
:flowerforyou: I wondered what graphic to use for December since not all of us celebrate Christmas and not all of us live in places where snow is a familiar sight in winter, so I chose a graphic of the kind of exercise that is achievable by almost all of us….and I love the poodles...:bigsmile: .

:bigsmile: I hope December will bring all of us closer to the health and fitness goals we’ve set for ourselves.

:bigsmile: If you are new to our community, we welcome you……just jump right in and join the conversation…you will feel like part of the family in no time.

:flowerforyou: How did you do with your goals and resolutions for November?

:flowerforyou: What goals and resolutions have you planned for December?

:flowerforyou: Most of us sign our posts with name (or alias) and where we live (specific or general)

:heart: Barbie from NW Washington

November Resolutions (with end of the month updates)
*use ice, heat, gentle yoga stretches, breathing daily (great)
*gradually return to dog walking as my back heals (I've been able to walk the dogs more each day, but will continue to walk them one at a time)
*don’t use the step counter as a measure of my daily success (I haven’t pushed to do more steps, but the numbers have risen gradually as I am able to walk more)
*act the way I want to feel (I think this will be my forever resolution--it makes my life so much better)

December Resolutions
*maintain weight
*dance 20 minutes at home three days a week
*act the way I want to feel
*don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the best
*walk one dog at a time until my back is 120% better


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    :heart: B:heart: U:heart: M:heart: P:heart:

    Wishing all Vitamin F friends a happy and healthy December.........

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals. Pretty quiet here; got a lot of cooking done for tomorrow. Beautiful here today and so we got a walk in but now DH’s heel is hurting again (he has a heel spur). I have enjoyed having football on all day and checking in on it occasionally. I did finish a chapter and got some other work done so all in all it’s been a productive day.

    I am grateful for such nice weather that I was able to get out and walk. I have no real outdoor winter clothes. In fact I’ grateful for all the weather we have had this year….no severe weather of any kind.

    Deb: interestingly enough I have been thinking of retirement too. I never thought I’d want to retire.

    Renny: sounds like we are both going bra shopping. I just need to put it on my schedule LOL

    Linda: so nice to see you here again; you were missed!

    Grandmallie: great job on the steps!

    Sandy: I am so proud of your weight loss!

    Katla; we do both kinds of trees; we put our presents under a live tree but then I have artificial ones in every room.

    Heather: I have been reading about that helicopter crash. How sad and traumatic!

    Anamika: yum Tandoori chicken!

    Alice: welcome to our group!

    Cindy: I’m with you…no black Friday shopping here either! DD#1 had to work at Hollister on Black Friday and she didn’t even know what it was. She called to ask and all I could say was “oh my”

    Linda Onterio: glad you are still lurking!

    Gail: I don’t know why but we really don’t put the yard to bed for the winter. I guess I think it helps the birds and other critters. Good for you on getting so many chores done!

    Barbie: you’re right about the statins; my doctor told me once if I wanted better lipid numbers I should find new parents LOL

    Yanniejannie: I missed the VA v VTech game! Hope your guys won

    Sylvia: home made low sodium French bread? Now that sounds delightful

    Joyce hope you got some rest

    Kooky: you are so right…it IS an upgrade!

    Jane so glad you had so much fun!

    Michele: so sorry for all the continuing family drama. Kids!

    Lin: hi it’s always nice to see you!

    Well for my December goals I am going to try to get my water in and walk 10 minutes each day after lunch. That is do-able even at work. And research shows just doing that really helps your post-meal blood sugar readings.
    Take care ladies. I’ll try to check in tomorrow, but its Thanksgiving here with DD#1 and her BF so I hope I can get here. If not see you Monday. Meg from unseasonably warm Omaha
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Yippee!!! I made my goal for November which was to do 3X's a week exercise activity for 50 minutes or more. For December I am keeping it status quo as I really don't know what to expect. Target may give me more hours to keep me busy and as of late real estate is taking up the slack.

    I sure hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and found lots of good buys on Black Friday. They are reporting here that online sales were at a record high beating out the in-store sales.

    I'm moving on to the Christmas season with my darling grandson although I haven't done any Christmas decorating in the house yet. DH gave up doing outside lights a couple of years ago so I can forget that.

    @Barbie, that is a kewl graphic you have posted for December.

    @Lin, good to see you here too.

    @Meg, omg I already forgot what I read so I will just wish you a most pleasant evening and comment on your profile later...lol.

    Time to go rest from the computer. Although I have been online here only a short period of time I have been working online for a while and I am so ready for a rest...to all a good night. :yawn:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Bump to find again. Been thinking about December goals. Will put them in tomorrow. Sue in SD
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :smile: Barbie as the owner of two poodles I love your pictures, I am their mom so of course they are the smartest and best little puppies ever....
    Thanks for getting us started again.
    November goals for me were not met have to actually go back and relose 5 pounds got so carried away with salty foods after our Thanksgiving and am paying for it now,
    December goals get back on track and stay there, No excuses allowed

    Best wishes for everyone with you December goals

    Juanita in sudbury about 6 inches of snow now dh is already grumbiling about shovelling and winter is just starting!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
  • I thought maybe this message board would help me get back on track .I've just been stuck Gained back all I lost on another program. I'm not good at making goals so I'll put myself out there to start making goals and evaluating whether I made the goals for the month. Succeed or fail here I come. Its' hard t admit this too others.

    My December goals are: Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Walk 5000 steps per day. I just joined the rec center so will go to work out 3 days per week and try to meet other women who are committed to walking.. and exercise. The results may be affected a little by the hand surgery I'm having but am anticipated a couple days off then back to exercise. Last goal to write down what I eat.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :love: Love the new start to December. Tomorrow the tree will go up. Outside lights are on display today.
  • christschild2
    christschild2 Posts: 97 Member
    HAPPY DECEMBER TO ALL THE LOVELY LADIES IN THE HOUSE!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I must say that I met most of my goals for the month of November. There were a couple of things that I did, but not for the whole month. I was not able to compliment someone the whole month of November because I did not go out of the house for a couple of days. As for giving something to some one every day, I was able to do that by getting $100 worth of $2 bills and giving them away to mostly people that I don't know. I gave them to people to let them know that they are not forgotten and that they matter not only to me, but to God. Some people did not realize that the $2 bill was still being made!:noway: On Monday, I will go to the bank to get more and give them to people again. It is amazing how many people you can meet if you actually go out there specifically for that purpose.:blushing:

    Healthwise, I am getting stronger every day. My fitness partner and I have gotten into a more regularly scheduled routine of hitting the gym. I feel myself getting stronger every day by doing a HIIT workout. I love it and I feel quite spent when I am done but I also feel amazing. :bigsmile: I have to make sure that I get as much of it in this month since I am preparing myself for another Daniel fast in January. I really am looking forward to that!

    Spiritually, I have been asked to sign for someone in jail that is deaf and cannot read lips. He also cannot read. I am eager to do it and a little hesitant because I was told that he is an very angry person. This could be because he cannot communicate with anyone in the jail. For some reason, I thought that there were interpreters in the county jails, but I was mistaken. I probably would feel a little better if a man could do it since it is in the men's facility, but the chaplain came to my church and someone mentioned to him that I know how to sign. We talked and I told him that I would have to pray about it and let him know.

    My goals will include, but are not limited to:

    1. Continue my street praying
    2. Continue to meet new people every day
    3. I am going to go out on a limb and say... lose 6 pounds this month:wink:
    4. Continue my goals for the month of November and make them a lifetime commitment
    5. But most of all, I will LOVE THE UNLOVELY AT EVERY TURN!

    Here's hoping that all you lovely ladies continue to be successful in your goals and efforts toward them. Stay warm this month, if you live in a cold state.:ohwell: And for those of you who don't, I just want you to know that I am a little bit jealous of you and wish I were there!. :glasses:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Christchild, I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to try for this man. No telling where God where will take you with it. Yes, You have to be wise and make sure that you are not alone with him until you know what he is like. But he must feel terribly alone there. Good luck. I don't do well with goals either and they just set me up for failure. So I do't set them and rejoice in what I do gt accomplished. We are like snowflakes and can't go on this journey in the same way. If doing goals make yous feel frustrated and defeated, then don't do it. I have found that setting goals don't have to be just in weight loss. That's a big part of who I learned who I was throughout all this weight loss journey. I would sometimes set goals of 'call and make appointment for mammogram' or call and find out when my and husband doctors appointments are. Get lab work done. Pick medicine up on time. Those are the kind of goals I can work with. Good luck and welcome. Tell us a little about yourself and where you are from.

    Joyce, Indian
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Had a good bike ride at the gym today and then walked around the building for 1/2 mile walk.
    72 degrees here today!
    Just making a short note to " bump" for Dec.
    Have a lovely Sunday!
    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Just checking in for a bump. Got to do my weight training. Doing it while watching my favourite Sunday morning 'magazine' programme. Needless to say there is a lot of cookery in it!:happy:

    Today or tomorrow must get my greenery for the Christmas wreath class at the WI. It's on Tuesday night. My oasis wreath is quite large so I will have to soak it in the bath. I thought I would do another thing for Christmas today so will make stuffing or brandy butter!:laugh: :bigsmile:

    Right, enough procrastination. On with the plank!:sad: :sad: :wink:

    Heather UK


    Did my November goals

    3 min plank
    30 push ups - once. 28 last time
    Upped my reps with new weight. Back up to 30 squats with 20 lb .
    Lost a lb. But nothing for a while, I think it's hovering.
    Had lunch out with a friend.
    Gave to 3 charities.

    December goals

    Lose 1 lb.
    Arrange to see my brother and family. It's proving difficult!
    One drink 4 nights of the week.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh:
    Barbie's excellent motto - do not let perfect be the enemy of the best. NO STRESSING!
    Do some RAKS. :happy:

    Enough already!

    NSV - I was kneeling on the floor recoevering from my plank when DH came up behind me. He said "It is definitely worth it, you have a lovely shape, look." And he gave my waist a massage! TMI I know, but it is good to know that horrible plank is worth it!
  • Dixie2111
    Dixie2111 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I'm Michelle, aka Dixie2111 (as my name was taken lol) and a returner to mfp, which I joined in May of this year and am a type 2 diabetic, but having had an injury recently to my left arm my exercise programme, plus six birthdays in November to celebrate at work including my own (cakes day and nibbles) the diet/exercise plan I was doing slithered to a stop just recently this October. I am getting back on-line here to try to get my weight loss kick-started again and I am in need of some support. I've just found this lovely blog for the 50's+ so I know I will find something in common with all the lovely people on here. I am in the UK in Essex and want to try to get back into my exercise routine and shed the 4 or so pounds that have crept back on since I tore a tendon in my arm up by my shoulder in October...Ooo! it was so painful! :sad: So, I hope to find some help and support from people of my own age group who aren't fitness fanatics and deeply into sports lol (wondering if that is too much of an ask! and apologise if that offends anyone!) I see some lovely success stories on mfp, but I am not sports minded, or go to the gym, although I do do my own routine at home that I learned from Rosemary Conley classes (which sadly closed in my area) and using mfp to keep my calories on track! I was exercising 5 nights a week with an aerobics routine and included some floor/mat work for around an hour to an hour and a half depending on how energetic I was feeling. Any other advice would be most welcome. I am vegetarian although I do eat some fish and cheese (ohh my downfall! lol) :blushing: and am looking to make some friends and so to support each other during our mfp journeys .:flowerforyou: :happy:
  • hstnljean
    hstnljean Posts: 52 Member
    Hi I am Jean, got off to a great start when I joined mfp but have been slacking and maybe this will help me get back on track. Will be back with my goals, it is time for work. Have a good day :flowerforyou:

    Jean from Decatur
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good Morn,all. Don't know where my Nov goals got to,so will make new ones for Dec. We have a lot of Dec BDs on my side,meaning cards to send.The 5th,7th,9th,11th,13th,18th,19th,25th,27th & 30th.Prob missed a couple. Oct is our other boatload of BDs on both sides of the family.A couple mos pretty well takes care of them.

    I love everything about Dec! Ppl are smiling,snow is coming ,Christmas & a new year will soon be here.My fav day has always been bad weather Sundays.So relaxing,just read,sew..whatever,DH has Sunday paper & lots of football. Win,win! My only decision is what to have for dinner.

    Finally,finally lost a bit of wt.It's been a long haul,but seems I need to just let it happen,Just be glad I'm not gaining.

    That will be my 1st Nov goal,go with the flow
    Get BD cards bought,addressed & sent
    Decorate tree,put live greens & candles on our new mantle
    Work on crib quilt for 1st Great Grchild,expected in March
    Buy flannel pillow cases,love flannel in winter
    Keep on keeping on with drinking water,staying just under my calorie goal

    Happy December Pat C in Ohio
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Happy December beautiful ladies:flowerforyou: !!!

    Barbie:smile: Thanks for keeping us going:flowerforyou: ! You are very much appreciated:heart: !

    Just popping in to save my place! My cousin is still here:heart: and things are a bit crazy:tongue: . I`m just not used to having someone around all the time, it`s a bit tiring:blushing: !

    I will be back either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning with my goals for December. November goal was not to gain any weight, didn`t happen:sad: ! Seems like my body has said "No More" to losing for some reason, very frustrating to say the least:frown: !

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! This is a wonderful group of kind and supportive women!

    Molly:smile: So sorry to hear about your fur baby:brokenheart: :sad: !

    Have a wonderful day my friends! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in chilly NC
  • Dixie2111
    Dixie2111 Posts: 30 Member
    Just checking in for a bump. Got to do my weight training. Doing it while watching my favourite Sunday morning 'magazine' programme. Needless to say there is a lot of cookery in it!:happy:

    Today or tomorrow must get my greenery for the Christmas wreath class at the WI. It's on Tuesday night. My oasis wreath is quite large so I will have to soak it in the bath. I thought I would do another thing for Christmas today so will make stuffing or brandy butter!:laugh: :bigsmile:

    Right, enough procrastination. On with the plank!:sad: :sad: :wink:

    Heather UK


    Did my November goals

    3 min plank
    30 push ups - once. 28 last time
    Upped my reps with new weight. Back up to 30 squats with 20 lb .
    Lost a lb. But nothing for a while, I think it's hovering.
    Had lunch out with a friend.
    Gave to 3 charities.

    December goals

    Lose 1 lb.
    Arrange to see my brother and family. It's proving difficult!
    One drink 4 nights of the week.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh:
    Barbie's excellent motto - do not let perfect be the enemy of the best. NO STRESSING!
    Do some RAKS. :happy:

    Enough already!

    NSV - I was kneeling on the floor recoevering from my plank when DH came up behind me. He said "It is definitely worth it, you have a lovely shape, look." And he gave my waist a massage! TMI I know, but it is good to know that horrible plank is worth it!
  • Dixie2111
    Dixie2111 Posts: 30 Member
    Wow! Makes me feel really lazy lol, but reading this post there really is no excuse for me NOT to get started again, so this afternoon after lunch I am going to put my music on and do my exercise! Lovely inspiration to get up and stop procrastinating, Heather, thank you! :happy: