100+ lbs to lose?



  • jradetsk
    jradetsk Posts: 7 Member
    I am not trying to lose weight but am very impressed in the goal and wish you luck and support. I would be glad to be friends too. Keep working hard.

    i can give one tip of advice

    I have a twin who used to be very fit with me in highschool and then gained 85 pounds in college and his job. its impossible to get him to really mature and change his diet. its still quite unhealthy. rarely under 3000 calories and usually near or above 4000. but I got him back into the sports we used to love playing in highschool after work and he has lost 40 pounds ever since. So i reccomend as in everything in life that it makes it easy to find something you really love to do when you work out it helps you go much further. tredmills work but they get boring too even though it may be scary at first people are nice and maybe joining recreation sports like volley ball or soccer and stuff can push you further. especially team sports at first since you have other people pushing you to work hard with them and its a blast and entertaining to play even if at first you cant win there is so much to learn when playing them.

    most people at gyms playing recreational sports are very nice especially when it comes to games like volley ball and its just a very fun social even that can keep you going for hours longer then a tredmill would.
  • austinartgirl
    austinartgirl Posts: 26 Member
    I've lost 100 and have kept it off for some time. I still want to lose around 75 lbs. more. I've been comfortable here but one day I'll break thru! Feel free to friend...
  • Bumping in case anyone new is out there :)
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    anyone add me if you like :), ticker says it all
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    Feel free to add me ;)
  • bmskid
    bmskid Posts: 153 Member
    Yay! Congratulations on starting toward your goals! Having MFP friends makes a WORLD of difference. I have about 40 pounds left of my goal of 100 pounds (236 to 136). As long as you promise not to judge me on the last two days (I have the flu and it hurts to swallow), please feel free to add me! :)
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • I just started today and have well over 100 lbs to lose. Would love some friends to keep me motivated!!
  • Njkelley
    Njkelley Posts: 57 Member
    I am 40 and have 100 pounds to lose , feel free to add me!! Need support too!
  • boomtown58
    boomtown58 Posts: 19 Member
    I am shooting for over 200! I will send you a friend request and would welcome anyone else in this thread as a friend as well if you want to send me an add
  • I started out in a similar boat to you (100 pounds to lose to target), but I'm 13 pounds in so I guess I'm down to 87 pounds to go! But, I'd still be happy to be friends with anyone who needs some! I'm always looking for support and motivation to keep me on the right path.
  • Trying to lose about 80, 50 before my Disney trip in September, feel free to add me. We can all encourage one another and do this together.
  • dempseymom4
    dempseymom4 Posts: 35 Member
    Looking to lose 120 lbs this year to reach my weight pre four children
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Hi! I started MFP in June of this year. I have lost almost 55 pounds and still have about 200 to go! Phew! It sounds like alot, but I take it 10 pounds at a time.

    I have had a bad 2 weeks and gained back 8 pounds, but I know I will lose it quickly and I'm back to logging every day and I comment often.
    I know this is something I will be doing for the rest of my life and I know I will have ups and downs, but as long as I never give up and quit I will make it to my goal eventually! :)
    Feel free to add me!

  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    41 more to go! friend request coming your way! :)
  • I do! I would love to help you out if need it :-)
  • scronen
    scronen Posts: 98 Member
    Feel free to add me as well...anyone! I have at least 100 to lose and need motivation!
  • i am :(
  • I have let it go way to long...have told myself my last lie! Pictures speak volumes. I had originally signed up for MFP almost two years ago (only knew that because I deleted all the posts about "journeyforhealth hasn't signed in...."), but never utilized the site. I was confronted with reality at a Christmas event when I was speaking to my S-I-L who I thought was my size-only to find out I am more than fifty pounds heavier. On top of that, I am beginning to have health problems due to being obese. I have a five-year-old who is following in my footsteps (a child in her class has already called her fat). I am not only looking at a 110 pound weight loss, I am looking forward to being a strong, active wife and mother!

    Would love an accountability partner to make this journey with.

  • Feel free to add me, people.
    60lbs is my starting goal, my first goalpost, but the ultimate goal is 80-90.
    Nearly 20lbs down since October 15th, but currently stalling.