What would push you to divorce?



  • 100toloose
    100toloose Posts: 151 Member
    @Tboscamp- not selfish,go for it Hon! There is a prince out there ,waiting for you!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    What about selfishness, addiction to videos games and lack of emotion or communication? One who will have his mother watch his one year old daughter so he can play his video game first thing when he gets home till he falls asleep.. doesn't pick up after himself. Takes his wife for granted working a full time job, coming home to be mommy and house wife at the same time? One who can't buy a simple card for his wife on her birth day when the month before his wife bought him a 800$ tool he isn't using because of a video game. One who snaps at his wife for tryin to go to bed for work in the am, asking to get off the game. So his wife sleeps in another room. One who say he knows he has things to work on but does nothing? One who is 30 years old and has do much potential but choses to throw it away? Or a spouse that has had hood conversations with you on positive Change who doesn't even bother to nag anymore?

    I'm just curious... would this be a cause or am I the selfish one?

    but isnt that the kind of stuff you find out before you get married?
    communication issues dont miraculously resolve themselves because of a piece of paper and expecting to people change after marriage never works out.

    IMO, if the person isn't someone you'd want to spend the rest of your life with as they are before the marriage then there shouldnt be a wedding
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    What about selfishness, addiction to videos games and lack of emotion or communication? One who will have his mother watch his one year old daughter so he can play his video game first thing when he gets home till he falls asleep.. doesn't pick up after himself. Takes his wife for granted working a full time job, coming home to be mommy and house wife at the same time? One who can't buy a simple card for his wife on her birth day when the month before his wife bought him a 800$ tool he isn't using because of a video game. One who snaps at his wife for tryin to go to bed for work in the am, asking to get off the game. So his wife sleeps in another room. One who say he knows he has things to work on but does nothing? One who is 30 years old and has do much potential but choses to throw it away? Or a spouse that has had hood conversations with you on positive Change who doesn't even bother to nag anymore?

    I'm just curious... would this be a cause or am I the selfish one?

    but isnt that the kind of stuff you find out before you get married?
    communication issues dont miraculously resolve themselves because of a piece of paper and expecting to people change after marriage never works out.

    IMO, if the person isn't someone you'd want to spend the rest of your life with as they are before the marriage then there shouldnt be a wedding

    He is not the person I married.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    Abuse of my children/myself.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,983 Member
    What about selfishness, addiction to videos games and lack of emotion or communication? One who will have his mother watch his one year old daughter so he can play his video game first thing when he gets home till he falls asleep.. doesn't pick up after himself. Takes his wife for granted working a full time job, coming home to be mommy and house wife at the same time? One who can't buy a simple card for his wife on her birth day when the month before his wife bought him a 800$ tool he isn't using because of a video game. One who snaps at his wife for tryin to go to bed for work in the am, asking to get off the game. So his wife sleeps in another room. One who say he knows he has things to work on but does nothing? One who is 30 years old and has do much potential but choses to throw it away? Or a spouse that has had good conversations with you on positive Change who doesn't even bother to nag anymore?

    I'm just curious... would this be a cause or am I the selfish one?
    You must be a glutton for punishment. This is far from the first rant I've seen about him.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    What about selfishness, addiction to videos games and lack of emotion or communication? One who will have his mother watch his one year old daughter so he can play his video game first thing when he gets home till he falls asleep.. doesn't pick up after himself. Takes his wife for granted working a full time job, coming home to be mommy and house wife at the same time? One who can't buy a simple card for his wife on her birth day when the month before his wife bought him a 800$ tool he isn't using because of a video game. One who snaps at his wife for tryin to go to bed for work in the am, asking to get off the game. So his wife sleeps in another room. One who say he knows he has things to work on but does nothing? One who is 30 years old and has do much potential but choses to throw it away? Or a spouse that has had good conversations with you on positive Change who doesn't even bother to nag anymore?

    I'm just curious... would this be a cause or am I the selfish one?
    You must be a glutton for punishment. This is far from the first rant I've seen about him.

    #$%^! I told myself I wasn't going to tag this thread...

    ...but this looks like potential MFP forum gold...

    ...so I'm in...

    ...reluctantly, but still in.
  • lakkazit
    You are definitely not selfish . Iam going through same situation where i can't find any emotional support from my Husband. I can't take his negligence anymore and i sort of left my country on education basis.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I believe some of these issues aren't present before one gets married. Some people develop addictions after the fact, they cheat, they become selfish and abusive. Not everything is foreseen before you say "I do".

    People change! And btw........I would consider all that you said to be a reason. But that's just my opinion.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Marriage, duh
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    What about selfishness, addiction to videos games and lack of emotion or communication? One who will have his mother watch his one year old daughter so he can play his video game first thing when he gets home till he falls asleep.. doesn't pick up after himself. Takes his wife for granted working a full time job, coming home to be mommy and house wife at the same time? One who can't buy a simple card for his wife on her birth day when the month before his wife bought him a 800$ tool he isn't using because of a video game. One who snaps at his wife for tryin to go to bed for work in the am, asking to get off the game. So his wife sleeps in another room. One who say he knows he has things to work on but does nothing? One who is 30 years old and has do much potential but choses to throw it away? Or a spouse that has had good conversations with you on positive Change who doesn't even bother to nag anymore?

    I'm just curious... would this be a cause or am I the selfish one?

    That would definitely do it for me! And you are not alone in this situation. I know other young wives facing the same crap. Way past time for him to grow up.
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    Then again.. I did set myself up for this. I rushed into it.. I was madly in love and my dad was terminally ill... so I did it full heartedly, but in all the wrong reasons. Now I have a baby girl... how sad is that.. that I could potentially ruin her family.. we have been together 5 years. Married two. He has not proven to be a very good family man.. h is not mean, he is just not around enough. My daughter doesn't wan anything to do with him... it HURTS my feeling
  • allybfit
    allybfit Posts: 3 Member
    The cheating, the constant lying, the drug use. He spiraled out of control after I found out about his affair. Heavy into drug and alcohol use. I just couldn't take it anymore & I tried giving him several chances afterwards, but to no avail. Once a person lies to you, regaining trust is so difficult.
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    What about selfishness, addiction to videos games and lack of emotion or communication? One who will have his mother watch his one year old daughter so he can play his video game first thing when he gets home till he falls asleep.. doesn't pick up after himself. Takes his wife for granted working a full time job, coming home to be mommy and house wife at the same time? One who can't buy a simple card for his wife on her birth day when the month before his wife bought him a 800$ tool he isn't using because of a video game. One who snaps at his wife for tryin to go to bed for work in the am, asking to get off the game. So his wife sleeps in another room. One who say he knows he has things to work on but does nothing? One who is 30 years old and has do much potential but choses to throw it away? Or a spouse that has had good conversations with you on positive Change who doesn't even bother to nag anymore?

    I'm just curious... would this be a cause or am I the selfish one?

    That would definitely do it for me! And you are not alone in this situation. I know other young wives facing the same crap. Way past time for him to grow up.

    I thought 30 was a bit old to be still growing up..
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    OP, so you don't want to know what would push other people to divorce, you wanted to know if your husband is a douche. I'd lead with the primary reason instead of the red herring in the future.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    if the toiler paper is under and not over

    if she left the seat up

    couldnt tell the difference between you're, your ..wait, i meant your and you're

    didnt laugh at people in those fail videos on youtube

    if she logged cleaning as exercise
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    OP, so you don't want to know what would push other people to divorce, you wanted to know if your husband is a douche. I'd lead with the primary reason instead of the red herring in the future.

    That was a remarkable end run to the point...
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Abuse of me or children....or adultery.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    So you're saying that you're going to be single soon?

    Full disclosure: I play video games, but I also cook and clean.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    if i found out my pouse were leading some sort of serial killer/master criminal double life

    Dexter!!!! What about if he was a vigilante like Dexter? :laugh:

    Yeah, I'd have to say if my partner was abusing our kids or any kid, watching child porn, gambling addiction, drug or alcohol addiction (obviously I could attempt to work through the addictions with counselling & not just file for divorce straight away).
  • TarynAngeline
    TarynAngeline Posts: 95 Member
    if the toiler paper is under and not over

    if she left the seat up

    couldnt tell the difference between you're, your ..wait, i meant your and you're

    didnt laugh at people in those fail videos on youtube

    if she logged cleaning as exercise

    Hahahaha. Yes.