Tea Drinkers



  • juniperfox
    juniperfox Posts: 127 Member
    I LOVE TEA. no milk or sugar.
    I have a whole section of my cupboard just for it.

    Specialty teas are so exciting. Just the other day I picked up Celestial Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride - I can't recommend it enough. So good and it seriously smells like cookies.

    Sleepytime Vanilla and Bigelow Apple Cider tea are great too! Tazo Apricot Vanilla Peach is another favorite. Lipton Peach Mango white tea is great too. Mandarin orange green tea. Omg so many teas that I love.
  • hannahwrnr
    hannahwrnr Posts: 45 Member
    Yogi Licorice Tea.....YUMMY!

    I like that one and the lemon ginger. And the Mexican chocolate one. These are my favorite bagged teas. (The herbal ones)

    Yogi teas are my favorite bagged teas for sure. The Mayan cocoa is TO DIE FOR! It tastes like hot chocolate. And the Peach Detox is amazing. Actually, the regular detox is pretty good too. I haven't tried one I don't like, other than I just don't prefer REALLY fruity teas so the blueberry slim life and things like that are a little too much for me.
    Next to Yogi, I like Celestial Seasonings. I know they are pretty reasonably priced and found almost anywhere, but they are smooth and have great flavor. I love the peppermint, sleepytime, and green tea with mint.

    This thread is so fun to read. AND I've got the kettle going now :)