Are men only interested in women with lower IQ's...



  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    Hmmmm.... if correct, current research indicates the brain is the largest sex organ so wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that a woman who carries a MENSA card would be the best you ever had? Just a thought :)

    Being highly intelligent doesn't automatically mean you are also highly imaginative in every aspect of life...especially sex.

    It was more of a tongue in cheek comment. The desired response was a chuckle not a counterpoint. However, I do agree with your statement. A good imagination=Better fantasy generation=More satisfied sex life typically.
    So true. It is mostly in our brains. Which is why I love my wife so much. My mind's eye sees how big and caring her heart is.

    It's encouraging to see thoughtful comment. There is hope for the world!

    So....I'd like to offer the desired response:
    <----GadgetGuy bows, presenting a chuckle or two :wink:
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    So I do think most men want to feel superior to women in their career
    Which is fine by me because I want a man who can inspire me to be like him :)
    And I say you have too little ambition. lack-ambition.png

    Would I change your mind if I told you I:
    -am bilingual and plan to use both of these languages for my career success
    -scored in the top 3% of in a selective Chinese high school
    -graduated from a selective US boarding school with a 4.0
    -graduated with a 3.95 GPA in the top 3% of a prestigious university while completing a double major in 3.5 years
    -am a strategy consultant. My group only hires from a small number of Ivy league and other top universities. As one of the undergraduates from those Target schools, my odds of getting the job started at less than 1% from resume drop to receiving an offer
    -advise Fortune 500 companies and private equities on mergers and acquisitions in multiple industries. I don't know much about most of these random industries, but I have to become an "expert" at within an average time span of 3 weeks. My last project was on industrials cleaning, and the one before that was on shooting range targets...
    -take online accounting classes on the side because I want to be CPA-certified and boost my credentials + become a successful investor and/or entrepreneur and/or C-suite executive
    -plan to make enough money to retire by age 40, although I will probably keep working after that anyway because I like to be mentally occupied

    So this is my idea of ambition, but I accept that everyone has different priorities in life and I don't think I am essentially a "better" human being than others.

    And no, I'm not a genius by any means. My IQ is about ~120 and I've struggled with a lot of self-esteem issues because I felt I wasn't smart enough growing up compared to many of peers. In my professional life I'm constantly reminded of how much intellect/ambition/social prowess I have room to improve in. But my motto is better, harder, faster, stronger, and I believe in the power of change just Iike how most of us are on here because we believe the body can be shaped.

    And I want to be with someone who inspires me even more intellectually. Some of the people I've dated include a nationally ranked chess player, an engineering valedictorian from Columbia, and a C-suite executive who sold companies for venture capitals.

    Currently I'm single, but I have hopes I'll find the right man someday

    MFP is my community where I "escape" from the career intensity and seek inspiration for my fitness as well serve as a source of support to others. This site is my opportunity to play a different role and be feminine, flirtatious, sexual, etc.

    I do think most men prefer women to be "weaker" than them in the career arena. Whether it's right/wrong, I won't comment but I'm acknowledging this phenomenon exists. It just happens for me that I wouldn't want to be with anyone long-term who doesn't inspire me to be even better from a career/intellect standpoint
  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    I do think most men prefer women to be "weaker" than them in the career arena. Whether it's right/wrong, I won't comment but I'm acknowledging this phenomenon exists. It just happens for me that I wouldn't want to be with anyone long-term who doesn't inspire me to be even better from a career/intellect standpoint
    Makes sense.
    When you get down to the nitty-gritty.....what does a man offer:
    1.) A shot in the dark. Big deal. Like it takes skill or something?
    2.) Support.
    Take away the support, and other than contributing DNA, why is he needed?

    I like to tell a joke:
    A man has an X and a Y chromosome, a woman, two X chromosomes.
    If you look real close, under a microscope, at the man's Y see an X chromosome with a shriveled up leg.
    Proof....that the man is not playing with a full deck.
  • HoneyDaggers
    HoneyDaggers Posts: 91 Member
    Hmmmm.... if correct, current research indicates the brain is the largest sex organ so wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that a woman who carries a MENSA card would be the best you ever had? Just a thought :)

    Being highly intelligent doesn't automatically mean you are also highly imaginative in every aspect of life...especially sex.

    Denying the antecedent doesn't invalidate the consequent. :wink:
  • HoneyDaggers
    HoneyDaggers Posts: 91 Member
    I do think most men prefer women to be "weaker" than them in the career arena. Whether it's right/wrong, I won't comment but I'm acknowledging this phenomenon exists. It just happens for me that I wouldn't want to be with anyone long-term who doesn't inspire me to be even better from a career/intellect standpoint
    Makes sense.
    When you get down to the nitty-gritty.....what does a man offer:
    1.) A shot in the dark. Big deal. Like it takes skill or something?
    2.) Support.
    Take away the support, and other than contributing DNA, why is he needed?

    I like to tell a joke:
    A man has an X and a Y chromosome, a woman, two X chromosomes.
    If you look real close, under a microscope, at the man's Y see an X chromosome with a shriveled up leg.
    Proof....that the man is not playing with a full deck.

    How often do you like to tell that joke? :indifferent:
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Hillary Clinton and Oprah are strong women: short hair, masculine. Probably gets a 1 to 2 out of 10 from most men.
  • lLionMindl
    lLionMindl Posts: 76 Member
    I think a balance is necessary at least for me. Id probably rather her be a bit smarter than me ^_^
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Thats a generalisation, you can't say most men if you only know of a section of the demographic.
    I'm certainly not entertained by someone who is stupid or an airhead, may feel sympathy but it's not a turn on.
    i prefer a personality and some brains in all my associates male or female.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I think that the main reason that I'm able to attract partners who are more conventionally attractive than I am is that they dig my brain. Ability to engage in a decent conversation is important!
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Be smart, but not smarter than him. Be funny, but not funnier than him. Make money, but not more money than him. And when he says he likes women who have a good sense of humor, he means you should laugh at his jokes.


    Damn... that's why I'm still single...
    Stupid PhD...

    Now do I have to stop lifting so I'm not stronger than the few guys with a PhD that I could still date?
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    A man who doesn't care about my IQ or can't carry a conversation isn't worth my time frankly. :smile:
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    I don't think strength is as important an attribute as physical beauty in sexual attraction.

    You could say strength is a virtue as dependence and weakness are not, especially if she wants to use your money to support her lavish lifestyle.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I have a BS, my wife has two degrees. When I was a freshmen in college, I was dating an MBA student that graduated with her undergrad BS Sumna Cum Laude with a triple major, and got her MBA in 4 years. Basically she got her MBA at the same time the rest of her graduating class was getting their 4 year degrees. She went on to get her Phd at 24. After that, dated a girl that was in her residence at 25.

    So, no, not interested in women with lower IQs. You pay for that later. My son went to a gifted high school, and started college at 16 and is doing great. He has been in MENSA since he was 12.

    Women with lower IQs don't get my sense of humor, and nothing is sexier than a good smart *kitten*. To really pull it off, at least half the people around you shouldn't get the joke a dry quip is better than a bad joke.
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    A man who doesn't care about my IQ or can't carry a conversation isn't worth my time frankly. :smile:

    Well said! Though IQ does not determine your success, which is another factor to be considered.

    Smart or Successful??
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    A man who doesn't care about my IQ or can't carry a conversation isn't worth my time frankly. :smile:

    Totally this!
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Be smart, but not smarter than him with condescending intention. Be funny, but don't be a try hard who tries to make a joke out of everything. Make money, and pay for dates occasionally or go dutch (don't be cheap or be judgmental about how much money he makes). And when he says he likes women who have a good sense of humor, he means you should laugh at his jokes and not your own.

  • ohellotheresa
    heterosexual men with lower IQs are probably attracted to women who also have lower IQs and the other way around..... because they don't make each other feel stupid.... this is pure conjecture on my part
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    A man who doesn't care about my IQ or can't carry a conversation isn't worth my time frankly. :smile:

    Well said! Though IQ does not determine your success, which is another factor to be considered.

    Smart or Successful??

    SMART! Without a doubt. People can have bad luck or tough breaks. Plus, I know lots of successful people but I can't quite all call them smart..
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    A man who doesn't care about my IQ or can't carry a conversation isn't worth my time frankly. :smile:

    Well said! Though IQ does not determine your success, which is another factor to be considered.

    Smart or Successful??

    SMART! Without a doubt. People can have bad luck or tough breaks. Plus, I know lots of successful people but I can't quite all call them smart..

    you believe in luck?
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Are you asking me that on Friday the 13th :wink:?

    Yes, I believe in luck.

    Edited to give examples:

    - My boss is successfull in the sense that he has a great job and makes good money. He was lucky because he is best friends with the big boss and he just rolled into his function. He's one of the dumbest people I know, and I mean seriousely dumb..

    - I had a good job two years ago, drove a nice Audi A3, made good money. With the crisis hitting our company I lost my job two days before Christmas because I was the only one with a temporary contract. Bad luck.