Getting use to the cold after losing weight



  • meatpuppet999
    meatpuppet999 Posts: 16 Member
    FREEZING. try to keep moving, fidgeting around really helps keep you warm! congratulations on your loss :) so worth the earmuffs, haha.
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    Yeah, the lower bodyfat, the colder I get, which is why winter is for bulking :D
  • Touji
    Touji Posts: 32 Member
    Okay, seriously, thank you for making this topic. I've been dealing with this for awhile now and I think this is one of the things nobody ever talks about: when you lose weight, you're COLD.

    I think it's because I'm still at deficit, so I'm not making a lot of heat digesting, but man I'm always freezing. After losing 100+ pounds, I feel eternally cold. I went out for a walk yesterday at -5C (25F) but it felt like it was -10.
  • ElectricDragon
    ElectricDragon Posts: 60 Member
    Yes! Adjusting to the cold after losing about 70 pounds has been a challenge! Just trying to stay warm the best I can.
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    I've been surprisingly warm this winter, and I live in what's been the coldest place on the freakin planet for the last week. So idk, it's all relative? I'm in the middle of the weight loss though, so maybe I'm burning harder?
  • don666car
    don666car Posts: 167 Member
    I use to love the new England winters and would hide in ac for the summer now I am just the reverse I love the summer I am never hot I went to Vegas this past summer was 114 I was fine lol I am so wanting to retire to Florida lol maybe when I an 66 if I don't freeze to death before then question does this get better with time ( all you long tem losers)?
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    They don't warn you about that do they? I've only lost about 20, but I am already so much colder! Winter is still my favorite season, but I'm going to be so chilly when I go back to a place where it snows. My husband and I are in Hawaii and now we're acclimated. But it's "winter" here and the other day I was actually shivering! SHIVERING! I was so embarrassed. It was 65 degrees F. Growing up in Michigan I used to be able to handle -5, no problem! When I went home to visit, my family gave me such a hard time for being such a wimp. I wore at least 4 layers all the time and went everywhere with a blanket. And I'm still losing weight, so I think it might get even worse than this! I dread what a nightmare the first winter back in the north mainland is going to be next year! But, I am excited to have an excuse to buy a really big, fluffy, heavy, over the top comforter to snuggle up under.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I don't get cold from having less fat... I can go for a brisk walk outside and be nice and warm in much colder weather than I could handle last year. But I definitely do get cold if I'm not eating enough. Same with my son. He was cold all the time, even if the house was set around 78-80. I ran his stats through a TDEE calculator and showed him that he was eating below BMR. He wasn't dieting, just not making time for food. Once he started eating more, he found he wasn't cold anymore.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    This year I've lost a ton of weight and I found the heat during the past summer wasn't so bad (and we had one of the hottest summers ever in our area). But now that it's turning cold (last couple of weeks the morning low has been in the single digits most days) I've really felt the chill. Been wearing a hoodie as well as a heavy winter coat in the mornings now to compensate. Also putting another blanket on the bed at night.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    I thought it was because I was getting older. Now I'm Thinner , Older and Colder WTH ?
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I don't get cold from having less fat... I can go for a brisk walk outside and be nice and warm in much colder weather than I could handle last year. But I definitely do get cold if I'm not eating enough. Same with my son. He was cold all the time, even if the house was set around 78-80. I ran his stats through a TDEE calculator and showed him that he was eating below BMR. He wasn't dieting, just not making time for food. Once he started eating more, he found he wasn't cold anymore.

    This helped a lot with me. Used to be cold a lot too, but now that I eat enough food, I feel so much better.
    I notice straight away now when I haven't eaten enough, my hands and feet get cold.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I don't get cold from having less fat... I can go for a brisk walk outside and be nice and warm in much colder weather than I could handle last year. But I definitely do get cold if I'm not eating enough. Same with my son. He was cold all the time, even if the house was set around 78-80. I ran his stats through a TDEE calculator and showed him that he was eating below BMR. He wasn't dieting, just not making time for food. Once he started eating more, he found he wasn't cold anymore.

    This helped a lot with me. Used to be cold a lot too, but now that I eat enough food, I feel so much better.
    I notice straight away now when I haven't eaten enough, my hands and feet get cold.

    I agree with this too - I used to be constantly freezing. When I started to eat more (fat in particular), I was less cold. Bf no different.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I keep warm by piling pillows on me !!!! LOL My finger tips always feel like icicles and the toes I always put a pillow on them at night to keep them warm.