Tattoos - How Many is Too Many?



  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    I love tatoo's I think their awesome, but when you've got so many that they run together that's too many for me.
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    Guys with tats are hot just sayin' :flowerforyou:
  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    Tattoos are awesome... Just keep them off your face!
  • leduque
    leduque Posts: 37 Member
    I kinda take Neal's view....

    By Neal Boortz
    OK … if you’re a listener you know that I’m not fond of tattoos, piercings and body modifications. I really try to never miss a chance to make fun of people who have graffiti all over their bodies, humps and bumps where there shouldn’t be humps and bumps, and various types of hardware sticking out of orifices and through things. They call them tramp stamps for a reason.
    Predictably, I get emails and messages asking me why I “hate” or why I’m “hating on” people with tats. The people who send these messages are beyond understanding. There is a difference between disgust, repulsion and hatred. If someone wants to ink their body from their toes to the top of their skull it is certainly their privilege to do so. I have NEVER challenged a person’s write to pierce or ink whatever they want to. The other side of the coin, though, is that they must then suffer the societal consequences of their strange obsession. One of those consequences is that they typically have a difficult time finding a job. Some of these people have very marketable job skills ideally suited for hiring them and them tucking them out of sight of fellow workers and especially customers. If you’re obsessed with tattoos and body modification perhaps you might want to consider this in your development of job skills. On the other hand, if you’re applying for a job where you will be in constant contact with your employer’s customers you’re simply going to have a hard time. That’s why I am far more likely to encounter someone covered in tattoos behind the counter at a convenience store than I am in a professional office somewhere.
    Additionally --- if I was in the hiring business, and someone covered in tattoos applied for a job I am going to form a rebuttable presumption that this person lacks a certain degree of pride in themselves, a lack of pride that I will assume (again, subject to rebuttal) that this lack of pride will show up in their work ethic as well.
    Clearly I’m on to something here. Just look at this website. It’s a Facebook page for something called The title is “Include Body Modification in Equal Opportunity Employment.” These fools are seeking 100,000 signatures from people who want the federal government to make it illegal to consider someone’s tattoos or other body modifications in a hiring decision. Take a look at the girl in the picture! Wouldn’t you just be oh-so-proud to have her greet customers or clients at your professional office?
    Look, my friends. If you want hockey pucks in your ear lobes and tattoos up to your nostrils … go for it. But don’t ask someone else to consider your behavior as anything close to normal .. and don’t presume that you have the right to affect some business owners bottom line by forcing him to hire your absurd self to place before his clientele.
    Oh … and I still haven’t figured out why fat women like cankle tats. And is there anything more amusing yet pathetic than a guy with a tramp stamp?
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I don't think any one person will feel the same way about this. You can't please everyone. Some people will say one is too many. I think that each person has to decide for themselves how many is enough because you don't have them to impress others, you have them because they are special to YOU.. It's very personal.
  • perkins_jerryw
    perkins_jerryw Posts: 18 Member
    I agree that the number is a personal choice. However, two pieces of advise my grandfather gave me that I still believe today (perhaps I am just gullible) - 1) be able to cover them for Church. 20 make sure they have personal meaning, not just some bikini girl you got at port.

    Now my grandfather was in the Navy and times have changed, I have a M-Dot (Ironman Triathlon) tattoo that my son designed when he was age 9 for the first Ironman race I completed, the great seal of the U.S. from my military days, a band of glyphs below the seal (the seal is the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill), and a band of chain links from bike riding under the M-Dot for a total of four "pieces" or 13 individual tats on my shoulders. not a church goer, but can cover them just fine for court appearances or other regulatory business as an employee that represents one of my governors Agencies.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Yeah, I see that. i can cover all mine if i wear a long sleeve shirt. I guess that was important to me, because I suppose there are times you need to be more conservative...but maybe some people don't. Whatever makes a person feel good and happy.
  • teerae326
    teerae326 Posts: 150 Member
    I have only one with plans for more. My first was done when I was too young. My "first love" used a safety pin and ink from Hobby Lobby to create a pentacle with flames around it on my right shoulder. That was a huge mistake. Seven years later I covered it with a beautiful lily, for my daughter Lilly. Since I made that one into a piece for my child, I will of course get one more for each child I have in the future. My next immediate piece will be the Serenity prayer, done on my left side over my ribs. Can't wait! :) I also have planned a memorial piece for my grandfather. This means I should have four or five in the next couple of years, but all able to be covered. I don't think tattoos mean anything against someone as a person, but I don't expect future employers to agree with me. With that in mind, I would like my pieces to be more discreet. I'm not much of a fan of face tattoos, but everything else is game for me. I think that full body coverings are very sexy on both men and women, but a spattering of them everywhere is not. I know I will have a small amount of them but the plan is to make them well placed to flow together somehow. Tattoos are art, but art can be ugly... As long as it's a well done, well thought out piece, it should be nice.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    For me it really depends on the person. I currently have 5 (and may possibly get a few more), and with the exception of the one on my wrist most people don't know I have them because they're easily hidden. I've seen men and women with full sleeves on both arms and chest/leg pieces and found it to be incredibly sexy and attractive, and I've also come across a person with only one or two and thought it was trashy. For me it depends on the person, and the tattoo (meaning/story behind it, design etc..).
  • Lemmynade
    Lemmynade Posts: 160 Member
    I have 2 that mean a lot to me. Both can be hidden when I want them to be, but I start missing the one on my foot in the winter.

    Face, knuckle, neck, and boobs... I don't care for these.

    I find tattoos intriging, and like to talk about them with their owners.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    If we're talking "too many", I'd usually say that, if the process of covering them up to fit the rest of your lifestyle becomes burdensome, then you've likely got too many because your ink is causing conflict with the rest of your life.

    For me, the big thing tends to be content. Granted, your body is yours to do with what you will, but I don't get the idea of making a basically permanent mark just in the name of "self expression" or ornamentation. It seems to me that, if that's what you're going for, there are a lot of less permanent ways to do it. Tattoos always make more sense to me when they represent something that will remain significant to the individual. (This is part of why I usually suggest to my friends who want to get tattoos that they sit on the idea for a while and see if the "good idea" still holds up after some time has passed.)
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    Too many = A decision between a tattoo or a paid bill

    Unfortunately .. there are many people out there that cant make this decision properly.. and thats unfortunate.

    While I do see the argument of someone covered in tatttoos can present an image to your clients that you may not want to project.. I also know that there are plenty of professionals out there (myself included) that can easily conceal them and still make a 6-figure salary each year.

    Some people prefer to wear them loud and proud and refuse to cover them for anything or anyone .. others, like myself, understand the need for a more conservative outlook given certain circumstances.
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    Only criminals and sloots get tattoos. :angry:

    Thank you kind GTFO
    i have put them days behind me!:flowerforyou:

    ^Now this is a guy who cannot look in the mirror in the morning without thinking about what he's going to steal that day. :angry:

    ...says the guy who is hiding on his profile..

    Im sorry but this was the most ignorant comment Ive ever read.. I seriously just lost 60 seconds of my life wasting the time to reply here. But Im going to because you're a complete DB and do not deserve to speak to anyone but your hair doll.

    Tattoos do not mean someone is a criminal or vagrant .. That's just nonsense.
    SMH .. OPEN YOUR MIND! :mad:
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member

    I think its viewed as unprofessional if they are visible.

    On a personal note, I just can't figure out what is SO ****en important it needs to be inked into your flesh for all time - to display to the world. Feels like attention whoring behavior to me.

    Congratulations...this has got to be the most asinine thing I've heard all day...and I've heard some stupid s**t today.
  • cheekymcgee
    Too many = A decision between a tattoo or a paid bill

    Unfortunately .. there are many people out there that cant make this decision properly.. and thats unfortunate.

    While I do see the argument of someone covered in tatttoos can present an image to your clients that you may not want to project.. I also know that there are plenty of professionals out there (myself included) that can easily conceal them and still make a 6-figure salary each year.

    Some people prefer to wear them loud and proud and refuse to cover them for anything or anyone .. others, like myself, understand the need for a more conservative outlook given certain circumstances.

    I have three tattoos, all easily concealed! Even when they show, I don't think that I've really been judged for having them and I work with some very conservative, older people.
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465

    I think its viewed as unprofessional if they are visible.

    On a personal note, I just can't figure out what is SO ****en important it needs to be inked into your flesh for all time - to display to the world. Feels like attention whoring behavior to me.

    Congratulations...this has got to be the most asinine thing I've heard all day...and I've heard some stupid s**t today.

    LMAO ... Laura .. you're hilarious.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    :indifferent: right around the time many tattoos become just one tattoo.....:laugh: that being said im hoping to get my sleeve done this summer:flowerforyou:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Don't like them!
  • oliviaAddin
    oliviaAddin Posts: 52 Member
    I don't want to have tatoos. On guys it looks hot , but only 1, 2 or maybe 3 .
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Look I think it is completely subjective there is no definitive answer.

    Example I like zombie Boy inked up and others will prefer him clean skinned....subjective.


    One man's trash(y) tattoo is another man's treasure.