10 lbs? Yeah right.



  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    Realistic objectives deliver small success.
    Small success drives commitment.
    Commitment delivers big success.
    I want to remember this! Thanks!
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    I'm down for a 5 pound December challenge. Ready! Set! Go!

    Oh, and you mentioned something about vegan. Are you a vegan or are you becoming one?

    I am working my way towards it! RAW vegan. Not just vegan.
    But ... you still eat meat?

    As of right now, yes. But, like I said earlier, I am "working my way towards it."

    I have stopped buying it and I am working towards getting to the point where I don't eat it at all.
    Just stop. It really is that simple ...

  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    All I'm doing to hit this is walking a mile or two a day and eating fruits, vegetables and a little meat/nuts for protein.

    If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well!

    I've seen the effects of eating healthily and I know how powerful it can be. I will be back on this post December 13th to update you all. I'm not into the dehydration/starvation thing so don't think I will go to extremes to hit this.

    I'm just doing it naturally! :smile:
    I eat extremely healthy and have for a very long time. The only time I saw results like your goal was when I was seriously depressed and ate nothing for two weeks.

    That's great! I guess I'll see what happens! :smile:

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    All I'm doing to hit this is walking a mile or two a day and eating fruits, vegetables and a little meat/nuts for protein.

    If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well!

    I've seen the effects of eating healthily and I know how powerful it can be. I will be back on this post December 13th to update you all. I'm not into the dehydration/starvation thing so don't think I will go to extremes to hit this.

    I'm just doing it naturally! :smile:
    I eat extremely healthy and have for a very long time. The only time I saw results like your goal was when I was seriously depressed and ate nothing for two weeks.

    That's great! I guess I'll see what happens! :smile:

    Did you just basically give two thumbs for someone being depressed and starving themselves? Wow.

    Here's a link I'm just going to put out there....just in case.

  • nk2710
    nk2710 Posts: 13 Member
    I am ALL for having goals, but losing 10 pounds in a week is not one of them for me personally- it doesnt sound attainable and if it is, it sounds unhealthy- I'm not an expert or trying to judge, but everything i have read on this site since the day I joined discourages that kind of behavior and those types of goals. Also, after looking at your diary it appears you eat eggs every single morning and dairy and meat just about every day... so what is your reasoning for wanting to go raw? I cant imagine making such a transition just over night. I can see starting off by giving up meat and working your way towards it, but "cold turkey" sounds rough when you are eating those things so frequently- so just curious why you are trying to transition?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    All I'm doing to hit this is walking a mile or two a day and eating fruits, vegetables and a little meat/nuts for protein.

    If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well!

    I've seen the effects of eating healthily and I know how powerful it can be. I will be back on this post December 13th to update you all. I'm not into the dehydration/starvation thing so don't think I will go to extremes to hit this.

    I'm just doing it naturally! :smile:
    I eat extremely healthy and have for a very long time. The only time I saw results like your goal was when I was seriously depressed and ate nothing for two weeks.

    That's great! I guess I'll see what happens! :smile:

    Did you just basically give two thumbs for someone being depressed and starving themselves? Wow.

    Here's a link I'm just going to put out there....just in case.


    Was that what she meant? I thought the "that's great" was for my healthy eating and the "I'll try it" was that she was just going to keep doing what she's doing.

    I think I need more sleep.
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    All I'm doing to hit this is walking a mile or two a day and eating fruits, vegetables and a little meat/nuts for protein.

    If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well!

    I've seen the effects of eating healthily and I know how powerful it can be. I will be back on this post December 13th to update you all. I'm not into the dehydration/starvation thing so don't think I will go to extremes to hit this.

    I'm just doing it naturally! :smile:
    I eat extremely healthy and have for a very long time. The only time I saw results like your goal was when I was seriously depressed and ate nothing for two weeks.

    That's great! I guess I'll see what happens! :smile:

    Did you just basically give two thumbs for someone being depressed and starving themselves? Wow.

    Here's a link I'm just going to put out there....just in case.


    Obviously I was talking about the eating healthy part. Why would I be okay with depression and starvation?
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    I am ALL for having goals, but losing 10 pounds in a week is not one of them for me personally- it doesnt sound attainable and if it is, it sounds unhealthy- I'm not an expert or trying to judge, but everything i have read on this site since the day I joined discourages that kind of behavior and those types of goals. Also, after looking at your diary it appears you eat eggs every single morning and dairy and meat just about every day... so what is your reasoning for wanting to go raw? I cant imagine making such a transition just over night. I can see starting off by giving up meat and working your way towards it, but "cold turkey" sounds rough when you are eating those things so frequently- so just curious why you are trying to transition?

    Not going cold turkey. Just trying to transition from a (mainly) Paleo kind of lifestyle to a raw vegan style. Just trying to find what works best for me!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Proptip: You are setting yourself up for failure with that goal.

    If your ticker is correct and you only have 20 pounds to lose total you can pretty much expect that you won't be losing 2 pounds per week.

    Don't make unrealistic goals or have unrealistic expectations. It's only going to discourage you in the long run.

    Good luck!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    All I'm doing to hit this is walking a mile or two a day and eating fruits, vegetables and a little meat/nuts for protein.

    If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well!

    I've seen the effects of eating healthily and I know how powerful it can be. I will be back on this post December 13th to update you all. I'm not into the dehydration/starvation thing so don't think I will go to extremes to hit this.

    I'm just doing it naturally! :smile:
    I eat extremely healthy and have for a very long time. The only time I saw results like your goal was when I was seriously depressed and ate nothing for two weeks.

    That's great! I guess I'll see what happens! :smile:

    Did you just basically give two thumbs for someone being depressed and starving themselves? Wow.

    Here's a link I'm just going to put out there....just in case.


    Obviously I was talking about the eating healthy part. Why would I be okay with depression and starvation?
    Perhaps. But you clearly missed my point, anyway.
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    All I'm doing to hit this is walking a mile or two a day and eating fruits, vegetables and a little meat/nuts for protein.

    If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well!

    I've seen the effects of eating healthily and I know how powerful it can be. I will be back on this post December 13th to update you all. I'm not into the dehydration/starvation thing so don't think I will go to extremes to hit this.

    I'm just doing it naturally! :smile:
    I eat extremely healthy and have for a very long time. The only time I saw results like your goal was when I was seriously depressed and ate nothing for two weeks.

    That's great! I guess I'll see what happens! :smile:

    Did you just basically give two thumbs for someone being depressed and starving themselves? Wow.

    Here's a link I'm just going to put out there....just in case.


    Obviously I was talking about the eating healthy part. Why would I be okay with depression and starvation?
    Perhaps. But you clearly missed my point, anyway.

    Your point was that this is an almost impossible goal. I get it.
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    Proptip: You are setting yourself up for failure with that goal.

    If your ticker is correct and you only have 20 pounds to lose total you can pretty much expect that you won't be losing 2 pounds per week.

    Don't make unrealistic goals or have unrealistic expectations. It's only going to discourage you in the long run.

    Good luck!

    I am not easily discouraged. It's more of an experiment.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    All I'm doing to hit this is walking a mile or two a day and eating fruits, vegetables and a little meat/nuts for protein.

    If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well!

    I've seen the effects of eating healthily and I know how powerful it can be. I will be back on this post December 13th to update you all. I'm not into the dehydration/starvation thing so don't think I will go to extremes to hit this.

    I'm just doing it naturally! :smile:
    I eat extremely healthy and have for a very long time. The only time I saw results like your goal was when I was seriously depressed and ate nothing for two weeks.

    That's great! I guess I'll see what happens! :smile:

    Did you just basically give two thumbs for someone being depressed and starving themselves? Wow.

    Here's a link I'm just going to put out there....just in case.


    Obviously I was talking about the eating healthy part. Why would I be okay with depression and starvation?
    Perhaps. But you clearly missed my point, anyway.

    Your point was that this is an almost impossible goal. I get it.

    Remove the "almost" and you've got it.
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
  • Yep, I'm doing 31 miles for the month of December. 1 mile per day. Motivated!!!!:laugh:
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    Yep, I'm doing 31 miles for the month of December. 1 mile per day. Motivated!!!!:laugh:

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    All I'm doing to hit this is walking a mile or two a day and eating fruits, vegetables and a little meat/nuts for protein.

    If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well!

    I've seen the effects of eating healthily and I know how powerful it can be. I will be back on this post December 13th to update you all. I'm not into the dehydration/starvation thing so don't think I will go to extremes to hit this.

    I'm just doing it naturally! :smile:
    I eat extremely healthy and have for a very long time. The only time I saw results like your goal was when I was seriously depressed and ate nothing for two weeks.

    That's great! I guess I'll see what happens! :smile:

    Did you just basically give two thumbs for someone being depressed and starving themselves? Wow.

    Here's a link I'm just going to put out there....just in case.


    Obviously I was talking about the eating healthy part. Why would I be okay with depression and starvation?
    Perhaps. But you clearly missed my point, anyway.

    Your point was that this is an almost impossible goal. I get it.

    Just for reference since you don't seem to understand that it's as unrealistic as it is.

    Your BMR is 1,455 a day. and let's just say your activity level is lightly active or active. You maintain around 1950 per day.

    Just so you know you would need a daily deficit of 2,500 calories a day.

    That means you need to be eating negative 550 calories a day.

    That's right. NEGATIVE 550.

    Sounds healthy and sustainable to me! :drinker:
  • Nalgh94
    Nalgh94 Posts: 181 Member
    I wanted to lose 23lbs by December 20th for a special event I have....so far I'm down 14lbs of that (MFP doesn't account for the weight loss that comes from gaining OVER my original weight so it doesn't show the full amount on my tracker). Don't know if losing 9lbs in the next 2 weeks is going to happen but if I can at least lose another 4.5-5 lbs I'll be very happy.

    I'm doing a bit more lifting and I have tried to cut back on dessert and junk food in general (I indulge every now and then). Reducing my night eating has helped alot and I've added more protein to my diet. Also, drinking 8 glasses of water was a challenge for me but now I'm averaging between 12-16 cups a day with no problem which has helped cleanse out my body I guess. Good luck on your mission!!!
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    All I'm doing to hit this is walking a mile or two a day and eating fruits, vegetables and a little meat/nuts for protein.

    If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well!

    I've seen the effects of eating healthily and I know how powerful it can be. I will be back on this post December 13th to update you all. I'm not into the dehydration/starvation thing so don't think I will go to extremes to hit this.

    I'm just doing it naturally! :smile:
    I eat extremely healthy and have for a very long time. The only time I saw results like your goal was when I was seriously depressed and ate nothing for two weeks.

    That's great! I guess I'll see what happens! :smile:

    Did you just basically give two thumbs for someone being depressed and starving themselves? Wow.

    Here's a link I'm just going to put out there....just in case.


    Obviously I was talking about the eating healthy part. Why would I be okay with depression and starvation?
    Perhaps. But you clearly missed my point, anyway.

    Your point was that this is an almost impossible goal. I get it.

    Just for reference since you don't seem to understand that it's as unrealistic as it is.

    Your BMR is 1,455 a day. and let's just say your activity level is lightly active or active. You maintain around 1950 per day.

    Just so you know you would need a daily deficit of 2,500 calories a day.

    That means you need to be eating negative 550 calories a day.

    That's right. NEGATIVE 550.

    Sounds healthy and sustainable to me! :drinker:

    I get it. Thanks.
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    I wanted to lose 23lbs by December 20th for a special event I have....so far I'm down 14lbs of that (MFP doesn't account for the weight loss that comes from gaining OVER my original weight so it doesn't show the full amount on my tracker). Don't know if losing 9lbs in the next 2 weeks is going to happen but if I can at least lose another 4.5-5 lbs I'll be very happy.

    I'm doing a bit more lifting and I have tried to cut back on dessert and junk food in general (I indulge every now and then). Reducing my night eating has helped alot and I've added more protein to my diet. Also, drinking 8 glasses of water was a challenge for me but now I'm averaging between 12-16 cups a day with no problem which has helped cleanse out my body I guess. Good luck on your mission!!!

    That's great! Good luck to you also!