lose 10-20 pounds by thanksgiving support group



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    if anyone wants to do a challenge this weekend, it is: TO COME UP WITH YOUR OWN CHALLENGE. sorry i'm late posting the challenge; busy week. you can chose to participate or not. if you do, let us know what your challenge was and whether you met it or not! :) you know what you need to do so let's work on doing it this weekend!!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i've been wanting to start the one hundred push-ups challenge for a while now, so i am challenging myself to start it today. hope you are having a great weekend!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    my scale needs a new battery.. I may or may not find one by weds... :-/
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    My challenge is to give up caffeine. Gone coold turkey on diet soda for 16 days now and 6 days for coffee - I think I'm over withdrawl symptoms from both. My next challenge will be to lose weight every week from now to the end of the year (8 weeks in a row). Anyone want to join me in that one?

  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Oh yes, oh yes!!!!
    Gonna do it again this week! What I ate and how I worked out - 3 days of working out 2x a day.

    8/18 - 261 (start weight)
    8/25 - 256
    9/1 - 254.5
    9/8 - 255.2
    9/15 - 254.4
    9/22 - 252.2 (-8.8)
    9/29 - 253.5
    10/6 - 250.8 (-10.2)
    10/13 - 249.2 (-11.8)
    10/20 - 250.4 (+1.2)
    10/27 - 252.5 (+2)
    11/3 - 251 (-10)
    11/10 - 248.4 (-12.6)
    11/17 -
    11/24 - Goal is 237
  • Not moving very fast....

    Starting Weight 10/19/2010: 133.00
    10/26 (goal: 131.5): 132.6
    11/2 (goal: 130.0): 134.4
    11/9 (goal: 128.5): 131.8
    11/16 (goal: 127.0)
    11/23 (goal: 125.5)
    11/30 (goal: 124.0)
    12/7 (goal: 122.5)
    12/14 (goal: 121.0)
    Christmas (goal 120.0)
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    8/18 - 238.4
    8/25 - 235.4
    9/1 - 234.4
    9/8 - 229.2
    9/15 - 226.6
    9/22 - 224.8
    9/29 - 218.8
    10/6 - 216.8
    10/13 - 212.8
    10/20 - 207.2
    10/27 - 204.0
    11/3 - 207.4
    11/10 - 205.0
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 201
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    01/01/2009 Heaviest Weight 209
    03/01/2010 Started mfp 180
    08/18/2010……… 158.0 ………2 week mini goal 156
    08/25/2010........... 157.6 (-)
    09/01/2010........... 156.2 (-).......2 week mini goal 154
    09/08/2010........... Fell Off Wagon
    09/15/2010........... Gained over 10 pounds
    09/22/2010............166.6 (+).......2 week mini goal 164
    09/29/2010............165.5 (-)
    10/06/2010............164.7 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/13/2010............166.2 (+)
    10/20/2010............166.0 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/27/2010............166.7 (+)
    11/03/2010............168.0 (+).......2 week mini goal 162
    11/11/2010............167.7 (-)........2 Revised two week goal 164

    Carbonation and caffeine free for over a week now:drinker: No sodas for over two weeks. I'm starting to feel normal again and I'm hoping I can fight my cravings with something besides food. So -- it is time to get serious about weight loss again. As I mentioned before my new goal is to lose weight each week for the next eight weeks. Starting off with this tiny loss I now have one week in a row. See you all next week with another loss.
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    8/18 - 149.4
    8/25 - ?
    9/1 - ?
    9/8 - 153.6
    9/15 - 148.2 (bye bye vacation weight!)
    9/22 - 150.0 (dang it!)
    9/29 - 146.4
    10/6 - 146.8
    10/13- 145.6
    10/20- 144.2
    10/27- 146.2
    11/3 - 148
    11/10- ?
    GOAL WEIGHT (by this date): 137

    I've got the stomach flu. No fun.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    shine, you are doing great! slow and steady... just keep it up!
    meg, hope you feel better. stomach flu, ugh!

    start weight: 130
    8/18 - 129.3 (-)
    8/25 - 129.2 (-)
    9/1 - 128.7 (-)
    9/8 - missed (hub's gramp's funeral)
    9/15 - 128.2 (-)
    9/22 - 126.6 (-)
    9/29 - 127.2 (+)
    10/6 - 128.0 (+)
    10/13 - 128.0 (=)
    10/20 - 125.6 (-)
    10/27 - 124.7 (-)
    11/3 - 124.0 (-)
    11/10 - 123.3 (-)
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Sorry guys... haven't had the chance to find that battery yet. It's been a crazy crazy week!!!! Tomorrow's not lookin' a whole lot better. I may not be able to get to this until this weekend at best!!! :-( Of course, I'm dying of curiosity... am I still fat or did I lose a little??? (well, I'm still fat.. still can't get into 90% of my clothes).

    I'll post it as soon as I can.

    I'm also up for a T-day through EOY "challenge". But I think it's got to be specific like this one... a pound a week? 10 over the course again? 15? What do we want the end result to be? Seems like 10 would be a good number. That's just very slightly over a lb a week.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    if anyone wants to do a challenge this weekend, it is: TO ADD 5 MINUTES OF PLANKS TO YOUR WORKOUT EACH DAY. i will post the challenge on thursdays after the weigh-in. it will be a random idea and you can chose to participate or not. if you do, have fun working those abs! :) if you already do 5 minutes or more of planks, add in 3 extra minutes.

    here is a website to tell you how to do planks - http://exercise.about.com/od/abs/ss/abexercises_10.htm
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    well all.. looks like I may have to drop out. my scale appears to not be working much at all now and as it turns out - can't really afford a new one at the moment. :explode: :noway: :mad:
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    It's been a few months since I checked in but I've been keeping up with my food diary and exercise.

    start weight: 171.5
    8/18 - 170
    8/25 - 169
    9/1 - 168
    9/8 - 166
    9/15 - 165
    9/22 - 164
    9/29 - 163
    10/6 - 163
    10/13 - 161
    10/20 - 159
    10/27 - 158
    11/3 - 155 My Original Thanksgiving Goal!
    11/10 - 155
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 155 New Goal: 153# before leaving for CO 11/20!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    well all.. looks like I may have to drop out. my scale appears to not be working much at all now and as it turns out - can't really afford a new one at the moment. :explode: :noway: :mad:

    don't go... you don't really need a scale to continue doing the challenge with us. thanksgiving is right around the corner. just keep logging your food, exercising and checking in. :) instead of weighing in, maybe post your inches lost instead.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Yay! Scale is (kinda') working again! Battery I bought last week was bad.

    Highest weight: 145
    Starting Weight: 145 (10/1/10 for this round!)
    10/5/10 (11:15 PM) - 140.4 (Loss: 4.4)
    10/14 (goal: 139) - 141.6 (+1.2)
    10/21 (goal: 137) - 143.2 (+3.2)
    10/23 - back to 141.4
    10/27 (goal: 137) - reporting zero loss/gain - relatives coming to town: Uncle Tom, Aunt Flo and Yippee Cousin Skippee.
    11/2 (goal: 135) - 140.4
    11/9 (goal: 133) - missed
    11/16 (goal: 131) - 140.0
    11/23 (goal: 129) - Final Weigh In:

    So, it looks like I'll have lost about half the goal weight ... give or take. Not thrilled but it could certainly be worse. Of course, This means from my 10/5 start, I've lost all of 4 oz. i the last 8 weeks.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'm going to go ahead and start the T-Day to Xmas board, just so that people have time to get ON board if they want. :-) Besides, I'm sure many of us will be starting over after Thanksgiving! LOL... hopefully, it'll go fast. ;-)
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    01/01/2009 Heaviest Weight 209
    03/01/2010 Started mfp 180
    08/18/2010……… 158.0 ………2 week mini goal 156
    08/25/2010........... 157.6 (-)
    09/01/2010........... 156.2 (-).......2 week mini goal 154
    09/08/2010........... Fell Off Wagon
    09/15/2010........... Gained over 10 pounds
    09/22/2010............166.6 (+).......2 week mini goal 164
    09/29/2010............165.5 (-)
    10/06/2010............164.7 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/13/2010............166.2 (+)
    10/20/2010............166.0 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/27/2010............166.7 (+)
    11/03/2010............168.0 (+).......2 week mini goal 162
    11/11/2010............167.7 (-)........2 Revised two week goal 164
    11/18/2010............167.0 (-)

    Not a big loss but a loss 0.7 pounds. More important to me is two weeks in a row I lost. My goal is 8 in a row. My Thanksgiving goal of 10 pounds is in jeopardy but who knows. Miracles can happen. See you all next week.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    8/18 - 238.4
    8/25 - 235.4
    9/1 - 234.4
    9/8 - 229.2
    9/15 - 226.6
    9/22 - 224.8
    9/29 - 218.8
    10/6 - 216.8
    10/13 - 212.8
    10/20 - 207.2
    10/27 - 204.0
    11/3 - 207.4
    11/10 - 205.0
    11/17 - 200.2
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 201

    After a few weeks recovering from being sick and not working out - I feel like I've gotten my second wind. Looks like I'm gonna be back in Onderland for Thanksgiving - now there's something I'm thankful for!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    8/18 - 149.4
    8/25 - ?
    9/1 - ?
    9/8 - 153.6
    9/15 - 148.2 (bye bye vacation weight!)
    9/22 - 150.0 (dang it!)
    9/29 - 146.4
    10/6 - 146.8
    10/13- 145.6
    10/20- 144.2
    10/27- 146.2
    11/3 - 148
    11/10- ?
    11/17- 146.2
    GOAL WEIGHT (by this date): 137

    Okay so I know this sounds bad but I dont care right now. As long as I'm around 146 I'm just going to be happy. hahaha It's the holidays and I just want to enjoy my self a bit. Plus I have finals in two weeks and I have a giant research project proposal due on the 30th so I really dont want to worry so much about counting everthing thats going into my mouth. So thats my speal. Everyone else is doing great tho keep up the good work!
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