"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 2

Wow.. Week 1 flew by. Here we are starting week 2 ALREADY.

I would like to thank all of you who have joined, and who are helping make the Christmas challenge a success so far. I love it!

I would like to welcome all the newbies into the "H20" group. Its a group I started up a few months back and its been a lot of fun so far. I love the people who Ive met thru the group. We have a WONDERFUL group of people. :)

Week 2 (11/06) - 2 minutes of meditation a day (Gotta get that zen time in! The holidays are stressful and we need to remember to calm the inner being so we can shine brighter.) * Thank you Pinky for the suggestions*

Week 2 (11/06) - 30 sec sprint 3x this week (if you cant sprint find something along the same lines to get your heart pumping.) *Thank you Bru for the suggestions*

QUOTE of the WEEK:

"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it". ~Plato

I would like to remind everyone that if you have any suggestions for challenges please do run them past me.. Im willing to add challenges in.. :)

ANYONE is welcomed to join this challenge at ANY time, so feel free to spread the word.. The more the merrier! :)

Heres to week 2! :drinker:
Eight more weeks to go!


  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    A Loss of: 3 Pounds!! :)

    Im excited about that 3 pound weight loss. i was still under a lot of stress over the past week and I wasnt trying as hard. Trying to get back down to where I was before all the crazy stuff happened.. Im getting there. Heres to a GOOD week ahead of me. :drinker: I GOT THIS!
  • kattungen
    SW (30.10) - 190 lbs
    CW (05.11) - 188.5 lbs
    A Loss of: 1.5 lbs :D
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    SW 190.2
    CW 186
    Loss 4.2

    AF started on Halloween so I think last weeks weigh in (gain of 3+ lbs) had to do with that, among other things. Good start to the 12 lbs by Christmas, right?
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I'm still waiting for my dress to get here...will post pics when it does.
    Gain: .8lbs

    I'm in the midst of a battle between 222 and 219...keep going back and forth between them.
    Hope everyone has a great week. Congrats on the loses so far!
  • aprildauer
    With everything going on in this house with moving things around. The wii wasnt hooked up this morning for a weigh in and the scale has lost its mind lol. I will weigh-in in the morning after I get it all hooked up and I will post tomorrow. I still havent got my pics taken and Im sorry that might be something else Ill try to do tomorrow and get it posted.

    Good job everyone on last week. And good luck this week.
  • jclark21
    jclark21 Posts: 23 Member
    Just found the thread today, sounds like a fantastic idea!
    SW: 205
    CW: Unknown (personal weigh in day is Tuesday at the gym)
    GW: 193 for Christmas :)

    Post before pic later.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    H20 SW - 206
    H20 Xmas SW - 186
    H20 Xmas CW - 183.4
    H20 Xmas GW - 174

    For this challenge I'm down 2.6 lbs down and 9.4 to go! This should be no problem!!!!
    Super excited that I'm soooo close to being out of the 180's when just a few weeks ago I was thinking I'd never leave the 190's!!
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Well I don't feel like I did so hot this week with keeping up with my exercising... there are various reasons (exams, working more hours, class, etc), but life will ALWAYS present reasons to get in my way. Gotta keep at it! :-)

    SW = 186.6
    CW = 185.4
    loss of 1.2 lbs
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    SW: 140
    CW: 141.8 (it's that time....so I'm pretty sure next week will be better!)

    Next week I'm traveling (Wednesday-Sunday), a sure sodium glut. However, hydration and exercise should, hopefully, contradict this!

    Still no pictures.
  • carmen1485
    Hi folks

    Well I managed to jump rope three days out of seven - how tough was that? I didn't realise how unfit I was but I did manage to up my time so I did 41/2 mins this morning. I've found a way to donate food to the local homeless services here so that's cool as we don't have a food bank per se.

    Sprinting? Good job it's dark out there at this time of year :smile:

    SW on challenge: 164lb
    Goal Weight: 152-153lb
    CW: 161lb

    3lb lost! Thanks guys for the encouragement.

  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    SW 179.5
    CW 179.5

    Well fell off the wagon this week. i was down almost 2 and then have had a horrible couple of days and am back to my start. Guess today is a new day and i have to get myself back into gear.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    SW 201.6
    CW 199.8

    Well, I didn't jump rope this past week, but I did 30 day shred, which does have a mock version, so it's pretty close! I plan to take in much 'zen' time over the next many days, thanks Pink! And as for the sprints, I'm on it! That suggestion was originally from my dear friend mhanson back in Aug/Sept :)

    I am officially registered for my 2nd 5k Jan 8, it's a night race at Our Lady of the Snows Shrine in Belleville, IL. It's going to be a really neat experience because we will be running through their light display for Christmas. Can't wait!! Plus I want to break my record for 44:26 :)
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    SW - 207.5

    CW 204.5

    Loss of 3lbs
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm amazed that we're already on Week 2! Look at all of the fantastic progress everyone is making already. Let's not lose this momentum!

    My weigh-in day is Wednesday, so I'll report in then.

    Oh, and I added the Week 1 weigh-in log to the site. I'm doing it with Google Docs Spreadsheet, so there's an Excel-like formula in the works which is what computes the "total weight lost" column. So, that is why you see the same number as your starting weight if I haven't imported your Week 2 weight. Does that make any sense? Long story short, don't pay attention to the last column this week. Start paying attention when I post Week 2 weigh-in log. ;)

    Again, if anyone needs the website address, it is www.teamh20.webs.com
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    The dresses finally came...aaaaand they are somewhat smaller than I thought....so my goal may be almost completely zipped by christmas...
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Afternoon all,
    SW: 152.6
    CW: 151.2
    Total loss: -1.4 pounds yay!

    Will be super thrilled to make it under that 150. So darn close I can taste it lol.
  • francesstewart1
    Hi guys, havent found any scales yet - damn being the transient type! But had a really good week so think I would have lost at least 1 pound. Feel trimmer already! Will report back as soon as can :) Loving the support and hearing all your successes! Keep up the awesome work!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Weigh In Stats

    H20 Xmas SW = 239.6
    H20 Xmas GW = 227

    Week 1 Weight = 239.6
    Week 2 Weight = 237.9 (-1.7 lbs)

    Off to a good start. Didn't get to the jump ropes this past week because my back just won't handle it, but I did increase my movements by doing daily stretches to work on that specific problem area. I will do 7 days of jump rope before the end of the challenge. I don't want to feel like I cheated myself out of anything. I have 7 weeks left of the challenge. I'll do it in conjunction with the other challenges.

    Edited to add: I LOVE the red dress Cenedria!!!
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Weigh in day tomorrow!! Been a good week, much better than the past few! Planning on getting back to the gym this coming week, our house is finally sick-free!! I'm thinking of adding an evening Zumba class to my routine, just trying to figure out where ot fit it in. My morning class is tues/thurs at 5am (i know...) and the zumba is tues/weds at 8pm. SO the question is, do I do a 2-fer on tuesdays, or work out 9 hours apart weds to thurs am? I'm thinking a 2fer on tuesdays might be the way to go. Get something light in on wednesday, and back to killer on thursday. Opinions?
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member
    SW - 158 lbs
    CW - 157 lbs

    Loss of 1 lb :smile: