible for sorting it out.
  • Paul_Collyer
    Paul_Collyer Posts: 160 Member
    I'm 44, and started losing weight 14 months ago. I'd got sick of the sight of myself in photos etc and for a few years had been half heartedly trying to get thinner/fitter but basically had stabilised at around 100kg, BMI 33. Then during summer 2012 3 friends in showed me MFP at different times, and it just made sense, as I like my iphone and am into stats. Started the process September 1st and never looked back.....now 79kg and about 26 BMI and fit as a fiddle.

    That said, the last 3-4kg to my 75kg target are proving almost impossible to shift despite eating 1750 a day net 5 days a week while running 30k a week. I've tried shifting to lower carbs but after an initial loss of half a kilo or so its not helped. I'm considering just shelving MFP for a few months while I train for the marathon, while eating sensibly, and just let it happen naturally.
  • breezyleaf
    breezyleaf Posts: 34 Member
    WOW!!! What a great idea! Soooo many motivational stories!!!!
  • my moment was actually just a couple months after reaching my goal weight and body, if you can believe it. i think my story goes to show that having a devastating moment where youre fed up with yourself can happen to anyone, no matter how big or small youare. over the summer i had lost about 13 pounds and toned up, but then high school volleyball season started and there were so many opporitunities to binge and eat more like team trips to restaurants after games, baking buddy gifts for the freshmen, and school being stressful in general. i developed a tendency to binge if not daily then every other day and i would go about 1500 or 2000 calories over my daily allottment and neglect to log them all in out of guilt. about one week ago, i had a few too many pumpkin spice cookies, and decided enough was enough. constantly burping throughout the day, eating meals while being full, and feeling likee i have to suck in all the time was getting ridiculous. I had lost so much muscle and gained so much fat in the course of two months or so. Ive been back on track for about a week, am going to give myself an indulgent (but not too indulgent) thanksgiving today, but WILL stay on track afterwards and get back to that summer bod!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I guess I am the exception, because I never had a "moment". I was just trying yet again lol. I think I simply just tried the right way this time.