Ashamed of my self.



  • tkdgirlms
    Come got this! You can do it! Baby at a time!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Man, o Man, I was there the day I made my commitment to give myself the gift of the best health I could get for myself. Do it for yourself.

    You know when you are on the airplane and they go tell you in case of emergency put the oxygen mask on yourself and then help your child? Same with your health. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your children.

    That means you would never want your children to hate themselves. So love yourself enough to give yourself the gift of good health.
  • Krystal7786
    Krystal7786 Posts: 103 Member
    Iv'e been there! I overcame this. Honestly you need a mindset and a support system. without friends from my fitness pall and the strength to log on everyday whether it was good choice or bad i would have never lost what i did!. Yes this is hard and its depressing! You can do this!! Add Me I will be here for you as much as i can!! Im down to aroung 160lbs from 340lbs so trust me ive been were u are. Over the years i have joined and started several diets and gyms only to quit because it was to hard. I started small. I cut out soda!! lost 20lbs in a month..It can be done!!
  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    If I may suggest it,, decide you will live healthy today. Burn more calories than you eat before you go to bed tonight. Don't think about any other day, just today. Do some form of intentional exercise and make the calories enough to keep your metabolism up but no more. Before your head hits the pillow tonight ask your self how you did. I mean it. Best wishes to you and your hopeful family.
  • _zombiegirl_
    _zombiegirl_ Posts: 79 Member
    For me, losing the "I hate myself" mentality was the biggest obstacle I could overcome. It really helps if you look at yourself in a favorable light... it's not hard to find negativity and criticism from others, so be your own cheerleader. You can do it, it's hard to stick to it, but I was where you are once - I didn't think I could commit to it, either... but here I am...

    Also, aside from the journey I'm on right now, I have only ever made one other serious attempt at getting healthy and losing weight. And once I started losing weight and getting more fit, I got pregnant. Just a thought... those little embryos seem to favor a healthier environment :laugh:

    Feel free to add me, I try to be a supportive and accountable friend, and we can all use an extra boost now and then!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
  • Chainbreaker
    Chainbreaker Posts: 124 Member
    Forget the all the reaffirmation of goals and all that well intended tough love responses for a minute. Non of that applises to your situation right now.

    The first thing is to realize that the cycle of shame is self enhnacing. Every time you allow shame shame to wash through you it depends its track for next time. Work on letting go of the shame and accepting yourself. Accepting who you are is not the same as accepting current conditions as your 'lot in life', it learning to love yourself enough to feel worthy of moving forward. Nothing will change for the better until you establish that beachhead of worthiness in your heart.

    Once that foundatuion exisits- then you can go kick some serious *kitten*, including your own in productive ways when needed.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    LOVE IT!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Hmarbury9
    Love It.
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    You have the support of your spouse and he's a trainer/coach as well! It's okay to accept a little hep from those who love you.
  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member
    being fat is hard... losing weight is hard... choose your hard...

    if you put all the energy you're expending being mad at yourself into making positive changes, just think how far you'd get....

    This is probably the best advice you'll get. Feeling bad for yourself and being ashamed isn't going to get that weight off you. You gotta get up and get moving, eat healthy and you'll be fine. Just remember the weight didn't get there overnight so don't expect it to be gone that quickly either. It's a process a lifestyle change.

    Good luck to ya!
  • ElegantSlenderChic
    ((((big hug))) It's probably the biggest cliche out there but "If you don't love yourself, no one else will." You have to work at being the most awesome, amazing, beautiful and talented you, you can be. It won't be easy to break the bad habits that got you to this weight but I guarantee you that once you do you will set yourself free. You have an amazing support system just waiting to work alongside you. Make up your mind to be healthy, it's as simple as that. Once you have the right mindset, nothing can stop you.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    being fat is hard... losing weight is hard... choose your hard...

    if you put all the energy you're expending being mad at yourself into making positive changes, just think how far you'd get....


    Sorry I don't have any "wow" words that can make the lightbulb turn on for you....Its all YOU. YOU have to make that decision. Just think if you start today where will you be in one year!!!
  • LVCeltGirl
    I read your post and others and agree with a lot of what is said. I've been in a similar position except that I didn't hit or exceed the 300 mark, came pretty damn close though. I'm also currently 44 years old, single mom with 8 year old son.

    Set small goals, that along with portion size were the biggest things I learned at WW the several times I went. I try to reward myself with something non-food every 5% (that's an average of 13 lbs from my starting weight and of course as it goes down, then it gets lower as weight drops). The big ones for me, like my first 20%, I'm taking my son horseback riding. It doesn't seem like a big deal to most but a lot of the places around Vegas have a weight limit for their horses (250 lbs) and I literally just went under that today with thin clothes on and no food in my system. I'm awfully close to 10% and I think perhaps we'll go try some paintball or something similar.

    Other things I can suggest is "trick your mind". Right now, your mind has that broken record of "you can't do this, you'll always be fat, or even you always quit". You have to re-record that broken record, give it messages of "you can do this, you are slender (thin, or whatever description you choose), you never give up". To do that you have to repeat it to yourself out loud, daily sometimes several times daily.

    My real motivation is to be the best mom I can to my son, which means I have to be healthy enough to be there for him. I can see that his father is not choosing that route, convincing himself instead that he's not overweight (and granted he's overweight but not obese at least from physical appearance), or that his body isn't slowing breaking down due to age and not doing anything to strengthen it so it's up to me. I have other mantras that are motivation but when push comes to shove, it's all about making myself healthy so that I'm there for my son (mentally, physically and emotionally). My favorite other mantra is Doing it for the "Damn, YOU GOT HOT!". At the gym (thanks to Blogiates for this one) to keep myself going "Train like a beast, look like a beauty".

    You can do this but you've got to take that first small step. Start logging everything, don't worry about staying in calories or macros, replace 1 soda a day with water (and if that's too big of a step than do it 1 soda a week and move toward replacing more of your soda with water). After a couple of weeks of that, start trying to stay within calories, add workouts and of course replacing more soda with water. Then take it further, stay within macros (fat, carbs, sodium and sugars), add more workouts and make sure you're logging them, make soda a treat not the norm. Each is a small step, break it down how it works best for you. Also, realize you're going to have bad days, you're going to have weight gains (had too much sodium or too little water, or even Time of Month) and make sure to take measurements because when the scale goes up but your measurements go down, then you know you're still on the right track.

    If you need inspiration, add me as a friend. I'll be honest, I still take my boy to McDonald's and actually eat there. I eat things like Big Macs, or get a Little Bacon Cheeseburger all the way with BBQ sauce from Five Guys (if you've had Five Guys, you'll understand that order) along with their Cajun fries. I have milkshakes and I have a weakness for Chipotle Burrito Bowls. I just do my best to make sure I trained like a beast (hit the gym for at least 1 hour) if I have fast food, and I try to plan out when I'm going to be weak like that. Does it always work for me? No it doesn't but even on the days it doesn't, I accept my bad day and remind myself that I can always do better tomorrow. Some days I can even shorten it to, I'll do better for the rest of the day or in the next minute.

    Lose the excuses and get on board the healthy train!
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    This whole journey has to be about LOVE not hate ... LOVE your body enough to treat it right and it will treat you right for years to come ... LOVE good food, LOVE your husband who loves you no matter what, LOVE the progress AND LOVE the process!

    Like everyone is saying just take it one step at a time ... you and your family need and deserve a person that will be around for a long time. Before even having another kid you have to take care of yourself.

    My biggest fear is that my son will develope some bad eating habits ... you wouldnt want that either.

    TODAY IS THE DAY ... make it happ'n capp'n

  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I'm so ashamed of my self. So ashamed that I've been beating the crap out of my self since I got on the scale 4 days ago and saw that number. When I was in highschool I always told my self it was one thing that I was already overweight but if I ever got up to 300lbs I would just kill my self. Well now I have a husband and child and would never do that but it's hard not to think about it. Pre pregnancy my heaviest I ever was, was 270.. That was around 18.. The post pregnancy around 20 I was 285 my new heaviest.. Now I'm 23 and the heaviest I've ever been at 307.. I just keep asking my self wtf happened? Why do I keep doing this to my self. I get so gung-ho to lose weight and excited and planning my weight loss and if I keep a steady pace when I could reach my goal weight.. Then I just quit. And it's not for lack of support or know how. I'm not stupid I know that I should eat fewer calories than I expend.. And I know cardio would really help me and drinking water instead of soda.. I know all of these things.. I mean hell my husband has a degree in physical education and is a wrestling coach he's like the master of quick weight loss (healthy quick weight loss they require hydration tests so it's not water weight) and he tells me all the time if I really want help he will help me.. I just can't bring my self to listen to him because I'm so comfortable with him.. He's offered to take me to a gym and get a membership and a personal trainer if I will stick to it.. I want to but I'm scared that they will want to push me too hard and I'll quit.. Like I always do... What the hell is wrong with me... I hate my self.

    First, hating yourself isn't going to translate into taking proper care of yourself. You have to love yourself enough to want to make things better for yourself. Even your statement that in highschool you said you'd kill yourself if you reached 300 pounds shows a very twisted way of thinking, basically one that says obese people are so worthless they should be eliminated from the planet. That is not true. Like all people, an obese person is an individual, with strengths, weaknesses, talents, faults, gifts, and shortcomings.

    So my first piece of advice is to stop hating yourself. You have good qualities. I don't know you, but I've never met anyone who didn't have some good qualities... and that includes a person I met who had been convicted of murder... so I know you have some good qualities. Look for them, write them down, read them when you feel like hating yourself. Ask for input from your husband, child, friend, and others who love you to help find your good qualities if you feel you aren't sure what they are.

    Next, get the personal trainer or don't, that is up to you. You can make a change with or without one. Get the gym membership or don't, that is up to you, you can make a change with or without it.

    All you really have to do to start is to begin eating at a deficit. You don't have to lose weight fast, even 1 pound a week will result in you being 104 pounds lighter after 2 years, which is better than continuing on as you have been. Take a walk every day and eat 1500-2000 calories, you will lose weight. There will come a time when you will need to increase the activity to keep losing, but worry about that later, just go for a 30 minute walk to start with. If you can't walk for 30 minutes straight then walk as long as you *can* and note how long you went, whatever it was do it for a week and then try to add another 5 minutes. Do this again and again until you are walking for an hour.

    When I first started trying to get healthy, I was over 284 pounds, I don't know how much over because after seeing 284 I didn't want to get on the scale again. I know I went above that before I started losing. My whole body hurt. I was walking with a cane. It felt like it was a tremendous effort just to get up, shower, dress, and go to my chair. I hated my physical condition, but I still had some love for myself because if I hadn't I wouldn't have cared to change. My first "workout" was stepping on and off the Wii Fit board for 10 minutes. I did it very slowly because putting down my cane and stepping up was so painful, and keeping my balance was difficult, but I managed to keep going for 10 minutes. Believe it or not that was enough of a cardio workout to get me coughing, and coughed out a bunch of phlegm and junk that had collected in my lungs just because I was so inactive.

    Over the next few years I lost over 70 pounds, I went from being disabled to being able to run, lift weights, hike, mountain bike and all kinds of other things I had been missing out on for years. Then, I let a bunch of personal stuff derail me and I gained all but 3 pounds of it back. After gaining it back, I noticed a few things. First, even though I was again heavy, I was still healthier than before. I was still able to walk, run a little, hike, swim, etc. Second thing I noticed was that I had no doubt that I could take the weight off again. That was 5 1/2 months ago. My ticker shows where I am at now.

    Add me as a friend if you want support. You don't need a specific program or product to lose weight, you need to move more and eat less, that is all. There may be some DVD programs, or gym memberships, or classes that can be part of that when you want to include them, but for now just keep it simple and start to move a little more, take a walk. I will offer encouragement and support to anyone who is willing to log their food and activity and make an effort, even a small one, towards getting healthy.

    If you do get a trainer, tell them your concerns about being pushed too hard. Most trainers do not act like Bob and Jillian on Biggest Loser. Many trainers will actually encourage you lose more slowly than you think you want to. But if you aren't ready for a trainer, just start walking!

    There is a group on MFP for people wanting to make a change in the coming year. Check it out and join if you want: if not, still feel free to add me as a friend if you want some encouragement and support.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    You're 23. You are young and you are at the perfect age to take on such a physical challenge. I will tell you now, losing weight is hard. There will be nights where you just want to give up, and you can't. You need to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Log what you eat every day, get outside and get some exercise in.

    Life is ****ing hard sometimes. Push yourself to be the greatest you can be.
  • beltinches
    beltinches Posts: 38 Member
    I think may you should talk to someone about why you're so afraid not doing what you want to for yourself. They may being able to help you deal with those feelings. Then you can kick the crap out of them with exercise and a new healthy lifestyle!
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    What happened was you ate too much and never really thought about how much you were eating until now. The good news, you've reached a low point (so it seems). The bad news, you need to make a lifestyle change. You have well over 150lbs to lose and that will take anywhere from 1-2.5 years depending on your commitment.

    It's ok to feel ashamed BUT let this be a reminder as you embark on your weight loss journer of the person you USED to be.

    Best of luck!
  • nmiller0813
    I literally cried when I read your post. I saw me and my 40 something years of being pretty, but fat. I never had a problem attracting friends and men, but.. I hated the fact that had to use a seatbelt extender in my car and on an airplane (wearing a coat or sweater to cover that fact up), that I couldn't keep up with my children when they played. That I had to shop at the BBW stores, that I NEVER wanted to take a full body picture.. the list goes on and on.

    I am NO WHERE near where I want to be, and I still have so much to learn, but I do know that FEAR and being comfortable with being uncomfortable kept me at close to 300.

    Try many different exercises and find a couple that you really enjoy doing. Then start with that. When you are enjoying what you are doing, it doesn't really feel like you are exercising. Don't worry about the food at first. Just move. Little steps, will lead to bigger steps.

    Find YOUR place and space and go from there.

    You can add me if you would like. I wish you much sucess sweetie! You can do this!