
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    My diary is open. Go look at it and tell me what restrictions I've used to lose 31 pounds. (There are two and they are both life and death for me. I was forbidden from eating them before I started trying to lose weight.)
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Sweat now. Eat the Whopper later.

    I had two donuts the other day as I sat in the gym parking lot before I went in. I made it fit into my day.
  • thanks you guys are great and speedy with responses i dont have any medical conditions actually healthy as a horse:bigsmile:
    and @Gilla22 i can just be a little dramatic at times in regards to the torture plan lol i just tend to read alot of the topics on hear for inspiration etc... it just gets a little confusing from time to time

    hehehe ... I get it ,I totally get it.I faced the same dilemma once I started,and the conflicting opinions made everything sound like torture.but after being here for a while I understand how things work now.stay within your calorie goal,eliminate one bad food habit at a time,replace calories dense food with something healthier to stay full,find a fun workout you enjoy doing,educate yourself about healthy food and with time you'll get there.its a journey ...not a road trip.don't forget to love yourself *hugs*

    P.s im not a clean eater still working on it
  • staveshabr
    staveshabr Posts: 74 Member
    i love the support, i downloaded MFP awhile ago and just started getting serious like 6 weeks ago and im down from 260 to 246 so that 14 pounds doing the moderation thing but after reading serval post i was thinking maybe just lowering my calories was just the intial shock to my body which caused the weight loss and soon i would have to switch out everything i love for things i would usually rather be hungry than to eat but seeing so many people get closer to there goals without starving or cutting out favorite foods keeps me hopeful for my journey.

    thank you guys:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • staveshabr
    staveshabr Posts: 74 Member
    @melissaphipps i eat just about the same things u eat i like your dairy lol mines just have a little more splashes of fast food within my calorie allowance and not gluten free
  • Everyone gets cravings, and it's actually good to cave in to them... once in a while. Eating the same things every day will set you on a plateau. On the other hand, caving to your cravings all the time will obviously not work out well. I like the idea of throwing a "cheat day" into your eating routine. It not only keeps you sane, the occasional spike in intake helps keep your metabolism from slowing down as it gets used to your low calorie days.

    Try to be really good about sticking to your goals and avoiding "junk" foods for a few days, keeping carbs as low as possible, then allow yourself one day to indulge, then go back to your healthy routine for a few days. Try to work your way up to the point where you just have one "cheat" day a week. Your cheat day doesn't mean binging, but eating your Whopper and pizza and ice cream and fries in small amounts. You might think you want to eat a whole large pizza, but if you eat 2 or 3 slices slowly you'll be satisfied ;) Your cheat day is a great day to put in an extra tough workout, it'll not only make you feel better about indulging, but if you're on a calorie restricted diet you'll probably find you have a little extra energy to expend that day.

    "To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human." -The Wachowski Brothers
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    this is what i was thinking but so many people give the advice like no bread no pasta no rice no EATING!!! (ok im being dramatic but that what it sound like to me) i love spaghetti and burgers.

    so its like stay within calories and enjoy right??

    people who say no bread, rice, pasta etc….are basing that on some idiotic perception that said foods are "bad" and that if you eat them you will somehow balloon up 50 pounds in one week….
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    @melissaphipps i eat just about the same things u eat i like your dairy lol mines just have a little more splashes of fast food within my calorie allowance and not gluten free

    Gluten was killing me. I needed blood transfusions when I got the celiac diagnosis. That's a slow death. I will never willingly eat it again. There's a lot of gluten hiding in fast food so I mostly don't eat it. The other restriction is shellfish, which would kill me in less than five minutes. Some things I just won't even consider eating.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I want a Whopper now..
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    @melissaphipps i eat just about the same things u eat i like your dairy lol mines just have a little more splashes of fast food within my calorie allowance and not gluten free

    Gluten was killing me. I needed blood transfusions when I got the celiac diagnosis. That's a slow death. I will never willingly eat it again. There's a lot of gluten hiding in fast food so I mostly don't eat it. The other restriction is shellfish, which would kill me in less than five minutes. Some things I just won't even consider eating.
    I believe people clarified previous sots by saying "assuming no medical condition that would make you sensitive to carbs/sugar/gluten
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Ok first i hate restrictions it seems like as soon as i say i cant have i want and a few days past and i binge... Trust me I know I know it is all in my mind and i need to produce the will to be strong yada yada

    i get so many mixed OPINIONS on how to lose weight and things that are "BAD foods" and should never be touched and it makes weight loss more frustrating than anything.

    its like am i such a bad person for wanting a whooper and eating a whooper?

    isnt restrictions what turns the new lifestyle change into a diet?

    just searching for other opinions

    SN: no im not opening my dairy because im not trying to be crucified by the clan of "Clean eater" :laugh: :bigsmile: :noway:
    I was going to offer advice til I got to the end.
    Hey, best of luck on your journey!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    No foods are good or bad. You can eat what you want when you want within your calorie restriction.

    On the days you feel like you want a whopper, have one if it fits into your calorie goals for that day. If you think you will go over, you can always add in some extra exercise (if you exercise).

    No restrictions unless you are intolerant or allergic.

    Oh, as for clean eating-just be sure you wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them and you will be fine. :bigsmile:
  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    All the replies above do not really consider other options for curing out of control binges and the need to binge. Sometimes, eating "treats" in moderation actually worsens the urge so be careful how you deal with your binges. If you find that you fall off the wagon too many times, you might need to review your strategy again.
  • staveshabr
    staveshabr Posts: 74 Member
    i can open my dairy and some people would have a field day going though it and say all the things i shouldnt be eating, i enjoy a salad but unless i have a dinner roll on the side ill just be eating again with in an hour just like with chicken and so forth the bread makes the meal satisfying, for me i can eat i whooper which for me since all i eat on it is bun meat patty lettuce and katchup at 460 calories 6 hours can past and i wouldnt have even thought about food because its satisfied my hunger.

    back ground on me the reason why im fat had nothing to do with me being hungry it was because i just simply ate for taste i ate for no reason whatsoever i cut my 3500 cal a day to 2000 so that was a big step for me without exercise i matience at about 2600 cal per day
  • staveshabr
    staveshabr Posts: 74 Member
    All the replies above do not really consider other options for curing out of control binges and the need to binge. Sometimes, eating "treats" in moderation actually worsens the urge so be careful how you deal with your binges. If you find that you fall off the wagon too many times, you might need to review your strategy again.

    i usually tend to binge after i had a couple of weeks of what i would consider depriving myself of things i want and eating the same 3 meals (imma pretty picky eater i dont really like everything but when i do :bigsmile: ) and i found that when i eat the things i like but in moderate i dont binge but the thing i tend to enjoy are thing a lot of people and health books and health blogs say to stay away from that why i was asking the opinions on what has helped others
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I eat all the same foods now that I did before. If I crave a food I eat it, a real serving size at the end of the day if necessary or sometimes I will even go over a little. But if I don't I will binge the next day so I know exactly how you feel. But I do try my best to plan ahead. I do have IBS but that usually doesn't stop me either. Enjoy your whopper.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member

    just searching for other opinions


    Ignore the rest. Read it ^^:wink:

    THAT is a great post full of wonderful wisdom.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Don't worry what people think of your diary, it's YOURS! Trust me mine looks horrible for the last few days, it was a crazy week and we ate out lots more than normal. Yesterday my husband brought me home Sonic, I made it work and I enjoyed the hell out of it.
  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    All the replies above do not really consider other options for curing out of control binges and the need to binge. Sometimes, eating "treats" in moderation actually worsens the urge so be careful how you deal with your binges. If you find that you fall off the wagon too many times, you might need to review your strategy again.

    i usually tend to binge after i had a couple of weeks of what i would consider depriving myself of things i want and eating the same 3 meals (imma pretty picky eater i dont really like everything but when i do :bigsmile: ) and i found that when i eat the things i like but in moderate i dont binge but the thing i tend to enjoy are thing a lot of people and health books and health blogs say to stay away from that why i was asking the opinions on what has helped others

    You are lucky then. I personally find it difficult to take the moderation approach.

    Good luck with your journey :)