Your weird food eating habits



  • sarah3333
    sarah3333 Posts: 222 Member
    I pretty much only eat the same few foods. Oatmeal, yogurt, almond milk, apples, eggs beaters, veggies, low fat cheese, popcorn, and pumpkin puree every day.

    I like to save all my calories for after 5 pm.

    I always save the best bite for last which mean I always finish my plate.

    *All terrible habits for my metabolism and my weight loss plan! Err : /
  • Whereismycoffee
    Whereismycoffee Posts: 130 Member
    My husband is always telling me I eat weird.

    ~ My food on my plate absolutely, positively, without a doubt can NOT touch! If it does I won't eat it. (exception is salads, go figure)
    ~ I like crunchy peanut butter on my hotdogs along with my regular mustard and onions.
    ~ If I am eating any kind of sausage - either in something, on something, on its own, IT MUST HAVE spicy brown mustard with it.
    ~ Fried okra? I got to have ketchup for me to dip it in. Same with mac and cheese, I got to have ketchup for it.
    ~ I would only eat the green M&Ms and give away all other colors.
    ~ I eat all my veggies first, then the meat if I am still hungry.

    Now days I don't eat most of that stuff anymore, so my food life is rather boring, except for my food just can't touch.
  • koootenay
    koootenay Posts: 126 Member
    I like to eat my food fast and in order of: veg, starch and then protein.
    Spoons all the way.
    I crush my ramen noodles before preparing it.
    I enjoy slightly crushing chips in the bag before indulging.
    I don't like eating chicken unless I cook it, most people over cook it : (
    You gotta eat everything on the plate.period. I guess it's how I was raised.
    Those mini watermelons, you can't just eat half, you got to eat the whole thing! Same with cantaloupe.
    When my blood sugar is low, my go to sugar is werthers original. I refuse to eat the sugar tablets.
    Grapefruit is the most disgusting fruit.
    I like to eat kraft singles slices on their own.
    I very much dislike peppermint patties, but I'm always trying them because they smell so good.
    AND my favorite... when my mom makes her cottage pie, every time she'll serve my a giant square piece on a plate and then I destroy it by mixing it all together and devouring it like an animal. (it's my favorite meal, can you tell?)
  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    Don't really like things to touch. I eat all of one thing before moving on to the next, usually based on what will get cold the fastest, or what is most disgusting if cold. For example: broccoli first, because it gets cold fast and is really gross cold, then starch, then meat, but if I had a broccoli salad instead, I would eat that last. I bought some utensils from the dollar store to send in my kids school lunches, but I can't use them because the metal is so flimsy, I feel like I could bite through them and it sets my teeth on edge. I hate food that's supposed to be hot served cold. Cold pizza is a sign of civilizations downfall, IMO. I like to take small bites of things, like I take about 6 bites to eat a '2 bite brownie'. I love popsicles, and eat them in a strange way, eating it in lengthwise quarters, eating them off the stick, and still get annoyed when they fall off the stick!
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I only have 2 weird habits I can think of

    1- I like to eat with a dessert fork ,The ones I have are wide and short , I eat many salads and it sticks my lettuce so much easier lol

    2- When I eat Italian crusty bread - I take out the inside and eat just the crust
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    I can eat a Burger King steakhouse Burger in not more than 2 minutes. LOL
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    i put yogurt ON my eggs. i dont drink it i pour it over and then eat it.

    oh and if i drink a bit more, doesnt matter when i come home i eat a combo of ham, cheese or ricotta,eggs,spinach,pickles and onions....PLUS of course i put yogurt on that all hahaha
  • kawaiifurby
    kawaiifurby Posts: 10 Member
    Mine aren't quite as weird as a lot of yours hehe
    - When I have toast I like it to be warm bread, not really toasted much at all
    - I only eat cereal straight out of the box with my hands
    - I mix garlic mayo and ketchup to make the yummiest dip ever
    - Hash brown is always necessary, I do not understand why people see them as breakfast food
  • juliezum
    juliezum Posts: 92 Member
    I don't like eating meat when it's in the shape of the animal it came from. Thanksgiving for example; the turkey should be brought to the table in slices on a platter; not placed on the table in the shape of a bird. Also, constantly referring to thanksgiving centerpiece as the "bird" while it's cooking or "carcass" when you're cleaning the meat off the disgusting!
  • lavender_fairie
    lavender_fairie Posts: 76 Member
    I'm an all-or-nothing gal. When I met my hubby I was my vegetarianism had gotten to the point where I really only ate bananas and cheese. Now I won't eat a banana.

    I don't like raspberries and blackberries. Actually, they taste good but I can't resign myself to all those seeds.

    Working at subway for 6 years did a number on me- I always eat burgers, sandwiches, etc open-faced. I don't like all the bread. And for a looong time I couldn't even have mayonnaise in my house, made me queasy just thinking about it.

    As a child I only liked egg whites. When pregnant I are like 12+ boiled eggs a day- yolk and all. Now I like the yolks but I try to throw them away so I can afford to eat more egg whites.

    I don't see the point in eating a salad without green olives.

    My two most hated restaurants are p f chang's and Olive Garden. You wouldn't believe how many times I've been invited to eat at those places. I would rather stay at home bored than go to those places.

    I would rather drink my calories than eat them. I know it's bad but these days you can get so many yummy drinks! I'll probably at some point go back to drinking strictly water just to avoid the temptation.

    I don't understand how fudge can b improved with nuts. Fuge is perfect without nuts. Nuts in fudge is a detractor in my opinion.

    Broth=good. Vegetable soup=very bad. Vegetables on my plate and not mixed together=okay.
  • laura4028
    laura4028 Posts: 6 Member
    Poached eggs: I eat all the white first, preferably with beans and the I pick up the egg yoke on the fork and eat it hold. People who have witnessed me doing this are disgusted.
  • piratebear1
    piratebear1 Posts: 88 Member
    I like to eat everything in sections :

    Mars bars - chocolate round the sides,then off the top, then the caramel - then the base.

    Twix - as above!

    Big Mac - layer by layer.

    I save the things I like till last (Big mistake when your hubby then leans in with his fork stealing then - thinking the pile of mushrooms arent going to be eaten at all :-( )

    I like to lick the flavour of the crisps then eat them.

    I like to dab salt with my finger and just eat the salt.

    I would eat cheese sauce with anything.

    Im right handed but eat with the fork in my right hand.

    I must say that since dieting Im not quite as quirky - case of cant be too fusy!
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    Can't eat anything from a plastic container or with a plastic fork or knife.
    Can't even drink coffee in starbucks unless it's in a mug.

    I'm just so posh.
  • TarynAngeline
    TarynAngeline Posts: 95 Member
    Steamed broccoli + mustard


    You need to see someone about that! That's the most disgusting combination I've ever had the misfortune of reading! If only I could unread!

    Shut your face. I do what I want.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    Licking the ""cheese""" off my Doritos before eating them (I mean right before). Grosses my husband out!
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    same here! lol
  • shells1234
    shells1234 Posts: 64 Member
    I put cottage cheese on top of a hot sweet potato I love the mixer of hot and cold!!
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I have a bit of a thing about eating out of bowls. Given the option I'd rather use a bowl than a plate. I also can't eat desserts that have been stirred (my brother cottoned onto this fact early on as kids :angry: )

    *I forgot Mayonnaise. I fricking love it on pretty much anything. I have been known to produce sachets from my handbag when eating out.

    sigh. so much this. I'll put mayonnaise on almost anything. I freaking love it so much.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    I always bite the heads off of Gummy Bears... I know... I'm sick.
  • Pandora_King
    I cook everything in wonton wrappers in muffin tins.