What's your "WHY"??



  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Because I like living!!! Before losing weight I was only existing... Not truly living. Now I'm gaining more confidence and respect for myself. I used to think it was Gross to sweat and now it's a necessity almost everyday.

    Living is a GOOD THING! It is a wonderful feeling taking your health into your own hands and creating something special. Better health and appearance breeds confidence and self respect!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    i never give up on a true goal. If I gave up on this I'd have failed myself in pursuit of a goal for the first time. I'm not about to do that.

    You'd better NOT give up! You gained too much ground. From what I can see, your commitment and hard work is paying off! You are looking GOOD! Keep it up!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Because I want to feel confident enough when I look in the mirror that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Because I have seen how miserable family members and friends are when they are overweight and unhealthy. And, survival. I want a good quality of life, and if ever forced into the situation, I want to be physically fit enough to last a few days at least, lol.

    No matter what anyone else thinks or says we need to feel good about ourSELVES! Our self image plays a huge role in this life. When you are healthy and fit, you FEEL better about yourself and see yourself in a much better light!
  • cbm5
    cbm5 Posts: 1
    Why do I want this...

    I want to be happy when I see myself in the mirror
    I want my clothing to fit nice and not tight
    I want to wake up feeling happy and clean and not fat and clogged with junk.
    I want to say I can stay true to a clean eating regime
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Why. ..

    Why not? I spent too many years feeling sorry for myself and blaming everything around me for why I gained weight. I finally woke up and took a look in the mirror and realized I could be whoever I wanted. I mattered.
  • bleumuffin
    I'm vain and want to be a sexy mofo of course who doesn't.
    Sitting around not doing anything has lost it's sentiment so I should probably get off my butt and do something
    It's not impossible to have the body that I want.
    Being healthy gives you a certain feeling that's great and really defines what living is, at least me. I'm probably crazy for saying that but it's okay.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    My "why" is "because I can." But I'll elaborate a little.
    A year ago, I was on the BMI edge between overweight and obese. I realized that my body was going to keep changing, and I had a choice about what that change would be. I chose this direction - lighter, stronger, healthier, more active - and now I don't want to go back. In some alternate universe, there may be a morbidly obese me who stayed in the recliner chair with a carton of ice cream or a bag of chips... If so, I want her to stay in that other universe. Not here. Not me. The way I am now is worth the effort it's taken to get here, and another year from now I want to be even better.

    ETA: Eek, it's the night of the living thread! Sorry for the resurrection. :P
  • D8vidFitness
    tbh...the whole fitness thing isn't a commitment, it's hardly any work, we are all blessed to even have a choice in deciding what we're going to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. To certain extend, having access on the internet and posting about our positive and negative feed back on MFP is just luxury.

    That's what drives me, we've been granted with options, lifestyle, and choices where some people beg to have. It saddens me when some feels dis-motivated or say they can't figure out a way to slim down.

    WE are living in luxury. "It's too cold outside, oh it's too hot outside" how about running outside in a 3rd world country where it's polluted? I bet they only wish to run in fresh air.
  • DamianRendon
    because its neccasary i hit the two month mark today and ive lost 23pounds its hasnt been difficult for me at all im just a very commited person ive never thought of relasping i have my set cheat days (had 3 so far) and i stick with em but i dont know thats just me

    *0 cardio*
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I wanted to stick around for a while.
  • Billsfansj
    Billsfansj Posts: 15 Member
    2.Cheaper clothes
  • nienkeweek
    1. because I want to get married and look awesome in my wedding dress! My BF loves me for who I am, but I don't love myself the way I am now. I hate my body and ive been struggling with my weight for the last 8 years, did the most stupid diets there are.. . Gained 20 lost 30 gained 40 and so on.. he knows how much I want to get married and he does want to marry me.. but we made a promise to eachother well only get married if were both absolutely happy with who we are :-) He knows I'm not happy right now.. so i made a commitment to myself and my bf to get myself together and do this! for him, for myself, for us!

    2. i want to be fit, to be able to climb the stairs to my appartement (I live on the 6th floor) without losing my breath and be al sweaty when im finally there.

    3. I want to be healthy! My grandma died 2 weeks ago.. she died from cancer.. she was a diabetic for a long time and i dont know if its got anything to do with her gotting cancer.. but i believe it has not been good for her health..
    my mom was also diagnosed with diabetici a few weeks ago and i dont want that to happen for me.. i am way heavier than my mom, so i think it runs in the family? but i want to do anything to prevent that from happining :-)

    4. I dont want to have sore limbs anymore.. I cant even climb a stairs without my knees hurting really bad.. I hate it.

    5. i want to be able to wear nice clothes.. and not my boss commenting on me that im to fat for my work clothes...

    and im sorry if my english grammar isn't correct! I'm Dutch and doing my very best ;-)
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    My partner likes it
    I have become vain
    It makes me feel AMAZING
    I am healthier
    I am stronger
    I don't know how to stop
  • PinkishDawn3
    I want to be healthy. I've never been super thin and don't want to be. I like my curves, I just want to be toned and have my energy back.:love:
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    I'll list some of my why's:

    I want to get back into the Reserves and they're accepting prior service and the HM (Hospital Corpsman) rate is wide open in the USNR.
    I miss my pre-baby body.
    It helps me become and remain flexible.
    It also helps me get out all of the anger and aggression I have pent up inside for so long.

    The main reason as to why I started this journey other than the Reserves goal is because months ago, I couldn't read to my infant son out loud without having to stop after a few pages to catch my breath.
  • ElegantSlenderChic
    Purte unadulturated vanity:bigsmile: Also being heavy is weight on my spirit, I am much more confident, adventurous and alive when I am at a reasonable weight.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Love this topic but pressed for time to read. Will check in later.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Why? Because when I step onto the ice at Adult Nationals (hopefully next year), I want to be slim, trim, terrific in my dress; I want to masquerade as the athlete I'm pretending to be; I want to fly.
  • emmamaybear
    emmamaybear Posts: 50 Member
    Because nobody else is gonna do this FOR me. It's 'Do it', or don't. I deserve it. I deserve to look good, accomplish my goals, and have pride in myself for the first time ever. THAT'S my 'why'.

    This. So much.
  • rachjenn
    Great inspirational post!!!

    1. I want to fit in nice clothes and not feel conscious
    2. I want to be one half of a fit relationship (my fiance is already there)
    3. I want to look toned and gorgeous in clothes AND naked