Very frustrated and upset.

When I was 26, I decided to make a change in my life. Over the next 2 years I lost 58 lbs.

Unfortunately, I gained 33 of it back. Right now I am upset and despairing and feeling hopeless. Even if I conquer the weight problem again, it will sneak up on me and I'll be fat again.

I feel like this is an uphill battle and I keep getting knocked down. Two months of skipping workouts and eating junk and the weight just piled back on. I realize I was wrong to do that to my body, but in addition to a faulty metabolism, I also suspect that I may suffer from a moderate case of compulsive overeating.

I just need some words of encouragement and support. I feel terrible about myself and everything I've done right now. I worked so hard and so long to get those pounds off, and then just ruined all my hard work. I feel like a failure.


  • mzhrrs13
    mzhrrs13 Posts: 25 Member
    Dont beat yourself up about it! You can do this because you have done it before! Tomorrow is a new day! Just start over. I can understand where you are coming from, but just remember, Rome was not built in a day (or so they say). I am glad that you took the first step of many that will help you get back on track. Together we can do this! Feel free to add me!
  • sorry: tough love ahead

    it really doesn't help to loathe in self-pity... especially over something you are capable of changing like your eating habits/diet. If your overeating is out of control, then maybe you need to seek counseling regarding the underlying reasons why that is. Otherwise, you ARE capable of change and YOU can be the change you want to see in your body. Normally, I'd tell someone you can't change the past (regarding the weight you've gained back), but in this case: you can lose the weight again. Don't fret CHIA PET!!
  • Thank you so much. That means a lot.

    I feel ashamed. Now I'm finding it hard to start exercising again. I can't believe how out of shape and lazy I've become. I used to never miss a workout. I don't even know who this person is that I've become, but it's not me at all.
  • Livin4me1969
    Livin4me1969 Posts: 745 Member
    You are not a failure, you simply made some bad choices and side tracked yourself. You are taking the steps to get back to where you want to be. The path that we are all on is a long You have to make the choices in your diet and also in your exercise plan that you can maintain. The first step back is always the hardest and you have taken it. You need to figure out what causes your overeating whether it is stress or just boredom and correct that pattern. You can do this!! We are here to give and also receive support from people who are going through the same thing. Stop beating yourself up and make the decision to fix it. Please feel free to add me and I will try to help as much as possible...Welcome to MFP :smile:
  • I definitely agree that I need to seek counseling regarding the fact that I stuff myself when I'm bored. I eat way, way past the point of being satiated. I even feel sick at times. I hate doing this to myself. More than lack of exercise, I'm hurting my body by overeating and eating the wrong foods (carbs, cheese, processed crap). I even somehow lost weight stuffing myself with those foods. I need to change a lot more.
  • Lorelai23
    Lorelai23 Posts: 31 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! I did the same. Lost lots of weight and went through two years of grandparents going downhill and passing. I put it back on and now trying to get it back off. My realization- I can do this however I need to work through being an emotional eater. Welcome. We can do this.
  • Thank you, Lorelai. It helps so much knowing that I'm not alone in this horrible situation. It's so frustrating. More than getting this weight off, what really haunts me is the fear that I'll never be able to maintain.

    I kept my weight off for seven months, then backslid. I'm so mad at myself. : (
  • doglover1984
    doglover1984 Posts: 54 Member
    I know how you are feeling, I used to eat for what seemed like no reason at all. I did find this book that helped me, it is called " conquer your food addiction" and I find it really helpful for teaching you ways to change your habits. I don't follow everything in the book, but I do follow most of the mental things in the book. Also don't beat yourself up, we are our own worst enemies in this weigh loss journey. Stay positive, if you slip up don't use it as an excuse to keep doing it, learn from it and make a change. I used to eat and while eating telling myself that I am full but still continue to eat. For what.....boredom, sadness, stress, life, etc. I changed my habits, instead of at nap time eating while my little girl slept, I read, or clean or just relax without food. I do more exercise, and involve the kids in it which makes it fun for me and the kids. I eat less, not dieting just eating less, well I definitely don't eat as much junk as I used to, but I do have a snack everyday or every other day. I guess what I am saying is just believe in yourself, love yourself faults and all, and yes there are going to be hard times but don't get hung up on them. I find doing something active wise with the kids or talking to my mom really cheers my up and brightens my day if I am having a down day. But don't give up on yourself, and remember in all your imperfect glory, love yourself. I hope this helps brighten your spirit, and stay positive.
  • I have been there right where you are. I am back there now. The only thing I can do is try for today. It's a ****ty cycle. Food is good. Food is love. Hunger sucks. Make a decision to start slow. That's what I am doing. And I can beat myself up more than anyone else. So I feel your pain. Do I over eat? Maybe. But I didn't gain weight from eating healthy and exercising. I can just move forward and stop worrying about it. We are not alone:smile:
  • Kowee84
    Kowee84 Posts: 65 Member
    im in the same boat right now.
    i dropped 3 dress sizes... thought i was doing just fine.. started having fun.. which didnt include exercise and eating habits.
    now im bursting out of my clothes feel like an old plump dumpling and wanted to stick my head in the sand.. instead i chose to come here and do something about it. you have taken the first hard step which is to get help and for us little chumpys its not as easy as it sounds. positive thinking doesnt always wanna hang around.. so remember to come here whenever you get down.. instead of eating what looks like a yummy chocolate bar come here and get the strength to say no... ive noticed after 3 days that i feel better and looking at what im eating does help, YOU WILL SUCCEED AGAIN :)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member will sneak up on me and I'll be fat again.

    IMO the first thing to acknowledge is that 30+ pounds of weight gain can't "sneak up" on anyone. For whatever reason, you made a choice over a long period of time to allow it back on.

    And that's cool. Pretty much everybody here has done that at some point or other.

    But if you want to make a long term change, you'll have to take ownership of and responsibility for your body.
  • wendalyse
    wendalyse Posts: 58 Member
    Hey, look... you have not ruined everything. You are still down 25 pounds and you have caught yourself now, as opposed to regaining all the weight you lost and more. Yes, these changes do have to be lifelong and yes, that can be a little discouraging. Of course we would all like to eat everything we want to and as much as we want to, but the reality is that not many of us can. In fact, those who can usually can not do that indefinitely. Bad habits catch up to all of us. I guess that what we all have to learn is how to balance our occasional indulgences with our regular nutritious food intake and energy output.
    Stop cutting yourself up over this. The fact that you are back on this is a great thing because we all motivate each other. Just start right now to be back on track. The weight will come off all over again and you will feel and look wonderful in just a few months. Good luck.
  • changetheplan
    changetheplan Posts: 1 Member
    Omg! I can't believe how out of shape I have become! That's the real kicker. I can take something for my cholesterol but only walking is going to help make the trip to the mailbox less taxing. That's where I am - baby steps.
    You did the right thing just to come here and share your feelings.
  • I really didn't want to reply to the negative guy, but it was a matter of three months. It was not a long period of time. I have a severe weight problem and even a few months of not working out and eating high calorie foods piles weight back on.

    I find your tone critical and condescending and I don't need that kind of negativity around me right now.
  • Hey, look... you have not ruined everything. You are still down 25 pounds and you have caught yourself now, as opposed to regaining all the weight you lost and more. Yes, these changes do have to be lifelong and yes, that can be a little discouraging. Of course we would all like to eat everything we want to and as much as we want to, but the reality is that not many of us can. In fact, those who can usually can not do that indefinitely. Bad habits catch up to all of us. I guess that what we all have to learn is how to balance our occasional indulgences with our regular nutritious food intake and energy output.
    Stop cutting yourself up over this. The fact that you are back on this is a great thing because we all motivate each other. Just start right now to be back on track. The weight will come off all over again and you will feel and look wonderful in just a few months. Good luck.

    Thank you. You're right. I should be grateful for the 25 lbs that are still off (and will NOT be coming back on my body). I have to think positive.
  • Tann33
    Tann33 Posts: 101 Member
    Today is a new day. Get back up and jump back in the swing of things. Some people put too much pressure on themselves during the "Holiday Season" trying not to indulge or over thinking about their weight. But take one day at a time. If you did it once before you can do it again. Don't beat yourself up over something ONLY YOU can change. :smile:
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    I definitely agree that I need to seek counseling regarding the fact that I stuff myself when I'm bored. I eat way, way past the point of being satiated. I even feel sick at times. I hate doing this to myself. More than lack of exercise, I'm hurting my body by overeating and eating the wrong foods (carbs, cheese, processed crap). I even somehow lost weight stuffing myself with those foods. I need to change a lot more.

    You might want to try FA. Their website is:

    Have a freind who used this program, and not only lost 160lbs, but has managed to keep it off. It a non BS approach. But before you try them, make a commitment to do this. Before you do anything, you need to decide if you want it. If you do, then do it. I am a sugar junkie, who, despite working out almost every day, gained wt. I have not had any processed sugar (except for 2 pcs of fudge) since Nov 23. I started MFP on Nov 25th, and have lost over 7 can do it if you want it.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Although many may say the scale is the devil..ha ha..I think that what alot of us do is STOP STEPPING on it as if it does not exist and then when we are ready to deal again we are blown away by the number we see on it. I think that whereas the scale is not the be all, end all that it keeps us honest. I will never forget growing up that my grandmother would step on the scale at least once a week and if she had gone up a few pounds you would hear her say "the scale was a bit up..I need to watch it" know you have done it can do it again! Chin up! :)
  • Its hard but u can do this....after all uve already done it once....its just a matter of making little sustainable changes finding a healthy cal intake that doesn't leave u starving and finding a way to be more active in a way u love as opposed to something u feel u have to do! I love my workouts and if i do one i don't love i wont go back to it!
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    When I was 26, I decided to make a change in my life. Over the next 2 years I lost 58 lbs.

    Unfortunately, I gained 33 of it back. Right now I am upset and despairing and feeling hopeless. Even if I conquer the weight problem again, it will sneak up on me and I'll be fat again.

    I feel like this is an uphill battle and I keep getting knocked down. Two months of skipping workouts and eating junk and the weight just piled back on. I realize I was wrong to do that to my body, but in addition to a faulty metabolism, I also suspect that I may suffer from a moderate case of compulsive overeating.

    I just need some words of encouragement and support. I feel terrible about myself and everything I've done right now. I worked so hard and so long to get those pounds off, and then just ruined all my hard work. I feel like a failure.

    Cut it are being way too hard on yourself. It happens to people! But it doesn't have to happen. And you can change it! That's the great thing about it! You need to congratulate yourself for losing weight in the first place; and keep that in mind, you can do it again :) It's not easy. If it were, we would all have perfect bodies. Please don't mentally beat yourself up. If you are compulsively overeating, I agree, counseling might help in order for you to find out what you're missing in your life that you are trying to satisfy with food.

    Don't feel like a failure. This is a lifelong battle for a lot of people. It's just time to start over. You can do this, and you can stay with it! If you need friends, feel free to add me.