Toe walker and squats



  • PrimalGirl
    PrimalGirl Posts: 148 Member
    Yes I meant just bending - I was curious how much hamstring and calf flexibility you have.

    So do you still walk on your toes? Is that habit or because you actually can't put your heels down?

    I'd say anything that works on your flexibility - hips, hams, calves, ankles, Achilles - is going to be good for you. Personally, I wouldn't risk squatting until I could keep my heels down - if you're using weights and squatting onto your toes you're very unbalanced and top-heavy with weight, which could lead to injury. Or you'll damage your Achilles/ankles.

    Bodyweight squats while holding onto something to ensure flat footed posture is probably your best bet to build leg strength, but it sounds to me like flexibility is more important right now.

    If you really do want to do it with weights, I'd put a ruck sack on and fill that with something - that way you can still brace yourself with your hands to ensure correct form.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    JoRocka, I found a video I was watching on mobilitywods for hip flexor stretches before squats. My son hit the back button and every time I go to watch it now it says the page doesn't exist. In trying to find it on YouTube but there are so many! I did another stretch on YouTube which was pretty much squatting at a wide stance with toes out (which I can do) and you put your elbows at your knees and go down low. My hips are pretty sore today. It kind of freaks me out because I had SPD while pregnant and my hips have never been the same.

    I have a light 12.2 pound bar that I can use. I'm not using the Olympic one right now anyway because I don't have any larger weights or clips to hold the 2.5 lb ones I do have on, so I'm using the other bar with standard weights until I can afford to buy some nice Olympic weights.

    PrimalGirl, I do still walk on my toes. Not as often when I wear shoes (but then I don't usually notice) but around my house and whenever I'm not wearing shoes. Even when I'm standing doing dinner or anything I will usually be on my toes. I don't notice it, my husband or somebody else points it out. I also walk with my feet pointed out which I notice a lot of others do. I can keep my feet straight, but it is super hard and feels weird walking that way (feels like my knees go in or something). I have to really concentrate. I was purposely trying to walk with my feet forward the other day in the snow and I thought they felt forward but when I saw my tracks they weren't at all.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I also walk with my feet pointed out which I notice a lot of others do. I can keep my feet straight, but it is super hard and feels weird walking that way (feels like my knees go in or something).

    Sometimes that's from the knees being misaligned inwards. Try standing with your feet parallel and look down to see whether your kneecaps are turned inward or aligned with your foot.
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    the bad girl/good girl machine?

    hahaha is this the hip adductor/abductor machine? thats awesome, ive never heard it called that!:laugh: :laugh:
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    I also walk with my feet pointed out which I notice a lot of others do. I can keep my feet straight, but it is super hard and feels weird walking that way (feels like my knees go in or something).

    Sometimes that's from the knees being misaligned inwards. Try standing with your feet parallel and look down to see whether your kneecaps are turned inward or aligned with your foot.
    They don't look like they are turned inwards (maybe very slightly), but they sure feel like it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka, I found a video I was watching on mobilitywods for hip flexor stretches before squats. My son hit the back button and every time I go to watch it now it says the page doesn't exist. In trying to find it on YouTube but there are so many! I did another stretch on YouTube which was pretty much squatting at a wide stance with toes out (which I can do) and you put your elbows at your knees and go down low. My hips are pretty sore today. It kind of freaks me out because I had SPD while pregnant and my hips have never been the same.

    I have a light 12.2 pound bar that I can use. I'm not using the Olympic one right now anyway because I don't have any larger weights or clips to hold the 2.5 lb ones I do have on, so I'm using the other bar with standard weights until I can afford to buy some nice Olympic weights.

    just practicing with the bar alone will help.

    I'll see if I can find it- and then remember to post it- I'm awful at hitting up MFP once I get home- I mostly use it at work....

    there are actually two very good video's for mobility stance- one's not a KStarr one - the other one is geared to improving over head squat mobility but it's still good- it works very well with a yoga pose- the I don't know the name- where you're butt is down toes out- and your elbows press your knees open- like a cross between praying and taking a nature hike bathroom break. :)

    As far as the feet inward or not- take a stab at this.

    Standing straight up- good posture- feet parallel- toes pointing forward- close your eyes- and sqeeze your glutes together- allow this to travel where it will- meaning don't fight the isolation to keep in right in your glutes- feel what it does to your thighs.

    You should feel kind of a spring torque rotation OUT wards (inner thighs pushing forward and outward)

    now- get in your squat position.... as you begin your descent down- generate THAT feeling.. it's a lot less to do with your glutes squeezing forward- but it should feel about the same.

    Ankle torque- should help with the knee alignment issues too.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Well first of all, what kind of shoes do you wear when you squat?

    Second, are you pushing your knees out and sitting back? It sounds like you're leaning too far foward.

    Some people find, that in the interim, it can help to "scruntch" your toes in a little to keep from rocking forward while you get a better feel for working off your heals.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Sometimes that's from the knees being misaligned inwards. Try standing with your feet parallel and look down to see whether your kneecaps are turned inward or aligned with your foot.
    They don't look like they are turned inwards (maybe very slightly), but they sure feel like it.

    If your kneecaps are aligned, then your hips are probably turned out. That's good news, because that's usually fixable (unlike misaligned knees). This stretch should help:

    Like with the calf stretch, the more frequently it's done, the better.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Arch your back and stick your butt out as you're going down.

    Keep your feet pointed out and wider than you think you should without being uncomfortable.

    For stretching, I like to sit *kitten* to grass with my hands forward holding the rack for about 30 seconds. Stand up and repeat a couple times.

    I'm guessing the reason your Achilles tendon is short is because you like wearing heels?
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    JoRocka, I found a video I was watching on mobilitywods for hip flexor stretches before squats. My son hit the back button and every time I go to watch it now it says the page doesn't exist. In trying to find it on YouTube but there are so many! I did another stretch on YouTube which was pretty much squatting at a wide stance with toes out (which I can do) and you put your elbows at your knees and go down low. My hips are pretty sore today. It kind of freaks me out because I had SPD while pregnant and my hips have never been the same.

    I have a light 12.2 pound bar that I can use. I'm not using the Olympic one right now anyway because I don't have any larger weights or clips to hold the 2.5 lb ones I do have on, so I'm using the other bar with standard weights until I can afford to buy some nice Olympic weights.

    just practicing with the bar alone will help.

    I'll see if I can find it- and then remember to post it- I'm awful at hitting up MFP once I get home- I mostly use it at work....

    there are actually two very good video's for mobility stance- one's not a KStarr one - the other one is geared to improving over head squat mobility but it's still good- it works very well with a yoga pose- the I don't know the name- where you're butt is down toes out- and your elbows press your knees open- like a cross between praying and taking a nature hike bathroom break. :)

    As far as the feet inward or not- take a stab at this.

    Standing straight up- good posture- feet parallel- toes pointing forward- close your eyes- and sqeeze your glutes together- allow this to travel where it will- meaning don't fight the isolation to keep in right in your glutes- feel what it does to your thighs.

    You should feel kind of a spring torque rotation OUT wards (inner thighs pushing forward and outward)

    now- get in your squat position.... as you begin your descent down- generate THAT feeling.. it's a lot less to do with your glutes squeezing forward- but it should feel about the same.

    Ankle torque- should help with the knee alignment issues too.
    Hahaha, I have been doing the one that is like squatting to go to the bathroom in the woods and praying. I just tried your recommendation. I am not sure I feel the same thing as I go down, but I am trying. I feel like I am getting a bit better, but I don't think I am very low. I will get my husband to record me so I can see.

    I have been doing these stretches: plus the squat one with elbows between legs pushing out.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Well first of all, what kind of shoes do you wear when you squat?

    Second, are you pushing your knees out and sitting back? It sounds like you're leaning too far foward.

    Some people find, that in the interim, it can help to "scruntch" your toes in a little to keep from rocking forward while you get a better feel for working off your heals.

    In the house no shoes. In the garage they are a cheap slip on flat shoe. They were the flattest shoes I had as the others have some support (runners, boots, etc).

    I am trying to, yes. If I do the form like I do when holding onto something without holding onto something I fall back.

    The problem with scrunching my toes in is that I try to curl the up to keep my heels on the ground. I did try scrunching them up, but I couldn't get very deep.
  • abeach1
    abeach1 Posts: 24 Member
    I put weight plates under my toes and it forces me to put my weight on my heels. I'm not sure if that is a healthy fix but my CrossFit coach suggested it and it seems to be working for me. I haven't been able to fully correct the issue without the assistance but I am more consistent now when I don't use them.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Sometimes that's from the knees being misaligned inwards. Try standing with your feet parallel and look down to see whether your kneecaps are turned inward or aligned with your foot.
    They don't look like they are turned inwards (maybe very slightly), but they sure feel like it.

    If your kneecaps are aligned, then your hips are probably turned out. That's good news, because that's usually fixable (unlike misaligned knees). This stretch should help:

    Like with the calf stretch, the more frequently it's done, the better.
    I can totally feel it in my hips. Maybe it will help me in other areas because right now my hips, knees, and ankles are all hurting. I did the calf stretch too just now and it is almost identical to the other stretch I was doing except I wasn't stretching the calf. I can do two for one now. Thanks!

    Now, when I do the stretch I posted above (the one where my knee goes toward the wall and my heel stays on the ground), I really have to fight to keep my knees from not going in. Then they hurt after. Is that normal?
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I walk on my toes/ball of my foot. It's the structure of my foot. I had orthotics made by a podiatrist. They help in general. As for squatting, I do stand with feet a bit wide. It just took time and practice. I had to think "press with my heels." I would guess it took a couple of months to become automatic.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Arch your back and stick your butt out as you're going down.

    Keep your feet pointed out and wider than you think you should without being uncomfortable.

    For stretching, I like to sit *kitten* to grass with my hands forward holding the rack for about 30 seconds. Stand up and repeat a couple times.

    I'm guessing the reason your Achilles tendon is short is because you like wearing heels?
    I am trying to stick my butt out but I just arched my back more and it felt good.

    For your stretching, it sounds like what I do with door handles or a pole.

    I don't wear heels often. I have boots with heels, but I don't wear them much because they are not water proof and not good in ice which we get a lot of here. My nice high heels I haven't worn in years. They all just sit in the closet and probably wouldn't even fit now after pregnancy. I think it is from just walking on my toes which my mom says I have done since I was very young (like 2 or younger). I was put in ballet when I was two, not sure if years of that made it more habit. My niece walks on her toes too and she isn't in dance. I think it is just how some children walk.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    just read starting strength. it has directions.

    your problem is your center of gravity is coming forward of the middle of your feet. you probably need to stand wider and with your feet turned out a bit more. don't push with your legs, drive from your hips and push your knees away from each other.

    body weight squats don't apply to back squats because your center of mass will change
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    I walk on my toes/ball of my foot. It's the structure of my foot. I had orthotics made by a podiatrist. They help in general. As for squatting, I do stand with feet a bit wide. It just took time and practice. I had to think "press with my heels." I would guess it took a couple of months to become automatic.
    Thanks for posting! I am happy to hear it can be overcome. Hopefully practice will help me get to the point where I can squat with proper form.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Why is everyone ignoring the fact that she says she CAN do it when she points her toes out? Isn't anybody going to tell her that her toes are SUPPOSED to be pointed out?
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    I put weight plates under my toes and it forces me to put my weight on my heels. I'm not sure if that is a healthy fix but my CrossFit coach suggested it and it seems to be working for me. I haven't been able to fully correct the issue without the assistance but I am more consistent now when I don't use them.
    Hmmmm, I have heard to put plates with a ramp type thing under my heels, but not toes. I might try that, thanks!
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Why is everyone ignoring the fact that she says she CAN do it when she points her toes out? Isn't anybody going to tell her that her toes are SUPPOSED to be pointed out?

    beat you to it. ;)