

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    I am caught up. We are such a busy group. I enjoy sharing all the different ways we are getting ready to celebrate Christmas. My goals for November were about 50-50. So I have given it some thought and made just 3 for December. 1. Log every bite- I have been doing that 99% of the time the last several months. 2. Slow down and enjoy the season and time with famliy. 3. Remember God loves me and thinks I am worth it.
    I had a NSV this last weekend. DH went and bought me a new ring, with a blue diamond and it is size 6. He said I needed it as my others are so loose as they are size 9. My new ones fits just right. So I think after Christmas I will take my favorite of the others and get them sized. I have put it off afraid I would gain the weight back and they would be too small. Funny thing is everyone of them had to be made bigger when DH got them. Then we had our picture taken for Christmas cards. I wanted to show the change in me. Well I am not happy I look old and we did them before I colored my hair last Saturday. But I am sending them out and next year I will start earlier and look better. Of course DH says they look fine.

    Heather-- Your wreath is so pretty. You are so talented. Sounds like your rowing across the lake gives you a good work out. Sounds like a pretty picture. I enjoy listening to John Denver. Takes me back to High school and my first serious boy friend. Several years ago the BF moved back to help his mom when his dad passed away. He drank alot. and ended up with cancer. He ended up dying from the drinking. What a waste.

    Sylvia-- Severak if nt DGC gave school Christmas programs next week. I plan to attend as many as I can. I must say I enjoy them more now then when my kids were doing them. I guess as I get older I realize the important things in life.

    Katla-Barbie-Lajpeck-- Thanks for sharing the pictures. It helps to see who and what we talk about.

    Cindy--I have mixed feelings about the bell ringers. Sometime I give and other times I don't. DH and I have several things we give to all year long. And DH is a sucker for people along the road with signs. A speaker we heard acouple years ago said that if we give with a giving heart God sees that and what the person recieving the money does is up to God to judge. So I try and remember that.

    Jeri--Releasing not losing. I like that.

    mamma_nee--your kick boxing sounds fun. I would more then likely fall on my butt. Choices we have to make as our parents age are not easy. My dad had a heart attack in Oct and he was in the nursing home about a month before mom took him home. Putting him there after the hospital was not an easy choice but we knew mom could not take care of him. He is doing well now and things seem to be alright but still worry.
    Well ladies have a good evening and enjoy this beautiful time of year,
    Blessed Vicki in cold GI NE
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: It is a wonder. DH programmed the new remote to work with the tv. Holy moly. Now the rest of the devices :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    That is all I am writing tonight :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    in freeeeezing Vancouver Island, BC
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    There are a lot of new women on this thread so I thought I'd post before and after pictures......I knit this sweater in 2008 thinking that I was making it plenty big.....wow, was I surprised at how lumpy I looked in it. In 2009 I joined MFP and began the Isagenix program to lose weight and improve my overall health. The bottom picture shows what the I looked like in the sweater after losing over 60 pounds.
    Before and after

    I have seen this before, and yet when I see this again, it makes a profound impression on me, Barbie. Thanks.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Sylvia - I'm always amazed at how my tastes have changed. I'd really prefer a good peach to a piece of pizza.

    DeeDee and Heather - one of the problems with a too-full freezer is that you forget you have something and make more of the same item instead of finishing up what you have. That happened to me, I had a small bag of beans in the back of the freezer, didn't realize I had them so made more.

    Linda C - you can send you rouined fundge to me! My stomach doesn't care what it looks like :)

    DeeDee - oh, the decorations are coming along. That reminds me, does anyone know how to post a video on here? Hope your brother is OK and alls well renting the car

    Heather - I used to use a wreath hanger all the time. I see katla posted a link, check it out

    Cindy - I'm the same way. Whenever I see a red kettle, I ALWAYS try to drop at least $1 in it.

    katla - your boat and tree look beautiful thanks for sharing

    Barb in IL - have a great mani/pedi

    margaretturk - I put Sugar, Fat, Salt....on my wish list at Amazon. Then I just sent the kids a link to my wish list

    Heather - your wreath is beautiful. Thanks for posting

    mamma_nee - that's so funny you being asked to "keep it down". Role reversal. So sorry about your parents

    The other day I was in WalMart and asked for a raincheck. I was told that they no longer give them out. Is this so? Vince says that it's basically illegal not to give a raincheck unless noted that rainchecks aren't given.

    Laura in MD - wonderful pics

    Sylvia - wonderful that they used the normal cuff to take your bp. You're on a roll now, girl! Just because someone isn't heavy they might still join MFP. Honestly, I don't feel that I'm THAT heavy. Yes, I would like to be thinnner. But utmost in my mind is that I'd like to feel good. I'm here and plan to be for quite a while

    Vicki - yea for you having to get smaller sized rings.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do a Jari Love Get Ripped Slim & Lean DVD. Then Vince wants to work some more outside. We need lights and I'll look for them and test them. Not sure what all else he has planned, but I know it'll be something. In a way I'm glad that I'm not volunteering at the Green Room. Someone had taken this day before I could. I have found that volunteering on Thurs. a.m. seems to work out best for me.

    Michele in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi everyone. Cold and windy here today and we had some sleet this morning but nothing too bad. It’s going to get really cold here soon. Today was the last class day and while I am so glad to be done with that, I will really miss the students. I’m worried about several of them not passing next week. DD#2 has a friend over tonight. She’s a serious latch key kid; her mother works two jobs so I usually take her home, but lately she has been staying with us to study and get some real home life. Poor thing was alone on Thanksgiving while her mother worked 16 hours. Bless her mother’s heart she’s struggling, but I feel sorry for the kid.

    Today I am grateful that I have wonderful co-workers because otherwise the stress of this goofy semester would have done me in!

    NSV today! I wore a wool-blend Pendleton skirt I bought about 4 years ago and never could fit into. Now it fits very nicely and it’s a size 20 (I started at 24). I have a new sweater set from Land’s End; a blue shell and a teal cardigan with blue polka dots. Fabulous!

    Michelle; how do you get all that baking done! I never have the time

    Gail; hope the eye improves soon!

    Sylvia: sometimes that chaos is fun, but I’m with you when it’s over….ahhhhhh! Good for you to make such great changes in your life

    Grandmallie: I hope those new shoes will help your tootsies!

    Heather : what a lovely picture to look at while you are exercising.

    DeeDee: we had a very small amount of sleet but it really was not too bad. The temps fell all day long and it got windy . You’d think the world was coming to an end though the way the weather guy carried on about it! I left well before 7 to be sure I got to work before 7:30 and I was really early LOL

    Cmbalint; welcome aboard! I have tried several of those 3M hooks and they never seem to work for me…fall right off. I think they are a great idea so I am always disappointed.

    Cindy: YES! And guess what? That’s what the bell ringers (or at least their managers) want. I have a friend who used to work for the Salvation Army and said that was their plan. It’s especially effective when it’s really cold outside.

    Katla; great pictures! Very festive!

    Dr.Katie: funny about all the wreath information. I have a screw on my front door too because we always have a wreath too. I
    use the over the door hangers inside.

    Barb: enjoy the mani-pedi!

    Jean: you’ll lose those few pounds soon!

    Jeri: love the releasing pounds idea!

    Pat/Phoo I bet it is lovely there

    Yanniejannie: hope you get all your chores done and find some time to rest too

    Jane: great idea to distress the holidays

    Joyce: get over that virus soon

    Mamma_nee: I would like to try kick boxing but they don’t seem to have it at the Y

    Vicki: stay warm out there!

    Barbie: I sure am enjoying your Hanukkah graphics and it was fun seeing your pics again. Inspiring!

    Laura: you too are inspiring! Look at that difference

    Sue: sending you good thoughts for the best news about the liver issue

    Well I have skipped a few people but I need to get my dozey self to bed. Take care all Meg from cold Omaha!
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Barbie, I see you are in Washington. I lived there for many years. I have a daughter who lives in Maple Valley and I'll be visiting her for Christmas. I live in Arizona now and we are having chilly weather today and the rest of the week.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    I have added another goal for myself. As part of my Christmas decorations I have a creche that every time I do an act of kindness I add straw to it. So my goal is to do at least one random act of Kindness a day. Today I helped a young man brush off his car because he only had gloves and didn't have a car brush. Also I shoveled my neighbors sidewalk.

    Happy Hanukkah!
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Barbie, Thanks for sharing the before and after pics. You look younger and the sweater well it looks like new. You both look great!!
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    I have added another goal for myself. As part of my Christmas decorations I have a creche that every time I do an act of kindness I add straw to it. So my goal is to do at least one random act of Kindness a day. Today I helped a young man brush off his car because he only had gloves and didn't have a car brush. Also I shoveled my neighbors sidewalk.

    Happy Hanukkah!

    That's a wonderful idea. I like your attitude!! We need more people like you in this world.
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    Well, I am back again! I got a massive infection two weeks out of hospital and had to return for another 11 days! It has shot my Christmas plans out of the water, so it is on to plan B. It will be a quiet one for sure! On the positive side, I lost another 10 lbs. while in the hospital (no reflection on the food, girls!): Time to start walking again (in my winter coat, Brrr.) Glad ton hear you are doing well and in fine holiday spirits. Time to catch up on all the comments!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Had a scare tonight. I tried to sign in on my laptop to finish out my calories for the day and see how you all were doing. It said my password was innacurate. So I clicked on the link to send me a new password. Did all that and it still wouldn't let me in. I tried enough times it put me in time out for an hour. Been a long time since I had been in time out!!!! So after the hour I tried again and it still wouldn't let me in. So what it eventually did was sign me up for a new account:sad: Was not wanting that. So I searched around and found an email link to MFP and told them what was going on and to please get me back in as me. Got a quick email back asking me to write specific things about me so that they could know that I am really me. I guess I passed the test because I'm back. But I'm on my PC and hopefully tomorrow when I am on my laptop it will behave itself.

    My DH had his 6 month check up today with his cardiologist. He passed for another 6 months. This coming March will be one year so he was supposed to go off of his expensive medicine after the stents were put in. But since DH still has blockages that he doesn't want anything done about he has to stay on the Effient. That means he still can't go on his Aleve for his arthritis. But dear Dr said that quality of life is also important and to try it on a trial. So off the Effient, Aspirin and Celebrex and to try Aleve. He also highly suggested DH see about getting a cortisone injection. He said not to wait until his physical in January but to see about getting it as soon as he can.

    hope the tummy issues are gone as I finally went and got a jug to start my 24 hour urine collection. My Dr ordered it while I was getting my colonoscopy prep and said to sait until I was done with that. DUH! So now I have a jug of urine in my fridge:frown:

    Bad weather is supposed to arrive tomorrow for two days and then just frigid temps after that. I asked DH cardiologist about DH shoveling snow. Well I guess we will have to pay some one to do it.. Whatever happened to neighbor kids wanting to earn money???? I guess they are inside playing video games. Or Mom and Dad are already giving them extra money.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    The poodles are back. Yay! Love the poodles!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    morning ladies,
    I am up and having my lemon water and icing my heel.I do this daily..yesterday i went and bought new orthodics for my shoes and new sneakers..when I went to the podiatrist for the inserts,one of the orthodontists we send patients to is downstairs from them.
    devistating news, He is a real nice guy 39 yrs old, has a small child and one on the way, I guess his wife is pretty far along. he went to his high school reunion over the holiday weekend, and didnt come home,so the wife called the hotel to have them check on him, and he was dead in bed.
    so just crazy over there.. we do know a thing or two about that with us losing our Dr 6 yrs ago.
    I did stop at dollar tree to get some birthday and christmas cards,an older lady in line a few people ahead of me was down 2.65 cents and was gonna run out to the car to get it,so when she went I just handed the cashier what she needed.
    she thanked me so much, if I have it I will help out.
    going to the gym in a bit and then grocery shopping
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Laura, you’re doing a fabulous job! What a difference you have made so far. I love your smile in both the before and after pictures.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: After DH’s stroke last winter we found low sodium bouillon and threw away the saltier stuff. I’ve also been making chicken stock & freezing some for future use. I know it has no added salt. I made turkey soup yesterday using my own turkey stock, leeks, carrots, parsnips & broccoli. We both enjoyed it. This was similar to c*ck-a-leekie soup but I cut the veggies up chunky & used only one chunky cut leek.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Congratulations on the smaller clothes! :flowerforyou:

    AnneCarolOne: I’m sorry to hear about your infection but glad you’re doing better.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: I’m sorry to hear about the young father. So sad & difficult for his family.:flowerforyou:

    I fell on black ice yesterday & thought everything was okay but my left wrist hurts now, at 2am. :tongue: I might need to go to the doctor after all. :grumble: We only have part of our lights up but I’m not dealing with any more while it is icy. I hope it warms up in time for the Christmas Ships Parade this weekend. If it is this slick, I’d cancel if it were my decision. I don’t even want to go down onto the dock, much less climb on a boat.:noway:

    Katla in icy NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Katla :smile: Your boat looks so festive and beautiful:love: !!! Love Rudolph, he`s so cute!!! Up at 2 am:noway: :yawn: , I thought it was odd to see a post from you this early! Please take care of that wrist:flowerforyou: !!! I fell on black ice several years ago and really messed up my knee, it still on occasion gives me problems:grumble: !

    Cindy :smile: If I have extra change in my pocket I`ll drop in the kettle, but I give to charities all year long, I do NOT feel guilty about walking by them and not putting anything in. I do however always smile and say hello to the bell ringer:bigsmile: .

    Heather :smile: Your wreath is beautiful! Enjoy your visit with grandchildren today:love: !

    Mamma_nee :smile: So sorry to hear about the stress of your mom and dad, that has to be so hard for you and for them. Your mom is jealous of the attention your dad is getting, I image trying to reason with an almost 93 year old is really hard. I would think it would be in the best interest of your dad to have him where he`s not under fire all the time. Good luck to you:flowerforyou: !

    Barbie :smile: I love seeing your before and after pics. You are so inspiring:bigsmile: !

    Laura :smile: Fantastic pics!!! Go girl, you have done a marvelous job:bigsmile: !!!

    Juanita :smile: So nice to see your post! Congrats for getting rid of 4 pounds!!!

    Sylvia :smile: Congrats on the size 20 pants, and the normal blood pressure cuff!!! I use Pacific organic free range chicken broth low sodium, it has 70mg of sodium per cup, it`s the lowest I`ve seen. Hope you get your furnace repaired soon…brrrr.

    Sue in SD :smile: Hope those test results come back good:flowerforyou: !!!

    Vicki :smile: Insurance companies:angry: …… hope things work out! I love the smell of a fresh Christmas tree, it really messes with my allergies though:cry: ..

    Michele :smile: I am cleaning the freezer out sometime today, there is no telling what might be lurking in the back of mine:huh: , at least it will be frozen:laugh: !!! Thanks for asking about my brother, he`s fine, has a rental car and is waiting to hear from the dealership what`s wrong with his. He was on his way to a Dr. appt. and said the car just totally cut off, that is never a good feeling, and my sister in law was in Raleigh for a meeting, I`m glad we have each other to depend on:heart: !

    Meg :smile: How sweet of you to look after DDs friend. What a shame her mom has to work that many hours!!! Congrats on the skirt fitting…woo hoo!!! Oh that sweater set sounds so cute:love: !!! I love polka dots!!! I think it`s funny sometimes to listen to the weather people talk about how bad it is outside, and then I go out and wonder what the fuss was all about:huh: :noway: .

    AnnCaroleOne :smile: Sorry to hear about the infection and extra stay in the hospital. Congrats on the 10 pounds, but that is never a good way to have to lose it!!! Hope you continue to improve every day:flowerforyou: !

    Grandmallie :smile: What a horrible news about your Dr. friend:brokenheart: :sad: !

    No more time this morning…..have a wonderful day ladies!!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in foggy and warm again NC
  • lajpeck
    lajpeck Posts: 83 Member
    Up early on my day off. Going grocery shopping with spouse then to the gym.

    Thanks everyone for all the great comments on the weight loss.

    Katla - Hope your wrist is okay.

    Barbie - Your pictures look great. The latkes sounded delicious.

    Meyllisa - just brush yourself off and start again. We know you can do this!

    Sue - Hope you test result come back on the good side.

    Vicki - Congratulations on the smaller ring size. Such a great feeling.

    Meg - Great NSV. All the clothes I bought from Lands End and LL Bean several years ago that never fit all fit now and some are even getting too big. These are sizes I only dreamed of getting too and it's hard to believe that not only am I here but I am going to surpass that and get to smaller sizes.

    Everyone have a great day and be careful if you are in an area of the country with the cold, snow or ice.

    Laura in warm again Maryland
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    good morning all -- just bumping in and hope ya'll have a great day!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,(warning, definately not an upper)

    Yesterday was not a stellar day in almost all ways; oh, I did OK on food, but otherwise "stuff" is adding up and I'm more than ready for the month (and year) to be OVER.

    Remember how upset I was when my DD was stranded with a flat tire because of one the missing girls was from that exact area?.........missing from Aug., on the news yesterday that they have found remains believed to be her.

    Friend from gym lost his son in car accident Thanksgiving Day; a very troubled alcoholic man, he nonetheless had a loving family who never gave up hope for him.

    My neighbor lost his mom 3 weeks after a pancreatic ca. diagnosis last week.

    My friend who lost her son just months ago in the truck accident told me yesterday that a very good friend of hers (someone she's spoken about many times) lost her life in Afghanistan over the weekend. She was a civilian contractor over there and died in a rocket attack on her sleeping quarters........Kitty was 53, originally from Indiana.............53, that's soooooo close to all of us---what a waste!!!!

    Yeah, I'm soooooooo ready for this to be over.

    I was alarmed when I saw Gwen yesterday, so SOB I ended up pushing her in a w/c at the hospital. Dr. added two meds and I'm taking her back today for a carotid ultrasound. With lab work time and dr. running late (what else is new?????) yesterday, a simple dr. visit turned into over 4hrs.

    Trying to end on one note that isn't completely depressing; earlier yesterday I did attend a very nice ceremony for one of our police officers who received his 25yr. pin.

    Sorry, that's all I've got today, thanks for listening.

  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It seems like many of us are struggling through health issues and some sadness. Lets just keep loving and praying for each other, we will get through all of this together. We need to remember that we are not alone whether we are eating with our eating issues, other health issues, emotional issues or family/relationships issues. We have others with us in support. What an awesome, safe,positive feeling that gives me!

    We got the driveway plowed last night, so today we can get into town and get some stuff done, see some friends, and take care of a little shopping. Tonight we will go down to the school for a basketball game, so I will get to see many old friends, ex-students, and fellow teachers. That will be fun.

    The down side: We will be well below zero for the rest of my time up here in Mn.

    I loved the before and after pictures! I don't qualify for "after" yet, and after sitting around in the house for 3 days, I feel as big as a house!

    OK- time to get busy. Take care, my friends.

    Pat (Phoo wish she was back in Az)
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello everyone
    Hope u all have a good day.
    Katla:bigsmile: loved your boat all lit up and all the christmas trees. What a cute thanksgiving poem.
    Sorry about your wrist. Hope u put some balm and wrap in crepe bandage till a doc has a look.

    Yanniejannie:flowerforyou: so much is happening around us. Let it go with a prayer to comfort all those effected. I feel your concern, so glad your daughter is fine. You too take care. According to the secret ( the book) we attract those things in our life that we dwell on. So lets end this year on positive affirmations, and when we begin the new year its a habit we have formed.

    Barbie:bigsmile: loved your pic n the sweater.

    Heather:flowerforyou: great work of art. Hope u have a great time with your adorable GC and come back with a super story for us.
    Dee Dee thanks for remembering us all.
    I know I haven't mentioned many of you but have read all the posts. So keeping everyone in my thoughts as I prepare to go off for my husband's reunion at the weekend. Hope all of u stay safe and are blessed with joy :bigsmile: :glasses: :flowerforyou:
    Anamika from Mumbai