paleo diet



  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I'm not sure why the hate....
    Paleo is not a "fad" diet. It is based around what humans have been eating for the longest amount of time. The basics are you eat meat and fish, veggies, nuts and seeds, fruit in moderation, no grains or dairy. As always it is good to do research on your own and experiment to determine what you want and how you want to live your life. I feel my absolute best when I follow strict paleo, to each his own though. I would not knock it just because idiots say it's a fad or you need lots of time. Anything worth doing requires effort and time. I encourage you to at least give it a shot and see how you like it, it really isn't much different from "clean" eating. Good luck!

    Lol. You make it sound like "it really isn't much different from clean eating" is supposed to be a good thing. Clean eating is also ridiculous. The rationale behind paleo is so screwed up and convoluted it's insane. In the end, eat whatever you want, but understand that there is no solid science behind paleo whatsoever and there are absolutely zero health benefits associated with paleo that have been scientifically tested. Any health benefit from paleo comes from the caloric deficit and the macronutrient intakes which can be easily achieved without cutting out entire food groups and following ridiculous rules...

    So you are telling me that a pizza has the same nutrition as meats and veggies? A sub sandwich is just as "healthy" as fruits or nuts? A cookie the same as grass fed beef? You're ridiculous if you think clean eating is not anymore healthier for you than IIFYM.....

    Really? Gonna site Huffington Post as your evidence? When did I say pizza has the same nutritional content as vegetables? Your mistake is judging individual foods on their "healthiness" instead of looking at your entire daily intake as a whole. Sure certain foods have more nutrients in them than other foods, but that doesn't mean you should only eat foods high in nutrients. The whole reason IIFYM works is because you stop obsessing of every single individual food and it's nutrient content, and all you have to do is make sure that at the end of the day, you have eaten enough protein, enough fat, enough fiber, and you get enough micronutrients. As long as you're doing that, it doesn't matter what each individual food has, it matters what your entire caloric intake for the day has. Look at the big picture. Stop trying to label individual foods as healthy or not because that is flawed. No food is concretely healthy in every situation and no food is concretely unhealthy in every situation. What I mean by that is most people consider an apple to be healthy and always healthy without looking at context. Say your caloric goal for the day is 2000 calories and you have already consumed 2000 calories, hit your macros, micros, and fiber. If you were to eat an apple in this situation, it would be unhealthy for you, so in this context, an apple is unhealthy. Foods should not be judged as healthy or unhealthy without considering context and dosage.

    Both of these articles have over dozens and dozens of scientific sources in the footnotes that you can look up if you'd like
  • littlelexical
    littlelexical Posts: 146 Member
    Personally, unless you have been advised to eat this way for other health reasons ( I say as someone who has in the past, but no longer does) - I think it is best to try to find a way of eating that allows you to have everything in moderation.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    anyone tried this? any success? is it good for people on the run, who don't have time to prepare meals? i am thinkning of trying this after the holidays and would love some insight into it
    Just the opposite. You need a lot of kitchen time to work a "paleo" diet, as they pretty much allow nothing packaged.

    Agreed - I'd suggest that you have a look at Mark's Daily Apple to see if it would fit your lifestyle -

    Not paleo.

    Okay it is "primal" rather than "paleo" . If you could please enlighten me as to the difference(s) I would appreciate it.
    I'm not being sarcastic I would like to know that's all..

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Paleo is not a "fad" diet. It is based around what humans have been eating for the longest amount of time. The basics are you eat meat and fish, veggies, nuts and seeds, fruit in moderation, no grains or dairy.

    Humans have eaten grains for as long as there have been humans. Ironically, what humans haven't done until recently is have a diet heavy in farmed meat.

    "Paleo" is a fad, and about as based in reality as something like the Grapefruit diet. If someone wants to eat with strong restrictions, it's cool with me, just don't expect it to be a magic dieting bullet.
  • Iaccardi
    Iaccardi Posts: 7 Member
    After doing some research on this, it doesn't really matter. You can eat whatever you want so long as you are logging in less calories than you need for your body to maintain. It really is THAT simple.
  • Noc6285
    Noc6285 Posts: 20 Member
    After doing some research on this, it doesn't really matter. You can eat whatever you want so long as you are logging in less calories than you need for your body to maintain. It really is THAT simple.

    I agree and that's why IIFYM works. It is simple to follow I get it, but to infer that eating clean has no more health benefits than just eating whatever you want as long as it fits into your calories is just lazy and ignorant. I'm not saying to not have that ice cream bar, I'm just saying don't fool yourself into thinking it doesn't come with some sort of consequence. Find what works for you, do your research. I hope some links and this discussion had helped answer OP's question.
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    Protein staves off hunger longer than fat or carbohydrates. I don't follow a paleo diet, but after reading these studies I've looked up some paleo recipes. Some of them are a little involved, but there are also a lot of simple things to cook like steak or roast chicken. There is also evidence eating low fat dairy can help reduce the amount of fat your body absorbs.

    It takes a lot of willpower to follow super strict diets, and breaking the diet even one day can make it hard to get back on! I think eating a balanced diet with good lean protein at every meal with a calorie deficit will work out better in the long run.

    I found a lot of good ideas, and I like learning new ways to incorporate vegetables into my diet as well. Replacing spaghetti with spaghetti squash sounds interesting!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    After doing some research on this, it doesn't really matter. You can eat whatever you want so long as you are logging in less calories than you need for your body to maintain. It really is THAT simple.

    I agree and that's why IIFYM works. It is simple to follow I get it, but to infer that eating clean has no more health benefits than just eating whatever you want as long as it fits into your calories is just lazy and ignorant. I'm not saying to not have that ice cream bar, I'm just saying don't fool yourself into thinking it doesn't come with some sort of consequence. Find what works for you, do your research. I hope some links and this discussion had helped answer OP's question.

    You didn't read my last post at all, did you?
  • Noc6285
    Noc6285 Posts: 20 Member
    After doing some research on this, it doesn't really matter. You can eat whatever you want so long as you are logging in less calories than you need for your body to maintain. It really is THAT simple.

    I agree and that's why IIFYM works. It is simple to follow I get it, but to infer that eating clean has no more health benefits than just eating whatever you want as long as it fits into your calories is just lazy and ignorant. I'm not saying to not have that ice cream bar, I'm just saying don't fool yourself into thinking it doesn't come with some sort of consequence. Find what works for you, do your research. I hope some links and this discussion had helped answer OP's question.

    You didn't read my last post at all, did you?

    I did. Did you read that simply shredded link?
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    After doing some research on this, it doesn't really matter. You can eat whatever you want so long as you are logging in less calories than you need for your body to maintain. It really is THAT simple.

    I agree and that's why IIFYM works. It is simple to follow I get it, but to infer that eating clean has no more health benefits than just eating whatever you want as long as it fits into your calories is just lazy and ignorant. I'm not saying to not have that ice cream bar, I'm just saying don't fool yourself into thinking it doesn't come with some sort of consequence. Find what works for you, do your research. I hope some links and this discussion had helped answer OP's question.

    You didn't read my last post at all, did you?

    Pshh Why bother? We all know IIFYM is all protein shakes and ice cream. The only fruit you get is inside a pastry and veggies are for commies. :tongue:
  • danapenguin
    wow thanks for all the links and responses! I have never tried this before no, but the thought of cutting out things does make it seem unhealthy. I also have glucose problems, not diabetic but my glucose level stays low so I was wanting to try something that would help stablilze my sugar levels as well. not sure if this diet will work for me...
    Think I will try just eating what I want, but in moderation like someone else said. I may try Paleo but like I said, not sure how long it will last, thanks for all the information and opinions!
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    If you love sugary junk food the way a two pack a day smoker loves cigarettes then Paleo could be worth a try, since you then won't be getting the sugar that is found in so many packaged foods (like your typical grocery store bread). Cutting sugar almost entirely out of your diet by any means might help you with appetite control and any cravings. Or it might not. I just know it helps me.

    I stick with low carb, not sure where the sugar content differs from Paleo. I don't even try eating fruit very often, because I know my sweet tooth too well. I think Paleo dieters can have more fruit than strict low carb eaters staying in ketosis.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Honestly, I see a lot of negativity about this diet here. My personal opinion is that I like it. I was on it for 1 month and that's when the things started to turn around for me. But when you're off the diet you need to be very careful with what you eat and slowly include the excluded producs in your menu.
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    After doing some research on this, it doesn't really matter. You can eat whatever you want so long as you are logging in less calories than you need for your body to maintain. It really is THAT simple.

    I agree and that's why IIFYM works. It is simple to follow I get it, but to infer that eating clean has no more health benefits than just eating whatever you want as long as it fits into your calories is just lazy and ignorant. I'm not saying to not have that ice cream bar, I'm just saying don't fool yourself into thinking it doesn't come with some sort of consequence. Find what works for you, do your research. I hope some links and this discussion had helped answer OP's question.

    I really don't get the whole "clean"eating thing. What exactly is considered 'dirty'?
    Ice cream is just some sugar and dairy, which may just be what you need.

    Also, it seems to me that "Clean" eating can have consequences as well if it doesn't fit your macros. For intance, you could eat bags and bags of beautiful 'clean' homegrown organic carrots for a while and have liver toxicity as a result of a vitamin A excess.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    anyone tried this? any success? is it good for people on the run, who don't have time to prepare meals? i am thinkning of trying this after the holidays and would love some insight into it
    Just the opposite. You need a lot of kitchen time to work a "paleo" diet, as they pretty much allow nothing packaged.

    This-I tried it for a very short period of time and besides it being incredibly expensive to eat this way, it took sooo much time to prepare everything. I was spending more time preparing my meals, than it took to prepare and feed the rest of my family (4 people). It was exhausting.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    So you are telling me that a pizza has the same nutrition as meats and veggies? A sub sandwich is just as "healthy" as fruits or nuts? A cookie the same as grass fed beef? You're ridiculous if you think clean eating is not anymore healthier for you than IIFYM.....

    What if I put meat and veggies ON the pizza? That's good, right? Get all my nutrients? :happy:

    And fruit and nuts isn't going to satisfy me half as much as a you're comparing two things that have no business being compared. I can include both options in my diet.

    Same with the cookie compared to the see, first you eat the meat. Then you rest for a little bit. Then you eat the cookie. Hopefully with a glass of milk or cup of tea.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Meh. Too much work. I'd rather just do a calorie deficit. Seems much easier to make sure you don't go over your calories than to cut out certain foods and spend hours in the kitchen. I'm much too lazy for that.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    So you are telling me that a pizza has the same nutrition as meats and veggies? A sub sandwich is just as "healthy" as fruits or nuts? A cookie the same as grass fed beef? You're ridiculous if you think clean eating is not anymore healthier for you than IIFYM.....

    What if I put meat and veggies ON the pizza? That's good, right? Get all my nutrients? :happy:

    And fruit and nuts isn't going to satisfy me half as much as a you're comparing two things that have no business being compared. I can include both options in my diet.

    Same with the cookie compared to the see, first you eat the meat. Then you rest for a little bit. Then you eat the cookie. Hopefully with a glass of milk or cup of tea.

    NO dairy
    NO grains
    NO legumes/beans (including peanuts)
    NO added sugars (honey and maple syrup are gray areas, as well as dark chocolate)
    NO 'processed' foods
    Limited amounts of fruit, and focus mostly on berries (and it should be local and organic)
    Lots of veggies, meat and eggs (local, organic, grass fed etc)
    Nuts and seeds in small amounts

    Way to restrictive/expensive/time consuming for me and I could only do it for a couple months before abandoning it. I like cheese and canned tomato sauce on my grain pizza crust :tongue:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    After doing some research on this, it doesn't really matter. You can eat whatever you want so long as you are logging in less calories than you need for your body to maintain. It really is THAT simple.

    I agree and that's why IIFYM works. It is simple to follow I get it, but to infer that eating clean has no more health benefits than just eating whatever you want as long as it fits into your calories is just lazy and ignorant. I'm not saying to not have that ice cream bar, I'm just saying don't fool yourself into thinking it doesn't come with some sort of consequence. Find what works for you, do your research. I hope some links and this discussion had helped answer OP's question.
    You apparently don't understand IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS. It's not about just eating anything that fits your calorie count. It's about eating anything, so long as it fits your macro and micro needs. All it means is you don't arbitrarily exclude any foods just because they don't fit the arbitrary definition of "x" diet. As Eric Helms says, you don't get extra credit for eating nutrient dense foods after your nutritional needs are met. About 20% of your caloric needs are strictly for energy purposes, once you've hit your requisite protein, fat, and micronutrient needs, anything else you eat after that is strictly burned for energy, and any micronutrients in those foods get eliminated, as they aren't needed. As long as your needs are met, there are no consequences to eating ice cream.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I had tried paleo for a bit as my wife has a gluten intolerance. We found it was way too restrictive and cost 3x as much. If you have a glucose problem, eliminate or reduce the foods that effect you and dont eliminate foods that can prove beneficial.

    The thing that drives me up the wall is when people compare pizza vs lean meats... this argument is ridiculous because you compare a food group (meat) to a specific food that us iifym or non restrictive eaters have once in awhile. Its not like my enitire diet is pizza. I eat dirty but I hit my protein and fat goals daily. And when I do, I eat a Klondike bar. In all reality food has one purpose.... energy. So lets not try to belittle a different eating style with ignorant or grossly wrong comparison.

    The fact is no one diet style is the best... only the best for you. The thing that matter is eating a style that sets you up for success. If that is paleo or veggies or iifym or anything go, the great.