Whats the meanest thing someone said about your weight?



  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Can't think of ANY negative thing ever said about my weight, except by my mother, and that was after she had dementia AND several small strokes, so it didn't count.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    I was directly asked by an older person my family knows, "you're fat, why don't you lose weight?"

    I often check in on Facebook when I go to the gym, so people think I'm all kinds of swole for some reason; so, from someone who hasn't seen me at my worst, because I avoided having my picture taking like the plague, "you go to the gym, why don't you look thinner?"

  • jjhanlon
    jjhanlon Posts: 74 Member
    I got cornered at a party by 4 girls that didn't like me who said "You are fat, and you are nasty."

    Not the highlight of my life!
  • awtume9
    awtume9 Posts: 423 Member
    I have been really lucky to never really have negative comments said to me (to my face, at least) besides a few random drunk guys at parties. Unfortunately the meanest things are usually things I say about myself! :sad:
  • marko320
    marko320 Posts: 84 Member
    I was standing around with a bunch of friends and neighbors last spring. One of them thumped my gut and asked what the heck that was. I was 220lbs. That set me off and I started dieting. After I lost 5-6lbs, my doctor suggested a calorie counter, and I logged on to MFP.

    Even though I was insulted by his comment, I knew he wasn't lying. I needed to hear it and I used it as a motivating tool. A few weeks ago I called him out on it and thanked him.

    I am no longer answering questions regarding my due date.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,804 Member
    My ex best friend told me in high school that I was getting fatter and was going to end up super fat, well that statment now bites her in the *kitten*, I got a little chuncky, but lost it, and everytime I see her she has gotten alot bigger.
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member
    Being called a fat *kitten*
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    Some of my closest guy friends who said between them "you used to be such a catch" and "yeah, you were so hot before" and "now I don't get why anyone would go for you" and promptly stopped hanging out with me. Some friends they were...

    That is by far one of the meanest and dumbest things I have ever heard someone comment on like that. They won't go far with that kind of attitude.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    When I was at my heaviest , which was 271 for a brief moment. I had a buddy tell my anyone over 250 just needs to learn to get a grip and learn respect and self control of themselves because they have none. I looked at him and thought really?? Next time your weak scrawny *kitten* needs your new t.v. carried up 2 flights of steps ( cause he couldn't do it ) I'll be sure to just accidentally trip and drop it on him... Hey Look!! Pancake!!!! lol
  • Lindsay_1984
    Lindsay_1984 Posts: 85 Member
    That is so rude of her!

    My Grandparents, whenever we would visit them the first thing they would say to me was always,

    "you're getting too fat / you look big / you need to lose some weight" from about age 7 to 14.

    I HATED going to visit them because of this. I never even realized that I was overweight or thought about it until they started pointing it out, then I became so self-conscious about it. (and truthfully I wasn't even that overweight, just big for my age).

    It is sad because they are both passed now, but I still don't really like them because of those comments.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    My ex, a firefighter/paramedic, was talking about the struggle to pick up a person, laughing at their size and then said I had to have a good 20 or 30 lbs on them. When I broke up with him he again referenced a struggle to lift me/get me out of the house.

    It's cool though. He didn't recognize me this summer when his co-worker's jaw dropped saying "holy crap your ex looks amazing!" and he didn't recognize me again last week when his current girlfriend said "You said she was SUPER FAT, LIAR!!!!"

    My buddy felt sorry for him because he appeared to be in trouble. I didn't. :)
  • Lealooo
    Six months ago when I first started exercising I was walking (fast, but not power walking. no huge arm swings or anything) and a teenage girl drove by, pointed and laughed at me, then puffed out her cheeks and pretended to run. I spent the rest of the walk desperately trying not to cry. Making fun of someone who is obviously trying to make a positive change is just so cruel. Six months later I've lost 60lbs and ran a 5k last week. *kitten* that girl.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    hrmmm i dunno maybe its different for me then others - ive lost probably close to a 100 pounds or so throughout this whole thing but added a lot of muscle so I look vastly different then I used to (check my profile pics if you wish) so my buddies joke a lot about how big I used to be - and say things like I look so much better/younger now, or how was I so fat before (since i work out religiously now) - but none of it bothers me at all, just their way of showing support

    i dunno how any of that is an insult - they never said it before because they were concerned about your feelings - my boys always had my back and never said anything that made me feel bad about my weight - bit of fat shaming here and there but while the 'you look so different' comments get annoying now, I would never get insulted by them
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    A girl in my high school once shared with me that her Dad called me "bubble butt" when I went for walks. That's probably the worst. I got the whole "you have such a pretty face", "you'd be so pretty if you'd just lose weight", yada yada yada bullcarp. I shaved my head this summer because I was having a really annoying hair day, and right after someone yelled "Fat *kitten*" out a car window, and I thought about getting upset, but then realized I could probably break that punkass over my knee if I needed to, so I blew it off and went kayaking.
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    When I approached the bank teller at my bank and he told me that I had a "serious beer belly, it's really big!".

    Wtf, dude. Just do your job.

    Didn't say anything back, just kind of laughed. Always regretted that.

    I don't even drink.
  • casiobarnes
    casiobarnes Posts: 78 Member
    Six months ago when I first started exercising I was walking (fast, but not power walking. no huge arm swings or anything) and a teenage girl drove by, pointed and laughed at me, then puffed out her cheeks and pretended to run. I spent the rest of the walk desperately trying not to cry. Making fun of someone who is obviously trying to make a positive change is just so cruel. Six months later I've lost 60lbs and ran a 5k last week. *kitten* that girl.

    :cry: What a terrible thing to happen to you! I'm so sorry! I would have cried AND turned right around and went home, so good on you for continuing your walk (and your loss!)
  • casiobarnes
    casiobarnes Posts: 78 Member
    I taught in South Korea, and my students called me 'Pizza Teacher' and would run up to me and slap my stomach, yell hamburger, stuff like that.

    Once I went into a class to find all the students sitting at their desks, eating ice creams. I joked: "Hey, where's MY ice cream?!" and this little 8 year old looked me dead in the eye and said "Teacher...it's on your hip". Kids can be so cruel, haha :frown:
  • Animelover20
    Animelover20 Posts: 12 Member
    When I was younger, I ate at a Chinese restaurant, one of the waitresses literally pinched my cheek and said I was a chubby one, she was smiling like what she said was a compliment. -.-
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    "How are you keeping your weight off, just not eating anything?". Rude.

    "You need to stop losing weight, you're looking like a *kitten*." Double rude
  • folgerslady
    When I lost 13 lbs. I told my husband...thinking he would be proud of me! He said, "WHERE?!" That was when I joined MFP. I will show him "where".....I lost 19 lbs so far~ he's trying to get me to stop trying...not!! Then one of my friends called and asked me tonight what was I doing. I said calculating my calories. She said "ARE YOU STILL ON A DIET?!" like I gave up or something. I said," Of course I am." Another friend when I talk about dieting she just changes the subject very fast. One of my kids (grown) said "Your my mom, I don't care if you are fat or skinny" ... My bro-in-law said, "It's only water"....