

  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    I joined Dietbet on Sept. 24th this year. So my goals are to continue to lose weight until about May or June 2014. Currently losing about 10 lbs per month but I know as I get closer to my goal, that will slow down. Joined another Dietbet that starts on December 10th and goes for 6 months. It keeps me motivated.
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    Good morning Ladies
    I have started back today with fitness pal.I have slowly gained back all the weight I lost and then some.I loved reading your entries and found lots of inspiration in your words.I'm from Michigan and need to get back on track.
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies:smile: We had a Wonderful Thanksgiving in North Carolina, even got to see snow, I was excited about it :bigsmile: , needless to say they were not, but I don't have to live in it. :bigsmile: I wasn't able to track food there, no cell service in the mountains, but I did try to maintain pretty well. :tongue: I weighed this morning and no gain so I'll take it.:happy:

    We did receive some bad news on our trip up. My Son's MIL passed away on Tuesday morning in her sleep, she was only 50yrs old. :brokenheart: My Son and DIL drove to TN from OK and her husband had to fly in from Afghanistan, the service is today, and my thoughts and prayers are with them in this time. :cry:

    We will be pulling out and putting up Christmas decorations today :tongue: . Seems like a lot of work for 3 short weeks, but I have 3 grandchildren that will be here Christmas day and I'm thinking they would be none too happy with their NaNa if there was no tree :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a Blessed & Wonderful Day :flowerforyou: .

    December Goals:
    1. Drink more water
    2. Exercise
    3. Be thankful for everything, big or small.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    December is one of my favorite months. I love all of the Christmas decorations and time with family to celebrate. I also love the snow and am looking forward to having enough to cross-country ski and to try out snowshoeing. Hopefully DH's foot will be up to it (He had a fight with a ladder and lost the battle). If not, I will have to make it happen for myself. I have not been nearly as active since he injured his foot. We often walked, hiked and kayaked together. I need to be more independent!!

    I spent yesterday sorting out my office. Now I can get to my sewing machine to work on some projects for Christmas. I have bins of books,etc. to take to work. Will try to take one each day this week. It would really make me happy to get all of that out of my space!!

    I did okay yesterday on food, but did little formal exercise. I worked all day moving and sorting, though so I did not spend any time just sitting. That is progress for me. Lately I have been quite a couch potato.

    Today I will log all of my food, make healthier choices, and move a lot. I am thinking of going shopping for a few hours to get a start on Christmas presents. I need a few things from the craft store to finish a couple of projects I have started. I also need to get schoolwork done so that I am prepared for the week.

    Does anyone have any good recipes for lentils? I make soup with them, but I am sure there are other ideas.

    Meg- Retirement is about 3.5 years away, but who is counting! lol. I am just at the point of I not being able to fit in all of the activities and projects I want to do and work full-time!

    Sandy- I admire how you work through any obstacle and keep on exercising! You are my inspiration!! Heading to the treadmill now!!

    Have a great day!!

    Goals: Log every bite...every day!
    Cardio for at least 30 minutes every day
    Stretch every day
    When my back heals, weights 3 times a week

    Deb A in CNY
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,754 Member
    morning ladies,
    cant really go anywhere for awhile it is freezing rain outside, was gonna race walk but dont want to break a leg:wink:
    have had my lemon water and breakfast have laundry in the dryer, the DH got home safe and sound, and we need to get out and do Christmas shopping.. our big screen tv finally went so now have to look for a new one,,,wonderful time to be doing that:huh:
    also have to get the DGD some batman earrings , yes she just loves batman,go figure,, will have to look for those online and a bucket of dinosaurs,yup she is a crazy girl, but hey thats ok with me..been fighting a sinus headache for 3 days so I pop a few tylenol and im on my merry way sorta..
    Welcome to all the newcomers~ you will just adore these ladies,even though we are spread out all over the place,at least speaking for myself I feel right at home:heart:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    Welcome Dixie, Jean, Angie, Connie and any newbies I've missed!:flowerforyou:
    Nice compliment Dixie (we have another Michelle so do you mind if I call you that?), but remember I have been doing this for 18 months now and I am pretty much at goal, hence the v slow weight loss. When I started I could not even get off the floor to do a plank and could barely manage one press up. I was pretty much a crippled mess, with busted knee, breathlessness, wonky ankles, you name it. The good thing is, if you just keep on keeping at it, GRADUALLY building up strength and upping your stamina and weights, miracles DO happen! I have always eaten back my exercise calories. I LOVE food. I started from scratch, really rock bottom, so if I can do it, anyone can do it!:bigsmile:

    You have the rest of your life to look forward to. :flowerforyou: :happy:

    Heather UK
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    Hi my name is Claudia ,I am 54 and SW : 174
    I started my journey with WW and found MFP in one of their chatgroups ,I liked MFP better and it is free so I have been here since March .I am having a bit of a plateau but I will get past it .I do weights 4 times a week and walk on treadmill.on other days.I enjoyed Thanksgiving fully but I am back and serious about loosing the rest of my weight .Feel free to add me as friend ,as you can see I am chatty.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi there, Happy December! Let's make it one to remember. :wink:

    Thanks again Barbie, for keeping the thread going. And a big welcome to everyone new! I don't have much extra time these days to read and post here, but I do enjoy it and always have. Great group! :heart:

    Last Friday was my 3-yr MFP anniversary, I thought I'd share the blog post I wrote that day.

    A Work of Art

    MFP Anniversary day!
    Yes, I'm an artist. However, my major work of art over the last 3 years has been my bod. I used to work on several paintings during the winter months until I started counting calories and exercising.
    When I work on a painting, I often get to the point where I'm fit to be tied and can't figure out what to add or subtract from the piece. So, I hang it up on the wall and just look at it for a few months. I walk by, glancing at the overall picture, noticing what areas, if any, need work. Often times I just call it finished and leave it be.
    This is currently the case with my physical self. I'm standing way back and looking at it - the whole picture. What can I change? Am I finished with this work?
    Some of those paintings hang for a couple of years before I dust them off and get busy with my brush, adding the fine detail. This is exactly where I stand with my work here on MFP. I've been "hanging in there" for a year and a half now, holding fairly steady with weight. Oh, I've been so frustrated at times not being able to lose a few more pounds! But I'm noticing my strength and stamina have increased a hundred-fold.
    Things I can do now that I couldn't do before:
    Walk without pain or a limp.
    Walk really fast!
    Jog, jump, dance and sing without running out of breath.
    Work in the garden for hours without taking a break.
    Run up a hill!
    Lose 67 pounds.
    Fit into size 12 jeans instead of 22.
    Now then, it comes to mind that I've managed to gain a few pounds back by being a bit sloppy, so I know this Work of Art is not yet finished! Nor will it ever be.
    My greatest art lesson? It's never too late to add detail.
    Big thanks to my friends here for helping me keep at it!

    Have a great day everyone!
    :smile: jb in stormy Portland
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning, and welcome to all the new ladies! I hope you get as much from this group as I do. It's wonderful!

    I did not meet my November goals, because of the little surgery thing, but I start cardiac rehab tomorrow, so hopefully I will be back on track very soon. I think I only lost two pounds all month, but I did manage not to gain any, even through Thanksgiving, so that's something. I've been walking with the dogs again in the evenings, and feeling fine, but keep my nitro in my pocket just in case. I don't quite understand why, if they cleaned out the blockage, that I would still have angina, but I do have just a little. I did have other successes besides weight loss though. I bought size 1x sweat pants because the 2x were too big, and my tiny size 20 yoga pants and jeans are getting baggy. I bought a new pair of size 20s at a consignment store, thinking they would fit, and the waist is way too big. So, I'm going to try on some 18s today. If that works you will probably be able to hear me screaming all the way from Kansas! That will mean I'm back to regular rack sized clothes, and not plus sizes. Fingers crossed!

    It's foggy outside, like pea soup. Poor Bruno couldn't even see the cat across the street this morning. I assume he was out there, because he's always out there, but we couldn't even see the house, much less the cat. Hubby says he is feeling a little better this morning, but he doesn't sound like it. He has to get busy grading today, so I hope he keeps the tv off. I'm sick of football.

    Well, have a great Sunday.

  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Good morning everyone :)

    HAPPY DAY FOR ME !!!! I finally broke my over 2 month PLATEAU !!!!!! ( I think high salt and stress was the problem - wonder if drinking black coffee with a tsp of unsweetened cocoa help whoosh the pounds down??? Its the only thing I added in my new lifestyle yesterday - whatever it was ,It just made my day )

    My goal for this month is

    - Try to cook more meals at home - ( to keep my sodium down ! )
    - Add yoga & brisk walks - (to help me with stress issues at home!)
    - drop 4 lbs this month
    - SHOP - SHOP - SHOP :)
  • Barbsunshine7
    Barbsunshine7 Posts: 2,693 Member
    Hello Everyone! Gosh, it's December already? Where did November go?? :wink:

    I guess I did ok last month with my eating, however getting exercise in needs improvement. I've got arthritis in my si joints and have sciatica really bad. I'm sure if I get some of this weight off I'll feel much better, but it seems like a vicious cycle...I need to work out, try to go for walks, the pain starts and I end up in pain. So I focus on trying to get to the gym and work on machines that don't hurt my body.

    December goals will be to get to the gym at least 3 times a week and focus on what I'm eating. Does what I'm about to eat nourish my body? Am I eating because I'm really hungry or am I stressed or bored? Will I feel sick after I eat it because it's full of gluten or sugar?

    I won't set a weight loss goal because I'll set myself up for disappointment! Instead, I just need to focus on being healthy and if I do happen to lose some weight, well that will be a double blessing!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Dec 1st.
    Going to church will post goals later.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Bumping to find the new thread. I do love this group! The support, caring and motivation are terrific. Though I don't post every day I do follow along and participate vicariously in each of your lives.

    DH is golfing today...I think. He has gone golfing three other days this past week, only to turn up a short time later declaring it too cold, too windy, etc. Perhaps he is now a fair weather golfer.

    Meg, the yard clean up has more to do with moving some larger river slicks we just dumped in what we call the alleyway when the big rock work was done in September. The hostas were huge at that point and you couldn't really place the slicks. So we'll distribute them throughout the bed as mulch now that we can see the dirt. Otherwise it would likely be done in the spring.

    Those hostas get huge! they end up about 18" tall and 30" wide. I have no idea of the variety as they were shares from our prior home, but they are so beautiful and really fill in the little space we have in the alleyway. The space is between us and our neighbors, probably about 10' wide, mostly shaded and the grass wouldn't grow and downspouts would wash everything down when it rained. After a year or so we talked with the neighbors and together redirected the downspouts, mulched in a pathway, and each of us created a narrow bed for our own house, and it is pretty maintenance free -- just the winter or spring cleanup. We have hostas, peonies, nandina and a hydrangea. They have a gardenia, columbines, a vicious growth of bishops weed (?), hostas, acuba and a hydrangea. We get the best view of it from our breakfast room windows as their house sits up higher than ours. I see their gardenias and usually miss my peonies as they are slightly farther away from the window. The neighbors are lovely and we appreciate them so much!


    Gail, metro ATL

    PS to Joyce - dream away! Then think of a way to implement one at a time. Did you know you can get replacement fronts for dishwashers in different colors? We recently had a bit of a windfall and used part of it to do all sorts of delayed maintenance - pressure washing everything, etc. As that was being done I thought of how silly we were - we could have done this or that along the way without hardship, yet let the idea of the maintenance was larger than the actual tasks.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Darn I typed a whole page of responses just to find out when I hit post reply I was disconnected. Darn.
    So now I will give just a report of what I'm doing. Focus is what I talked about at the tops meeting.
    This is my approach to it. I write everything down that I want accomplished for the day. No matter if it's and hour out for coffee.
    Journal every morsel that hits my mouth. The only thing left to work on is exercise that I haven't been doing.

    Hopefully this will be enough to have a loss come wed. at tops. wii said I'm losing. But I have to hit the wii for more than just weigh in.

    See you all lighter,
  • ertzj
    ertzj Posts: 1 Member
    What is bump?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am reading “Thin for Life” and just finished the chapter about setting goals. I want to share some parts that I found helpful.

    *steer clear of goals and resolutions with words like “always”, “never”, “every day”…….they are doomed to failure, setting you up for perfection and leaving no room for human failing

    *use language like “I will do” rather than “I will be”……I can resolve to do a certain amount of exercise or drink a certain amount of water (I have control over my behavior) but I have no control over a goal of “I will be 10 pounds thinner at the end of the month”.

    *use specific language like “drink 64 ounces of water” rather than “drink more water”

    *make goals based on where you are rather than where you hope to be……if you don’t exercise at all, make a goal of “walk 20 minutes a day” rather than “run 5K three times a week”

    :bigsmile: Juanita, you’re right, poodles are the greatest dogs

    :bigsmile: JavaJudy, your goals sound achievable and it will be better to aim for them in the company of supportive women

    :flowerforyou: ChristChild, I’ve done some volunteer work in a men’s prison and being a woman was not a problem……the men I worked with treated me with great respect and appreciated the effort I made to be there.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, your new fitness level is a great inspiration to me to keep on with my weight training…..what are RAKS?

    :flowerforyou: Dixie, when I started MFP, I was already going to line dance classes and walking a bit……I’ve gradually increased my fitness activities as the result of inspiration from women on this thread……I made small changes over time.

    :flowerforyou: Jean, I found this thread when I first started MFP and these women gave me the support and encouragement that helped me lose weight and get more fit.

    :bigsmile: Pat C. I love your happy attitude about December.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, we have a great guest room but I’m not crazy about having house guests….I love my privacy.

    :flowerforyou: Angie, welcome, come back often and tell us more about yourself.

    :flowerforyou: Connie, if you want to get back on track, you’ve come to the right place.

    :flowerforyou: Tazgirl, sorry to hear about your son’s MIL

    :flowerforyou: Deb A. sorting out your office sounds like a very satisfying project getting you ready for more satisfying projects.

    :flowerforyou: Claudia, welcome……tell us more about the weights you do….I am always looking for new ideas.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, I learned a lot from your shared introspection….thank you for sharing it.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, my hubby carries his nitro with him all the time just in case his heart “complains” about something he’s doing….he rarely uses it but feels better if he keeps it with him.

    :flowerforyou: Mamma_nee, nobody understands plateaus…..the trick is to never give up.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, being healthy is important to me, too…I like to stay focused on eating for nourishment

    :bigsmile: Gail, your garden sounds wonderful

    :flowerforyou: Lin C. you are so right about focus….i have to focus on what’s important to me or it doesn’t happen.

    :grumble: I awoke to the sound of a cat upchucking nearby……after cleaning up, I was wide awake and got up and got dressed and walked the dogs. I am not back to my old long walks but I walked longer with them today than I did yesterday. Jake is feeling better today and promises to do some of the dog walking later....:bigsmile:

    125348s4vbqulv93.gif 125347fa3fzrtcfh.gif 2580462w1svqu6w9j.gif 1853435iv8ava9ssr.gif 122224dr63dp166s.gif

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: Thanks for being you. I wrote a long message in response to many posts on the November thread and then discovered we’re onto page 2 of December. I’m not going to try to catch up, so I’ll start from right here.

    November goals:

    1. Log every bite: I did a pretty good job of this but had an estimate day on Thanksgiving.

    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week: This was an excellent goal and sharpened my focus. I know it resulted in me getting into the fitness center regularly and improving my strength.

    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily: It took a long time to figure this one out but thanks to the power of warm lemon water, I’m finally getting this done consistently.

    I did quite a bit of Christmas Tree research and we bought our new “tree” (shrub) yesterday at a garden center. This is a dwarf Alberta Spruce, which may ultimately reach 6 or 7 feet tall in about twenty years. It is three feet tall, not counting the pot, this year. The folks at the garden center said it can stay indoors for about a month without harm if I’m sure to give it plenty of water. I hope it is true. The down side is that it hasn’t got deep crevices in which to hang ornaments. Everything will be right on the surface. I haven’t decided on the name yet. The rosemary “trees” were all named Rosemary. ”Alberta” or “Albertina” will have a vacation whenever the kids come to our house for Christmas and we’ll get a 7’ cut tree that year. I have a lot of other decorating to do before it comes into the house.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Just a quick hello; today is Thanksgiving here at our house and I've been cooking since yesterday and up at the crack of dawn today for more. Nearly all done now; I'm trying a new recipe and it's the only thing left....sweet potato biscuits. Kids will be here in about an hour, so I'm off to try to look presentable! I'm going to have to go back to work tomorrow to rest LOL. Take care, Meg from Omaha where it is still lovely.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    WOW, I get on and found a lot of new women to get to know. How wonderful that more women have found our group and joined.

    I think my Thanksgiving meals have finally caught up with me on the scales, only .6 pounds but still a gain. But today is back to my diet, water and Y. I am determined that by our family Christmas which is Jan 4th I will see another couple of pounds gone. My brothers haven't seen me for awhile, one brother since last Christmas and he is 'growing' due to a bad knee and many emotional problems in the family. His son has lived with a girl for several years and are now pregnant with their 3rd child. The first one he knew was his the 2nd not so sure and now there is the 3rd. He said they were now in a committed relationship but he frequently airs their dirty laundry on facebook and they have very heated arguments between other on facebook. She is so much of a slob that my daughter will no longer let them stay at her house. Christmas may be down by one person.

    Gail our initial dishwasher went out, it was very basic and we just used it as place to store things. My girls were at the age that doing the dishes was a good chore for them. When the last one left the house and went off to college and a no longer had my 'dishwasher' I went to Sears and bought a new one. Finally I could be rid of my Avocado green. I got black. Then we had to get a new refrig and got almond. so black dishwasher, avocado stove, almond refrig. Oh well, it's all functional.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    just bumping to find this tread later. As some of you know my DD is going to need some surgery. I'll be very focused on getting that arranged, helping with her recovery and hopefully getting her back to school before the semester ends (although doubtful). I'll try to check in when I can but I think its going to be a bit busy for awhile.

    My goal for this month is to maintain - and not let the stress affect my eating habits.

    Have a great Sunday everyone

    Jodios in sunny N. Il