Will I gain weight eating entire container of ice cream?



  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    THIS is why classes like home ec and auto tech should be mandatory graduation requirements for all high school students.....
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    The ice cream serving (like a serving of fluids) is given in ml, which is a measure of volume. You can convert ml to cups using the google. 118 ml = 0.5 cups. Do you have measuring cups?

    Do I just scoop the ice cream into the cup? or is it only accurate to do that when it's in liquid form?...

    Yes, just scoop it frozen. There are 2 cups total in the container and there are 4 servings, so each serving is 0.5 cups which is the equivalent of 118 ml. If ml is a confusing unit of measure, just convert it into cups.

    After scooping do that press it down or just leave gaps in between?? I'm really unsure about using measuring cups... I don't normally use it.
    Troll is prepping helpful MFPers for an onslaught of silly questions from forum newcomers next week?
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Troll is prepping helpful MFPers for an onslaught of silly questions from forum newcomers next week?

    My MIL will be one of them. I showed her how to use the app yesterday, but I think I'm going to advise her to avoid the forums and just PM me if she has a question. Especially since the first question she asked me was wait, I though pork was bad for you....
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    OP do you have a difficult time with fractions? It's not something to be embarrased about. Let's make it easier you have 1 carton of ice cream. I want you to put an imaginary line right where you think half or the middle would be...might help if you draw a little line on the carton to represent the middle. Doesnt have to be exactly right just give it the best guess that you can. Now above that line I want you to imagine the middle again between the top of the carton and the line you just drew...this is now the quarter or 25% of the ice cream cointainer. Draw a line and eat only the ice cream to that new line or the quarter line you drew.

    Put the ice cream in the freezer. Next time you eat the ice cream you eat to the half way mark, and after you get to the half way mark I want you to draw another line from the top of the half way mark to the bottom of the carton right in the middle.

    In the end you will get 4 servings out of that ice cream or about 1/2 cup of ice cream. You can also use a 1/2c measuring cup.

    Here's a list of Ben & Jerry's nutrition


    *oops sorry thought you said B&J ice cream not haagen daz. The principle is still the same though. Try to imagine the middle of food and eat to the middle.
  • FFS, OP give me the ice cream. You can't have ANY.
  • Storybrat
    Storybrat Posts: 1 Member
    Speaking as someone who can almost eat an entire pint of ice cream in a sitting (and will try to do so if my PMS is really bad) -- it depends.

    You will likely gain weight if:
    You have been eating a lot of sugar on previous days and your body's chemistry thinks its supposed to be storing calories as fat (I have no medical degree but from what I've read having lots of insulin in your blood will tend to put weight on you).
    You tend to put on weight easily.
    You're sensitive to dairy products and eating the ice cream will provoke a lot of inflammation in your gut. (The weight isn't all fat, but it feels at least as bad.)

    You will likely not gain weight if:
    You're PMSing hard and after you eat the ice cream you go for a long run or hit a heavy bag for a while 'cause you're still just pissed off for no reason.
    You have a high metabolism and have not been eating sugar in the days leading up to this binge.

    You will likely save your relationship if:
    Your spouse or partner knows what it means that you're on the couch determinedly working your way through a whole pint of ice cream and promptly leaves the house to buy you a gift.

    That said, if you're determined to eat a pint of ice cream, it's usually a good idea to balance it with some protein in your day also. Especially if this is a PMS-related binge, make sure your body has the other things it needs to take care of you (i.e. take your supplements too). Also eating protein after the ice cream will help you not get on a serious multi-day sugar bender. (Not having more pints of ice cream in the freezer also helps.)
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    The calories in, calories myth is just that -- a myth. If you want to stuff yourself, do it with spinach or something you enjoy that's actually good for you. Will you gain weight? You may and you may not. You have to eat 3500 calories to gain a pound if you believe in calorie math. But the "real" question is, why over indulge in something bad for you instead of quality food?

    You can make healthy ice cream. But ice cream is to be enjoyed sparingly. If you're just pigging out this one time, it won't kill you and you probably won't gain weight. But if you do it often, that's another story.

    By the book, "The Calorie Myth."
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    OP do you have a difficult time with fractions? It's not something to be embarrased about. Let's make it easier you have 1 carton of ice cream. I want you to put an imaginary line right where you think half or the middle would be...might help if you draw a little line on the carton to represent the middle. Doesnt have to be exactly right just give it the best guess that you can. Now above that line I want you to imagine the middle again between the top of the carton and the line you just drew...this is now the quarter or 25% of the ice cream cointainer. Draw a line and eat only the ice cream to that new line or the quarter line you drew.

    Put the ice cream in the freezer. Next time you eat the ice cream you eat to the half way mark, and after you get to the half way mark I want you to draw another line from the top of the half way mark to the bottom of the carton right in the middle.

    In the end you will get 4 servings out of that ice cream or about 1/2 cup of ice cream. You can also use a 1/2c measuring cup.

    Here's a list of Ben & Jerry's nutrition


    *oops sorry thought you said B&J ice cream not haagen daz. The principle is still the same though. Try to imagine the middle of food and eat to the middle.

    Is the container cylindrical? Or is it tapered? While I understand that after eating the entire container, the calories consumed, will be correct.... I'd be concerned that I wasn't getting a correct 'portion' each time.... That is.... I'd kinda wanna know that I was getting my correct 'share' each serving. Not that I'm anal or OCD or anything. OK, maybe I am. But, I think the OP probably is, too....

  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    no but you'll get cavities and diabetes
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The calories in, calories myth is just that -- a myth. If you want to stuff yourself, do it with spinach or something you enjoy that's actually good for you. Will you gain weight? You may and you may not. You have to eat 3500 calories to gain a pound if you believe in calorie math. But the "real" question is, why over indulge in something bad for you instead of quality food?

    You can make healthy ice cream. But ice cream is to be enjoyed sparingly. If you're just pigging out this one time, it won't kill you and you probably won't gain weight. But if you do it often, that's another story.

    By the book, "The Calorie Myth."

    wait..calories in vs calories out is a myth..? so by this logic OP can eat all the ice cream she wants and not gain….
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    The ice cream serving (like a serving of fluids) is given in ml, which is a measure of volume. You can convert ml to cups using the google. 118 ml = 0.5 cups. Do you have measuring cups?

    Do I just scoop the ice cream into the cup? or is it only accurate to do that when it's in liquid form?...

    Get as close as you can ice cream isnt going to come out in one lump with a measuring cup (i have many bent cups to attest to this) get a good ice cream scoop (and if I'm correct they usually hold 1/4c) and put it into your 1/2c measuring cup. Give it a light squish down and scoop it again. Doesnt have to be extremely accurate close enough is better than not doing anything. another way to tell is look into the pint does about a quarter look like it's missing?
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    The calories in, calories myth is just that -- a myth. If you want to stuff yourself, do it with spinach or something you enjoy that's actually good for you. Will you gain weight? You may and you may not. You have to eat 3500 calories to gain a pound if you believe in calorie math. But the "real" question is, why over indulge in something bad for you instead of quality food?

    You can make healthy ice cream. But ice cream is to be enjoyed sparingly. If you're just pigging out this one time, it won't kill you and you probably won't gain weight. But if you do it often, that's another story.

    By the book, "The Calorie Myth."

    wait..calories in vs calories out is a myth..? so by this logic OP can eat all the ice cream she wants and not gain….

    BRB raiding walgreens of all their Haagen Dazs. (Walmart is closed :( )
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Sparkteens.com may give you more support, because more people will have the same types of questions and lack of experience.

    For today, eat all the ice cream if you want. It's in your calorie goal, and honestly, it sounds like what you want.

    After today, check what the serving size in grams is and then scoop ice cream into the bowl on the scale until it reaches that # of grams. I haven't seen foods in a very long time that don't have the grams listed. Go by what's on the label of what you are eating, not what's in the database.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    if you believe in calorie math

    The Calorie Myth.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The calories in, calories myth is just that -- a myth. If you want to stuff yourself, do it with spinach or something you enjoy that's actually good for you. Will you gain weight? You may and you may not. You have to eat 3500 calories to gain a pound if you believe in calorie math. But the "real" question is, why over indulge in something bad for you instead of quality food?

    You can make healthy ice cream. But ice cream is to be enjoyed sparingly. If you're just pigging out this one time, it won't kill you and you probably won't gain weight. But if you do it often, that's another story.

    By the book, "The Calorie Myth."

    so I guess you do not believe in math either?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Truthfully, the most accurate way is to scoop out the ice cream into a big bowl, let it melt, then measure out the correct portion in liquid form. Then just refreeze and enjoy!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    OP do you have a difficult time with fractions? It's not something to be embarrased about. Let's make it easier you have 1 carton of ice cream. I want you to put an imaginary line right where you think half or the middle would be...might help if you draw a little line on the carton to represent the middle. Doesnt have to be exactly right just give it the best guess that you can. Now above that line I want you to imagine the middle again between the top of the carton and the line you just drew...this is now the quarter or 25% of the ice cream cointainer. Draw a line and eat only the ice cream to that new line or the quarter line you drew.

    Put the ice cream in the freezer. Next time you eat the ice cream you eat to the half way mark, and after you get to the half way mark I want you to draw another line from the top of the half way mark to the bottom of the carton right in the middle.

    In the end you will get 4 servings out of that ice cream or about 1/2 cup of ice cream. You can also use a 1/2c measuring cup.

    Here's a list of Ben & Jerry's nutrition


    *oops sorry thought you said B&J ice cream not haagen daz. The principle is still the same though. Try to imagine the middle of food and eat to the middle.

    Is the container cylindrical? Or is it tapered? While I understand that after eating the entire container, the calories consumed, will be correct.... I'd be concerned that I wasn't getting a correct 'portion' each time.... That is.... I'd kinda wanna know that I was getting my correct 'share' each serving. Not that I'm anal or OCD or anything. OK, maybe I am. But, I think the OP probably is, too....


    luckily when im cooking with my nieces and nephews and were learning about fractions they dont question me on the tapered effect :grumble:
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member

    I am stealing this. My husband has clinical level OCD, I'll occasionally leave the volume on the TV set to an odd number because I'm evil like that....:devil:
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    The calories in, calories myth is just that -- a myth. If you want to stuff yourself, do it with spinach or something you enjoy that's actually good for you. Will you gain weight? You may and you may not. You have to eat 3500 calories to gain a pound if you believe in calorie math. But the "real" question is, why over indulge in something bad for you instead of quality food?

    You can make healthy ice cream. But ice cream is to be enjoyed sparingly. If you're just pigging out this one time, it won't kill you and you probably won't gain weight. But if you do it often, that's another story.

    By the book, "The Calorie Myth."

    so I guess you do not believe in math either?
    Also, you can eat nothing but spinach for decades and be super healthy. Because magic.
  • gr34t
    gr34t Posts: 15
    Hm... I don't think I've ever eaten less than a pint of Haegen Dasz or Ben & Jerry's when I had it at home. It's just the right size to enjoy (and opened ice cream/food containers are just a no-no).

    Just make sure you don't eat it too... gosh, I miss ice cream! Be right back...


    As for the calorie myth thing: Obviously, it's not a pure maths question - for two reasons: a) the specific calorie values on food are not necessarily accurate (remember last year's uproar that almonds have up to a third less calories than is being printed on everywhere and we thought they have?). b) the composition of bacteria (you will be part of four major groups but it's still a unique bacteria mix you have in your body) in your digestive system determines how well specific calorie types (carbs/sugar, protein, fat) can be processed. This can also have an up to +/- 10% effect.

    However, keeping both factors in mind, calorie-counting (plus keeping an eye on sugar and fat) is still the way to go. Why? Because a 750kcal deficit per day is a deficit in 99 out of 100 times. And because you get a better feeling for what healthy food and what unhealthy food is.

    Conclusion: calories are not a myth. Their effect is just a little less quantifiable than most people think. This doesn't make much difference in the greater scheme of things, ie losing/gaining/maintaining weight, though. It's mainly a scientific/academic issue.