

  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Morning everyone:

    Don't know why but am a little frustrated this morning. Probably the weather. I've got lots to do but can"t seen to get started.

    But instead of giving into negativity I am going to wash my face, put some music on and make myself get started.

    OK I did think of a question? I have made my donation to the "red kettle" outside of walmart yet everytime I go into a store where there is a ringer I feel guilty or judged when I don't drop something in. I know this is just plain old stupid but that feeling goes through me each time I pass one. Does anyone else have this happen to them>



    No, I do not feel guilty. Sometimes I have change and I will drop it in. As a rule, I don't carry change and I'm certainly not dropping my debit card in there. :smile:
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Day 3 of the same storm! I am crabby! I came north with a list of people to see and things to do, but nothings getting done. However, I did knit myself a winter scarf to wear when we do get to go outside!

    Sandy- Take care of yourself and have fun w/ DD's birthday. I do like the idea of her using a water pistol to make sure you don't overdo the exercise! It really is wonderful that you and she have been able to enjoy the Y together.

    With all of my crabbiness, I should also admit that it is absolutely beautiful outside. The snow in the pine trees is wonderful, I just wish I could get some nice pictures, but I am not able to get out, yet. I do know that the temps are scheduled to drop radically, and that means the storm winds will die down and the snow will finally stop. It will be cold, but we will be able to get out.

    For today: lots of water- I have been lax in that area lately. Light eating; venison for supper- - - YUM!

    Take care, my friends,

    Pat (Phoo)
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello to everyone,

    Heather..........Gorgeous wreath!!! You reminded me that I have 3 bags of cranberries in the fridge yet.

    Katla...........Your boat is beautiful..........how neat!

    Gotta run, it's one of those days with 10 places to be. I realized on the way to the gym this am that I had actually forgotten to eat breakfast!!! How awful is that!!

    Chilly, rain ending (I think).

    For myself, I skip the red kettles, etc. with no feeling of guilt. I decided a long time ago to make my donation to charity in the form of volunteering; I want to know exactly where my effort goes. If I give money, it's directly to the person who needs it.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Doing a lot of shopping online this year.One of my ways to de-stress.Hubby has such hard hours to fit in going out shopping.
    Gonna be in the 50`s today and rain then get colder.
    Hope everyone is doing ok and enjoy your day.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I agree with the others on Katla's boat. Somehow I had always thought that your boat would have been on dry land. I never thought it was docked. Do others in your area do the same things with their boats?

    I am one that doesn't always put money in the Red Kettle. There have been articles in our paper about some pretty bad mismanagement of the money in the kettles so I don't. We used to have a bell ringer outside of our local Schnucks that sang almost continous Christmas carols. I made going to the store a very pleasant experience.

    Still have the sore throat but I have decided it is sinus drainage. But with the sinus problems just coughing gives me a headache. I'll keep the fluids up.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member

    - No more excuses for not moving more - started kick boxing in my basement !!! I was kicking and punching and making noises like kids do when they play with their soldiers and my 13 yr old says - DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE THOSE ANNOYING SOUNDS !!??? LOL I replied YES !! because I kick and hit harder with the sound effects just like when used to make all those sounds when you were younger and I would always ask you to please keep it down ! LOL He found it hilarious

    Dee, yes we have a park nearby where we go for walks thru the woods but since its getting colder now I find it easier to do what I can at home, gives me more time to finish unpacking and tree trimming if I ever get around to it this year. I am just not in the right state of mind this year - My dad 88 is not doing to well and then my mom is having a hard time dealing with social service ladies giving dad all the attention - fights with them and then fights with my dad.. she will be 93 this February . I try to go and spend time with them a few times a week ( 40 minute drive from me.) _ I come from a large family - 5 sisters and 3 brothers we wanted to put dad in a nursing home but 1 of my sister`s made a big stink and says he needs to stay home , its so hard making the right decision but My mom is getting violent and is actually hitting on him and spitting ??? I don`t think anyone should have to take that . where does someone draw the line?

    TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS - I skip the red kettles, etc. with no feeling of guilt. I decided a long time ago to make my donation to charity in the form of volunteering; I want to know exactly where my effort goes. If I give money, it's directly to the person who needs it.

    I volunteered at my kids school - every day 3 hours per day for over 9 years ! I think I have done plenty :) I was in school so much that the dean of the school actually offered me a job but I refused lol
  • MABoxall
    MABoxall Posts: 24 Member
    Thanksgiving week - I had a bumpy couple of food days but kept going right back to my exercise. So I lost another pound in spite of it!! Still on track.
    December - my goal is to lose 15lbs by Xmas and I have lost 12 so far. Three weeks to go so I am sure I can meet that.
    2014 - So thrilled to enter 2014 with weight loss instead of weight gain and jumping onto the fitness wagon then. My goal is to lose another 20lbs. I want to get back to swimming laps again and to stay vigilant with my eating and exercise.
    M.A. in CA
  • Barbsunshine7
    Barbsunshine7 Posts: 2,693 Member
    Happy Wednesday Everyone!

    Well, I forced myself to wake up early enough to hit the gym before work. Last year at the time I was going every MWF morning and T & TH evening I would go to the indoor pool for classes. This past summer I began slacking off and have had a really tough time getting back to it, I've been feeling really tired. So I pushed through and burned all kinds of calories first thing, then I made the mistake of going to Dairy Queen for lunch. :sad:

    I've been in kind of a funk and need to snap out of it. Bah humbug!

    On an happier note, it's sunny and in the 50's here in beautiful WV...after having snow and ice last week!

    Barb in Eastern WV
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    I think this was the busiest day I have had yet since I started this job in CT. I was tasked with initiating password changes for all the sales people. I did 23 of 43 and boy was that a mistake! The phone never stopped ringing until about an hour ago! I am beat!! Had other issues to deal with in between!

    Went to Curves again today. Starting to feel it in my muscles. About time! I can tell I am getting fitter, (if not losing weight) as the slacks I have on today used to be tight, now they fit correctly! Progress!

    At home, my DH finally! got the bug to empty boxes! Well, after I went out and bought all new blow drier, and other bathroom/bath supplies, he found the container with all my bathroom stuff in it! Now I have 2 or more of everything! Oh, well, will make good donation.

    Now I wish he would find and bring up the Christmas decorations before I go and buy any! I know I have a ton of them!

    Well, back to work now. Prayers and hugs to those who need them. Congrats to ALL of us on accomplishments. And keep on plugging!

    Rita from sunny CT
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    I have lost track of time again. I lost my notes so not doing well. Prayers to all and congrates to all. With all the stress of the holidays we have to remember one day one step at a time. I just went another round with the insurance company. The person the sent to inspect the work came out yesterday. So after they left I called back to BOA to get the code I need to cash the check. This guy tells me I have to send the check to California and they will cash it and then send one back to me when they get the report. I told them that is not what I was told last week, Then he tells me they have alot of new people. So this morning we take the check to the post office and mail it so they have to sign for it. I was so mad I threaten to tear it up in little pieces and mail it to them. I will be so glad when this is all done. Our DS came over last evening and put up Christmas lights around outside the house. Then DH and I went a got areal tree. It is so pretty and smells so nice. So I am slowly getting into the spirit of the season. The weather turned this morning and we are having cold winds and flurrlies of snow. Gotta love Nebraska.
    Blessed Vicki GI NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :flowerforyou: I liked the quote about are you hungry enough to eat cold green beans……I read an article many years ago that said if you crave a high calorie sweet treat, start with an apple, an egg, cottage cheese----and it went through a long list of healthy bland food and if you’re still hungry after all of that, then you can have the sweet treat. I like cold left-overs and sometimes have them as my lunch of choice.

    :bigsmile: We had our last latke meal yesterday and savored every bite. Tonight we’ll light candles for the last night of the holiday.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, there is a boat parade around Seattle every year nightly for many days before Christmas. A few years ago we went on a boat out of Port Townsend so we could be in the water to watch the other boats in the parade…..it was beautiful….one big boat had a huge singing group performing so all could hear the music…..I looked at the pictures of your boat lights and Alberta, the tree, and your decorations…congrats on your great decorating

    :flowerforyou: Barb and Tina, welcome to our friendly community……it is a prescription for success that works best if you have a daily dose

    :flowerforyou: Laura, I know how it is to have a sweet dog begging for your attention just when you want to do something else.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, congrats on having a pear instead of chips……every time you do that, it gets easier.

    :flowerforyou: Angie, I read a bit about the plan you follow………it wouldn’t work for me, but I know others who follow your plan and they’ve had great success and like following it……I have a plan that works for me and others say that it would never work for them.....best wishes for continued good results.

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I made a decision to make no contributions to any cause that I haven’t chosen after careful thought. I give nothing ever to the red kettles in spite of the fact that my father was a bell ringer for one of them decades ago……guilt is a waste of energy.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, I felt like I was being extravagant when I bought my last pair of expensive water-resistant walking shoes until I realized that I walked 5-10 miles a day in them and that 500 miles was long enough to wear them before replacing them.

    :flowerforyou: Jean, I agree……every day is a new day

    :flowerforyou: Margaretturk, I have Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us checked out from the library on CD and have learned so much by listening to it…..I spent four winter in Southern Minnesota in college and loved every minute of it.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Plank today----60 seconds

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I went to line dance class today where we danced a whole class of dances that I love and no new dances…..I didn’t have to sit down between dances which is another piece of evidence that my back is getting better.

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    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    There are a lot of new women on this thread so I thought I'd post before and after pictures......I knit this sweater in 2008 thinking that I was making it plenty big.....wow, was I surprised at how lumpy I looked in it. In 2009 I joined MFP and began the Isagenix program to lose weight and improve my overall health. The bottom picture shows what the I looked like in the sweater after losing over 60 pounds.



    Before and after
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    There are a lot of new women on this thread so I thought I'd post before and after pictures......I knit this sweater in 2008 thinking that I was making it plenty big.....wow, was I surprised at how lumpy I looked in it. In 2009 I joined MFP and began the Isagenix program to lose weight and improve my overall health. The bottom picture shows what the I looked like in the sweater after losing over 60 pounds.



    Before and after

    Beautiful sweater that undoubtedly took skill and determination to create. Beautiful woman who also created herself anew! Thank you for sharing, Barbie.
  • lajpeck
    lajpeck Posts: 83 Member
    Thought I would put in a before and after pic of my own.


    Laura in Maryland

    Ps - Hope this works.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    Barbie~ Laura~ look at you guys, such determination, how wonderful..
    we are all on our own road of weight loss arent we? that is why we are all here , we are such a wonderful group and it so nice to come here to voice opinions,share our troubles, and our victories
    Love each and every one of you:heart:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Laura,good job.Thanks for sharing your pics
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :smile: hello, well I'm back on track finally lost 4 lbs. Changed my ticker back to the start and don't plan on doing that again
    Water water and keep moving
    Barbie and Laura great pics big changes and you both look so happy now
    Katla so nice to see a boat decorated they are all under wraps here, big blue covers in all kinds of odd places for winter
    Phoo hope you get dug out soon or you could have quite the collection of scarves lol

    So nice too hear and see all the different ways we celebrate and get ready for the holidays from beautiful wreaths you did agood job there heather. Lighted boats, to naming little trees so cute. Wish I lived at Micheles house love baked goods! Wait a minute not now thats what got me here.....

    Welcome to all the new ladies, great bunch here.

    Best wishes to all juanita in sudbury where now its raining.........
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Barbara and Laura WOW! Thanks for sharing.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Laura and Barbie, it's so nice to see faces to connect with the people we know. Thanks for posting. You both look fantastic! And Barbie, your sweater is beautiful. It looks comfortable. I can crochet but I never liked knitting. I'm in awe of those who do it so well.

    Someone asked me to post before and afters, but hubby has hidden all my before pictures because if he let me see them before I lost weight, I would have destroyed them. I will ask him to give me one or two. I did have him take a picture of me once I got into my size 20 jeans, because I was so happy, but honestly I still look the same as before. My face is still round, and I'm still pretty heavy, I still weigh over 210 pounds, after all. When I see photos it makes me a little depressed, but I have to say it's not as bad as it used to be. Photos used to make me downright catatonic.

    I had a great day today. At cardiac rehab they took my blood pressure using the NORMAL cuff, not the big one, and it worked just fine. A nice lady I knew from the Y was there too, so I will have somebody to talk to sometimes. I told her about MFP, and I hope she joins. She's not heavy though, so she might not.

    I went to the studio and tried to start the furnace, but couldn't get it to work. I'll have to call a repairman tomorrow. It's supposed to get really cold and nasty here, so I hope my pipes dont freeze.

    Our local Braums store had some low salt chicken broth (115 mg per cup, as opposed to Swansons 580), so tonight I made some chicken stew, with onion, celery, garlic, Mrs Dash, and whole wheat egg noodles. I added a touch of condensed milk to make it creamy. It was pretty yummy, and I have lots left over got another day. I'm getting more of that broth!

    I hope you all are staying warm and having a great evening.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,892 Member
    Hello to all: It is cold and snowy here in SD and supposed to hit single digits tonight. We have windows in the Aquatic Center where I work and it is kind of fun to sit there in your swimsuit and watch the snow fall and people all bundled up outside. The PTs don't call it the "vacation rotation" for nothing.

    Met with a gastroenterologist on Monday to have the liver lesion they found incidentally on CT scan evaluated. He was able to tell me several things it was not but not what it is. They took blood for tumor markers and I had an ultrasound yesterday. I had to lay still and hold my breath but I really wanted to laugh. The techs could not find the lesion on ultrasound. The second one came in and was really pretty cocky. He just knew he could easily find what his co-worker could not. Well the joke was on him. He finally found it but could not get good pictures because he couldn't keep it in view so that test was undiagnostic. Will get results on blood tests and consultation with hepatologist on Friday. I think the decision is probably going to be wait six months and then do another CT to see if there are changes.

    I love reading about all the Christmas decorating. We are not doing much this year because we are spending Christmas with DS and family and DD in the Seattle area. Hope we have good weather for traveling.

    Heather - I think if you keep cooking you will have to buy a new freezer but it sounds like you are really in the spirit!

    Sylvia - Keep up with your cardiac rehab. My DH lost 11 pounds when he went. I would say it was really good for him. He gained a lot in strength and stamina.

    Barbie - Have you heard of the book Hannukcats? It is Hannuka songs with cat-related lyrics.

    Well choir was cancelled tonight due to weather. I am really rather glad although I miss singing. It is a good night to stay home and warm.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all with victories. Sue in SD