Goals for 2014?



  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    ~Feb (birthday) be down at least another 20lbs.

    ~April be through a c25k round and in prep for my 1st 5k back since my pulmonary embolism

    ~5k in June...not walking! (and then compound goal is dropping my time for the next season!)

    ~Would like to be at my goal weight by 5k or latest by July so I can train for a competition in November.

    ~Helping my family make better choices and reach their own goals.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    Lose my remaining 16 lbs and find a first shift job that I love, or at least like, midnights are getting old!!!
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Lose 15+lbs AND get my muscles back in time for my wedding on 22 August (and especially for my honeymoon afterwards!)

    I'd also like to pay off the majority of my student debt.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    six pack!!
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    1. Maintain current weight +/- 2kg
    2. Complete a 10km race
    3. Begin and maintain weight training
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    get that tight toned body :D and reach goal weight and maintain..
  • bootylicious217
    After I completed my studies this year, my goal set is to make up for lost time, and change my lifestyle into a fit and healthy one.
    I want to have transformed myself both on the inside and out by Graduation Day, 14th February 2014!!!
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    1. Start and complete my first ever attempt at C25K.
    2. Run in a 5k event.
    3. Lose enough weight that I don't damage my knees and hips doing the above. (Aiming for close to 13 stone (182lb) by March 21st - still 24lb to go.)
    4. ???
    5. Profit!
  • amwood89
    amwood89 Posts: 165 Member
    1. Reduce my alcohol intake significantly
    2. Increase exercise
    3. Achieve my goal weight - 8lbs to go (although will probably be a little more after Xmas!!:laugh: )
  • candiceh3
    By the end of March... be able to run for 10 kms / 60 minutes and achieve goal body weight (lose another 13.5 lbs).

    Then train for a HM :).
  • _wonderless_
    My goals... Ahh I have so many that feel so impossible to achieve
    1. No more binge eating or snacking (I have such bad self control at times it upsets me so much ugh)
    2. To stay at or under my calorie goal (Again, lack of control hah)
    3. To be able to run 5km - I'm a sprinter not a long distance ._.
    4. PORTION CONTROL oh my lord I SUCK at eating small amounts
    5. Increase muscle mass
    6. To be at my goal weight by my birthday <3 (4.5kg to drop)
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    Finish getting to my goal of about 15-20 more pounds lost, but more importantly getting my bf% down to like 20%(currently 25%). Then just maintain that and replenish my wardrobe which might take a little while!

    Once I hit goal, I will add a bit more cardio in and train to be able to run a 5k without walking so hubby and I can do one together in the fall. Will definitely be doing some type of color run by the end of 2014 and would love to also do an obstacle 5k as well, like the Spartan sprint or whatever it's called.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    1. Bench my body weight
    2. Do my first bulk
    3. Continue to improve
  • squirrel1691
    98 lbs by Dec. 31st next year. 8 lbs a month and it will bring me to 5'1 and 110lbs.
  • FitMolly182
    FitMolly182 Posts: 304 Member
    I want to have a healthy relationship with food! That's my main goal.

    I'm also getting married in October, so I want to look fabulous on my wedding day :happy:
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    get back on track the way i was before my surgery.

    get my health under control that would be my main goal.

    and then of course, buy a new bike, maybe get a job that i will actually enjoy :D
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    1. Complete my free month of boot camp in Jan/Feb and learn a thing or two about weights.

    2. Increase from a 6km run to a 10 km run and complete the Sydney Mothers Day Classic.

    3. Enjoy my 7 week trip to Europe in June while fitting in a run or two a week and not gaining too much (very loose goal, haha. I'll probably just go wild).

    europe? where to? we can get some coffe while ure here :P
  • LifeMadeMeFat
    1. turn 38 on jan 2 would love to be at my GW by the end of 2014:sad:

    2. learn to love food that is good for me.:drinker:

    3. six pack and a sexy *kitten*:blushing:

    4. love myself :heart:

    GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!:smile:
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I would like to be at 150lbs by the time I go visit my family in July 2014… currently at 181.5. At that point, I'll reevaluate and figure out my "final" goal weight.

    My short term goals are to complete T25 (starting on 12/30) and hopefully lose 10 pounds, to continue being as diligent as possible about counting my calories and learning portion control, oh, and to not fail out of graduate school would be good.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    My goal is to celebrate my 100 lbs gone with all of you here !