thick legs...what can I do?



  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    As far as dimply, cellulite is a fact of life for women. All women get it, and some are genetically predisposed to have more than others. If you still have 40+ pounds to lose, keep at it and don't get discouraged. Your hard work will help reduce the appearance of cellulite, and you will eventually see slimmer legs.

    If dieting and exercising via C25K isn't giving you the results you want, try to increase the frequency and intensity of your exercise regime while taking a better accounting of your diet. You might want to invest in a HRM for improved accuracy.

    However, even now, you need to love yourself. You aren't disgusting by any stretch, and you're working hard to be the best version of you. Enjoy it!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Cardio does very little for me. I really want to start strength training...not sure where to start. I have weights at home but no barbell. What can I do?

    A barbell is awesome but not necessary. You can modify almost any barbell-based lifting program to suit dumbbells. I've done all my training with dumbbells, at home (so far).
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Cardio does very little for me. I really want to start strength training...not sure where to start. I have weights at home but no barbell. What can I do?

    What sort of weights? A program is a good guide: it'll essentially tell you everything to do, from warm-ups to progression. Try looking up Stronglifts 5x5 or New Rules of Lifting for Women (NROLW).

    In general, these programs can be cobbled together with barbells, dumbbells, or kettle. If you don't feel you have a good handle on weights, try looking into a gym, getting them second-hand from Craig's List, etc. Otherwise, making your own (filling up bags with heavy things, filling up milk jugs, etc.) or using body weight are good starts.

    In general, you want to make sure you do full body workouts (so not just working your legs) to help reduce overall body fat % the most efficiently, as well as making sure your body is "balanced" (people who tend to work only one part of themselves are more prone to injury). Overall, though: squats and deadlifts are going to be great for you.
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    My legs and hips used to be the largest part of me. But since i have lost this weight - everything is Much smaller, slimmer actually.
    Shocking actually. I did a Lot of cycling to get to this point and i think that was a big factor. Now i have started lifting to try to tone everything better. But the cycling really did help tone the quads. But there is, of course, room for much improvement.
    Keep with it - i really am surprised with the size reduction of my hips and thighs though.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    squats and deadlifts and eat at a slight deficit to lose overall fat.

    you cant spot reduce but you can firm up the muscle underneath
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    You have ~50 lbs to lose until you reach your goal. You won't start to see a balanced physique until you get within 10 or so lbs of that goal. Until then all you can do is deal with the fact that different body parts lose at different rates. Nothing you can do will change that.
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    Run, strength train
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Just keep losing weight and exercising! No need to panic or be discouraged.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I just finished C25K change in weight or inches....won't calf raises make my legs bigger?

    But are you still eating at a calorie deficit? Congrats on the training btw. :drinker: I LOVE running. :smile:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Learn to love yourself the way you are.

    <---My thigh and calf measurements are huge. It's also where I store the last of my fat. They look better now that I lift heavy.

  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    I didn't see much of an improvement after C25k... the first time on a treadmill.

    I then joined a beginner's running group and we did C25K on the track, and once I was able to run longer on track/roads (never much faster, lol) I started seeing a HUGE improvement in my legs, and now that I am able to do 3-4 miles once a week or so (hard now due to snow and the fact that i now dislike the treadmill after running outside for a few months now) I really don't have "cellulite" on the back of my thighs (hammies looking pretty nice), calves are much slimmer/well-defined and kness and ankles are the ones I remember from many years ago :smile:

    My hips, arms and back have also gotten MUCH slimmer from running (slimmer compared to being the same weight 6 years ago and not working out then). The middle bit is still squishy, but I still have more weight to lose and will begin adding in strength training soon.
  • prettykitty1963
    prettykitty1963 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you for all your replies and the advice. ..... I so appreciate do my legs!
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Show them off!
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Yoga, qigong
    Martial arts
    Walking on incline

    These are all workouts that helped to start transforming my legs. I also have huge legs, thighs and calves. I hate them sometimes but I know these exercises work if you do them consistently.

  • anlu37
    anlu37 Posts: 100 Member
    Appreciate the body you have. Work toward improving it by continuing to "down size". Even at a healthy body fat percentage, my calves are huge. I just learned to be okay with my body as long as it is healthy.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Be awesome. Get stronger. You can't spot reduce.
    You're just the way you're supposed to be. And if anyone tells you that there's something wrong with that, I hope you kick him/her in the throat.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    There's nothing shocking about it. Ever see a fat Tour de France rider? Cycling is one of the best cardio exercises out there for weight loss/management. Keep with it!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    I run. Not well, but it's helping with my legs. I also do heavy lifting, and it definitely is making a difference in my legs and thighs.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I have been near the middle of my weight range, really quite lean in my torso, and still had thunder thighs and cottage cheese butt. It's just genetic, and all you can do is lose body fat to eliminate it. You may find it quite difficult to get down to a body fat where it disappears. Me personally? I just accepted it and am working on becoming the strongest me I can be. I'm not in danger of becoming a swimsuit model, so there's no real downside to just finding that bridge, and getting over it. :wink:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    Brazilian butt is good