What can you do now that you couldn't do 30 days ago?



  • harmonyhoran
    harmonyhoran Posts: 48 Member
    30 days ago I couldn't do one push-up (not even girlie ones). Now I can do 20 in a row (girlie ones) and reckon one day soon I'll be able to do a real one without falling on my face.

    30 days ago I couldn't lie on a beach without Greenpeace trying to roll me back into the water (I exaggerate slightly for dramatic effect). Now I am even considering buying my first ever bikini in time for our gorgeous New Zealand summer.

    30 days ago I couldn't see my foofoo when I was in the shower without leaning forward. Now whenever I look down, there she is!

    30 days ago I couldn't understand why One Direction are so popular. No change there.


    love it! another kiwi (well Australian here)
  • jessalts
    jessalts Posts: 13 Member
    I can run and power walk 15 minutes of intervals on a treadmil.
    I can wear skinny jeans I havent worn since high as school.
    I can run with my daughter, not after her.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    Today I managed to run a mile, do a 45 minute class Cross Training class which is doing Insanity now and do 10 minutes on the stair machine. Needed to after my Thanksgiving weekend feast. Felt so good. I didn't work out for 5 days in a row, and ate like crap for 4, the old me would have just called in quits and gone back to my old ways. The new me said let's get back on track and quick!!

    And in class, I managed to do burpees! Don't love them, they're not pretty, but I managed to do them better than I could 30 days ago! How about you?
  • FishingFan123
    FishingFan123 Posts: 48 Member
    I am able to walk 2 miles. I couldn't do even 1 mile a month ago. (Thats a big deal for me with a hip replacement & arthritis in my other hip & knee (it swells if not careful), & my arrrgh weight!

    I so HATE arthritis! Its why I got obese in the first place!
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    I can run a mile without stopping!!!!!!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I can now do 10 each of assisted pull ups, chin ups, and dips with only 100lbs added on! When I first started a few weeks ago, I was at about 120lbs. I can also do 10 push ups in a row (most days)!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Gf, if you had asked me to stand or walk for more than an hour a day, I would've complained loudly. Today, I walk and jogg, for hours every day, and lovin' it. My challenge is to move my butt 24 hours a week, and walk 200 miles a month...and no, I'm not on steroids, just healthy food, and plenty of water (;
  • I can touch my toes, because my tummy fat no longer blocks me, and I can jog the same route in half the time. The scale hasn't moved much but I still feel like a bad *kitten* every time I look down and see my feet or go up a flight of stairs without getting winded. Small victories keep me pushing forward :):tongue:
  • having co-ordination problems I cannot 't jog/run in a decent manner.

    I could of course make it through the run leg of the short triathlon but it was more walking than jogging.

    I have been working with a trainer and have been doing a lot of functional exercises especially lounges and step ups which sound very simple yet they are overwhelmingly complicated and difficult for me (so many things to focus on when doing lounges--balance....coordination etc).I have also been practicing jogging on the treadmill and after weeks and weeks it all finally paid off. I ran 2.5kms on the treadmill in 19mins! Doesnt sound like much but it means the world for me..
    Now I am trying to get to 3KMs and 6mins continous running with the same speed (7.7 km/hr at 0,5% elevation). Hoping to get to 5K by end of February :)
  • I was also very delighted to see my rowing improve. I used to do a lot of rowing when I was (much much) younger but had some health issues and I thought I will never ever ever get on a rower again.

    My trainer eased me back onto it - understanding that it is not that much of a physical but more of an emotional challenge for me- and I found myself actually looking forward to doing 5-10mins rowing on the rower every second day or so...or every time I went to the gym. which is about every 2 days. I deliberately choose slow workouts (like playing the fish game which let's be frank not much of a challenge) more for the fun of it than taking it "seriously".

    However earlier this month, I found myself doing 1KM (1000metres) under 4min 30seconds the other day. And have repeated that ever since. Even thought it is far from a perfect time or the time I used to do many many many years ago (under 3mins). I was also very surprised to see that I can do 1KM on the rower under 4:45mins and then do 400metres running on the treadmill straight away and repeat the set once more without passing out :) I am getting somewhere :)
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I couldn't make 10 squats in a row I guess. :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Box! Never tried it before and nearly made my PT fall over :laugh: :love:
  • I can walk without a walker around my house and yard. I can walk my dog about a mile. I am using a walker now with a seat on it so I can rest my legs at intervals. I am very arthritic. But am more active and alert than I've been in a long time. Everyone notices.
  • Good on you!!!! Well done!
  • suzysunshine1
    suzysunshine1 Posts: 4 Member
    cmcmommy - I love your profile pic. It made me laugh!

    Was feeling a bit discouraged about my weight loss (bit slow at the moment) until I saw this thread and realised in the last 30 days have:

    Been able to increase my swimming from 20 lengths to 40 - yeah! I built it up over the past few weeks.

    I now swim twice a week instead of one. First time I did this, was quite exhausted for days but have pushed through and feel so good about this achievement.

    Can now also do 15 minutes of aqua aerobics after my swim.

    Gone down a size in swimwear.

    Can walk longer without taking a break.
  • cmcmommy - I love your profile pic. It made me laugh!

    Was feeling a bit discouraged about my weight loss (bit slow at the moment) until I saw this thread and realised in the last 30 days have:

    Been able to increase my swimming from 20 lengths to 40 - yeah! I built it up over the past few weeks.

    I now swim twice a week instead of one. First time I did this, was quite exhausted for days but have pushed through and feel so good about this achievement.

    Can now also do 15 minutes of aqua aerobics after my swim.

    Gone down a size in swimwear.

    Can walk longer without taking a break.

    40lengths is a great work!
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    a month ago I couldnt deadlift 100 kg... last monday I hit the 105Kg

    a month ago I couldnt squat (unweighted) *kitten*-to-grass, yesterday at the fridge trying to find something to make for dinner for the kids, I went straight down without thinking about it... next step is to be able to get down that far with a barbell LOL
  • 30 days ago I didn't think I could survive without sugar, but I am and feeling fabulous because of it
  • jackie_moo
    jackie_moo Posts: 73 Member
    30 days ago i couldnt: touch my toes, i couldnt do more than 20 jumpropes/jumping jacks without stopping to catch my breath, i couldnt do more than a minute on the elliptical without coughing up a lung! :tongue:
  • I can walk without a walker around my house and yard. I can walk my dog about a mile. I am using a walker now with a seat on it so I can rest my legs at intervals. I am very arthritic. But am more active and alert than I've been in a long time. Everyone notices.

    Well done---this is what it's all about!