Your weird food eating habits



  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    I love fried eggs but never order them in a restaurant because of how I eat them. The yolks have to be hard (although lately I've tolerated them a wee bit runny) and I only eat the whites portion. This means that I have to peel the whites from around the yolks with my fingers, which is the reason I only eat these alone when no one is looking. I look like a weirdo or a raccoon.:laugh:

    We should totally eat out together because I only eat the yolks!!
  • sybrix
    sybrix Posts: 134 Member
    I love to eat mustard with my french fries and eggs. When I used to eat meat, I liked to season steaks with mustard as well.

    I also have a weird quirk about people who make wet smacking noises when they chew. I have to eat with my mouth closed and I cringe when I accidentally make the sound myself.
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    For all but one type of tea that I drink, I steep the bag (or bags, depending on the volume of water) once. I have one type of tea, however, for which I will steep a single bag three or four times in a row before getting rid of it.
    I used to eat turkey and peanut butter. Now peanut butter has migrated into a sweet category for me--Bees Knees from Peanut Butter and Co. is unreal.
    I have trouble finishing a thing unless I have another container on hand. Peanut butter, hummus, flats of drinks... pretty much anything, actually.
    I usually mix foods as I eat them. On my plate I want them to be separate, but when I eat them, I'll either cram some of everything into one forkful or I'll take multiple forkfuls and put them in my mouth one at a time before I start chewing.

    I agree with all the people who said they cannot STAND excess eating noises. This drives me nuts, as does the sound of flip-flops--especially in seasons when I feel that flip-flops shouldn't be worn, like winter. How do those people even still have feet?
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    I also have a weird quirk about people who make wet smacking noises when they chew. I have to eat with my mouth closed and I cringe when I accidentally make the sound myself.

    SAME HERE. Just too bad I also enjoy licking my plates clean (I try to minimize sounds as much as possible)...
  • afia233
    afia233 Posts: 47 Member
    Hah i love this. I have a few weird ones.

    #1 is fork handles. i hate thick handled utensils, they feel disgusting in my fingers. i have one particular fork, my "bamboo fork" that i have used since childhood, it's sterling silver card into a bamboo stick, very thin, possibly the slimmest fork handle i have ever seen. i have been using this fork for 26 years, and i use it for almost every meal at home, unless soup. any time it's lost is a crisis. :P

    #2 i can't stand salad on warm plates, salad served on the side of pasta as example, HELL NAH. salad is to be served in it's own room temp or colder plate/bowl, thank you.

    #3 i prefer eating out of bowls, also. can't believe so many people share this one!

    #4 i don't like foods that take "too long" too chew. anything that spends too much time in my mouth grosses me out and makes me feel like gagging. because of this i eat very fast and don't chew as well as i should. :( the idea of spending more time deliberately chewing as so many advise for portion control grosses me out beyond anything.

    #5 green bell peppers. vom central. can't even eat something they've been picked out of, i smell em a mile away.

    4- The more you chew, the more nutrients you get from the food. Also, Ive found that if you chew more and really concentrate on your food, the fuller you get. But to each their own. if chewing excessively freaks you out i suppose its best if you dont!

    5 - Green peppers are effectively RAW peppers. Thats why they are sour and horrible and taste very chlorophyl-ly. I second NO 5 :)
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I did not realize I was this insane until I started to put this together:

    -Appetizer > Entree. I just want to eat at a restaurant that makes all appetizer-like items in small batches so I can sample.
    -I only like to eat with teaspoons. I hate tablespoons.
    -I eat a lot of things in a very plain way. And I don't want pickles on anything either---JUST PICKLES ALONE.
    -Hate fruit flavored things/smoothies but will eat fruit.

    -Eat my food, as often as I can, in even ways. When I eat candy, I need to take two at a time of the same color. Then, if it's odd at the end, I split it in half; if there are different colors at the end, I match the colors most closely related.
    -I rip a lot of food with my hands before I eat it and eat it in small pieces---pizza, burger, etc. I don't like biting into foods.
    -I will scoop/lick the crumbs off my plate from eating sandwiches on Italian/French breads.
    -I might just eat salt. Alone. Sometimes. I like to dab salt with my finger and just eat the salt.

    -I drink coffee with straws. I don't care where I am---I want a straw.
    -I'm not a big fan of sweet stuff. Give me salt and starch any day! I could eat salt n vinegar chips all day.
    -Will eat pasta. Will eat cheese. Will eat tomato sauce. HATE things like lasagna---make me gag!
    -I eat kiwis whole, which most people find disgusting. I almost like the fur.

    -I like when my food is a little burnt.
    -When I'm home I will just pick up pieces of meat with my hands and eat it that way.
    -With everyone else on the hot/cold food. YUCK when things get cold. Also, I never think leftovers taste nearly as good as the original. I don't want leftovers.
    -Love milk so much (and only WHOLE milk) and I will drink it with anything---pizza, hamburgers, steak and potatoes. Sometimes, when I am really craving it, I will just come home and down four cups of milk one right after the other.
  • trudefaith
    trudefaith Posts: 50 Member
    I like heavy silverware. I hate thin flatware it feels weird in my hands. I like a fully set table at breakfast and dinner,placemat and napkin etc. Lunchtime I don't really care. I love chocolate all the time but at Easter I have to eat all the bunny ears,really drove all 4 of my kids crazy ,you could hear the whining across town cause I did it -before- they got the baskets. My favorite sandwich is bread, mayo ,stuffing ,turkey and sliced sweet pickle,I will make a stuffed turkey in august just so I can have it. I hate plastic cups-I want glass anything else feels strange. I like my coffee in a cup and saucer. I drink a lot of iced tea-it can't have any sugar at all and the glass needs to be packed full of ice first or I won't drink it
  • trudefaith
    trudefaith Posts: 50 Member
    I hate paper plates and bowls-and that really sucks cause I'm a truck driver and there is no easy way to wash up dishes on the road
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I like certain cutlery - heavy, long pronged forks especially. don't care so much about the rest.

    I would rather cook than go out for dinner because I know it'll probably taste better, and i'll know exactly what i'm eating.

    I drive 45 minutes for specific products I want/like if they aren't available near me

    I like eating lots of food....and do.

    I don't like food that's supposed to be one temperature at another temperature. I am getting better at this...eating on the run sometimes means I can't heat stuff up, and I've just had to eat it.
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    *I like tuna with mustard. I open the can, drain it and add the mustard. DONE! Love it with some saltine crackers!
    *I also like all my meat to be very well done! Like shoe leather!
    *If I eat a breakfast at a resturant and have something like a omelet and hashbrowns I smother it all in ketchup. Looks like someone was murdered on my plate.
    *Any cold beverage MUST have a straw.
    *I detest celery! It tickles my teeth!
  • arcana7609
    arcana7609 Posts: 212 Member
    I think pudding tastes better when you eat it with a plastic spoon versus metal.
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    I don't really care if my food touches, but I don't like to eat more than one food at a time. So i end up eating one thing, turn the plate, repeat.

    I cut a piece of meat, then eat it. Before I eat any more of it, I cut up the rest of it completely.

    I don't like using plastic silverware.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I eat the stuff I like less and then leave the best part on my plate for last.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    I pick up plain baked potatoes and eat them like apples
  • angulasalajillo
    I absolutely ADORE cheese, but I will not eat the end bits or edges of a block.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    wow are there some strange things going on here

    Hate celery and can spot the tiniest morsel in any dish and cannot then eat anything on that plate

    Bless you!!!
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I love this place, I feel so normal! LoL

    I don’t think I have to many odd or weird things;
    - Chocolate must be COLD, dark chocolate right out of the fridge not warm.
    - I hate mustard… It should be outlawed! LoL The smell of yellow mustard is just repulsive to me, honey mustard is tolerable.
    - No celery, no way, no how, no form, it’s one of the few things that I refuse to eat.
    - Raw onions, I simply can’t eat them but cooked is ok.
    - I hate mint…
    - No green bell peppers, the taste is to strong and they tend to upset my stomach.
    - I’ve never been able to eat raw fruits and veggies but I’m getting much better at it.
    - No coffee, hate the taste and the smell.
    - I have no issue with my foods touching.
    - Leftovers are usually better tasting than the original serving.
    - I prefer my foods COLD when applicable.
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    I enjoy eating most things cold.

    I won't eat anything that's been leftover for more than a day.

    Because I am the single mother of a small/mobile child, I can eat a heaping plate of food in just minutes. Hence why it's better for me cold. If it's hot, I don't have time to wait for it to cool off. I'm just shovelling it in while I can.
  • trudefaith
    trudefaith Posts: 50 Member
    I put sugar in my sausage gravy-like biscuits and gravy . I gross out anyone that sees me do it-i'm not talking about a little sugar either. I put a lot of sugar on it - every bite needs to be sweet
  • spookyjo
    spookyjo Posts: 76 Member
    Chocolate has to be room temperature I won't eat it cold from the fridge. Bleurgh!!
    Grapefruit is the devil sporn.
    I'll eat peppers if they are chopped up, big chunks make me heave.
    I hate biting granules of sugar, so don't have sugar on cereal.
    I won't eat with a fork that has bent tines
    Always eat green sweets first
    Hate drinking out of cans