About 3 years, finally made it.....105 pounds gone forever!!

tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
Ok, so I debated making this post for a few reasons,

A. I am still in denial that I even made it here, I mean a few years ago when I started this journey topping in at 255 pounds I set a goal for myself to lose 100 pounds and be at a healthy and finally not overweight weight of 150 pounds. As that day approached and I inched closer and closer I started to realize I was actually GOING to reach that goal(never thought possible) and wanted to go even further. So even though I have met that goal I want to lose a few more pounds. But technically I have reached my goal. ;)...

and B. still with the denial thing, I see all these incredible stories on here and although I know I have lost 105 pounds I feel like I don't compare. Like somehow I haven't done something as amazing as so many of you. I know it's a big deal though to see these inspiring stories, they sure are for me. So I am going to share anyway. I hope I can inspire someone else who might be starting this journey.


Three years ago as my second child was turning one year old and I was at my heaviest weight of 255 pounds I decided it was time to make a change. I couldn't live like this anymore. I have been overweight my entire life. Well, since I was about 8 or 9 anyway. I was always the pudgy kid. Then the fat kid, and eventually the obese adult. As I had my children I gained more and more and never lost any baby weight. That brought me to 255 pounds and a very unhappy woman with her body. I felt fat, disgusting, ugly and couldn't even do active things with my kids.




I signed up for weight watchers online and vowed to make a change. As I started counting points, dropped the soda for water, and made little changes the weight melted off. It felt amazing to see results. I was doing it. As those pounds added up people started to notice. I hadn't broadcasted that I was trying to lose weight but they noticed. It felt amazing to know others were seeing it.



The pounds were melting off and I eventually made it to 95 pounds gone! That's when my husband and I found out we were expecting our third child. I was elated and so glad to be going through a pregnancy at a healthy weight for once. It was by far my easiest pregnancy and when he was born I took a little bit to enjoy my newborn and recover before getting back on track. I was teetering at about 200 pounds after he was born. Not as bad as 255 but still not happy that I had pigged out so much and gained so much back.


After about 6 months I slowly got back to weight watchers online. The weight wasn't coming off as easily this time, but it was very slowly moving. After about 2 months I decided this time I didn't want to count points, I didn't want to do weight watchers. I stumbled across MFP and decided to give it a shot.

I fell in love with the community, the support, how easy it was to calorie count...and best of all...it was FREE! ;)

I also started C25K. I struggled but made it through and grew to love running. I was becoming so proud of myself and after months made it to my goal of 150 pounds!!!!!!!!!! I also started a 5k210k program.




I am now lower than my original goal and working towards a new goal, being a healthier person, active, and loving the new me. and toning up my body by lifting heavy! I am proud I made it here. This community played a part in that and I never would have thought I could do this!!!!!! I was inspired by so many of you and if I can do this so can anyone else. :)

Thanks for listening to my story. <3


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