when ever i eat ANYTHING my stomach looks huge!! Advice?!



  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    I feel like this happens to me too, but I think its mostly in my head. I also have IBS, so that probably contributes.
  • atcross
    atcross Posts: 26 Member
    Your food occupies a certain volume in space before you eat it. Depending on what it is, after you chew and swallow it, it will still occupy almost the same volume (excluding foods like whipped cream, meringue, and marshmallows that include a lot of incorporated air), only now it's in your stomach. There is no way to avoid this. It is normal. If you don't have stomach pain, don't sweat it. The smaller you are the more pronounced the appearance of the temporary increase in volume. When I was at my skinniest (BMI ~19) I would get huge "food babies" after a large meal. It's not permanent, so try not to be neurotic about it.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    just where do you think the food is suppose to go? mass makes mass---and it will go away. Look for something else to dwell on for a while.
  • April_KT
    April_KT Posts: 332 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advise and to let me know others know what im talking about! there are quite a few comments from people who don't realize the issue and think I am talking about a full stomach.. not what im talking about. It may be IBS I will get checked out. Thanks again!
  • One day in college, I greeted a classmate whom I hadn't seen in a while.
    Her tummy was protruding, so I congratulated her for her upcoming motherhood.
    This normal-sized woman smiled, and said that she had merely eaten lunch.

    Our gastro-intestinal system can do marvelous things with certain kinds of foods.
    Put this sentence in your browser.

    Man Gets Drunk On Food - Without A Drop Of Alcohol, Doctors Say
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Same thing happens to me when I eat wheat, oats, and anything with dairy (I have a dairy allergy, so that's done by accident). I only noticed the bloat after I lost weight. I've been told it's a food intolerance, which makes sense because of my dairy issues, but I still choose to eat oats. I notice a slight difference when I take a probiotic regularly, but it still happens.
  • My stomach does the same thing....not sure why? It even swells up after drinking water. It looks great in the morning :-)

    If you find anything out after speaking with your doctor, be sure to let me know.

    Thank you!
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    Mine bloats especially after having any kind of diary, i have made the move to soya milk but there are certain things i aint cutting out of my diet.
  • I have a similar condition, (now for more than three years). My stomach becomes very big within seconds. Sometimes all I have to eat is an spoonful of food and I will have a big belly like magic. This swelling subsides in few hours on its own. I find it very hard to eat anything out of fear of this reaction. Doctors say that it is auto-immune issue (Crohn's disease). Please talk to your GP. Please take photos of your tummy before and after eating. Show these photos of the GP. It will help them to appreciate the situation (else they are more likely to give you some non-specific advice and waste your time). All the best.
  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    An inch or two is quiet normal. And if it's that big of an issue with your clothes, I respectfully suggest your clothes are a little too tight to begin with.

    I don't know if im explaining my self right.. the clothes are fit but not tight. When i eat i can tell my shirt is tighter, but like someone has mentioned it could just be me being too self conscious. i just hate that feeling of being full im odd haha

    Maybe try taking a picture premeal and another one postmeal and then see if there is a noticeable difference. The feeling of being full might skew how you see your tummy.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    this can't be serious...LOL
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    I agree with some people that have posted you should find out if it some kind of food intolerance or maybe you are having to much fibre and its maybe causing gas ?? i dont know if that can happen just a thought. I get major bloating if i eat white bread so i think thats normal for me but if its after eating anything you should get it checked out if anything it will put your mind at rest :smile:
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    See your PCP and take a log of you food with you, noting when you get the symptoms and how severe. I have IBS, and my Stomach is pretty small now, but if I eat too quickly and eat too of certain food groups, I bloat and look like I'm at the tail end of my first trimester. :(

    I was told to increase my fiber, take a probiotic, exercise more and eat smaller meals.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    have you tried taking digestive enzymes?

    i used to bloat (to look months pregnant) and get gas from eating too many fibrous vegies - i lowered my intake of the, and started taking digestive enzymes and the problem is practically non existent. i also take probiotics and eat probiotic rich food (raw sauerkraut, kefir, etc and drink kombucha sometimes)
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    SAME HERE i am "smaller" than most people but my tummy looks HUGE and pregnant after i eat.
    i was told it might be gluten or lactose intolerance
    didn't try to cut them out, life without dairy and bread sucks
  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    I recommend that you talk to a nutritionist. There might be something you are doing wrong that you think you are doing right. I had my eyes opened recently by a nutritionist and even though it was a few days ago I already feel a difference.
    After reading the first few posts here, I do not think people understand how uncomfortable the bloat can be. They do not understand how embarassing it looks.
    In my area, there is a food store offering free nutritionist consultations. I took advantage of the offer and glad I did.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think people have given really great advice about seeing a doctor and nutritionist, I just wanted to add that I don't have "a food baby" after eating but I do experience pain if I don't keep the food portions down now. . I didn't have this problem before I lost the weight and went on a very regimented maintenance program. I rarely eat wheat, potatoes,rice or pasta. When I do , it is because it is incorporated more like a condiment to a entree, not a side dish. I eat 3 medium size meals and two snacks a day most days.

    I found that focusing on my core strength helps the most. I do a lot of standing core exercises with yoga and barre3. Lots of standing twists.

    And it may be TMI, but the new diet and core exercise really helps keep me regular - which really helps keep the pain down and the added benefits of good posture and a flatter and flatter tummy.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    i think i will see a doctor

    That is a good idea. Could be IBS.

    What is your diet like? Is it very high in fibre?

    yes i eat fiber one bars for breakfast/ snack at times, greek yogurt and bananas for breakfast usually salad for lunch and dinner varies. typically pretty healthy and balanced through out the day.

    Try reducing your fibre intake right down for the next few days to see if that alleviates your symptoms.

    If not, go to your Doc for some routine tests to put your mind at rest.

    I think this too!!

    When I used to eat a lot of porridge, I looked pregnant - Too much fibre and not enough water is not a good combo!!

    Make sure your drinking LOTS of water to flush everything out!
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    Mine does too. It's because it's full of stuff. Get over it.

    your not getting what im saying. i shouldn't feel like im going to puke after eating a salad and chicken breast..

    You are right.

    My stomach gets distended after I eat and as soon as I have an ounce of alcohol it ALL goes to hell. It's like my body gives up holding it in. For me, I think it's mental or I need to do planks before each meal. But I never get nauseous.

    Seriously, go to a GI specialist or your PCP to see whet is going on .
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Honey, you're not alone in this, I have suffered like this since I was a child, my family always thought it hilarious.
    Now at 42 I'm fit and healthy and have good abs, when I awake I have the flatest toned stomach but after just breakfast and through out the day it gets bigger and bigger.
    Now that my abs are stronger I can effectively hold my stomach in after eating.
    Chocolate is absolutely the worst offender, after a binge my stomach really massively swells and my hubby panics there may be another on the way lol.
    I think the bloating is the sign of a mild intolerance.